My Sister's Baby Momma

By basicbitz

31.4K 587 169

Stacie is Beca's Friend with Benefits. Things are going fine until Stacie's two older sisters Chloe and Aubre... More

Party time
Oh Baby
The Middle Sister
How it Started
Bath Time
The Dance
The Grinch
Our First Date
Kicking into the New Year
Seeing Red
New Priorities
You didn't
Plans Change
Moving on
Happy Birthday
The Fight
Blast from the Past
Wake up
Hear Me

Its Normal

728 15 10
By basicbitz

Beca's POV

I sigh as I stare at the blank spot where I need to sign my name. I'm really going to do this. I'm committing to a house with Stacie's sisters for a year. I take a deep breath and my hand finally moves. I did it. I signed my name. I look at Stacie and smile at her while I move aside for her to do the same. I decide to take another walk through the house.

I have to admit Aubrey and Chloe found a steal. The house is more then ideal to raise our baby in. I liked the room layout we agreed on. The two bedrooms downstairs were for us and the baby and the two upstairs were for Chloe and Aubrey. It gave us a little bit of space and the baby will be nice and close. "Alright, we're all set. We can move in at the end of August." Aubrey says with a big smile, bringing my attention back to the lease. "Sounds great." Stacie says matching her sister's smile. I nod in agreement, I can't believe its so close already.

We say our goodbyes and head back to the hotel room. We spend another amazing night having sex and I'm so not prepared to go back to reality the next day. The weekend flew by way too fast for my liking. We pull back up to the house and I sigh as I turn my car off. "What's wrong baby?" Stacie asks as she prepares to get out. "It went so fast. I really enjoyed this weekend. Thank you baby." I say as I kiss her cheek and open the door. "Like I told you, you deserved this. I'm glad you enjoyed it, I know I really did." She says with a wink. I smirk and grab our bags. It was definitely nice to not worry about being caught for once and just enjoy some physical connection. Who knows how much we'll be able to do that when we are balancing the baby, classes, and working.

When I walk through the door I already hear Darth running towards us. I quickly drop the bags in time to catch him as he jumps into my arms and proceeds to lick all over my face. I groan and set him back down. "Geez I hope he never catches me off guard." I mutter to Stacie as I wipe my shirt where I now have black dog hair all over. "He just misses you so much." Stacie purrs as she scratches his head. I chuckle and proceed to bring our bags towards the stairs. "Happy Birthday!" I hear and I think my heart stopped for a second there. I jump and turn to see all the delinquents as well as Luke standing there with big smiles.

"Surprise!" Emily yells as she runs up to me and locks me into a big hug. I shake my head and hug her back. "Wow, you guys didn't have to do this." I say as I'm brought into a hug by everyone. "Oh yes we did. You're finally an adult!" Jesse says with a big grin. "Now that's a scary thought." Amy mutters making me glare at her. "We just wanted to have something little for your birthday. Don't worry its not going to be anything crazy, we know its a school night." Emily tells me. I smile and nod. I plop down on the couch with my friends and we laugh and catch up. Its been a while since we were all able to be together. Emily told everyone her Barden plan and suddenly everyone wanted in, so they've actually have been studying for finales. When the delinquents put our minds to something we are unstoppable.

We laugh and joke around for a bit and they keep their promise of not staying late. Emily, Luke and I stay in the living room for a bit longer as we sip beers. Stacie went to bed a little while ago, I know the baby is wearing her out. "So Becky, you know what your eighteenth birthday means." Luke says as he leans forward on the couch and raises his eyebrow at me. I finish my beer and nod. I knew what it meant. I got my inheritance. Our safety net from my mom.

"What do you want to do?" Luke asks. I can see Emily listening even though she is pretending to be distracted with petting Darth. I play with the label on my beer as I shift through my thoughts. I already knew what I wanted. Its been on my mind for a while and I was pretty confident with my decision. "I want to put it all in its own savings account. Forget I have it unless its for emergencies and live off my work money." I tell him. He gives me a proud smile and nods. "Okay Becky, I'll set it up for you." He responds. I smile and finish up my beer before we say our goodnights and I join Stacie for some rest before school. I smile and pull her close to me, she really gave me a great birthday. I'm so lucky.


My alarm blares the next morning breaking me out of my nice sleep. I hit my phone until the noise stops and cover my eyes. I take in a deep breath and force my arms away from my face. The light fills my eyes and I groan as I adjust. "Good morning baby." Stacie says as she kisses my cheek and makes her way out of bed. I smile at her and slowly make my way up. We get dressed and head downstairs. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and Stacie gets the same. Emily smiles at us as she enters, Darth happily bounces along her side.

