Eyes On You: Book-1 [A Mycrof...

By atqarxia

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[COMPLETED]- 70K WORDS Book-2 Is Out!!! Here is the link- https://www.wattpad.com/story/278535595-eyes-on-yo... More

Eyes On You
Chapter 1- Tara Matthews
Chapter 2- The Iceman
Chapter 3- Brother Mine
Chapter 4- The Request
Chapter 5- Cheesecake and Tea
Chapter 6- Cheesecake and Tea Part-2
Chapter 7- Surprise?
Chapter 8- Surprise? Part-2
Let's Talk
Chapter 9- Happy Together
Chapter 10- Mistake
Chapter 11- Confrontation- Stop Lying
Chapter 12- The Intervention
Chapter 13- Dinner
Chapter 14- Not a Mistake
Chapter 15- Emoticons and Serbian
Chapter 16- Mac 'n' Cheese, Mummy, and The bottle of Haig
Chapter 17- Cold, distant, rude, and obnoxious lover
Chapter 18- Patience and The Extra mile
Chapter 19- The 2001 St Emilion and Paragliding
Chapter 20- The 1968 Cherry Blossom, Ulysses, and Vintage film noirs
Chapter 21- Rum and Shopping
Chapter 22- Sanity and Childhood Bedrooms
Chapter 23- Sanity and Childhood Bedrooms Part 2
Chapter 24- Sabotage and The Other One
Chapter 25- Mary Poppins' Pity Chocolate souffle
Chapter 26- The Gun and The Punching bag
Chapter 27- The Witch and the Diplomatic Fire
Chapter 28- The Booty Call and The Chrysanthemum
Chapter 29- Relationships with Heroin and Syrah
Chapter 31- Spice Girls' Night
Chapter 32- The Home Pregnancy Test
Chapter 33- These Boots are Made for Walking
Chapter 34- The Steel Horse and The Rose
Chapter 35- Sibling Rivalry and the Blogger
Chapter 36- The Complete Love of an Incomplete Life
Chapter 37- Dinosaurs, Ladybugs, and Dragon Slayers
Chapter 38- A Tiny Brown Woman
Chapter 39- Promises of the Past and Present
Chapter 40- The Signs of Three
Chapter 41- The Two and a half feet tall Troublemaker
Chapter 42- Here be Dragons
Chapter 43- Is everyone I've ever met a psychopath?
Chapter 44- The Happily Ever After
Chapter 45 - You're the love of my life
Chapter 46 - Ayesha Leela Sareen
Chapter 47- Sane love is no love at all
Chapter 48- A kidnapper to Catch
Chapter 49- Time to Meet
Chapter 50- Better luck next time
Thank You and Good Night!
Eyes On You Book-2 !!!

Chapter 30- Dirty Laundry, Afghans, and Pillow Talk

320 17 3
By atqarxia

'I'm going to be late, darling' he muttered

'I just need 15 minutes' she kissed him, to stop his talking.

'I'll give you 5' he offered.

'Let's meet halfway, 10 minutes' She smirked.

'I can't say no to you' Mycroft smirked and rolled Tara over the couch. He kissed her neck, causing her to arch her neck backward and moan. He nibbled on her lip before shoving his tongue down her throat, sliding his hand up her thigh. He marked her as he ground against her hip slowly, making her moan as he teased her. Her nails dug deep into his back as he moved. She pushed him off and started to push his head down her body. He stopped and looked up at her 'My jaw still hurts from last night.' He told her.

'Then stop talking' she whispered, clutching his hair, she pushed him down. He smirked and obliged, sliding down her body.

They were interrupted by a knock, on Tara's door. 'Tara, open up. I don't have all day' they heard Sherlock's voice from the other side of the door.

'You have to hide' she panted and pushed him off her, as she got up.

'What's the point he already knows?' he reasoned and smoothened his clothes.

