Take an Extra Step, GOH the E...

By YukiKazeko

1.3K 26 21

This is book 4 in an ongoing series of mine. It is highly recommended that you read the entire series first... More

A Word from the Author: This is the 4th Book in an Ongoing Series!
Chapter 0: A Realization Under Lunala's Sky
Chapter 1: Curiosity, Realization, and a Cold Confession
Chapter 2: Ruins in Conflict
Chapter 3: Otherworldly Sleep Talk
Chapter 4: What Yuki Knows
Chapter 5: Hops
Chapter 6: Alola to our Alolan Friends!
Chapter 7: A Pitstop in Kalos
Chapter 8: Arriving in the Not-So Slumbering Weald
Chapter 9: Ash and his Pent Up Fears, Vented
Chapter 10: Lets Venture Into the Dynamax Lair!
Chapter 11: The Nerve-Racking Journey Within!
Final Chapter: At the Deepest Deathps, where a Battle with Koko can be Found!

Chapter 2.1: Ruins in Conflict (Ash and Greninja)

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By YukiKazeko

(Ash's POV)

"Yuki, hold on!" I screamed as the girl dashed off, rushing to the source of the blizzard. Upsettingly, my words were ignored. Why? Does she know something? Have a gut feeling? For how fast she was running, it seemed urgent.

"Let's follow her." Hau said, snapping me out of thought. If it's urgent, I should be by her side. We're a team, after all. That, plus I have my own gut feeling that smile I want to protect might just fade... and usually, any gut feeling I get is right.

That being said, unlike Yuki, I don't have the same kind of control over Aura. I can't make a shield to block the incoming snow. Sure, I got my Riolu... but a small shield won't do anything.

For unknown reasons, Greninja hadn't gone ahead. He's just barely in front of me. Is he trying to help me...?

"Greninja, go to Yuki!" I screamed, worry easily in my tone. "You're her Pokémon now. You don't need to worry about me, alright?"


"You want her to be happy just as much as I do, right?" I asked as the snow continued to piling up, making movement even harder.

It seemed Greninja could understand where I was going with that sentence, because within seconds, he began jumping from frozen branch to frozen branch. It's nice to know that even if our link was severed, we still understand one another.

Both Hau and I struggled together for a good while, but before we could even reach Iki Town, the blizzard came to a halt. Despite the ground still piled with snow, without the harsh wind, I could move forward at a quicker pace.

I ran as fast as I could within the piled up snow. I wanted to see her smile alongside Tapu Koko being safe from whatever happened. Reaching the bridge between the main land and the Ruin of Conflict, I ran across ready to congratulate Yuki on a job well done.

...I couldn't of been more wrong.


(Greninja's POV)

"You want her to be happy as much as I do, right?" Ash Satoshi Ketchum, my old trainer, asked me this. Although it sounded like a question, I knew better. It was his current way of saying I need to go ahead, as we both care for her in our own way... and someone has to get there right away. If not, we won't make it in time for whatever Yuki fears.

Each branch was frozen solid. Some broke from the impact of my fast-pace jumps, but I couldn't slow down. Even I have a bad, gut feeling of my own.

Reaching the bridge that connects each bit of land, I jumped over the gap. As I got closer, I could sense something. One of the major abilities I gained from bonding with Yuki is that I can sense her emotions on a delicate level. Right now, her emotions are all over the place. Fear, doubt, useless, worry, scared...

As I approached the room that the source of this blizzard came from, I could see Yuki standing in place. The only movement was the shaking that comes with fear.

'Yuki! Are you OK?'

No verbal response, but her legs began shaking even more.


"Greninja, I need your help." Her voice was strong, yet forced. I couldn't see the girls face; unwilling to turn her head away from the situation... unwilling to lose whatever courage she has built up.

I was happy that she wanted to lean on me, to ask me for help. It's not only a trainers job to take care of their Pokémon or a Pokémon to be there for their trainer... friends are always there to help each other out, right?

'Just tell me what I need to do.'

With those words of mine, I saw Yuki pulled a Pokeball from one of her short pockets. Is she planning to capture Tapu Koko...?

"Greninja, my legs won't budge. I need you to get me close enough..." The girl's grip on the ball tightened. She's actually planning on doing that, isn't she? "...close enough to I can capture Koko."

I didn't question her choice, as it was clear enough to me that this was probably the fastest, most efficient method, in saving the Island Deity. Running over to her and swiftly picking her up, it only took another few steps to reach our destination. Right before she threw the ball, the blizzards wind drastically decreased. Neither of us were looking into the room when the Pokeball was thrown, but both saw it hit the ground.

Nothing. The room was empty. Other then a huge pile of snow, there was nothing.

"I didn't make it in time..." My trainer spoke quietly, barely loud enough for even me to hear. Exhaustion from using Aura while not having the best feelings to control it finally began to take its toll. Instead of fainting, Yuki slowly fell asleep, slightly crying.

That's when Ash finally reached our location. The tears spoke enough: something bad has happened to the Deity of Melemele Island... and it's their going to be their job to solve the issue.

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