When one wants revenge. (Bill...

De Why_me---

7.2K 248 152

After they escape the castle where everything went wrong. Mable frames dipper for starting Weirdmageddon, sca... Mais

A Cliff And A deal.
A New Begining
Oculi Praedicere
I should prob explain myself.

The wait

1K 43 9
De Why_me---

"Why is it taking so long?" Bill muttered to himself while listening to the blood-curdling screams in the distance of the Fearamid. He was sitting upon his throne. Some of his henchmen looked up when he spoke but looked away just as fast. Bill had been slightly agitated for a while now and they had tried a significant number of things. None had done anything that changed Bill's mood in a good way. Bill sighed out loud once more and was massaging his temples. Clearly deep in thought. He was mumbling things, then stopping midsentence and paused for a moment then proceeding to continue.

Inside Bill's head were so many things going on. The biggest concern if was the fact that it was taking way too long for Dipper to transform. The six-month mark had long since passed. Dipper was still alive and fighting. But ten months was long, too long, for this. No matter what, this was a fact that could not be changed. How long until it would end? Dipper could barely eat or drink anything. He wasn't transformed yet. He still needed to consume things like humans. He would make Dipper consume things with a lot of vitamins and healthy attributes, on the moment's dipper was in a state of consuming them. Luckily for him, he had calm moments at times. He was in less pain, sometimes even barely anything. They could talk about his revenge and world domination. Things he still wanted to do. They played sometimes games, some were more demon-like and others were ordinary human games. Sometimes they even could find the time and moment to play an odd alteration they had made together of DD&D. Those moments had been calm and relaxing for both. And Bill, whom loves chaos, disorder and pain, had come to love those moments.

It had made him realise things. Things he was sure of, that would never happen to him. But they did. It took him the first 4 months of watching Dipper being in pain and feeling grateful for the moments that he wasn't. the slight sparks of relief when he ate something and kept it down, the times they just talked and made him feel joy. He had come to the realisation that, he was, without a doubt, deeply in love with the young adult. It took him a bit to collect himself. He didn't want to believe that the great Bill Cipher would be in love.

Suddenly, the screams started to die down. He looked up and without losing a second he teleported himself to the room. He walked past the maid who bowed down to him. He looked at the bed where Dipper was laying on. He looked so frail. His skin was paler than the sheets. His eyes were sunken in and slightly puffy. A few tears were rolling down his face. He was still squirming slightly, holding onto the sheets tightly. His arms looked like twigs that could be broken by a puff of wind. He could see his eyes go in his direction. He replaced his worried look with his shining grin and walked towards the bed. A weak smile appeared on Dipper's thin, dried lips. He helped him sit up like they had done so many times before. He sat down next to him and held on to Dipper's hand. To him, it felt as if he placed too much pressure on it, it would snap in half. Dipper opened his mouth, but all that came out were raspy noises.

Bill looked around for a moment and saw a glass of water on the nightstand. He let it hover over to them. He grabbed it and brought it to Dipper's mouth. Dipper raised his hand, but it was more automatic than actually doing anything. He slowly drank out of the glass. He drank at least a quarter of it. Once it seemed that he was done he let out a sigh.

"Thanks..." he responded softy and still quite raspy. "I wanted to say something, but I forgot." This had been happening for a short while. His mind was a bit off the last month. Bill was worried that Dipper was giving up.

"I'm sleepy." Dipper mumbled. His head was slowly falling to Bill's shoulder. Bill softly catches his head and puts it on his shoulder. Bill hummed a soft tune, making his body slightly vibrate, which in turn calmed Dipper down. Not long after, Dipper was vast asleep. Bill started to slightly play with Dipper's hair. They sat there for a significant amount of time. Even Bill was starting to feel drowsy.

Then he suddenly felt heat from his side. He opened his eyes and looked. He couldn't see anything out of place, but he could definitely feel it. He let his hand softly go in the direction over Dipper's body. Carefully as not to wake him. He stopped at Dippers chest. He had a bad feeling.

