The Major's Swan Song

By moon-walker

111K 2.6K 623

We all know Edward & Bella's love story but what if there was another Swan daughter. One who lived life as if... More

Story Cast
They're Finally Coming
Father-Daughter Reunions
First Day & Love at First Sight
Finally We Meet
Lunch in a Fishbowl
The Fuck is Up with Edward
In a Weeks Time
Edward's Back, but at least I got a Cookie
Car Accidents & Meeting Papa Cullen
Field Trips & First Interactions
Dinners & Revelations
Family Bonding & Valentine's

First Dates & First Nights

8.2K 185 62
By moon-walker

Alana~Grace POV
Saturday mornings are supposed to be peaceful, where you lay in bed and enjoy the morning as you release the stress from the week that's just finished. And yet here I am, stressed as fuck- why because my mother won't stop calling my phone- why because my pretentious twin is a brat who complains and whines everytime the world doesn't spin in the same direction as she does. Bella maybe academically superior to most  kids age but socially and emotionally she's still has her terrible twos moments.
And because of those moments, I have been woken up at 8 am - ON A SATURDAY to receive some half assed lecture from my mother about how Bella was trying to look out for me and then berating me for my singing jobs back in Phoenix and here. And obviously because I'm a ray of fucking sunshine at 8 am with no caffeine in my system, I just hung up. But if course mother-like-daughter she kept calling back demanding I grow up so I reminded her which of her children actually grew up. Just because she doesn't agree with my job doesn't mean my job wasn't useful to me, her and Bella.
Bella has never even had a job before! Why? Because my job payed everything either of us could have needed, it helped with paying the bills until Renee married Phil. Hell I bought my own fucking car and learned financial independence thanks to my fucking job! My job never stopped me from being at the top of my class, consistently on honor roll. My job never stopped me from helping my family everytime they needed me. So I cheerfully told my mother to call me back only when she got her head out of her ass and stopped playing favorites with her kids & went back to my Saturday morning.

I went down stairs to see dad at the table with a cup of coffee and the paper. I greeted him with a kiss to the cheek and a hug.
"Morning Daddy, omelettes okay for breakfast?"

"Sounds good sweetie. You excited for your first night?"
"Yeah, it hasn't been long but I miss singing you know,"
He smiles at me nodding, "it's something you love to do Squirt! I'm glad your able to do this,"
This, this is why, I love my dad soooo goddamn much.
As I finished up our omlettes to eat there was a knock at the front door.
"I'll get it Squirt," Dad walked to answer the door.

My back was turned getting the coffee when I heard a throat clear behind me and when I turn around I see my father and Jasper Hale standing in the kitchen - and I'm in kitten pajamas! My ass says MEOW - what the actual FUCK!

"I believe he's here for you Squirt," dad says with an amused grin, no doubt entertained by the cutisie but embarrassing pajamas I'm wearing. Jasper wearing a similar expression - Gods take me now.

"Actually sir, I'm here to see the both of you,"
Confusion set in on my father's face but I knew what this was. I had told Jasper that whoever I choose to be with would have to be approved by my dad, because my dad is one of the best men I know. Did he really take what I said to heart....

"Cheif Swan, first I want to apologise for coming over unannounced but I wanted to do this before I lose the nerve. Your daughter is by the far one of the most intelligent, loyal, kind-hearted and beautiful young women I have ever met & I know your opinion means the world to her, so I've come to ask for your permission to take her on a date today and hopefully if all goes well, I'd like for her to be my girlfriend. I know you start work tonight and I promise to have you back in time to get ready Lana, it's just lunch. So if you'll have me, I'd love to take you out,"

Oh my Gods! I don't know this expression on Dad's face; shocked, amazed, flustered?? All I know is my fave probably matches his. I look over at my dad again to see him smiling.

