ELITES || BoruSara Fanfic


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"Who is that?" Sarada asked her new friend, Chocho, her eyes trailing at the blond haired guy who just entere... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 2

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"What does that even mean?" Sarada mumbled as she downed the remaining juice on her glass.

"That guy..." Chocho blurted out, "His name is Boruto... Uzumaki Boruto."

Sarada froze temporarily upon the mention of the name. More like, upon hearing Boruto's last name.


Slowly, she stole a brief glance at the table where the young Uzumaki was seated.

Golden hair, blue eyes, and whisker like feature on his cheeks. No doubt, he really is the son of the wealthiest family in the country.

She almost jumped on her seat when Boruto's attention suddenly went on their table. Quickly, she managed to avert her eyes but she doesn't know why her heart started to pound loudly.

That's close! He might think of me as some weirdo if he caught me staring.

The Uzumaki and Uchiha's have been competing in terms of wealth for who knows how long. Even though both families are specifying on different business industries. The Uchiha group of companies revolve around the hospitality and pharmaceutical industries. They own the largest hotel and restaurant chains in the country. She remembered back when she was a kid, when Aoda told her that the Uchiha started venturing into pharmaceutical business when their parents wed.

For the longest time, the Uchiha clan used to be at the top of the chain. But it all changed when the Uzumaki, the third wealthiest, and Hyuuga, the second wealthiest, merged through a marriage between the two heirs.

No wonder he had an aura of authority around him. He is the young lord of the Uzumaki family, after all.

Sarada thought before pursing her lips.

"Ah! I'm done. Thank you for the food..." Chocho suddenly exclaimed, breaking her trance.

But, I'm curious. What does Chocho mean when she warned me to not get involve with him? Is it because he's the son of the most powerful and influential person in the country?

The two girls stood up with their trays in hand.

Aoda has been telling her stories of her childhood or what she's like as a child, specially when he used to take care of her. She remembered how he always say that she's a curious child with an eagerness to learn.

And maybe it's a trait she still possess up until now that she's grown.

Oh, she's curious alright. There's something about Boruto that's keeping her mind occupied. Was it because there's an air of mystery around him? She's attracted to mystery books and documentaries, after all.

She wants to learn more about him.

However, she can't be impulsive. Right, she has an identity to hide and the last thing she needs is the young lord suspecting her.


Chocho wasn't joking when she told Sarada that she'll tour her for the day.

For the remainder of the afternoon, the both of them went to the other parts of the academy, with Chocho explaining each facilities and their uses.

Considering how massive Konoha is, they have to use a golf cart so they wouldn't have to walk and exhaust themselves. Sarada felt like a tourist with a lively tour guide for her companion.

She's not really the type of person that enjoys long conversations and interactions, that's why it didn't take long for her energy to drain. All she wanted right now is to sit down and feel the breeze hitting her face or to lay face first on her new bed.

Thankfully, Chocho decided that it would be best if they take a rest now. Since it seems impossible to finish exploring every nook and cranny of Konoha Academy.

When the bell rang for the second time signalling the end of class, Chocho decided to invite Sarada and introduce her to the girls.

"Do you want to join us, Sarada? I'm about to meet up with my friends. We're all in the same class, so they're going to be your classmates too! You should introduce yourself to them!" Chocho suggested happily.

To be honest, Sarada doesn't want anything else rather than staying in her room to sleep and recharge. Her and Sakura left the mansion at dawn and she didn't get a wink of sleep while on the road.

She's exhausted. But she just can't possibly say no to Chocho's invitation, not when she's looking at her with a hopeful expression on her amber eyes.

"Sure, are you perhaps going to the... mall?"

It felt so weird for her to say the word mall when they're in a boarding school where students aren't allowed to leave the school grounds unless there's some kind of emergency.

I still can't believe that this Academy is complete, with a mall, cafes and even gaming center!

"Yep!" Chocho replied, popping the 'p'. "I assure you that it'll be fun!"

They made their way to the dormitories to change into casual clothing. Remembering Kakashi's words earlier about how she can't buy things using cash, she left her wallet and pocketed her golden card instead.

Today at lunch, she learned just how much money the card contains and she almost fainted when she saw that it's more than enough to feed a village, or buy luxury items!

I swear, this academy is spoiling the students too much!

Once she was done changing, she faced the full body mirror which her room already has.

She was met with onyx eyes just like her fathers. Sarada felt like a different person without her glasses but not wearing them was something she decided herself, in hopes that it could somehow help in concealing who she really is.

She's not the only person in the academy, or even the country, who has black hair and eyes so the chances that the people here would suspect her as someone from the Uchiha clan should be small.


I've been wearing glasses since I was a kid. It kinda feels weird to not wear them. I feel like my eyes are naked.