He carefully put Dipper on his back into a soft pillow. He then slowly unwrapped the silk from his chest. Making sure that the blanket was covering the lower parts. What he saw was probably the reason that all this was taking so long. The two patches on Dipper's chest were slightly glowing a red colour. He held his hand above it and he could feel the heat. He then decided to touch it. It slightly burned him. He moved away from it for a moment to think about it. He looked at his hand that was slowly healing itself. Slower than normal. He was carefully considering his options. He looked back and forth between his hand and Dipper's chest. After what were hundreds of years in his head but just a few seconds, in reality, he carefully considered every option.

He carefully made a thick glove around one of his hands, and in the other appeared a flask. The fact that they were enchanted was obvious. An odd string went from the glove went to the opening of the lid. He slowly moved closer and stopped for a second, licked his lip, and he decided it was now or never. He put the glove on the place on his lower stomach. First noting seemed to happen, but then, Dipper's face distorted into a painful grimace. He opened his mouth to scream, but there was no sound. His eyes opened wide of shock, but there was no one home behind those dull eyes.

This only made Bill more determent to finish this. An odd combination of colours gathered in the flask. After a painful few minutes, this spot was done, when you looked at the skin there was an odd darker greyish spot, but it looked better. Dipper's breath hitched for a second but when he started again, it seemed better and smoother.

He looked at the flask, knowing that one day Dipper would have to take it back. He clearly already had built up a big resistance, so it would probably do not too much damage or harm. He looked back over Dipper who seemed to be sleeping better. He had to do it one last time. He placed his hand over the last remaining spot and an almost exactly similar scenario played out, the only difference was that it was shorter. Now that it was done it seemed that Dipper's breathing was a lot better and less painful. He put the flask away into his personal magic storage. He burned the glove and string. He let out a deep sigh and stretched his body. He decided to sit back down next to dipper and with a snap, his shoes and jacket were gone and he sat down. Taking one of Dipper's hands and placing a soft kiss on it. He kept holding onto his hands, and he slowly drifted off into sleep as well. Unaware of the scream that would later wake him.


It had been 4 days. And Dipper seemed to have gone into the final stage, finally. An end to all this was finally in sight. He was quite grateful. He first wanted to be next to Dipper in these moments, but the maid had kicked him out. He was not very happy about the actions of the maid. However, her priority was Dipper, not him happy. So, he had forgiven her, this once.

He was sitting upon his throne once again. Ticking his fingers in a fast rhythm against the side of the throne. He was staring with a fierce look at the wall. His ears perked, ready to jump up to teleport. Then a loud crash sounded, he looked to his side. One of his minions had dropped what he was holding. Bill was already agitated and annoyed. He was ready to release his frustrations on the poor being.

"May I know, what it is what you're doing?" he said through his clenched teeth trying to seem calm. Sarcasm dripping from his voice. He was staring daggers into the little one. You could see the big sweat drops slide down his neck. He swallowed audibly. He took a big shaky breath and started to speak. He calmed his nerfs to the best of his ability. He looked at Bill's feet not daring to look any higher.

"I-I a-a-apologise, oh, merc-ciful l-lord. How- however I g-got startled by the i-immense waive of magic you j-just send out. I-I-I hope you w-w-will forgive me this once." He pleaded. He knew that there was a big chance he would be killed for potentially blaming his mistake on Bill. But lying was probably even more dangerous.

Bill didn't really want an actual answer. He was ready to smite this underling. But then his words got through to him. Waive of magic? He had done no such thing. The servant had already started to clean up his mess and if he was lucky he would run while Bill was deep in thought. And hopefully, forget that this had happened. He was almost done with cleaning up when Bill's voice made him jump.

"Waive of magic?" he could feel Bill's eyes on him. "What are you talking about? I did no such thing." He knew that what he said next would determine his life. He didn't have a lot of time to think of a good answer.

"We-well sir I have n-n-never been the best at r-r-recognising magic sig-signatures. However, t-t-the magic levels mat-mat-matched yours, so I j-j-just assumed. If it wasn't your ma-magic sir, who else has s-su-uch high levels of magic? At least p-p-p-present here. I apologise if I of-off-offended you." He was so bad at lying and sweet-talking that he just decided to tell the truth. He hadn't much to lose, except you know, his life. He almost pissed himself, the overwhelming annoyance Bill was sending out, it was terrifying. He quickly looked up at Bill's face, to see how fucked he was. However, Bill was not looking at him and his eye was glowing a bright blue. His eye shot around.