" I've always appreciated those who can be straight forward with me, and its obvious you are dead serious here about my daughter. I don't even think I would've have the guts to this when I was your age. So long as you treat my daughter right, you have my permission to date her. But this is your only warning son- if I ever see my babygirl shed a year for you, for any reason, just know that policeman's oath or not, I'll hunt your ass to the ends of the Earth," aww Daddy 🥺🥰

"You have my word sir, I'll treather like the Queen she is; Thank you. Well Alana, what do you say? Would you like to spend the day with me?"

"Yeah, let me just get ready. Dad I'll just wrap this omlette and stick it in the microwave for Bella if she wants it. You gonna tell me where we're going so I can dress appropriately, Mr. Hale?"

He chuckled before repainting, "I'd say comfortable, but you can't get more comfy than what your wearing right now. Just follow my outfit, something you can move in, were gonna have to walk a little,"

That earned a laugh from dad too!

I ran upstairs to take the fastest fucking shower of my life, mentally planning cute outfits. And just as quickly I was in my room getting dressed, and doing my make up and hair. Did Alice & Rose know he was gonna do this today? Some bffs they are; a little hint would've been nice !!!! Well this is as good as he gets for this shit,

Coming back down stairs, I see my dad and Jasper sitting, talking, & laughing. I'm happy to see them getting along, "I like him Squirt, keep him,"
I beam wider knowing my dad approves wholeheartedly. And the fact that he said it in front of Jasper says a lot more.
Kissing my dad on the cheek, I respond, "I fully intend too. I'll see you soon Daddy,"

I walked outside to see a beautiful classic mustang parked behind my jeep.

"Jasper, I didn't think I could get more attracted to you until now,"
"Glad you approve darlin'," He opened the door for me before jogging around to the drivers side.
It didn't take us long to leave town and come to a dirt trail.

"Jasper, where are you taking me?"

"Almost there, just a short walk. In fact, hop on and clothes your eyes,"
"What no, I can walk; you don't have to carry me,"
"It's not about 'want' sweetheart, it's about my desire to have you in my arms. Purely selfish on my part,"
"No, absolutely no-Awww! Jasper put me down!"
Before I knew I was being bridal carried to the most gorgeous lake, I mean aesthetically beautiful with crystal like water. He'd set out a small picnic with soft pillows for us to sit on, a thick blanket and an endless amount of pastries. It was simple and pure and undeniably perfect.

He took my hand and led me to sit down, "Now I absolutely suck at cooking but my mother, Esme must have been a gourmet chef in another life because I promise these will be the best crepes you've ever had,"

"You had your mother cook for me?"

"Believe me, she happily offered; so long as I promised to bring you home to meet her and Carlisle soon,"

"I'd be honored," Jesus! I see what he meant by the greatest freaking crepes. I couldn't stop the moan that came forth. Good lordy my taste buds and my soul have been simultaneously satisfied. It didn't take long for me to blow through the first one and while my head was down I caught the scent of cinnamon.

"You said cinnamon hot chocolate was your favorite right?" Could he be anymore perfect, I have no fucking clue!
"You seem to know all my favorites and yet never share any of yours,"

"Well darlin' what do you wish to know?"
"Everything your willing to tell me,"

Taking my hand and using his free one to wipe some chocolate off my lips with his thumb before eating it him self.
"Well most important thing is, I'm crazy about you & everything having to do with you. From your raspy voice, delicate body, strong & independent mind, sense of humor - every damn thing about you drives me wild & I can't wait to see more,"
And now I'm blushing, I probably matches Jessica Rabbit's EVERYTHING! I couldn't even react, and any hope for a brain reboot went out the window when he lifted our intertwined hands and kissed my knuckles.

"Has anyone ever told you that your ridiculously amazing at dazzling people,"
"No people are usually to scared to speak to me, let alone get to know me," he chuckled

"How? Your one of the most understanding and complex people. You observe, empathize, & understand with a capacity that licensed therapists could only hope to. Your sweet and intelligent and funny. Your actually the only guy who's ever caught my attention and I'm so glad you are because I don't think they make them any better than you,"

Jasper just stared at me, smiling but his eyes held more. It felt like he wanted to say something, something important but was holding back. I won't push, when he wants to tell me- I'll be waiting with open arms. As I was lost in thought, it seems that Jasper came to a conclusion of his own. One that I was very happy about...