'I don't want to parade my sex life in front of Sherlock, do you?' she questioned, remembering how terribly it had gone the last time.

Mycroft also remembered how brutal his brother had been in teasing them on their sex life. He shook the memory away. 'No, but this is ridiculous' he told her. It wasn't like he stopped by for a free fuck.

'Shushhh. Stay here, don't move' Tara ordered Mycroft, pushing him down, she threw an afghan over him before she donned her robe and opened the door.

She opened the door slightly and stuck her face out. 'Hey, Sherly. What up?' She greeted Sherlock in street lingo. She laughed nervously. She was losing her touch in lying, she might as well tell him herself. So many dead giveaways: Her flushed cheeks, messed up hair, the obvious hickey on her neck, her silk robe, not opening the door wide and sticking her head out through the tiny gap.

'First, don't ever call me that. The name is Sherlock' Sherlock corrected her.

'Right' she nodded.

'Second, I am in a hurry and Rosie wouldn't go to school until she gets her ladybug soft toy. So,..' he told her.

'Right, you stay right here while I go get that lady bug' she said before shutting the door in his face.

She looked around the living room in a hurry for the ladybug soft toy. Rosie stayed over a lot at Tara's apartment when she was babysitting her and she was always leaving behind her stuff. You could hardly expect a four-year-old to be responsible about her things.

Mycroft found the toy under the couch he was currently occupying and threw it at Tara. Tara shot him a glare, making him go back under the afghan he had creeped out of before she opened the door to return the toy to Sherlock. 'Here you go' she handed him the soft toy and shut the door in his face.

'One last thing' Sherlock jammed the door with his foot.

'Yeah, what is it?' she asked nervously.

'What is that lump under that afghan?' Sherlock asked with a sly smile. Mycroft's eyes shot open under the afghan. He knew he had been made but he was too embarrassed to come out.

'Just my laundry' Tara chuckled nervously.

'You sure have a lot of dirty laundry to do' Sherlock chuckled.

She furrowed her brows and smiled, not understanding what Sherlock was implying. 'I sure do. Now you have a real nice day. Bye!' she shut the door in Sherlock's face.

'Good morning, Mycroft. The sex is lowering your IQ. You might want to get your head out of Ms. Matthews and into other things.' Sherlock shouted from the other side of the door and made a whip crack on his phone, finally getting the context right.

'Told you it wouldn't work.' Mycroft got up from under the afghan, throwing it across the room.

'It was a desperate woman's desperate attempt. I would never hear the end of it if Sherlock saw you half-naked on my couch' Tara nervously rambled.

Mycroft rubbed his hands over his face, maybe Sherlock was right. Sex was lowering his IQ or both of their IQs. Why did he hide under the stupid afghan when he could have just gone to the bedroom? 'You know this would be a lot easier if we lived together' He mused. The words that came out of his mouth surprised him the most. Sharing his personal space with someone was the thing he hated the most, yet here he was. He knew when he starting sleeping with her that anything he had with her would be too real for his liking. But he couldn't help himself. They knew too much about each other, yet they knew nothing. They understood what it was like in the other person's world. Both of them entered this relationship knowing it was a horrible mistake, no sane person would make after knowing all the facts. But they weren't two sane people. They were two people who in spite of all their knowledge and training had chosen to put their heart in the front seat of their car and thrown their brain out of the window and were now driving away on the road of life.

'Are you asking me to move in with you?' Tara asked in bafflement. She thought about the janitor's words. This was exactly the kind of mistake she was talking about. This was the kind of mistake, she was warned not to make. Being in a relationship with Mycroft Holmes was equal to putting an open target on her head and shouting to the entire world to come, get her. But the janitor had also said that this was her chance. But, what she was doing was pure insanity.

'Yes. Financially it makes perfect sense. You spend most days in my house so, why not. And it would be nice not to bump into my brother every time I spend the night' he explained.

'Promise me something' she asked him

'Anything' Mycroft turned to face her and assured her.