Bill came to the conclusion that nothing new had entered this realm. Then what was the magic waive that insect had spoken off? After contemplating for a few minutes, he was about to ask something again. When he looked at the servant that was still trying to get his shit together. There suddenly ran a shiver over the small creature and almost dropped his stuff again. It was definitely not him. But this time he had a good idea where it came from, a grin was forming on his lips. He dropped down to the ground. He walked towards the small servant at a quick pace. He grabbed him by the back of his neck. A high-pitched squeak was heard from him when he felt the contact of the firm hand in the back of his neck.

He immediately stiffed up. He wanted to glance up, however, in the last moment, he thought. 'Ye, let's not risk my life for no reason. So, he just let himself be dragged along. He dropped the stuff back on the ground by letting it slide/roll gracefully of his body.

"Somebody clean that!" Bill spoke quite loudly. "No, clean everything!" He shouted seemingly in a better mood than he had been for a while. There came movement into the still-standing servants. They simply started to quickly perform the commands the Lord had given them. As they preferred it if Bill was in a good mood.

Bill and the still tightly held servant made their way through the Fearamid. The servant was starting to get dizzy, because of the speed and turns Bill was making. They soon reached a part of the castle the little demon had never been before. This part was definitely always off-limits. Once Bill finally stopped Infront of a door, he put the little one finally down. The little one almost fell over but not to anger Bill he did his best to keep standing. So, he just stumbled around for a bit. While trying not to puke and see his surroundings. The door in Infront of him was not big, rather it was quite humble with what Bill normally would choose. However, what he felt from inside the door was the same Magical presence that made him drop his stuff earlier. Now that he was closer he could feel that that was indeed different from Bill's. He had no idea what he was doing here, he looked up at Bill questioningly.

"Is this, what you felt earlier?" Bill asked slowly. He nodded his head quite fast that it was. Bill's face distorted into that of a twisted grin that could give you nightmares until the day you die. A shiver ran up his spine. He wanted to run. Runaway from it all. But fear kept him in place. Bill seemed to be consumed with thoughts, and with that face, it looked like it wasn't anything good. He suddenly slapped him on the back, it hurt, however, it didn't seem to be intended as something bad. He was looking down on him with that smile.

"You have my thanks little one. It seems I was so caught up in my own mind that I almost missed this moment." He spoke while his voice was almost electric with joy. "Come to me in two days so we can discuss your reward." He seemed to think for a moment while the little one nodded that he would. "Also, you and two of your friends can have a vacation of a month, and here." While he said the last thing, he placed his hand on his head. He felt a surge of power. It stung a little, but it soon ended. He looked down only to find that he and his powers had gone up. He got stronger. He moved up from being one of the lower demons. Not much, but it was more that he would have gotten on his own. He felt his cold heart race in excitement. He couldn't wait to test his new levels. He looked up at Bill again and in his hard, he swore that he would never betray this man. Bill waived for him to leave, which he did, after a shaky salute.


The urge to make this a cliff-hanger is so big right about now. But I won't, I'm not that much of a twat.

Or am I? : )

(And only after I double-check, we are already over the 2550 words. (I mean an actual chapter in real books is in between 3000 and 5000 words. 3000 being short and 5000 is long. I always try to get it in between that length. So it isn't that long, in actual book lengths. But I'm close. This is long for Wattpad))


