The Power Within: A Rose Full...

By MynamebeMicah

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When 3 girls and 4 brothers supposedly meet for the first time, it turns out they aren't so different from ev... More

1. Andi
2. The New Kids On the Block
3. The office
4. The office Part 2
5. The Diner
6. Home Sweet Home
7. Home Sweet Home pt. 2
8. The Dangers of My Mind
9. The Dangers of My Mind Pt. 2
10. I hate Hospitals
11. I Miss You.
12. I'm Back...nevermind, I'm gone again.
13. I Hate you.
14. Fading memories.
15. The Lake of Anxiety
16. Dark everything
17. Back to Reality. (Names of the Characters)
18. The Secrets I Hide
19. Awoken to another Shitty Day
20. The Runt
21. Knocking on Another Dreams Door
22. The Guardians from Hell
23. Escaping an Artist of Escape
24. The Perfect Little Town
25. Regret
Long nights
The Ghosts of the Past
Chill My Guy
My Death Day
We are Monsters. Not Men.
The School
Sleep Deprived
Another Person's Chaos is another Person's Good Time
Make It Out, Dead or Alive.
Stolen Goods
What to do...What to do
Mommy Dearest
Separated Lies
The prank
Far Away from Love
The Operating Room
A New Better Day
My Shadow Monster
Another day, Another wave of pain
The Good, The Bad, and The Death
The Mother
The Fallen
Sleep Over
Sleepless nights
On the Inside
Mother of the Year

The Brain vs. The girl

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By MynamebeMicah

🥀Jonah's POV🥀

As Mary lays there, having a seizure, there's nothing I can do to help her. The nurses are pulling me back but I need to help her. I'm good at helping people with seizures. I help Luke with his and I have them myself. She has to be scared out of her mind. I feel so bad I can't help.

As I try to push through the crowd of nurses and Doctors trying to calm me down, I try to get it in their heads that I can help her. "Please! Let me help her! I can help her. Just let me help, please! She's scared. She needs me." As one of the Doctors emerges from the crowd, he puts a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, I know you want to help but just leave it to the professionals, sir."

"Please. At least let me hold her hand for five minutes, I can calm her down." I say, desperate to help, I hate seeing her scared. The nurses and Doctors finally got her sedated before the doctor sighed and let me through. As I rush to her side, her eyes are shut but she's still conscious. She can still hear me. "Mary, can you understand me?" I say as I grab her hand, stroking it lightly with my thumb. She nods her head a few moments after I ask my question.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, the doctor wouldn't let me in." I said as she opened her eyes a little. Her perfect blue iris' looking up at me, with the lights shining in her eyes, they look even more blue than when I saw them last. They're so beautiful. I would stare into them all night if I could.

Her hair is messy but it still falls perfectly beside her, it's as dark as my hair but it turns dark brown when the sun hits it. Every part of her is beautiful. I wish she knew that.

"Mary can you still hear me?" When she nods her head again, I get close to her ear and whisper, "You're so beautiful, you know that? When you smile, when you cry, when your angry, when your nervous, especially when you're happy. Your just so beautiful." As I kiss the top of her head, she points to where I kissed and started to whimper. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" She shakes her head but she grabs my hand and rubs my fingers on her forehead. "Does your head hurt?" She nods. She can't speak, the bleeding is proabaly affecting her ability to talk right now.

As one of the doctors come in, Mary makes noises and stuff to let the doctor know her head hurts as she points to it. The doctor comes over and looks at her head for her, "Honey, you need to move so I can see." As I scoot out of the way, Mary trys to pull my arm back to her, "Mary, they have to be able to get to you right here. I'm not gonna leave you." Mary calms down when I give her a small smile. As the doctor looks at her, she obeys every instruction she is told and does them all pretty well except talking for the most part. She can form some words but other than that, she can't complete a sentence.

"Okay, it seems like she has a little bit of brain damage at the left part of her brain where she uses the ability to speak so we might have to do surgery. Be prepared, you can't be in the operating room if she goes in for surgery. But after the surgery, she will have an increased opportunity to get her powers sooner and she will be able to talk and communicate with others but it may take a while to get it all back."
As I take in the information, a sudden question pops in my head, "It is possible to operate on the left side of someone's brain?" Suddenly the doctor looks at Mary and pats her hand, "Anything's possible." As she leaves the room, she turns back around remembering something, "Oh and a nurse will come in and sedate her more so she can rest so spend as much time as you can with her. We'll let you know if we do the surgery." As I nod, the doctor leaves me and Mary alone.

