Lovely Obsession [KTH FF ]✔

By Ryu_ose

143K 5.9K 181

A girl , also known as the cold beauty . The one who can capture our heart just by a glance . One of the succ... More

Author's Note
1. CEO of Black Rose
2. CEO of Kim Industries
3 .Date
4. Mr. Jeon
5. The voice
7 . Engagement
8 . Kidnapped
9. Mr. Kim Taehyung
11 .Fighting Lesson?
12. Training
13. Murdered
14 . Dizziness and Chess
15. Suspicious and Anger
16. Escape Plans ?
17. Messed Up
19. Who is she?
20. Hospital and truth
21. Unfolding the truth
22. Black- Side
23 . Her Story
24. Past
25.Media & Government
26. Court's decision
27. Date with Jimin
28. Marriage
29 . Confused
30 . Crazy?!
31. Escaping
32. Loving You
33. Helping
35. Persuading and Threatening
36.The Shop
37. Meeting Him
38. Discharged and Dairy
39 . Dangerously sweet
40.Love Paradise
41. True Art
42 . Proposal
44. Obsessed
45 .Family
46. Wedding
47. Decision
48 . Missing ?
49. lovingly obsessed
50. Pregnant

10 . Wolf's Freedom

3.4K 154 1
By Ryu_ose

Your POV

I hummed soft music as I prepared the dinner , It's been a week since I have staying here as a hostage . As expected Taehyung is so rude and cold towards me . But he never hurt me physically than scolding and gripping my wrist tightly . He never went far than holding my wrist tightly and leaving it bruised . The house I am held is so big like a Mansion with only one gate at the front . There are big walls around the house ,stopping me from escaping . There  are only four guards ,one guard each at the corner of the walls , but the house is tightly secured with high technology .No one can enter or exit with out Taehyung's permission . and I am pretty damn sure that we are far away from civilization and we are in middle of some kind of forest. I don't really care , it's not like I'll try to escape .
Taehyung made me a servant here since there is no servants or maids here . It's not like I complain ,I am happy being servant too . Jennie and Jungkook are so kind towards me unlike Taehyung . They help me and protect me though I never ask for it . From Jennie I came to know that Jimin is looking after my company now . And he is also searching for me the entire country . 

It was almost night , dinner time .So , I was preparing food . Jennie came from hospital after her work , she's going to have early morning shift so she went to take a bath before going back. Jungkook also arrived after his Mafia work and is now watching television as for Tae , he haven't arrived yet . 
"Unnie , Can I help you?" Jennie asked as she came in hopping happily.
"I am almost finished , there isn't much to do anyway "I replied continuing my work as Jennie stole a carrot from my vegetable tray . I chuckled as I continued my work .
"Unnie , can I ask you something ?" Jennie asked sitting on the counter top as I nodded cleaning my hand . I turned around looking at her with a questioning face .
"How are you so calm ? How are you always so happy even after what my brother did to you ?If it was any other person , they'll cry and at least try to escape. But still now you haven't made a single sign of trying to escape "Jennie asked as I laughed .
"Firstly, I, myself don't know how I am calm and your brother did nothing wrong . Second , There is no point in escaping a prison when you'll end up in another . For me a peaceful prison is much better than a violent prison . "I answered truthfully , Jennie sighed as she made a sorrow face .

"But , don't you ever wish to be free ?"She asked once again as I shook my head .
"For a person like me , freedom is prohibited . I was born without freedom so I'll die like that . Besides haven't you heard . It's better to imprison a wolf than letting it free to kill people "I said placing the dishes on the table as Jennie followed me .

"But if we don't trigger wolf it won't kill "Jungkook voiced out .I turn towards him , he was leaning on the table smiling down at me .
"Wolves are violent ,it doesn't need anything to trigger for it to kill "I spoke with a smile .
"I don't understand , why are you comparing yourself to a wolf . It's not like you'll kill someone "Jungkook asked as gazed at me confused .
"Who knows "I replied shortly as I walked to the kitchen again . 
"No, there is no way you'll kill a person . You're to soft and kind for that "Jennie said walking behind me following everywhere I go .I sighed and didn't speak any further . This topic was useless any way . 

Author's POV 

But they were unaware about a person who was listening to the whole conversation, Taehyung . He just came from work and went straight to the kitchen from the back side as usual to see her knowing that his hostage will be in the kitchen ,preparing dinner for them . Since a week , it's his daily routine to see her first after coming back home after the tiring day of work .Y/N never noticed him as she was always busy preparing the food while singing music , lost in her own world .But today when he came to kitchen as usual to take a glimpse of the beauty he heard the question Jennie asked . He heard the full conversation ,his heart felt so heavy and guilty for her . Without speaking much he went towards his room . 

