My Vampire Love: A Vampire's...

By Exy1996

230K 9.3K 1K

***Undergoing editing*** My Vampire Love. The sequel to A Vampires Heart. I plastered on a fake smile for Jam... More

Prologue (edited)
Chapter 1: Selena's POV (edited)
Chapter 2: Xavier's POV (edited)
Chapter 3: Selena's POV (edited)
Chapter 4: Selena/Xavier's POV (edited)
Chapter 5: Selena/Xavier's POV
Chapter 6: Selena's POV
Chapter 7: Xavier's POV
Chapter 8: Selena's POV
Chapter 9: Selena's POV
Chapter 10: Xavier's POV
Chapter 11: Selena's POV
Chapter 12: Selena/Xavier's POV
Chapter 13: Xavier's POV
Chapter 14: Xavier's POV
Chapter 15: Xavier/Selena's POV
Chapter 16: Selena's POV
Chapter 17: Selena/Xavier's POV
Chapter 18: Xavier's POV
Chapter 19: Selena's POV
Chapter 20: Selena's POV
Chapter 21: Selena's POV
Chapter 22: Selena/Xavier's POV
Chapter 23: Selena's POV
Chapter 24: Xavier/Selena's POV
Chapter 25: Selena's POV
Chapter 26: Xavier/Selena's POV
Chapter 27: Selena's POV
Chapter 28: Xavier's POV
Chapter 29: Selena's POV
Chapter 30: Selena's POV
Chapter 31: Selena/Xavier's POV
Chapter 32: Selena's POV
Chapter 34: Selena's POV
Chapter 35: Xavier/Selena's POV
important message

Chapter 33: Xavier/Selena's POV

4.9K 240 20
By Exy1996

Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

all rights resrved


Xavier's POV

I froze as those words felt my mothers mouth. The baby was coming.


My brain started to kick in and I grabbed my phone hit Milton on speed dial. This was the moment we had been waiting for.

The phone rang and I felt anxious and jittery. Come one Milton, pick up pick up. I chanted in my head as Selena screamed out, a contraction taking over her and he nails dug into my shoulder.

Mum was right there beside her holding her hand and helping her breath but from the look on Selena's face she was in to much pain to listen to anyone, she looked like she could crush something with her bare hand because of the pain and no matter how much she knew mum was just trying to help if Selena snapped the first person in her way was going to get it and right now that person was my mum.

"Prince Xavier I trust everything is well" came Milton voice over the phone.

I breathed a sigh of relief and then remember what was going on right now.

"Selena's water broke she's having contractions" I all but shrieked into the phone. I was trying to be calm but right now I was freaking out for Selena and the baby.

"Okay Xavier calm down I'm on my way with a gurney just time her contraction the closer the get the less time we have to prepare her cause the baby is coming" he said cooly like it was no big deal.

I wanted to slap him right then how the hell could he be so calm.

Just before I was about to yell at him he hung up the phone and Selena's nails dug into my shoulder piercing through my shirt as she screamed because of another contraction. I winced at the pain she had caused me. Who knew that a human could actually be so strong, the again she was in a lot of pain so I couldn't blame her.

I put my phone away and grabbed her hand holding it tight and tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Its okay baby just breathe" I cooed to her. She glared at me before staring right into my eyes locking my stare with hers and breathing in deeply.

"Mum have you been keeping track of Selena's contractions?" I asked her my voice wavering but I held onto Selena's stare my eyes never leaving hers.

"Yes sweetheart. Is Milton on his way?" she asked her voice was so calm.

God I was sweating literally sweating I had no idea how calm Milton and my mother could be. As for my dad last I check he was just watching everything without saying a word.

"Xavier breathe" he said his voice gruff.

I snapped my stare over to his and looked at him confused, before I gasped for breath. I hadn't even realized that I wasn't breathing.

The dinning hall doors flew open and Milton stormed int with a gurney and on of his nurses. He rushed over with the gurney right as another contraction passed. Selena screamed and I was right there for her holding her hand and helping her breathe through it.

"How far are they apart" Milton said sternly as he check Selena over.

"19 minutes now" answered my mum.

"That's good for now, we'll be able to take her back to the infirmary, I have everything set up" Milton explained as he waved the gunnery over.

I stood up quick in action and gently pulled back Selena's chair as the gurney came around.

"Just breathe baby you can do this. I'm just going to move you okay" I cooed to her.

She grounded her teeth together and nodded before she went back to breathing. She was in some much pain an it was killing me to see her like this it really was. I only wished I could take the pain from her.

I lifted her up off her set and laid her down on the gurney. The moment her back touched the soft padding Milton took over shouting orders and started moving the gurney. Selena reached for me and I gave her my hand her grip tighter than ever before making my bones ache but I knew it was only just going to get worse and I was going to let her brake my hand if she had to just to get through the pain.