'I can't live in that house alone, Mycroft' she told him in total seriousness.

'I'm not going anywhere' Mycroft said and brought his hand up to her cheek, pinching it ever so lightly as he caressed her face.

She tilted her head in obvious disbelief. It wasn't him she didn't trust, but his job. 'We're three months into this year and you've been gone for 6 weeks. That's half of that time. Mycroft, I'd get very lonely in that house.' She told him.

'It's not always going to be like this. I promise' Mycroft assured her.

Averting her gaze, she thought about. She was tired of living alone and she did want to be with Mycroft. 'Okay' she muttered reluctantly.

'Okay, what?' Mycroft asked her.

'Okay, I'll move in with you, you egghead' she smacked his head and pulled him into a kiss.


Pillow Talk:

Tara stirred awake at the sound of the wind chimes on her balcony. She slightly opened her eyes and found her husband staring at her face. A charming smile plastered on his face, the same one that had made her fall madly in love with him. 'What are you doing?' she asked groggily and closed her eyes again, taking her sweet time to get adjusted to the light of the room.

'I like watching you sleep' he said and kissed her nose.

She scrunched her nose and brought her hand to her face, scratching her nose. 'Weirdo' she muttered and snuggled closer, embracing his warmth. 'Was I snoring?' she asked. She knew she snored sometimes. She felt absolutely humiliated when her husband had told her about it when they first started seeing each other. He told her she only snored rarely and she wasn't loud. She had those soft cute snores. It still didn't make her feel better but he found it endearing and cute.

He smiled and nodded 'A little bit'

She stirred and moaned as she opened her eyes again, looking up at her husband. 'What were you thinking?' she asked and turned on her side, to face him.

'The way I love you...' he mused.

Tara furrowed her brows in confusion.

He turned, lying on his side propped up on one elbow with his hand supporting his head. 'I love you more today than I did 12 years ago. It's funny... I love you more today than I did yesterday and I know I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today.' He told her with a smile, leaning forward to capture her lips in his.

She would cringe at the cheesy dialogue if she wasn't completely mesmerized by this man. 'I feel the same way. It's almost crazy' she muttered into the kiss and chuckled.

He watched her laugh. That laugh, he loved that laugh. 'You know the first day I met you... This strange feeling spread through my chest... It wasn't love. No, that would be ridiculous. Not to mention too soon... No, it was admiration. You're so bright,... so radiant, it was blinding.' He said thinking about the first time he met her. He gently pushed the hair out of her face as he spoke. She challenged him. She told him he was wrong. She made herself heard. She stood up for herself. His cold exterior didn't scare her away, she didn't care what he thought. She just existed. She was herself.

'Huh?' she furrowed her brows in confusion and smiled.

He huffed a laugh and explained. 'Metaphorically... You had this fire... I was attracted to that fire, it was consuming,... and it never died. I knew I would love you and I wouldn't be able to stop. I knew that was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and I never wanted to let go. I still feel that way, when I see you. The life we've built together, for each other, it is everything I never dared to dream for myself' he told her.

Tara smiled and brought her hand up to his cheek, caressing it ever so lightly. She was enamored with the man lying in front of her. She looked into his grey eyes, wondering how her life could get so perfect. 'When I think of our life together, I feel complete. I never want to stop feeling this way, I want to feel this every day for the rest of my life. There's nothing I would change. Anything that comes our way... I know we'll be fine. There is nothing that could separate us... This feeling it's not about this moment or this house or everything we've accomplished together. It's you. It's always been you... If I had to pray to God today, I wouldn't know what to ask for because I got more than I deserved... This. Us. It's more than what I could ask for and it's... perfect. I love you and I will never stop' she said, looking into his eyes.

He leaned forward and left a soft kiss on her lips.


Tara knocked on 221b Baker Street. She is greeted by John's confused face.

'Get your coat. I need to talk'


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