Jungkook saw Taehyung walking straight to his room as Both Jungkook and Jennie stood from their place . Y/N was in the kitchen , she came out to see Taehyung standing in front of the table ,staring at her . She stopped walking as she smiled at Taehyung as usual welcoming him with her smile . But Taehyung ignored her as he walked  straight towards his room . He was tired and his mind was so messy . 

Taehyung's POV

Taking a quick bath , I came out of the bathroom . As usual there was a plate of food kept on my table 

I sighed throwing my towel on the basket of used dress as I picked up the food ,she always keep it knowing I will only eat in my bedroom .Usually I skip my food but her food is so delicious and same taste as my mother  . I took the food and started eating it while doing some paper works . Just then someone knocked on the door as Jungkook came in before I Could  give him permission . He came in with wine and two glasses .
"Hyung want to get wasted ?"He asked grinning like a child I sighed and was going to reject him but I know he won't buy it .And then we got drunk and wasted .

Your POV

Mid - Night time🌟

I sighed getting up from my bed . Another same nightmare , I don't have my sleeping pills too . Sighing I took the bath towel and entered the washroom , I let the shower on as the Cold water fell on me . It was already almost winter so the water was so freezing cold . But I was used to taking freezing showers at the middle of night whenever Solar Noona steals my precious sleeping pills saying  it's not good for my heart .To think about it , I haven't taken my heart medicines since I have kidnapped also I wonder how solar Noona is . Well, she must be freaking out since I am her best friend .She's so scary when she's angry trust me she looks like a scary dragon at that time .
I quickly dressed up as I walked out of the bathroom .While rubbing my wet hair with the towel , I heard a click sound . I was going to turn around ready to see who entered my room at the middle of Night . But before I can someone sneaked his hands around my waist , stopping me from turning around . I was going to elbow whoever it was on the the stomach but he suddenly held my elbow as if he knew my action . I was going to step on his foot again but he pushed me on the bed , hovering above me .His hands pinning my wrist together above my head .I struggled to break free but he was so strong and held me in place . That's when I got the glimpse of the person 


He looked so messy and drunk . He eyes  show me many emotion .Mostly  pain.
"T-Taehyung ?"I whispered as I stopped struggling . Taehyung looked at me as he left my wrist , still on top of me. His eyes became teary as he brought his face closer to me .
"Why ? Why do you look like her ?I tried to be rude to you yet you -you always hold the same smile like her "He said dropping his weight on me , hugging me .I was stunned and quiet shocked .I am very sensitive to touch and his touch made me uncomfortable for sure . But I didn't push him away . I didn't have the strength to push him away again .
"You even smell like her "Taehyung said nuzzling his nose into my neck . Goosebumps arose in my body as I gulped . He still remembers .He'll know the truth one day or another .
"Why ?why can't I have peace and happiness ? Why ?Why am I the only one who loose everyone I love ?Why ?WHY ?"he yelled startling me .Taehyung leaned closer our lips almost touching.
"You're not alone Tae" I whispered as he stared into my eyes . I wrapped my hands around his neck as I caressed   his hair softly . Taehyung didn't speak anything , he was stunned by my actions .

"Because ,angel is always with Hyungie "I said as unknown tears ran down my eyes . I closed my eyes letting all my tears out , Taehyung was stiff as he gazed at my form .

"H-How ?An-Angel?" Taehyung whispered his voice a bit sobered up.
"Found you Hyungie "I said gazing at his eyes as he stared back at me . He stood up holding his head ,stumbling behind .
"No No ,She's dead .Angel is dead . You're not her "He yelled gripping his hair in frustration , moving back away from me .He was acting as if I was a disease . he tripped on something and was going to fall but luckily he held the table 

"Hyungie won't believe me? Fine then explain what this it ?"I asked in a firm tone as lift my baggy pants and showed him my ankle . The tattoo on my ankle .
"Th-That "Taehyung spoke as he stared down at my ankle .
" Just 9 months we stayed together .. Yet , you became the important person in my life . You called me angel . We were young at that time yet sneakily we went out to the old grandpa where he gave both of us the same tattoo. An angel wings on my ankle and a devil wings on your ankle .Am I not saying the truth Hyungie ?"I asked . Taehyung looked at me  astonished . Tears fell down his eyes as he walked up to me .He held his hand out as he touched my cheeks .

"Y-You're Angel ?But how "he whispered staring at my eyes 
"I am not dead , they lied to you and aunt...."And that's when I broke into tears falling on my knees crying out .  Hurts , it hurts so much. Taehyung crouched down to my level. He embraced me tightly ,crying along with me .
"I'll take revenge ,I'll take revenge for both of us . Parks they killed my mother and Lied tome about you .I'll kill him" Taehyung spoke hugging me tightly .  I fell asleep in his arms before I could complete the whole story .

Oh! how much did I know that the whole future started changing from then ?

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