Falling Deeper | TayNew one s...

By purpolca

613 42 12

Tay realized that the love he has for New grows every moment they spend together More


613 42 12
By purpolca

"Hi, sleepover?"

New hadn't expected that the first thing he'd do after hastily shuffling out of bed would be to open the door for his boyfriend.

New's clothes were still rumpled, his bed hair was flipping in different directions, and the evidence of a good night's sleep showed in the lines imprinted on his face caused by the wrinkled pillows.

He sighed before regarding his boyfriend. "Tawan, you have a key. Why did you knock?"

"I'm sorry," Tay leaned over and gave New a kiss, which he immediately covered his mouth with reasons of morning breath. "Go back to sleep, I'll make you breakfast."


New's sleep didn't last long when he felt subtle touches on his cheek and familiar weight on top of his body. 

"Newwieeee!" New could feel the whisperer's breath on his skin, causing him to slowly open his eyes. 

On top of him lay Tay, his pointed finger in front of New's face, ready to poke his cheek. Tay withdrew his hand and chuckled before hugging his boyfriend tightly and placing a kiss on his cheek.

Tay's lips lingered on the other's cheek for a while longer before he stood up and held out his hand. "Come, breakfast before it gets cold."


New sits at the small dining table and begins to feast on his breakfast when he notices Tay sitting across from him smiling and admiring his look. It didn't escape New's notice that the plate and food were missing in front of his boyfriend.

"Have you eaten yet?" asks New, after setting down his utensils. 

Tay smiles wider, "It's okay. I had coffee before I got here."

New frowned before standing up and placing his plate beside Tay. The latter was confused and New just laughed at him. 

"ahh~~" Tay was so busy with New's face that he didn't notice that there was a spoonful of rice in front of him. Since he couldn't say no to a cute guy like his boyfriend, he ate everything New fed him.


After New washed the dishes (which they argued about because Tay felt he should be the one to wash the dishes because he was the one who used them, and New felt he should be the one to do the dishes because Tay cooked for him and it's his home), he fixed his bed while Tay waited for him on the couch. 

New, still sleepy, made his way to the living room couch, a smile curling around the corners of his mouth as he saw the love of his life. 

He groaned as he spread his arms out in front of Tay to cushion his fall and not break his boyfriend's bones as he dropped his body onto the couch. His hands dig into the couch on either side of Tay's body before finally lowering his weight onto him.

Tay half-coughed, half-laughed as he wrapped his arms around New, hand squeezing his hip. "Still tired, huh?"

New let out a sound, comfortable in the other's arms. Tay's hands stroked through New's hair, making him even sleepier. Closing his eyes in an attempt to sleep, he asked Tay the question that had been on his mind since earlier.

"What's with the sudden sleepover?" New's voice murmured on Tay's chest.

"I've missed you. Didn't you miss me?" The vibration of Tay's voice sent a shiver down New's spine, in a comforting way. It made him feel safe and secure. 

"My room is a mess, you can't stay in there"

"Like I didn't step into your room earlier. It's fine, we're used to it anyway." 

New looked up at Tay with furrowed brows and punched him in the chest, "What do you mean we're used to it? Do you mean my room is always a mess?"

New continued to swat at him gently, like a kitten trying to get its owner's attention. Tay grabbed his hands in an attempt to stop him, showering his little fist with kisses. "I mean, not really, since we're having a sleepover at my place too and you know how disorganized I can be." New's hands were now open from the kisses as Tay placed his palm on his cheek.


Their day was a lazy one consisting of cuddling on the couch and stealing kisses. After dinner, New gave up his last cup of yogurt for Tay. 

“I have to go grocery shopping soon,” New says to himself as he opens the yogurt cup for Tay, who’s busy playing with his phone. 

New watched Tay playing ROV and cheering for him from time to time. 

After a round of game, Tay put down his phone and ate his yogurt while talking about random things with New. 

"You eat so messily," New reached out to wipe Tay's face, but an idea occurred to him. He put his hand on Tay's cheek, wormed it down his neck, and pulled him into a kiss. 

The kiss was slow and gentle, wiping away the excess yogurt on Tay's lips.

New pulled back with a smile, and Tay, enjoying the kiss so much, wanted more, meeting New's lips again with a pout. 

"That's enough," New chortled as he brought his arms to a distance from the guy, who frowned with a huge pout.

New admired his boyfriend's cute antics and rested his head on his shoulder. Tay's arm, as always, automatically snaked around New's waist and briefly pressed his lips to New's temple. 

"You pull a stunt like that and leave me hanging?" Tay's voice sounded reproachful, but New knew he was only joking. He could feel Tay's lips curving upward, still grazing his skin.

"I'm sleeping on the couch," Tay continued as he tilted his head to face New.

New looked up, his face unreadable. "Why? I thought you said you didn't mind my messy room."

"No reason. I sleep on the couch," Tay reminded himself again.

"Sleep beside me." It was a demand. 

"Hin, do you really want to stay up until dawn?"

"What are we even going to talk about that'll reach- oh." New knows. After leaving Tay hanging like that, he knows what's going to happen. "Fine."


New got out extra pillows and blankets for Tay, just in time for the latter to come out of the washroom. 

"Thanks," Tay replied, hugging New as he looked at the sofa turned into a bed. 

"You sure about this?" 

"I should ask you the same thing," Tay chuckled before walking towards the sofa. 

New thought about it for a while. "I need some sleep. Yes."

“Goodnight then. Kiss?” 

New smiled before walking towards Tay and gave him a quick kiss. “Goodnight. Love you”


Tay could not sleep.

It's not because he's not lying next to New or because New gave him blue balls. It's not that. 

He couldn't sleep because of how happy he was. How happy he was spending the day with his boyfriend within these four walls.

He realized how much his life had become accustomed to New, and with every moment they spent he fell deeper into it. 

New might not know it, but Tay's love grew much deeper as the day went on.

How New offered him half his food, though it was the most important meal of the day.

How New insisted on cleaning even the stickiest cooking utensils Tay used, even though he offered to clean them half and half. 

How New took so long to make his bed that morning only for him to see New scurrying around the room cleaning because Tay doesn't like dust. (but being messy is okay for Tay *eye roll*).

How New slowly laid him down on the couch when he fell asleep with him in his arms, and New sat down on the floor and slept next to the couch.

How New opened his yogurt for him, cheered him in the game, and cleaned up after him. 

And while he was in the washroom, he could hear the vacuum cleaner working, and it was New removing the dust around the sofa, and besides, the sofa was completely covered with blankets, with no other traces of dust.

He realized that he had left New's "I love you" hanging earlier. His boyfriend was probably asleep now, but he didn't care. He went straight to New's room.

"Hin, w-wake up" Partly scared New would scold him for disturbing his sleep-.

"Mmm ... what happened?"

"I ... Uh," Tay could tell New's patience was wearing thin. Tay knows he can do whatever he wants, but he should never wake up a sleeping Newwiee.

"Tay, you could have contacted your other friends if you couldn't sleep, you know. Now tell me what-"

"I love you."

New regretted saying that to Tay a little, his face reddening, but luckily it was dark and Tay couldn't see it. 

"... I love you too, now get in my bed, I need sleep"

Without thinking twice, Tay hopped into New's bed and snuggled up to him as he repeated his 'I love yous'

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