"Did you hear that, Mary? I'm not gonna be able to stay with you if you get the surgery. But I'll be right here when you get back. I'm not gonna leave you." As she tries to form words, she gets frustrated with herself. "Shhh, take your time. I'll be patient. You got this." As I give her a slight smile, she tries again. After making a couple sounds, she finally says a couple words. "Eh...Eh- Th- thank- k- ooh-you...f- for- be-being, eh, he- here..." As I smile, she gives a goofy little sideways smile, "You're welcome, Mary. Your still helping me study when we get outta here, right?" I said smiling like a goofball but I don't think she minded. When she shook her head, she smiled at me. "Yes, you are. Your helping me, Ms. Smarty Pants." As she giggles, she shakes her head again. "N-no, I- I- not." She had a weird voice right now but I couldn't ask her to be be any cuter. "Okay, Okay, you don't have to do it. I'll you let you slide this time." I say as a nurse comes in, soon gently shoving me out of the way. This time Mary is a little more calmer but she still has a sad look on her face.

"It's okay, Mary. Don't be sad or scared." As I turn my attention to the nurse, she is giving Mary more medicine to help her rest. As the nurse finishes, I decide to ask about the surgery, "Has the doctor decided on the surgery yet?" When she speaks she doesn't turn to look at me at first. "I believe so. I think they are gonna come in an hour or so to get her prepared." That's good. I barley know her but I'm gonna miss her a lot. "How long is the surgery gonna take?"

"It should only take 2 or 3 hours. And she'll be good as new." As I look over at Mary, she has a tired smile on her face. "Well, I'll leave you two alone to spend some time together before she has to go to her surgery. She'll be just fine." As the nurse leaves, me and Mary are once again left alone.

I turn to her as she makes giggly noises and spreads out her arms for a hug. As I walk to her bedside, her smile gets wider and wider. "You want a hug?" I ask as I bend down and gently wrap my arms around her. She wraps her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear, "Y-you ma-m-make me s-so ha-happy, J- Jo-Jonah." She laughs at the end which makes me smile. I like the way she says my name. She's adorable. I just want to hold her and never let her go.

"Mary while you go to the surgery, I can't go with you so are you gonna be brave for me, please?" She doesn't answer but she waves her hands for me to come closer. She puts her hands on my face as I sit down next to her bed, "What's wrong?" I ask as my brows furrow. As she slowly wraps her hands around my neck, she kisses the top of my head.

Suddenly a bunch of doctors and nurses come in and come and get me. When I turn to say goodbye to Mary, she has tears in her eyes, "P-Please d-don't le-l-leave me." Her voice stutters but I can still understand her with her slow words.

"I wish I could stay, but I can't. I'll be here when you get back." She seems suspicious of my words. "You P-promise?" Her misused words are so cute. "I promise, Andersen. I'll be here." She gives me a smile as I walk out and let all the doctors and nurses transport her to the operating room, they go ahead and sedate her the rest of the way before she looks away from me.

As I walk down the hall and ask the reception where Amber and Andi's rooms are, luckily Jack appears and gets me, taking me to Amber's room first.


As Jonah and Jack walk into my room, Jonah has a worried expression written all over his face. Jake is the first one to speak, "How is she?" Jonah doesn't look up, he just stares off but he answers the question, "She has bleeding on the left side of her brain, she can't speak very well and she had...she had a seizure. She has to have surgery. It should take about 2 to 3 hours. But at least if she survives, she will have her powers sooner." His expression doesn't change at all. He just looks empty.

"Jonah, she will be okay. She's tough...and really fucking brave. She'll make it through." Luke says next. Jonah walks straight to Luke and gives him a hug.

"I love you guys but please, please don't tell me she's gonna make it through this. We don't know that. Everyone who's around us dies, one way or another. They always die, without fail. Every god damn time. And Im fucking sick of people telling me it's gonna be okay, because its NOT. It's never gonna be okay. Never. And you guys know that so just save the hope speech." As Jonah lowers his head, the whole room is silent. It feels like the whole hospital is quiet. Suddenly a bunch of doctors and nurses in black lab coats rush towards the operating room, making Jonah jump up to his feet. "Why do they have black lab coats instead of white ones? Is that how they separate the power doctors with the normal ones?" I ask abruptly making everyone turn towards me.