Gods I know he said he looked delicious but to actually taste him was an experience into another dimension. It was like chocolate and honey with a hint of spice. His lips were firm with their intent and his skill was phenomenal. I felt like I had no control of my body and that's because I gave it to him because I know he would never abuse it or manipulate it.
I have know idea how long we stay lip locked but I know it wasn't nearly enough, but unfortunately human beings dorequire oxygen.

"Is that girlfriend offer still on the table?"
"Good, consider yourself taken from this point forward,"
He didn't respond, only smiling before bringing me into another kiss. We spent the rest of our time alone talking about everything from family and our individual situations of being fostered and in divorced scenarios to the kind of goals and dreams we have in the future. I know I shocked Jasper when I said I was interested in law.
"What drew you to law?"
"Honestly, I first got interested when I watched all these crime shows when I was younger but there was an incident with one of my mother's old boyfriend's and I had to testify against him. The lawyer that was putting him on trial was amazing and I knew I wanted to be just like her; smart and strong and protecting people. I don't know if I'd do criminal law though; maybe charity work or no profits,"
"Your so amazing. To take something negative in your life and turn it into a passion,"
"Well I'm sure your passionate about something too,"
"I don't really know if I'm passionate about anything because I seem to be interested in everything. Everytime something new comes in my face I want understand it; I kind of feel like a jack-of-all-trades,"
"I think your a scholar, you love learning & exploring. Don't think I missed all those travel plans you and I talked about before. That much desire to witness the unknown can only come from someone who truly appreciates just how much they don't know about the world around them,"

Eventually my alarm went off for us to leave, breaking the peaceful atmosphere that had settle down around us. I don't want to leave but I'm also really excited to sing again tonight.

"Would you like a ride to work tonight Lana?"
"What would you do for six hours while I'm on stage?"
"Listen to you; I only got a small listen one day when I picked you up from choir but you sounded angelic. Six hours of that sounds heavenly so if you'd allow me to be your escort this evening, I'd be honored to take you and bring you home,"
"I'd love to have you with me Jasper, but we better hurry because now we both ahbe to get ready,"

We drove back to Forks and Jasper dropped me home with the promise of returning within the hour. When I came inside, I saw Dad on the sofa and Bella in the kitchen probably prepping dinner.

"Hey Squirt, good date?"
"It was amazing dad, and he's even offered to be my escort for work tonight,"
"Good man, well head on up and get ready, I'm sure he'll be here soon,"
I turned to head upstairs but of course Bella had to speak up, "Your really gonna go through with this 'job' & what date did you go on today,"

"I really don't have time for this right now. Anything that needed to be said about my jobs was done already and as for my personal life, you've lost all privileges as of that rude and bratty tantrum you threw yesterday."

With that I headed upstairs to get ready and when I was done I felt like the epitome of confidence.

I came back down in time for the doorbell to ring again but this time it was Bella who answered the door for Jasper's arrival. Good Gods does my man never flaw!! He was dressed so good, we would be the definition of a power couple!

Bella stood there gaping at his arrival, but I could also see the gears turning as she realized who I was out with all day and who would be escorting me to Port Angeles and back.

"Hello, you must be Isabella, I'm Jasper Hale. I'm here to pick up Alana," he stuck his stand out to shake.
"Just Bella, nice to meet you,"
Jasper nodded and stayed standing by the door. Bless him and his manners and I must remember to beat my sisters back into her.

"Don't leave my boyfriend in the cold Bella, let him in." That seemed to knock her out of the twilight zone. Stepping back so he could come inside he finally saw me and smiled.

