Petunia's daughter, Lillian E...

By blu3teacup

3.2K 258 41

♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡ Petunia Dursley is a victim of Domestic Violence, she tries to keep her son and daught... More

Ch 1: To Protect You
Ch 2: A Sister, Dear
Ch 3: Put On A Show
Ch 4: Not A Problem
Ch 5: An Unknown Cause
Ch 6: The Love Of A Brother
Ch 7: A Hissy New Friend
Ch 8: Talk To Me
Ch 9: A Different Form
Ch 10: My Turn To Shine
Ch 11: Friend's Of Her Own
Ch 12: We Can Do This
Ch 13: I Will Be By Your Side
Ch 15: Moonlight Facade
Ch 16: If A Portrait Could Mock

Ch 14: Taken Away

126 11 0
By blu3teacup

[ A/N: The Artwork is done by me.♡ ]


The morning was like any other. Sort of.

Dudley woke to find his sister sitting at the foot of his bed wide awake. She had her knees tucked into her chest, arms crossed over them. She leaned forward with her head on her arms, facing the open window.

The moonlight caressed Lillian's face like a milky curtain causing her whole appearence to look ethereal and delicate. She sighed inaudibly, green eyes glossy and morose.

Dudley suddenly knew what was happening. It was Halloween. The day she lost her parents. He sat up and crept to his sisters side and gave her a light pat on the arm.

Her body tilted until she was tucked into Dudley's side. The two sat there, staring into the moon's home until Petunia walked into the room and hugged them both tightly.

Later that day, the three were walking down the street, just home from a shopping trip. Lillian stopped at the porch steps and fiddled with a little ball puzzle she was gifted with.

The lady at the store had given it to her when she hadn't grabbed any candy. 'It's holloween dear, have a little fun at least.' She had thanked the woman with a small frown on her little face.

She had learned about the "celebration", it had nothing to do with candy and costumes. Why did she have to bend to everyone else's wishes when all she wanted was a peaceful day to think.

When Petunia noticed Lily hadn't followed Dudley inside, she stepped out and called her name. Looking around the yard with an odd panicked feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Calling once more, she waited only a moment before her mind finally caught up with what she was seeing. There was nobody there. The porch was vacant. The small neighborhood, shadowed in the twilight, was desolate.

Petunia could hear her own panicked breathing as she rushed to call 999.

When the call was recieved, the man on the line asked what her emergency was. After explaining her daughter had been taken from just outside her home the man said there'd be someone there shortly.

She waited and waited, and nearly ten minutes had passed before someone had finally showed up.

Petunia was frustrated, she'd never had the need to call them before. Now that she's experienced what many had told her about, she was furious.

They get a call for kidnapping and they take a near millennia to come. Her baby could be severely hurt and this is the way they treat this sort of thing!? Despicable!

Pushing that from her mind, she went to greet the officer's. The two at the least seemed to know what they were doing.

Explaining once again what had happened, she felt her anger lurch as one officer seemed dismissive of her claim. She shouted at them both, how her daughter had no way of knowing her way around.

Lillian only followed her older brother to the library or the small bit of forestry behind thier house. The little girl was only five, how could she possibly know to leave on her own if she had only been to a secluded amount of places with Dudley, much less alone.

Just as Petunia was about to rip into them some more, someone knocked on the door hurriedly. Mrs. Miller from house seven, looking slightly unsure about herself, rushed to Petunia's side and started telling her of a man.

He had been skulking around the smaller neighbourhoods in a white car and was seen by Mrs. M herself.

She mentioned that he had someone in the back seat, couldn't see them clearly but that when streetlight shown on thier face green eyes flashed brightly.

She had come straight to Petunia's to see, to make sure, Lillian was home. The two unseen officers went pale and soon had written everything down.

The two men continued to question the older woman about this occurance as Petunia paced worriedly.

Her daughter had been taken. Kidnapped from just outside her home. From just behind Petunia. She couldn't protect her baby.

Upstairs, Dudley sat on his bed, near catatonic with the realization that his little sister was gone. He cried as he thought on how she now had two terrible occurrences on holloween.

Her biological parents died today.
She was kidnapped today.
And there was nothing he could do to protect her.


[ A/N: Alrighty folks, it's grand writing for all of you lovely chaps, good day/night and Thank You to everyone reading my story!♡ ]


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