Wearing clear contact lenses instead of her red rimmed glasses was something new to her. She never imagined how hard it would be to wear one, specially during the first time.

It's her first time using contacts because, honestly speaking... she was scared that it'll be painful. But it was okay.

She noticed how her black hair gotten a bit longer compared to the last time she trimmed it herself. It's gotten quite long that it almost reached her hips. Getting a haircut sounds good too. Since they'll be going to the mall maybe there's a salon there where she can get her hair trimmed.

When Sarada decided to leave her room, Chocho was already standing beside her door. Patiently waiting for her to finish preparing. She suddenly felt bad for taking so long.

"Sorry I took so long," she apologized with a sheepish smile.

"No worries, I just got here a minute ago," the brown haired girl replied before linking arms with the blackette.


Sarada can't help but notice the curious glances directed at them. Was it because of her choice of clothing? Does she look bad?

Was there a tag on her skirt? What is it?

"Do I have dirt on my face?" Sarada asked Chocho when she couldn't take it anymore.

It was weird how some students would make a double take whenever they walked pass them. Especially the guys.

"No, you don't. You're just too pretty! That's all." Chocho laughed amusedly. "It's only your first day but I'm positive that you're going to be popular with the boys." She whispered the last words.

Sarada's brows met. Still confused as to why she'll be popular. For all she knows, she isn't really a social butterfly. She's more of an introvert and would rather want to be left alone than be surrounded by people she's not familiar.

Maybe that's another reason why she can't find any pictures of her when she searched her name online? She hates social events and gatherings, so whenever the Uchiha family got an invitation for an event, whatsoever, the only person who'll attend are her parents with their ton of personal body guards.

After a few minutes, they reached the academy's mall. At the entrance, a small group of girls were huddled together like a tight knit.

They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice Chocho and Sarada approaching, until Chocho greeted them.

"Hey guys!" The brunette said which earned a chorus of hi's and hello's.

Sarada straightened her back when she suddenly became the subject of their attention. The girls looked at her curiously but a certain purple haired girl gave her a small and gentle smile.

"Girls, I would like you to meet Sarada. She's the new student the headmaster appointed me to tour around the academy. And we've also become friends now too so I hope you guys would treat her like one!"

It was like a trigger they're waiting for. After Chocho introduced her, she can't remember when and how she suddenly became surrounded by the rest.

"Oh my gosh! You're really beautiful!"

"I love your hair! It's so shiny!"

"My name is-"

Sarada suddenly felt dizzy, not hearing or understanding a word as the girls started talking at the same time. Their voices were overlapping that it overwhelmed her hearing.

Noticing Sarada's discomfort, the purple haired girl spoke a little louder in an attempt to calm the rest.

"Let's take turns talking, okay? I believe Sarada-san didn't understand anything when we were talking at once."

The girls nodded their heads in understanding.

Sarada silently thanked the heavens, and the girl with long purple hair and purple-colored eyes for preventing her to have her eardrums damaged.

"Nice to meet you, Sarada-san. I'm Sumire... Kakei Sumire," the purple haired girl said, a small smile gracing her lips.

Soon, each of them started introducing themselves to Sarada. She felt a little bit overwhelmed having to memorize their names but she felt happy nonetheless.

When Sarada saw their group, there was a part of her that says she wouldn't be able to fit in.

Seeing how close they were made her question if there would be a space for her to fill but now that they were all smiles when talking, it somehow removed all her worries.


"Where should we go next?" Wasabi asked the group.

The pixie haired girl's eyes were closed tightly. Her brows knitting together in thought, as she lazily drank the frappe she was holding.

"Why don't we visit the gaming center next? I heard from the boys that there are newly installed game machines today too! I was planning on going tomorrow but going today sounds good," Namida voiced out, her ponytails swaying along the turn of her head.

"Oh gosh, I feel like this is another day of me, wasting money on that damned claw machine!" Chocho suddenly spoke, an imaginary irk mark formed on her head.

The three girls sweatdrop seeing Chocho get all worked up. Sarada's head tilted confusedly.

With that being said, the group left the mall and started journeying their way to the gaming center. It wasn't far from where they were so it didn't take long for them to arrive.

The crowd was a sight to see! The people of the academy must have been looking forward to the opening of the new machines!

Students can be seen walking in and out of the building with their own group of friends and classmates. Seeing the smiles plastered on their faces excited Sarada. As surprising as it is, she's never been on a gaming center before! Much less an arcade!

Sure, this wasn't the first time someone's asked her to join but it is the first time she accepted such invitation.

That's because for the first time in her life... she wouldn't have to worry about her bodyguards tailing her like a shadow.

They were supposed to enter the building.

But something unexpected suddenly happened catching everyone's attention.

Out of all the times where Sarada's clumsiness surfaced it really has to be today... at this exact time! Great!

