Ease My Mind || SPN: Ketch x...

Oleh muhlemule

1.3K 45 2

Secret relationship. Let's see how long the two can keep the secret. also some crowley x reader in here. Lebih Banyak

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 1

264 10 0
Oleh muhlemule

Your POV

My brothers, the Winchesters, aren't too fond of the British Men of Letters. However I feel like I have a decent relationship with them. I might still dislike them, but I joined their band of men and became one of their hunters.

Although, it's mostly doing whatever Arthur Ketch tells me to do. He started out being stricted, but soon got more nicer.

Sam and Dean doesn't know that I joined forces with our enemies, but I could care less about whatever they have to say to me.

Ketch is kinda like my boss. He tells me what I need to do, and I do it. The downside is that I don't get paid, however I'm saving lives.

"Y/n." I heard Ketch call my name out as I was fidgeting with a pen in Mick's office, checking out files.

"Yes? Sorry, I was looking at papers."

"There's another hunt. I cannot do this one solo, so I'm asking if you would like to join me."

Tilting my head upwards, I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah, of course. Where?" I slightly furrowed my brows, wondering.

Ketch had his hands behind his back with a serious expression on his face. Wearing his typical black hunting outfit on.

"Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Werewolf pack."

"Alright. I'll gear up and meet you by the gate."

Ketch nodded in response, leaving me to grab my stuff. After the minutes past, and I was down by the gate, I saw Ketch getting his motorcycle ready.

Once he noticed my presence, Ketch put down his helmet and walked over to me. His arms rested by his sides instead of in front or behind of himself.

"It'll be a quicker hunt if we only take my motorcycle, however if you want to take your car too, then it wouldn't be a big deal.

I was scared to decline it, no doubt, so I agreed to go on the same vehicle. "Yeah. That sounds fine. I'm tired to drive anyways."

With a simple head nod in response, Ketch turned back and headed towards the bike. I followed him, handing him my bag.

My bag was placed safely and secure, as I was waiting for what happens next. Ketch grabbed his helmet and extended his arm out to allow me to grab it. "You only have-"

"One. I know. Take it, you need it more than me." Ketch stated, still offering.

As a slight confusion rose to my face, I took the helmet and placed it on my head. Ketch sat on the bike, turning it on.

His head whipped to his left, staring me down as he was waiting for me to hop on. I've never been on a motorcycle before, so lets see how poorly I get for riding.

Once I was sat behind Ketch, he revved the engine. "You might wanna hold on, dear." He said.

Feeling a bit weird, I wrapped my arms around him before he revved again and took off after a guard opened the gate. We were on the road.


Pulling up to a hotel building, Ketch parked in a space and turned off the motorcycle. I took off the helmet, which was sweaty, and put it to my side.

Ketch kicked the kick stand to let the bike lean a tad. He got off first, then suddenly putting a hand out for me. Being nice and respecful, I took the hand and got off the bike as well.

"I got us one room with one bed. You take the bed and I'll take the couch." Ketch talked as he grabbed both our bags.

"Ketch, I can't. You take it."

"This isn't an arguement, Y/n."

He sounded more serious than normal, so I just responded with a quiet head nod. I didn't want to argue about it, although I was trying to be a nice person.

After passing me my bag, I followed Ketch inside the hotel lobby. It was nice. Nicer than the motels my brothers and I go to. Ever.

Ketch checked us both in as I took in the beauty of the place. Although, I thought I heard him mumbling about a three or four star hotel.

"Y/n." He said, using a hint of annoyance.

"Sorry." I quickly apologized, following him to the elevator.

Getting up to our floor, we both stepped out of the elevator and I waited for Ketch to open the door with the keycard.

Being successful on the third try, Ketch finally managed to get us in the room- which I will say is beautiful. I've never would've thought about actually being in a decent hotel room.

"It's pretty dark outside, and we have much to do tomorrow. I'm off to bed, but you can do whatever you want, just don't wake me up."

"Understood, sir." I gulped.

Hearing a sigh underneath his breath, Ketch looked annoyed as he got somewhat settled into the couch, started to drift off to sleep.

I was the opposite. Placing my bag down, I got under the covers and charged up my phone. It was decently quiet, the only noise coming from the outside.

When suddenly I got a text. One where I might get in trouble. It was from my brother, Dean.

Where are you?? Sam and I haven't spoken to you all day, and you didn't call or text us!

I replied back to Dean to where I was and what I was doing, without mentioning Ketch. My brother doesn't know I'm with the whole organization, and they don't need to know.

Dean responded back, but I knew he was pissed off. He didn't text it, but I knew. Dean will tell Sam, and they'll suspect that I'm with Mick or Ketch.

I'd be surprise if they didn't suspect it. Although my brothers are pretty smart, so I'm sure they'll figure out soon enough.

Then suddenly, I heard a phone go off. It wasn't mine, so it had to be Ketch's phone. I heard him sigh and sit up on the couch. He had just a regular shirt and shorts on... huh.

"What is so important?" Ketch said, rubbing his forehead in a tired way. A few seconds past before he spoke again. "No. Lads, I'm trying to sleep. Speak again soon, goodbye."

Not a slam or a gentle placement, but a toss on the coffee table. I'm sure he didn't care to bother about it.

I don't know who he was talking too, but whoever it was, they needed something from Ketch really bad. But honestly, I can't think about who the caller was without thinking more about his choice of outfit.

"That was your brother. Wanted to know where we both where." Ketch said in a exhausted voice. "Don't worry, I didn't say I was with you."

"Okay." I said, not knowing what else I've could've said. "Well... goodnight, Ketch."

"Night, Winchester."

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