𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝗼𝐮, Annie X f...

By raewrotethatt

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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧 ------ As you were going out in the city to meet new people and to get out of your she... More

2. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
3. 𝐣𝗼𝐡𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚
4. 𝐋𝐞𝗼𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭
5. 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
6. 𝐂𝗼𝗺𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫?
7. 𝐁𝗼𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠?
8. 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐠𝗼 𝐭𝗼 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤?
9. 𝐁𝐞𝐠 𝐅𝗼𝐫 𝐈𝐭

1. 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫

2K 46 25
By raewrotethatt


You were finally moving out of your parents place and decided to move in with your best friend yas (short for Yasmin) and her roommate Sasha.

You did live in the city but growing up your parents were pretty strict so you didn't get a chance to go out as much so finally moving out was the biggest relief.

𝐘𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭

"Okay y/n so your room is down the hall to the right, my room is right across from yours and Sasha has the room on the left" yas pointed at the rooms that were in the apartments as you placed your suitcase and the couple boxes you brought on the ground.

"Okay and yas don't we already have a pantry?" You asked her as you looked at the pantry then a rack that was next to it that was filled with a bunch of snacks and other food.

"Oh that.... Well uhm Sasha how do I say this, she kinda has a food addiction so uh she got herself an extra rack of food" yas chuckled awkwardly as she scratched her neck.

"I mean I don't blame her.... Plus she has all the good snacks there" you chuckled back as you eyed the rack up and down then picked up a box from the ground and placed it on the table.

"Yeah she does PLUSS she said we can take some too" yas squealed as she helped you pick up another box.

"Well shit let me go grab some of those watermelon sour patch kids" you sprinted over to the rack as you took one pack of the watermelon sour patch kids since they were one of your favorite candies.

"I got me a bag of those bqq lays in my room" she snickered down the hall as she brought another box to your new room.

"Yas you sure she okay with us taking some of her shit?" You asked her as you contemplated on taking the sour patch kids.

"Y/nn she goes shopping every 5 days JUST for food to restock so yes it's okay and she said it herself that we can take as much as we want" yas yelled down the hall as she went into your room to place the box down.

"Alright yas just had to make sure" you mumbled as you opened the pack of candy with your teeth and ate some.

"Now are you gonna let me do all the work for you or are you gonna help" yas peeked her head out of your room as she waited for you to come help out.

"My baddd yas it's just that these candies are so good for no reason" you groaned as you placed the candy down and grabbed another box from the table, while you dragged your feet down to your room.

Over the course of the past few hours you and yas were unpacking your belongings.

"Whew that should be it and your room is cuteee
n/n" yas exhaled as she took a deep stretch.

"Thank you yass and thank you for helping me" you got up from your bed after looking at the finished room to go up and hug yas for helping you unpack and get your room ready.

"Mhm also y/n you should get a hobby or something to do in the meantime and go out in the city and enjoy yourself" yas suggested as she slowly let go of the hug.

"Like what yas?" Your eyebrow perked up as you leaned against your door.

"Well my friend hange teaches an art class downtown and sometimes Jean fills in for her on Monday's and Fridays" yas took out her phone to show you the art class that hange teaches.

"Ooou and did you say that Jean fills in for her ?" You asked with a confused face since from all the stories and things that yas has told you about Jean you'd never expect him to work at an art place let alone teach a class.

"I know right but when I asked him why he works there he said something about how all the cute art girls form out of the city come there" yas deepened her voice as she mocked Jean in a sarcastic tone.

"So basically he just works there to pick up girls" you tilted your head as you rolled your eyes that Jean would stoop that far to just get some girls.

"Bingo ! That's Jean for you" yas chuckled as she also rolled her eyes. "But anyways I can hook you up so you can get in the class for freee" a smile appeared on your face as she said that.

Now you could go to some fancy art classes in the city without having to pay.

"Free you say.... Alright then sign me up and let me know the address".

"HA I fucking knew you'd agree once I said free" she giggled as she playfully stomped her foot on the ground.