"Good Afternoon again, Chief Swan; hope you had a pleasant Saturday. You look amazing, your gonna knock 'em dead tonight Doll,"
"Thank you handsome, you clean up quite well yourself,"
"It was an interesting Saturday Jasper, turned into a good one when my baby girl came back happy. Thank you for offering to take her to and from work today, makes me feel better knowing she's safe with someone that'll look out for her," dad spoke with a smile
"Believe me sir, she made my Saturday too; plus it's my pleasure to spend any amount of time with her, so this offer is purely selfish,"
"No more sirs or Chief son, you've earned my approval, you can call me Charlie,"
And that's when I knew my dad truly approved of Jasper and I think Jasper knew too; mostly likely because I was beaming like a fool.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate that a lot. I'll have Lana call you when we're coming back,"
"Sounds good,"
"Let's go Doll, don't want you to be late,"

Time Skip to Olympic Lodge

We pulled in 15 minutes before my start time and I could feel my nerves setting in. Nothing to bad but this is a new crowd, gotta feel out the vibe of the night. As Jasper and I walked in, I knew we garnered a lot of attention from the way we were dressed and how we carried ourselves together. We walked as if we've been together for years instead of hours with Jasper holding our coats in one hand while the other was wrapped securely around my waist.

As we got closer to the lounge, I noticed the manager Anmarie was waiting by the entrance and called out to her.

"Hey Lana, I figured it'd be a little easier for you if someone was here to greet you and show you where you can keep your things while your in stage,"
"Thank you for that but I kind of came with a body guard tonight. This is my boyfriend Jasper, I hope its alright if he sits in,"
"No problem, let's see if we can get you a table up close huh,"
Walking in, the stage was all lit up and waiting and there was a good crowd of guests seated and enjoying their food.
"So it's a mature crowd tonight, so I was thinking keep the music light with ballads and soft beats; you know, casual dinner,"
"Cool, I brought along some tracks to sing along with for this weekend."
"Perfect then, I'll take that off you and get that set up. Here's a table you can sit at Jasper. Alana you just chill with your guy and once everything is set up you'll hear an announcement for you and you can head on stage,"
I nodded and watched her walk away. Turning to wards Jasper who pulled out a seat for me.

"Your gonna be breathtaking baby, don't be nervous."
"Can't help it, it's a new crowd, completely new city -"
"Same amazing singer though,"
Would you not kiss him for that. Placing a few more pecks on his lips, I pull back with a smile feeling much more calm and I little horny too.

"Don't start anything we can't finish baby,"
"I'm not that type of woman sir, you'll always be satisfied with me,"
"Something tells me that satisfied is too gentle of a word for you,"
Giggling, I lean in to kiss him again but stop at the announcement of my performance. I kiss Jasper once more, "wish me luck handsome,"

"Break a leg Doll,"

Walking into the stage felt like coming home. it was peaceful to hear my heels click against the hardwood and feel the heat of the spot lights against my skin.

As I got to the microphone, the first song cued up on the speakers and it seemed to be the perfect opener. I wrote it a while ago about a love I dreamed of, a love I seemed to have found in Jasper. I made eye contact with him as I started to sing:

It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20-20, babe
Made of glass the way you see through me
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside?
Permeate my ego and my pride
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I'm gеtting used to receiving
Still gеtting good at not leaving
I'ma love you even though I'm scared (oh, scared)
Learnin' to be grateful for myself (oh, oh, oh)
You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself
Boy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here
Fallin', fallin', frozen, slowly
Fallin', got me right
I won't keep you waitin' (waitin')
All my baggage fadin' safely (my baggage fadin')
And if my eyes deceive me
Won't let them stray too far away, I
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me, ooh (trust me)
The way that you trust me, baby (trust me)
'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view (oh)
***All rights to POV goes to Ariana Grande and the other collaborators on this song! No claims made here!!!***

As I released the last notes, I heard thundering applause from the audience. Anmarie and the other employees were clapping as well and then I looked at my Jasper. He was beaming as he gave me a standing ovation.
The rest of the night went along the same, with me singing more and more ballads. Some of them original and others were covers of popular songs. I took a thirty minute break for water and Anmarie practically ran over to talk furture performances.