Jack speaks while placing a hand on Jonah's shoulder as he watches the crowd go into the operating room. I can see the worry on Jonah's face grow as he can barley stand in one spot. " Well, everyone's in the loop here. The regular doctors need to know the patients abilities to keep them stable but if it gets...if it gets really bad...then they bring in the professionals which are the people who deal with your Mary." Suddenly Jonah turns slowly to look at Jack with a pale face. His breathing gets uneven and Jake, Jasper and Luke rush over to help him.

I wish I could do something. I wonder why no ones with Andi...oh shit. "Guys, I don't think Mary's the one in trouble. I think it's Andi. Has anyone checked on her?" Everyone looks towards Luke and he has a dissapointed look towards himself.

When everyone except Jake leaves, he stays by my side. "Go. I'm fine." I say pushing him to go but he has a confused look on his face. "No. I'm staying here with you. I'm not leaving you alone knowing you could get hurt. Those assholes could come here and hurt you. I'm not taking any chances." As he sits on the edge of my bed next to me. My mind wanders from him to whoever is in trouble.

"Jake, what if it was both of them?" He gives me another confused look, "What do you mean if it was both of them? Like if Andi had an episode and Mary had another seizure at the same time?"

"Yeah." I said suddenly feeling a breeze sending chills down my spine, making me shiver. "Cover up, princess. You'll get sick." Jake said not even looking at me but he got off the bed so I can get the covers over me.

As he stops at the hallway, he looks out to the crowded halls with separated workers rushing to help the people who are in danger. I can tell he really wants to be there for support. There's no way I'm letting him feel guilty for not helping again. I hate seeing him in pain.

As I get up, he has a confused look on his face. "What are you doing? Your hurt. You need to get back in bed." I give him a harsh look. I didn't want to but it was the only way I could get him to listen to me. "You want to help. I know you do. Even if you can't help, I'm not keeping you from them. I don't want you feeling guilty again. I can't see you hurt like that again. I've had too much of that shit this week alone. I don't need you moping around like a lost puppy for the rest of the year. Now come-on and help me so we can make it down there." As he quickly gives me a hug, he picks me up with little effort. He could have just got a wheelchair but okay. I won't complain.

As we make it down there, Jonah is the first one we notice. As Jake puts me down and helps me walk, Jonah looks worried still but at least he's calmer than before. Jake speaks to the group first, "What's going on, guys?" Jonah doesn't speak but Jack gives us the run down, "Andi had another episode and Mary...well, she's not doing so well so they brought in the doctors who specialize in their field. It's kind of like the doctors are assigned to each part of the body, which is the part of the body your powers affect the most. So Mary's would be the brain and Andi's would the brain cause that is where most of their power comes from. Amber, your's would be your heart so the lab coats of the doctors would be a different color. If someone was fast, it would be their legs or their heart, so the leg doctors would be a different color and so on and so forth."

Luke seems confused, "So each part of the body, if it had powers, it has a specific color and type of field of doctors and nurses that specialize in that field of power?" Jack nods as Luke continues, "So basically like a regular hospital but the fields are parts of the body that have designed powers to that part of the body." Jack nods again.

I speak next, "Wait, so if say, Nina had something wrong with her, she would come here and since she has specific powers which makes her fast, her doctors would specialize in the heart or legs, right?" Jack nods a third time. "Every individual person has a specific field they need to survive if anything happens so if Andi or Mary have any more problems with their head, they would need the people in the black lab coats."

As everyone starts to understand, a doctor comes running up to Jonah. "Sir, your friend is stable for now but the doctors are trying to help her and as for the other girl, her brain has somehow made her think she's seeing people who aren't really there. Sir, do you have any clue as to why she is having this many episodes coming and going?" That last part was directed to Jack.

"No, I don't. But I am working on it." Jack says as the doctor nods and turns to me. "Ma'am I know you want to be here but you need to go back to your room."

"I'm sorry but I'm not leaving. I feel fine." I say as Jake puts his hand on my back. I used to hate when people did that because of Adam but now I like it when Jake does it. It makes me feel safe. The doctor sighs, "You people really don't follow instructions do you?"

We all answer in unison, even Jonah. "Nope." The doctor rolls his eyes and continues to give us information about the two girls as a random nurse whispers in his ear. "Mary is done with her surgery and Andi is stable. But they are both restrained so you might want to make your visit quick." As the doctor leaves, there is a nurse waiting for us to follow her to the operating room.

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