"WELL I COULDNT PASS THAT OFFER UP.... ITS EXPENSIVE IN THE CITY" you giggled as you pointed at your window which had a view of the city.

"I know I know but I'll send you all the info and just tell whoever is there that I sent you" yas calmed herself down as she she started sending you all the info about the place to your phone.

"Gotchu so when's the next class?"

"Oh today at 5:30pm...." She slowly mumbled the last part since it was already 5pm. "Did you just say 5:30pm as in the next class is in 30 minutes??" Your jaw dropped a little as you repeatedly batted your eyelashes.

"Yes girl sorry I should've told you earlier but hey you can still make it.... I think" she bursted out laughing at the last part as she looked at the expression on your face.

"Yasssuh" you dragged her name as you went to your closet and started shuffling with some clothes so you could pick out an outfit. "If you use the train it'll take you 30 minutes and if you take an Uber it'll take you 40 minutes if you're lucky because the traffic here in the city is ridiculous" yas tucked in her lips as she saw you fumbling with your clothes to find an outfit.

"Don't worry I'll text hange & Jean to let them know that you'll be a little late" yas reassured you as she took her phone out again to text Jean & hange.

"Thank you" you thanked her as you took out your baby 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 cardigan, a black tank top to go under it, your black pencil skirt that hugged your body in the nicest ways possible plus your chuck taylor all star lugged converse to go with it.

To add on you took your black tote bag with you too.

"I'll let you get dressed" yas closed your door and left to go to the living room.

As you got yourself dressed up you sprayed your favorite vanilla scented perfume on.

"Alright yas I'm leaving" you called out as she was laying on the couch getting ready to knock out. "Huh.... OH bye y/n!" She slowly waved bye to you as she went back to the position that she was laying in and quickly drifted off to sleep.

You decided to take the train since it would be faster than an Uber.

30 𝗺𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎)

You finally arrived to the art place where the art classes would take place.

As you were walking to the door you saw a glimpse of someone behind you but you just assumed that they just happened to be walking behind you cause it was a packed street.

When you reached out to grab the door handle someone did too. When you looked up you saw a girl who had blonde hair tied up in a ponytail with strands of her hair falling out, framing her face. She had bright 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 eyes that matched the baby 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 cardigan that you had on, she was wearing a black jean jacket over her cream colored Hoodie and and some matching black jeans.

She was on the taller side too so she was practically towering over you even though the shoes you were wearing had platforms on them.
(Before anyone says anything about her height she's gonna be TALL in this story)

When she reached over for the door too you saw a glimpse of her sleeve tattoo but you couldn't make out what the tattoo was and you saw the sliver rings that were on her slim 𝐥𝗼𝐧𝐠 fingers which were painted black.

But you noticed the expression on her face which didn't look quite welcoming. It was an almost emotionless expression which was very intimidating but for some reason you were drawn to her and you didn't know why.

After all she was very attractive even though she looked like she could kill someone with that gaze of hers.

"You done staring miss blue" she looked at your outfit then slowly brought her eyes back up to yours.

You looked at her with a confused expression on your face but quickly realized she said that because of your baby blue cardigan that stood out.

"We're doing nicknames now huh blondie" you pushed up your glasses as you moved some of your hair out of your face since it was very windy that day.

She scoffed a little playfully as she opened the door for you. "Well we should hurry and go in unless we wanna be later than we already are" she gestured her hand indicating for you to go in so she could follow after.

You just nodded and stepped inside the building as you held your bag in front of you.

Inside there were a lot of plants and a bunch of paintings & drawings on the wall which gave an earthy but relaxing tone.

You just kept looking in awe and the blonde noticed that.

But one specific drawing caught your eye. It was of two cobra snakes that were circling around a crystal, drawn in black and white.

"If you're curious about that drawing I drew that" her deep voice caught you off guard as you felt her tall presence stand behind you.