Bill opened the door. What he saw wasn't exactly expected. The maid was on the floor, unconscious. Slummed against the wall. A slight amount of purple blood leaking from her head. In the middle of the room stood, STOOD, a naked Dipper. He was so surprised by the fact that he was actually standing on his own, that Bill barely noticed that he was naked. He seemed to be admiring himself in a full-body mirror. But once Bill got over the fact that he was on his feet. He did notice that Dipper was naked he got an odd feeling of, embarrassment? He wasn't so sure what it was. He tried not to look at the places that Dipper would yell at him for if he did. He quickly forgot his embarrassment when he noticed that Dipper wasn't extremely thin anymore. He seemed to be back at peak health, chiselled and all. He quickly noticed changes, extremely white skin. No pigment whatsoever. But his hair was still a warm brown colour, however, it had gotten longer. (That might have nothing to do with the transformation) Dipper was slowly moving his hands up his body feeling and touching himself to see if it was real. His nails were sharp and black. The black was not like nail polish but continued down his fingers ending in a fade at the base of his lower arms. His legs had a similar look. He then moved closer to the mirror, and he was now touching his own face. Then Bill took one more strep inside the room and the door closed behind him with a not so soft sound. This sound startled both of them. Dipper turned around with inhuman speed and froze when he noticed Bill. His former dark brown eyes, now an ice-cold blue/green combo, staring daggers into Bill. His mouth slightly open, lips were also black. From the insides of his lips dark and fading out towards the end of his lips. However, there seemed to be something slightly inhuman about it. Bill had to think about what it possibly could be when he noticed. His mouth was slightly different. It seemed that his corners were ripped out slightly, and a bit up. Like somebody had grabbed a knife and made perfect cuts of less than half a centimetre[1]. Making it seem like a slight smirk. His teeth were also pearly white bit seemingly sharper. Not pointy sharp but more like knife sharp.

There they stood, looking at each other. Waiting for the other to move first. Bill was the first to do something.

"P-Pinetree?" He softly spoke with a slight smile. He cursed himself for that stutter. He never stutters, but no, now, on this important moment, he does? He was thinking of jumping out of a window and turning his immortality off when he noticed Dipper's head slightly tilting while he looked curiously at Bill. His brows in a confused grimace. His nose twitched a bit, and he took a careful step closer. He seemed to be sniffing the air, like a confused animal. Bill looked worried at Dipper. He slowly lifted his hand towards Dipper. Dipper seemed nervous about it and froze again, for a moment. He then stepped a bit closer to the hand. His eyes going from the hand to Bill's face and back. Bill had a soft smile on his face and patiently waited for Dipper to get to him. Once Dipper did he was curiously staring at the hand. He slowly lifted his own hand towards it. Softy grabbing Bill's hand and studying it. Holding it close to his face. He was completely in his own world. Bill found this very cute. He slightly moved his hand higher and closer to Dipper's head. Dipper was curiously following it all with his eyes. He placed his hand on Dipper's cheek and softly moves his finger in a slow motion. Dipper seemed a bit confused about it, however, he didn't move away or object. Instead, he inhaled and then leaned into the touch, eyes slowly closing, his hand moved up a bit till it covered Dipper's ear. He felt that Dipper's ear had also gone through a slight change. The tip was slightly pointy. Bill slowly stepped forward to not startle to him. He carefully took Dipper's other arm and put it around his neck. He then put his own arm around Dipper's waist.

Dipper slightly froze up at this and opened his eyes. Only to look into the calm expression that Bill had on his face. It oddly calmed Dipper quite fast. Bill made Dipper's other arm also go around his neck and then placed his other hand also around his waist. He softly started to hum Dipper's favourite tune. He then carefully made a robe appear around dipper and then lifted him like a small child.

He turned to the bed and what he saw was a wreck. The bed was laying in shambles on the ground. The bed from Twilight was nothing compared to this. However, they didn't have demon powers so, fuck them. Within a blink there stood a new and maybe even bigger and better bed. Dipper had seemed to completely calm down and was slumped in his arms, his head on Bill's shoulder and half-closed eyes, enjoying the contact and tune Bill was still producing. Bill made the covers move backwards and sat down. Dipper on his lap. He removed his shoes and made the cover go over them both and he soon felt Dipper fall asleep. He glanced over at the maid. She wasn't looking too 'hot' at the moment. He made a move with his hand, and he teleported her to the hospital wing. The one that Dipper had convinced him to make. He slowly felt himself also losing the battle against sleep. And he closed his eyes, and let himself sink into the darkness. 


[1] less than half a centimetre. What I'm imagining in this story is about 0,4/0,3 cm.

1 inch is 2,54 cm. You can do the math yourself if you really want. Or just google it. Or if you're a big rebel, use Bing. 


Like, I want to continue right now on this chapy but this felt like a good ending of the chapter. So I hope yall enjoyed it. See yall next in the next one. Which is gonna be the other story first, sorry not sorry. I mean if your reading this you like Billdip, and that one is as well so you can quench your boredom there if you're that bored.

-Love, writer

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