"Sweetie hope songs are spectacular! I wanna hear more and no doubt everyone else will to but let's space them out so we keep drawing in the crowd okay. I'm gonna give you my email before you leave tonight and I want you to send me your set list; I'll add in some covers to break apart the original work and send it back so you'll have the week to rehearse before next weekend,"

"Sounds good, boss lady,"
"Sweet heart the real boss of the room has been on the stage," she walked off with a wink

"What did I tell you Doll? Your blowing them away. You want something to eat before you head back up,"
" No I don't wanna risk burping or something into the microphone, but can we get something before we head back,"
"Yeah baby, look at the menu and tell me what you want. I'll order it to go for you,"
"Thank you handsome," I kiss him deeply before standing to head back on stage

"Hey Doll, I hope you know I feel the same way as you do; whatever point of view you see me in is a blessing because it made you want to be mine. So this is my promise to you, to spend everyday showing you how spectacular you are because I trust you and I know everything we share will be beautiful,"
"You want me to cry before going on stage don't you," I peck his lips over and over again.
"Go on baby, I'll be here waiting,"
"I want pasta by the way,"

Walking back on stage, I recieved claps and whistles from the crowd.
I started on the next song:

Ooh, I know you're probably thinkin', "What's the use?"
I promise it's the little things that you do
That make me wanna give it all to you
You know I do, baby
You soothe me
You hold it down with every word you speak, oh babe
Been a minute since I had something so sweet
If you're gonna keep speaking my love language
You can talk your shit all night
You the medication when I'm feeling anxious
That's the kind of shit I like
Teach me how to love you
I'm not learning what ain't right
I want you to keep speaking my love language
Baby, talk your shit all night
Why would I double back or do the same thing twice?
Or question something that I can't deny?
Left my baggagе at the door, I'll claim you're mine
All minе
You soothe me
You hold it down with every word you speak, oh babe
It's been a minute since I had something so sweet
Mmm, oh hey
If you're gonna keep speaking my love language
You can talk your shit all night
You the medication when I'm feeling anxious
That's the kind of shit I like
Teach me how to love you
I'm not learning what ain't right
I want you to keep speaking my love language
Baby, talk your shit all night
Baby, pardon my French, but could you speak in tongues?
Never lost in translation 'cause you know what I want, boy
Treat it just like Givenchy (Givenchy), it's expensive to taste
Ain't no need to remind ya, it's AG in your face
If you're gonna keep speaking my love language
You can talk your shit all night
You the medication when I'm feeling anxious
That's the kind of shit I like
Teach me how to love you
I'm not learning what ain't right
I want you to keep speaking my love language
Baby, talk your shit all night
Head over my shoes like, woah
Know you like an inside joke
Running 'cause you're just my speed
'Less you want it in slo-mo (in slo-mo)
I'm not what you had before (had before)
Your ex-girlfriend don't want no smoke (smoke)
I ain't tryna sign no lease
I'm just gon' make you my home
*** Same thing as last time, I have no claims to this song!!!***

The rest of the night seemed to have fly by and before I knew it 11 0'clock had struck and the lounge was closing for the evening. I recieved my final applause and Jasper came to the stage to help me down the steps. He helped me slip into my coat and took my hand to walk outside. We stopped by Anmarie to say by and so I can pick up my check for the night.
"I'll see you tomorrow sweetie, don't forget to send me the set list. It was a pleasure to meet you as well Jasper, hope we get to have you back sometime,"

"Oh absolutely, gotta support my girl. Plus I think my family would really like this place, good atmosphere,"

"Good boy! You guys get home safe,"

"Will do boss lady, have a good night,"

As promised, Jasper had me call dad as we pulled out of the lodge. We talked the whole way back with Jasper complementing my performance.
"Darlin' I knew you could sing but goddamn baby did you blow me away,"
"Thank you," I beamed as I turned away to hide my blush.
"Don't hide that beautiful face from me, I don't wanna miss a thing!"