"You did???" You asked in disbelief. "I know I don't look like the type to draw or paint but yes I did, look right there...." As she took a step closer behind you she whispered that last part in your ear while she pointed towards the corner of the drawing where it had her name on it.

You felt a wave of arousal come over you as she did that and the tension between you two started to appear.

"..Hm well your name is Annie?" You cleared your throat and asked her as you  turned your head around only to find her staring you down with her tall self.

Now the tension was getting very very high.... But you didn't want to break eye contact first so you stood your ground and waited for her to answer.

"Correct." She said that sternly as she sounded impressed that you managed to keep eye contact with her for so long since most people would've looked away after one death glance from her.

Honestly you didn't even know how you kept eye contact with her for so long yourself but today something changed.

But a part of Annie was surprisingly glad that, that intense moment that happened was over because honestly it made her get attracted to you as well for some reason and she couldn't even explain it either.

"Annie you're late again??" Jean grumbled as he went down the hallway where the two of you were.

"Wait a minute don't tell me you finally found a girlfriend thank god now you can finally stop annoying me" Jean sarcastically put his hands in a prayer motion as he pretended to pray.

"You still haven't learned your lesson from last time haven't you Jean" Annie shifted her attention over at Jean who quickly put his hands down and rolled his eyes.

"Uh if you don't mind me asking what happened 'last time' " you quoted as you looked at Annie with a concerned expression written all over your face then back at Jean who tried to hide his face, "don't tell h-" but Jean was quickly cut off by Annie.

"Well last time Jean over here was being a smart ass and some other shit that I won't get into but to save you from the details I beat his ass" finally Annie's intimidating expression went away as grinned proudly that she easily beat jean's ass.

You bursted out laughing at the thought of Jean getting his ass beat by Annie and you tried to contain yourself by placing your hand over your mouth.

"Gosh Annie she didn't have to know about that embarrassing and horrific time for me. Tch now I can't get her number"

Your face scrunched up at the thought of jean's player ass trying to get your number.

"She didn't want your number plus she's off limits for you anyways". You did feel some type of way that Annie was being protective over you but it was a good type of way.

You did like protectiveness but not over protectiveness and Annie was just doing the right amount which was incredibly attractive to you.

"So she's on limits for you? If that even makes sense" Jean scoffed as he began chewing on a toothpick. "Maybe but it's none of your business Jean, all I know is that I'm not letting you even try to get with her or get to know her unless it's on a friendship level" and Jean didn't even try to argue with her because she was being serious.

The reason why Annie was being so protective over you and didn't want Jean to get to know you like that was because Jean was a player and was known for breaking girls hearts. In less than a year he has had 10 girls friends so Annie didn't want you to be one of them and a part of Annie liked you already but she didn't want to admit that to herself or to you yet.

Plus him and Annie didn't get along well either.

"Whatever but anyways pretty did you sign up here or did a friend send yo-" before Jean could even blink Annie grabbed his shirt harshly and pulled him towards her aggressively.

"Jean I swear to god I will not hesitate to punch you in your jaw again. Flirt with her again and see what'll happen to you" Annie gave one of her famous death glances again and for the first time Jean looked scared.

He gulped as he got the message that you were off limits, at least to him. So slowly Annie loosened her grip and finally let him go.

"sorry about that 'inconvenience' but as I was saying did you sign up already or did a friend send you" Jean asked you as he went to the front desk to look at the computer to see if you had booked any classes.

"Uh my friend yas sent me".

"Oh yas huh well tell her-"

"Before you try and say anything flirty she has a boyfriend" you stopped him as a look of disappointment formed on his face.

"Of course she does.... Well anyway my fault for the wait but the two of you can go down the hall to the classes now even though the both of you are extremely late" Jean leaned down in his chair and kicked his feet up on the desk.

"And who's fault is that" you questioned him as you and Annie started walking again.

"God the two of you are a walking headache just go to the class please" Jean begged the two of you as the both you just chuckled a bit but finally went to the class.


Alright this was the first chapterrr ! I'll try and update as much as I can but remember updates won't come in as fast because I have other books.


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