"I'm still not use to you being alive at this hour." I mutter between spoonfuls. I used to have to drag Emily to school and now she's always ready without asking. "Got to get into school so I can go to Barden with you guys next year! Hey do you think we could be Bellas? Like mom was?" Emily asks with a smile. I freeze for a second and my chest tightens. The reminder brings the pain every time. I haven't admitted to anyone that part of the reason I've been keeping myself so busy is I'm having horrible anxiety about attending Barden. Not for the reason of normal kids, going to college and staying there, but because its a constant reminder of my parents.

Its well known my mom attended Barden and she was very proud to be a Bella, Aubrey and Chloe have bragged about it before, they both share my mom's pride of being a member of the acapella group and say how much it changed their lives. My mom adored the Bellas and made that well known throughout our childhood. "Well you're legacies, I'm sure it would be easy for you guys to get in, I know I want to be one." Stacie says with her gaze landing on me.

I shove my fears down and continue eating as normally as I can. Stacie studies me for another second before she continues eating. Emily forgets the subject as she gives Darth his breakfast. She gets herself a yogurt as we fall into normal conversation again. We pile into the car and head to school. We laugh and sing at the top of our lungs the whole way there. We all have surprisingly good voices, the legacy status shouldn't even effect our chances of being Bellas. Emily and I clearly take after our mom with that, Luke can even sing well but its rare to ever hear. When we get to school the delinquents are waiting around the parking lot for us.

I help Stacie out of the car and plant a kiss on her forehead. I take her hand as I walk her to her first class, the delinquents joining us. I chuckle at all of them getting some last minute reading in before class. Its not just Emily whose changed. Everyone wants to follow Stacie and I to Barden. Once Emily told the group of our plans everyone got serious about their studies to get into the school. Most of them will need summer school but it looks promising for them to join us in the spring semester. I can't believe the delinquents will be in college, no one would have bet on that ever happening. Not even me.

I look at Stacie's hand in mine and smile. She made us want to be better, to stop the kid stuff and start planning for the future. I tighten my grip as we walk down the halls to our classes. We're so close to graduating. Less then a month until we say goodbye to high school forever. And in about 6 weeks we welcome the newest member of our family. I stop outside Stacie's class and give her a kiss before she goes in to her smart class. The delinquents and I say our goodbyes until lunch and head to our different classes. I see the school douche bag Tom heading towards me with Alice holding his arm, their typical arrogance is oozing off of them.

"Oh look, the trash of Barden high." Tom says with a snicker. I take a deep breath and ignore his words. Tom steps in front of me, clearly unhappy with my lack of response. Jesse and Benji tense up next to me. I lift my hand up telling them to back off. "What? You don't say anything now? Wow the whore really made you her bitch." He says with an an arrogant grin. Red starts to appear in the corner of my vision. How dare he insult Stacie.

I clench my fist and think of how to beat some sense into him but then another thought intrudes me head. I need to graduate. Finals are next week then graduation soon after. The baby is due just after that. "Tom walk away. I've kicked your ass before but unlike you I've grown up." I say attempting to move around him. He purposely sticks out his foot to trip me. Luckily I catch myself before I fall. "Watch it dude." Jesse says squaring up to Tom. "Jesse no. He isn't worth it." I tell him. Jesse pouts but complies.

"We got better things to do." I say turning back towards my class. He makes a few more remarks that I block out as we proceed to class. I stay focused on getting to class. I can't give in. I can see red in the corners of my eyes but I think of Stacie. I'm making her so proud and providing a future for our child. I can't mess it up this close to the end of high school. It feels like and eternity later before we get to class. I can feel my heart pounding and my fists are balled at my side. I need a release.

I manage to push it down and sit at my desk in the back. Benji gives me a nervous glance while Jesse looks like he's struggling to hold back his own anger. I don't pay much attention to class. Its just reviews for finals next week anyway. I've been studying a lot and I can afford missing a review.

It feels like forever later until our class ends. I smirk, knowing how to het rid of my.. tension.

