Flowers, Fame and Unforeseen...

By -butterfliesarise-

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They say that a lock needs a key to be opened. But what if the key is broken? ... More

Auhor's Note
Cast List and Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Explanation and thank you.

Chapter 28

168 22 69
By -butterfliesarise-

                                                      Purple Columbine:Resolution
Zoe's POV

My mouth opened and closed, shock coursing through my mind. Why couldn't I have at least one peaceful day? I was happy for Levi, because he clearly loved what he was going to do, and had already done before, but I couldn't help but feel like a clingy girlfriend. 

After all, we had just started to date. What if our relationship crumbled? What if I was never able to meet him again? I mean, that was highly unlikely, considering the fact that we were probably going to continue having a long-distance relationship, but I was still worried.

Still, I plastered a smile across my face, and said, "That's awesome! How long is going to last?" 

No matter how hard I tried for my voice to sound happy, I could tell that Levi had noticed my downcast mood. But, instead of trying to console me, he threw his head back and laughed.

"Zoe, I'm not going alone. I'm taking you with me!" His overexcited voice reached my ears. 

I was what?! No way! I couldn't be going along with him! I mean, I definitely wanted to, but I had too much to do at home! The flower shop, Harley and everything else. But at the same time, I wanted to go with Levi.

Instead of ruining my day by dwelling on the thought too much, I said, "Really? Yay! I'm so excited!", and decided to get on with everything. 

Levi's quick hug filled me with warmth, and the thought that we wouldn't be able to hug when he left crossed my mind. I would miss it. But I quickly threw that out of my mind, sticking to diving in the water with Levi instead.

The cool water brought some relief to me, and was definitely something that took my mind off things, but before too long, I was thinking about the new knowledge that I had gotten again. 

Different scenarios rushed through my mind, and I tried to make sense of them all, desperately trying to come up with a solution that would benefit the both of us. But to no avail. I found not a single thought or idea in my head that was suitable for both of us, and eventually gave up, sitting on the picnic blanket with a thump, a towel wrapped around my shoulders.

I looked towards the horizon, seeing the beautiful sun set. The sky was clear, not a single cloud was in sight, and it was painted in different shades of orange, red and pink. The bright yellow sun started going beneath the horizon, and the scene started to darken, a brilliant blue overtaking the pinks and light blues. 

Suddenly, I felt an arm loop itself around my shoulder, and I looked at my right to see a smiling Levi watching the sunset. He pulled me closer to him, making me lean my head on his shoulders.

I sighed happily. This was what I wanted. This was what I needed. Levi being with me, Harley and Jacob also there, and the four of us having amazing moments like the ones we were having at that beach. I peered at the two clowns from the corner of my eye, and saw Harley in Jacob's lap, both splitting a hamburger. Were they together? Were they not? God, they were so complicated.

I forgot the fact that Levi was leaving soon, and planning on taking me with him, and enjoyed the moment, trying to get as much happiness out of it as I could. Soon, we were all looking at a beautiful starry sky, eating food as we did. 

Levi and Jacob had a campfire going, and for dessert, we roasted some s'mores. The gooey chocolate was heaven on earth, and all of us demolished one after another, stuffing ourselves. Soon, it was time for us to go home.

All four of us stood up, packing everything away, and dusting the remaining sand off of us. The day at the beach was definitely worth the sandy feeling that I would undoubtedly get all over my body. 

I covered myself up with the cover-up, but my body was still wet, so it suck to my swimsuit like children do to their mothers leg when it's time to meet someone new. Unfortunately, that means that when we walked outside, some idiots who were standing there decided to start catcalling.

As one targeted Harley, the other shouted, "Hey blondie, you wanna come with me? I promise that you'll have lots of fun!" 

I was clearly horrified, but the guy kept going, sniggering and elbowing his friend who was shouting out some crude comments about Harley. What the heck? Didn't they see that we were with our boyfriends? Well, I was. I didn't know what Jacob meant to Harley... But anyway, we were clearly asking them to back off. But, like all jerks, they continued, and I could feel Levi tensing from anger beside me.

Oh no! He couldn't lash out on them! I mean, he could, but he would probably go too far, what with his I.E.D and all. Also, his identity would be revealed. I couldn't let him put himself out there just because of some ill-mannered donkeys! I quickly grabbed his arm, and also grabbed Jacob and Harley, dragging them all in the car. 

I could see the anger in Jacob's eyes too, but Levi was definitely more furious than him. I urged Jacob to start the car, and drive us home. I didn't wan't a fight to break out. I mean, the guys would definitely be pummeled. NFL players were strong people, and Levi's muscles and the fact that he went to the gym every day was no joke either.

As I looked at Levi, I could see the anger in his eye dissipating. But it was still there. And he definitely would have crushed the two guys. The unspoken dependency that he had on me was slightly frightening, and right there, I made my decision of whether I had to go with Levi, or stay home. Something that would benefit the both of us.

A resolution.

Doneeee! Another cliffhanger. Not a surprise. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, make sure to comment, vote and share! Let me know if you liked it. Love you guys! Peace out!

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