"Xavier, please don't leave me" she whimpered.

I squeezed her hand slightly and started a quick jog as the gurney picked up the pace rushing through the halls to get to the infirmary, mum and dad right on our tails.

"I'm not going anywhere baby I promise" I said before quickly bring the back of her hand to my lips and placing a soft kiss.

Selena's grip tightened and I felt my bones shift in my had as she went through another contraction.

We quickly made it to the infirmary before I thought Selena was going to have the baby in the hallway and I helped Milton transfer her to the medical bed.

"We need to get her out of this dress and into scrubs. Same with you Xavier." Milton said as he rushed around. I nodded quickly and mum stepped forward.

"I'll help Selena you go get changed" she rushed.

I kissed her cheek and nodded quickly rushing for the changing closet were I knew the scrubs were.

I jumped around in frustration as I tried to get the top and pants on, my hands shaking with fear and adrenaline as I prayed everything went well. If anything happened to Selena or the baby I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

When I finally had my scrubs on the socks that went over my shoes and the stupid hair net, I left the closet and went right over to the sink to wash my hands not having to be told because I didn't want to start a hassle I just wanted to be there right by Selena had help her through this.

After washing my hands I went straight over to Selena and had seen my mum had helped and and was standing by he in scrubs a well.

I quickly grabbed Selena's hand her vice like grip returning with more strength and I knew this was just going to get more painful for her.

"How far apart are the contractions now?" I asked to no one in particular but I knew someone would answer me.

"Ten minutes" Milton shouted as he came over with a tray and some needles. My eyes went wide as I saw the, what the hell were they for?

"Relax Xavier its just to ease the pain. Selena I need you to sit forward. I check your vitals, you're doing great and you starting to dilate and your cervix is right so we can give you what you need to ease the pain ok?" Milton asked.

Selena sat forward and nodded her hair furiously.

"Please" she begged.

I took in deep calming breathes as I watched Milton come around a stick needles in her back before she could lie down again.

It took a while for the drugs to kick in but once they did Selena's contraction were only five minutes apart and Milton was giving her orders to start pushing.

"Breathe baby" I cooed but she just glared at me and gripped my hand tighter almost crushing bone.

"Tell me to breathe one more time and I'll shove you head up you ass" she growled through gritted teeth.

I knew she didn't mean it she was only saying it because of how much pain she was in but it still hurt.

"Okay, Selena on this contraction you need to push" Milton ordered.

Selena sat forward and screamed, her hand crushing mine as she pushed through the contraction and from my calculation they were barely even three minutes apart now.

"Thats it good girl Selena I can see the head. Just a few more" Milton encouraged.

Selena leaned back panting heavily her hair sticking to her forehead because of sweat and her eyes starting to un focus because of the pain. I leaned over slightly and pushed her hair out of her face kissing her forehead.

"Come on baby you can do this" I cooed to her.

A short sob left her lips and at that moment she looked absolutely beautiful. I didn't care that she was sweaty of that her face was contorted in pain, to me she was beautiful and unbelievably strong for being able to do this and it made me love her impossibly more than I already did.

Selena sat up and I rubbed her back gently as she gripped my hand with all that she could and pushed as she went through the contraction, screaming her eye closing shut and she bit her lips hard enough that a bit of blood trickled down.

"Good just one more push" Milton encouraged.

"Come one baby, I love you so much" I cooed.

She looked at me her eyes focusing slightly. "I love you too" she said, her voice hoarse from all her screaming and she squeezed my hand gently, which was a nice contrast from all the bone crushing she hand been doing before.

"Okay Selena push as hard as you can right now" Milton ordered.

Selena nodded but I knew she barely heard anything.

"You got this sweetheart" cooed my mum as she grabbed Selena's hand again. To say that she had almost broken it before would have been an understatement, but mum didn't mind because she knew what labor was like and how painful this all was for Selena.

Selena took in two sharp quick breaths before she screamed and pushed through the last contraction.

The piercing scream of a baby cry rang louder over Selena's scream as she slumped back on the bed and breathed in slowly.

Looking over at Milton there was our beautiful baby boy, cry his lungs out and breathing in his first gasp of air, tears welled in my eyes as I wanted to cry. Our little boy was born on the 17th of March 2013 at 1:45 am. He was 6.7 pounds and had a beautiful head of black hair just like mine. And even though I hadn't held him just yet he was everything Selena and I could ever ask for and ever love.

"You did it baby" I cooed and kissed her hair.

She looked so exhausted and was most defiantly out of it but that was okay she had been great through this whole thing and she deserved to rest.

Selena's POV

I screamed as I gave my finally push and slumped back against the medical bed completely exhausted.