We also ate on the way back, but since Jasper was driving, I fed him. We made it back to Forks before midnight, which should tell you how fast of a driver Jasper is because Port Angeles is not around the block if you catch my drift.

Jasper walked me back to the front door where dad was waiting with smile. Jasper kissed my forehead and wished the both of us goodnight before heading off.

"Oh Squirt, you got it bad,"

"Yeah, yeah I do. But I think he's worth it,"
Dad just smiled and walked me upstairs before kissing my head and wishing me goodnight. I went to bed that night absolutely sure I'd be dreaming of Jasper Hale all night long......

Jasper POV
Pulling into the house, I could see the lights on in the family room and I could feel the anticipation from my family. No doubt waiting to hear how the evening went.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was bombarded with questions:
"How was it son?" Carlisle

"How did you feel?" Esme

"Didn't she look amazing?" Alice

"Did she get nervous? How was the crowd?" Rosalie

"Did her dad like you?" Dominic

"You get any? You better of kissed her Jazz," Emmett
........ "I really can't believe you went through with this, you risking her life, your risking her soul. If you really 'loved' her you would've stayed away,"...... and Edward.
Yes unfortunately the irritating child returned from Denali last night. I'm in too good a mood to let him upset me now; in fact after a full day with my girl, as around other humans no less- I'm not even thirsty. However, I do need to answer my family, "Everything was great; thank you again Esme, for making those crepes she absolutely fell in love with them & wants to cook with you sometime soon. As for how I'm feeling, I'm elated that I finally have my mate with me, committed to me now that she's agreed to be my girlfriend. I met her father & sister; Charlie and I got on well, he seems very hands off with his parenting. So long as Alana came back safe & happy, thats all that mattered to him. What's amazing is that I didn't have any struggle s with my thirst, not even in the hotel where they're were at least 50 humans surrounding me for hours, I never got thirsty; but that's thanks to Alana's scent. Alice, you and Rose had her looking angelic; I know she felt extremely confident in her appearance tonight so that you both. And Emmett, yes I kissed her but as for the rest you dumb bear- anything to do with that will never be discussed with your loud mouth Ed ass,"
Everyone was smiling at my responses. It's moments like this that makes me thankful for my family, for meeting Alice & Dominic back in 1948. There's no blood relation but we all value each other well-being and happiness. Well almost all of us. "Edward take a walk with me."

Edward looked over at me and stood. I could feel the atmosphere tense for a moment, no doubt everyone believing I'm about to kick his ass. That is until Alice spoke up, "Thank goodness, I've been waiting for this so he'll finally stop acting ridiculous,"

Edward & I ran a good 5 miles away from the house, effectively placing us out of hearing range of the house.
"I'm not angry Edward, but your exhausting me with this crap about me leaving Alan-"

"Why because you know I'm right," he tried to sound smug & superior. He looked like a constipated asshole.

"No because your selfish & jealous! You forget I'm an empath in the last week? I know you feel the mate bond for Bella, just as I do for Alana but you have an extra obstacle and I'm sorry you gotta deal with that but, that doesn't mean your fear gets to impact my happiness. I have waited over 140 years to meet her & because your insecure about your own self control that's justification for you to try & dictate if I get to be be with my mate; Fuck No! And in case you've forgotten separation of mated hurts both partners, not just the vampire one. So let me make this abundantly clear to you for the last time; Alana~Grace is my mate, my everything & whatever happens in our relationship has nothing to do with you Edward Masen & if you keep pushing & pissing me off, the next 'conversation' will be me whoopin' yer ass! We're done here, you get me?! Be the great vampire you claim to be and handle your shit,"

I waited for his nod before turning back home. That idiot better heed my words or they'll be hell to pay....

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