My baby😘: Bathroom, end of second floor. I need you

I send to Stacie. I choose the bathroom that nearly no one goes in. Its know for... quickies thanks to its secluded location. I head to the sink and run it. I splash some cool water on my face and turn the sink off. I hold onto the edges as I look at myself in the mirror. I looked okay. I'm in control of my emotions. Tom just wound me up and I need to relieve it. "Beca?" I hear as the door flies open. Stacie enters and studies me. "What happened?" She asks stepping in front of me. She grabs a paper towel and wipes some of the water droplets still dripping down my face. "Douche bag Tom tried to start with me. I kept my cool but I'm still feeling a bit... on edge." I tell her.

"I think I can help with that. Glad I wore a dress today." Stacie says with a smirk. I return it and lean in to kiss her. We engage in a heated kiss as I help her sit on the sink. "Is this comfortable?" I ask as I pull my pants down. "Its perfect." She says as she grabs me and smashes our lips together again. I move her underwear to the side and look up at her. She gives me her nod of consent before I line myself up. She moans as I enter. I caress her nipples as I ease myself the rest of the way in.

"Fuck Beca." Stacie moans as she grips the edges of the sink. I start moving my hips until I'm almost out before I slowly push back in. Stacie moans as her head falls back against the mirror. I repeat this several times. Stacie's legs start to shake against my hips and I finally increase my pace. "Shit baby." I groan as I bury my head in her boobs. I keep pushing until she lets out a low moan. I can't hold back from finishing as I slow myself down. "In my country a sink is considered a luxury to have sex on." I hear behind us. Oh fuck. "Flo! Ashley!" Stacie yells. "I really didn't think this was something I'd see twice." Ashley mutters. I can't believe Stacie's friends caught  us having sex on the sink... again. "Can you guys like... turn around for a second." I ask them since I'm still very much inside Stacie.

They quickly comply and I help Stacie off the sink and we clean ourselves off and fix our clothing. "Okay you can turn around, uh what's up?" Stacie asks as I pick our bags up off the floor. "Well we saw you rush in here and thought you could be having morning sickness, so we came to help, clearly we misread it." Ashley says turning around. "Well thanks for caring." Stacie says with a smirk while she checks her appearance in the mirror. I fix my appearance too before we awkwardly exit the bathroom. I kiss Stacie goodbye and head to my next class, I can survive all these finals reviews.


At the end of the day my head hurts from all the information I'm trying to absorb for finals. Thankfully Luke gave me time off to study this weekend before they start, just have to get through tomorrow and then next week finals start. I'm nervous. In order to get the scholarship I have to pass high school. My grades aren't terrible now but I really did a lot of damage to my GPA from previous years. I need to pass all of my finals to graduate. I never stressed about school before and now I'm freaking terrified.

I block the thoughts from my mind as I approach my car, Stacie is already waiting for me and smiles when she sees me approaching. I smirk and wrap my arms around her as soon as I can. I kiss her then lean down to kiss her massive stomach. The baby was certainly large, already over seven pounds and still growing. I help her into the car and Emily joins us jumping into the backseat. Stacie lets out and exhausted sigh as she runs her hand on her stomach. I have no idea how she's handing school so well this pregnant. I truly admire how she's still doing so well in school well this far along. We are almost done then hopefully she can relax for a few weeks before the baby's born.

We get home and Stacie goes to take a nap. Emily and I decide to take Darth on a walk, give us some time to get out and destress. I hold Darth's leash as he darts around sniffing everything. "School is hard when you actually try." Emily says as we keep following Darth around the neighborhood. "Yeah its really not that fun anymore." I say shaking my head. Emily glances at me. "You seem... off. Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. I take a deep breath and sigh. Emily could always read me so well. "I'm just... stressed with finals... and a baby coming... and college." I tell her. She puts her hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "That's a lot of pressure for anyone with only one of those things. You're doing awesome don't forget how far you've come. And make sure you still have fun and time to relax." She tells me.

I nod at her, realizing she's right. I'm doing awesome. My grades are decent, I'm making great money at the club (even though I took off some time off to study for finals.) and I'm in a great relationship. I've got a lot of good things going for me but a lot of pressure. Its normal to be stressed.

We walk and chat for a bit longer before we head back to the house. I go upstairs and see Stacie walking up. "How was your nap baby?" I say joining her on the bed. "Much needed. This baby is draining." She says tapping her stomach. I nod in agreement. "You're doing so amazing giving Thumper a good home though." I say kissing her stomach. We begin our nightly studying, I don't push myself too hard tonight, I was way too mentally exhausted for that. Suddenly I feel Stacie tense up next to me. Her face contorts into an uncomfortable expression. I close my laptop and turn to her.

"Beca... something's happeing!"

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