Sweat dripped from my boy and I wanted nothing more that to lay down in this bed for hours and just sleep but the cries of my baby kept me awake I just had to see him.

My eyes were slightly unfocused from the pain and I searched the room.

"Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy Selena" came Milton's voice. I looked around and found he was right next to me with a little bundle of blue blankets in his hands.

I reached out to him a smile breaking on my lips. Milton leaned over and placed the bundle in my hands and tears welled up in my eyes as I looked down at my little boy he was absolutely beautiful with a head full of black hair like Xavier and my nose with Xavier wonderful lips. His eyes were closed but I didn't mind there would be plenty of time to stare into his eyes. Right now we had our baby and there was nothing more precious and beautiful in the world.

I looked up at Xavier and he beamed down at us his eyes welling with unshed happy tears and he leaned down and pecked my lips. He had been with me the whole time, and even though I had crack it at him from time to time throughout the whole 10 hours of painful labor, I was so thankful that he was still here and that he hadn't left me.

"You were amazing" he whispered softly.

I pecked his lips against before focusing on our little boy. His tiny little hand grasped the blanket as his mouth was slightly opened so he could breathe.

Looking down at our baby his name came to me quickly and I knew there was no battle with what to call him, his name just called out to me.

"He looks like a Leon" I whispered softly.

Xavier chuckled and kissed me temple. "That he does" he whispered back.

I stroked Leon's cheek lovingly and was amazed at out soft his skin was.

A small hiccup escaped Leon's lips causing both Xavier and I to laugh.

"Hi my beautiful boy" I cooed to him.

This was my pride and joy, he was apart of me and Xavier he was beautiful and so tiny but amazing.

"I think his middle names should be Sam" Xavier said softly.

"Really?" I asked as I looked up at him tears escaping my eyes.

I couldn't believe Xavier actually wanted to give Leon, Sam as his middle name after my father it was the sweetest thing and I couldn't have been happier.

"Really" Xavier smiled softly.

"Would you like to hold him?" I asked Xavier.

His eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously.

I held Leon up and Xavier gently took him from my arms holding him close to his chest. My heart absolutely melted at the sight. It was so natural to see Xavier holding Leon. She strong muscled body usually looked tough but seeing him hold his son and look down at him with nothing but love and adoration was such a beautiful sight that I couldn't get enough of.

"Hi baby Leon. I'm your daddy" he cooed.

I snuggled into the bed and watched Xavier as Claus brought a chair around for him to sit down.

"So any names?" Milton asked making me jump slightly.

I smiled weakly exhaustion now taking over me and nodded. "Leon Sam Blandiana" I said softly. Milton smiled and nodded before writing it down.

"Now I know Xavier doesn't want to let little Leon go but we need to make sure everything is okay so I'll have to steel him for a few minutes."

Xavier growled as Milton got closer to him but reluctantly let Leon go so everything could be checked.

"I love you so much" Xavier said softly as he took my hand.

"I love you too" I whispered before my eye lids grew heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

Two days later

I sat in the medical bed holding Leon in my arms as I fed him from a baby bottle. I had tried breast feeding but it had hurt to much so we switched straight away to bottles and formula. Leon didn't seem to mind and he was just the cutest thing.

He was sleeping and eating well so far and thinking back on the labor I knew it was all worth it no matter how much it hurt just to have him in my arms.

I stroked Leon's cheek as I held his bottle and he sucked on it greedily making me and Xavier laugh, he was very food focused already.

Xavier scooted his chair closer to get a better look and kissed my arm before stroking Leon's soft black hair.

Leon had finally opened his eyes now and he had the same blue-grey eyes just like his daddy, which I was so grateful for. Leon's was going to me the spitting image of Xavier and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I could just sit here and watch him for hours" Xavier said softly.

I smiled down at Leon and nodded in agreement. It had only been two days and Leon had already captured our hearts, we honestly couldn't get enough of him and neither could the rest of Xavier's family.

"Good news" Milton said cheerily as he came into the infirmary.

I looked up at him and smiled in the corner of my eye I saw Xavier not even noticed, he was that transfixed on Leon, I wanted to laugh it was so cute.

"Prince Xavier?" Milton asked as he waved his hand in front of Xavier face but still didn't get his attention I laughed and Leon made a noise. Checking him quickly I repositioned his bottle and looked back up at Milton.

"Anyway the good news" I asked him.

Milton sighed giving up on Xavier and focused his attention back on me. "You get to leave the infirmary tomorrow afternoon" he said happily making me smile.


hey guys

so that was chapter 33

selena had the baby yay

please vote if you liked this chapter

comment and let me know what you think

only one chapter left guys but i might make it two i'll let you guys know though

remember guys first person to vote on this chapter gets the next chapter dedicated to them so get voting

love you guys


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