A chill story

By TheSnowspeedster

1K 37 32

A fallen heroine who meets a criminal claiming to have the same cold powers as her and they end up falling in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

85 3 2
By TheSnowspeedster

"What's going on Caitlin?" starts to worry Frost "You don't want to come to see me in the visiting room anymore? Are you disappointed in me?"

"Relax Frost, everything is fine between us. You're still my beloved sister, I'll do anything to come and see you as many times as possible here and you don't disappoint me, on the contrary." said Caitlin trying to reassure the prisoner she has in front of her.

"So what is this about?"

"It's Cisco--"

"Is he in trouble?!" cuts in Frost

"No, it's not really that. He's leaving Central City and Star Labs." calmly replies the brunette scientist

"Oh... Why?" she says sadly

"Psych also used his powers on Cisco and he saw himself in the future, with white hair like yours. Except the rest of the team was gone, had moved on but he hadn't." explains Caitlin

"It was just a fear. Maybe in 30 years you'll still be at Star Labs. That's just an excuse."

"He found a job at A.R.G.U.S., which is a great opportunity for him. Kamilla wanted to leave, too. We can't be superheroes forever, he's been here since the very beginning, and we can't thank him enough for doing everything he has done and being everything he is, a brilliant scientist and a loyal friend."

"You're probably right... When are they leaving?" asks Frost

"Tomorrow. They've known for some time, but with your trial, they've preferred not to talk about it. Sadly, you won't be able to say goodbye to them, only family members can come and see you for now. I'm sorry."

"This is so unfair! He has done so much for me! I wouldn't be the same if he hadn't been there and he can't even come to see me one last time!" said Frost as she got angry and stood up from the chair

"Sit down prisoner 2110 or your visiting hours end now." grumbles a guard watching the room

Frost then sits back down, taking it upon herself to follow orders and channel herself.

"He told me to tell you that he was proud of how far you've come, and that you're welcome to come to Star City and say hello. It's not a goodbye, just a 'See you next time'. And if you stay in jail for a while, he'll come visit you sometimes, maybe you can call each other, I don't know if you're allowed to have hours on the phone right now but you will." Caitlin said

"That's...that's nice of him." Replies Frost, hoping it goes as well as Caitlin says. "Tell him I watched This is us with you and finally I like it, he kept saying that 'That cast is too precious for this world' when we were in the same body and I was criticizing the series."

"I'll tell him, I promise. What about you then, how are you doing? Is the food safe to eat?" the doctor asked

"Yes yes the food is fine" says Frost, lying since she hasn't been to the dining hall once since she arrived at Iron Heights the day before

"You have a fellow inmate?"

"Yes I have one."

"What's his name? Is he nice?" inquired Caitlin

"Um, his name is Mark...Mark Blaine" replies Frost

"Mark Blaine? That sounds familiar... Did you know him before prison? Did we arrest him with the team?"

"Yeah, um, how can I put this..." she pauses "He's the guy who was spying on us and ratted me out to Kristine Kramer." admits the meta

"What?! This must be a real nightmare for you Frost, I'm so sorry, I'm going to ask for a cell change for you. You can't stay with that criminal, it's not possible." Caitlin hastened to add

"I...I don't know Cait'..."

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" the young woman replies, asking herself quite a few questions "You can tell me anything, I'll love you just as much and I'll come to see you as soon as I can, I promise."

"I'm indeed angry with him, he ratted me out and spied on me but I did those crimes and I had to be punished, I turned myself in, I suggested going to jail rather than taking the meta-cure; I took responsibility for my actions you know what I mean?"

"I understand your reasoning but to tell you the truth I'm surprised that you've pretty much forgiven him...and so quickly."

"He's pretty nice to me, he's trying to make up for it now that I've explained my story. Without giving away any Star Labs secrets don't worry." Explains Frost

"It's kind of weird... You're a hero and he's a criminal. Be careful, don't get caught up in his shenanigans."

"I will be careful, I prom--"

"Visiting hours are over, back to your cells." Announces a supervisor, cutting Frost off

"What?! No, we haven't even been here 20 minutes!" Shouted the white-haired prisoner, starting to get angry from the frustration of not being able to talk to her sister any longer.

"Visiting time is 20 minutes, that's how long it is. Now go back to your room."

"Go to hell! She's my sister, it's not normal to see her for 20 minutes a week!" she screams.

Caitlin stands up and looks at Frost, she can see the distress and sadness in her eyes.

"It's okay Sister, I'll be back soon. You'll make friends and time will pass faster."

"Listen to your sister and calm down, or we will calm you down." The two guards say as they walk up to Frost.

Frost gets up in turn but it is to grab her chair and want to use it as a weapon, except that her chair is fixed to the floor so impossible for her to lift it. Tears come to her eyes as Caitlin walks away and as two guards approaching her with their hands on their tasers. A member of the prison staff pulls the scientist out of the visiting room to keep things from getting out of hand, unfortunately Frost loses control of herself and comes to bang on the glass between her and her sister, foolishly hoping it will break but it doesn't. One of the two guards takes out his taser and sends a good electric shock in the thigh of the prisoner who immediately feels the pain that tears her leg, especially since she is not used to be in pain since usually her powers heal her. She is petrified, trapped in her body and unable to stand on her two legs and she falls. One of the guards catches her and the second one comes to help to carry Frost to her cell.

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