"Sorry! Sorry! It was an accident," she apologized to whoever it was that she bumped into, bowing her head a couple of times because she felt really bad and embarrassed about what just happened.

Unfortunately, someone unintentionally bumped her shoulder causing all of the remaining contents of her cup of cold tea to spill. Not on the ground. But on someone's back!


"Oh my gosh! What happened?"

"Are you alright?"

She heard her friends asked. Footsteps can be heard approaching her causing her to open her eyes.

When she did. She almost felt all the blood on her face drain when the first thing she saw was yellow.

Golden yellow hair.


"Man! I can't wait to have my hands on that newly released game at the gaming center. I've been saving all my allowance for that!" Inojin excitedly said, his card already out of his pocket.

He knows that he'll be broke for the next few weeks. He suddenly regret buying a bigger tv for his room the other day.

"I know right? Ooh, I hope that they wouldn't sold out too quickly! The last time a game was released, it only lasted for a few minutes before it sold out!" Iwabe complained before putting both hands behind his head.

Shikadai stole a sideway glance at his best friend, Boruto, before heaving a sigh.

As expected... still no progress, huh?

Uzumaki Boruto has changed.

He's not the same boy he used to be. Some might say that he just matured but his friends know better.

Whatever it is that changed him... They have no idea.

All they know is that he began acting distant and cold last Christmas. The same day he started wearing an eye-patch on his right eye.

They all wanted to ask him what just happened but they never thought it would be such a hard task to do. Especially with Boruto shutting them out.

The boy's do not wish to touch such sensitive topic so they waited for Boruto to open up but it seems like the wound is still fresh.

It's been a moth and they still don't know the reason why his bright personality suddenly got dark.

Shikadai's thoughts where interrupted by the familiar voices of her girl classmates. Lifting his gaze, he was met with a sight that'll surely be a memory worth looking back.

"Boruto-kun?" Denki suddenly called, his voice shook ever so slightly.

He must have felt the sudden change of aura surrounding his friend.

Shikadai slowly shook his head before biting his lower lip to stifle a laugh. He knows that this isn't exactly the time to be laughing but he just can't help it. Especially when Boruto is wearing his most prized possession. His precious t-shirt with a customized design just for him.

This is the first time I've seen his eyes burn in anger since that day.

The spiky haired boy thought.

His eyes went to the girl standing in front of his best friend. There was a sudden click in his brain upon seeing her face.

There was a sense of familiarity... but he doesn't know when he had seen her before.

Inojin's eyes were wide in shock. His mouth gaping at the sight of his childhood friend, Sarada!

She transfered school?! She never told me anything about transferring to Konoha!

Before he could utter her name, Boruto already walked past him.

He was still processing everything that only thing he can do was watch the scene that was about to happen.

The blonde boy continued his slow steps towards Sarada. The guys all have these worried expressions on their faces. Except for Inojin who looked almost horrified.

Who wouldn't?

Out of all the students of the academy, the new girl really had to bump the Uzumaki heir.

The top student of the school, who is also the student council president!

Sarada admits that she's feeling quite nervous now, seeing the young lord, Uzumaki Boruto approaching her with slow and calculated steps. But, instead of cowering in fear... she raised her chin in order to meet his gaze.

I did nothing wrong... I already apologized and it was an accident! I didn't mean to spill my cold black tea on his expensive shirt!

"You... just," the blonde boy whispered in a low baritone. "really have to ruin this particular shirt, huh?"

Hearing Boruto's voice sent chills down her spine.

"A-ah, Boruto-kun! I know a... g-great place where we could get another shirt like that! Well... not really a ready made one but-" Inojin intervened as his hands make animated gestures.

Right now, the only thing on his mind was to rescue Sarada in this current dilemma. If this continues... it might turn out disasterous.

He can't let Sarada be the receiving end of the young lord's anger. He's been friends with Boruto for so long that he already knows how he acts when someone gets on his nerves, ever since that day... he seemed to have become another person.

"I already said sorry, it wasn't intentional!" She tried to act brave but her voice turned out a bit shaky at the end.

She was scared, that's for sure. But she kept a straight face even though she was practically panicking inside.

Sarada fought the blonde's stare, she can't back down. She's an Uchiha for goodness sake!

Boruto's eyes were a lot bluer that what she thought. It was a gorgeous blue, like a deep ocean enticing her to come hither until she cannot resurface anymore.

It was alluring to look at. It's as if a magnet was attracting every fiber of her being and she can't help buy give in to it.

No! What the hell am I thinking?

Was it a trick of the light? Or did his dark eyes lighten a fraction while they we're looking eye to eye.

"You guys should go without me," the blonde suddenly said before turning his back. "I need a shower."

Sarada can only open her mouth, no words leaving her lips. She watched the blonde boy's retreating back.

He left. And he left her more curious than before.

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