Shining Glaciers

By RealCrimR

571 64 5

Emerse yourself into a whole new world like no other, where peace prospers and evil lurks at every corner you... More

Chapter 0: Extinction
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Glacier!
Chapter 2: Fight or Flight
Chapter 3: Live & Learn
Chapter 4: Everything's Going Down Lodehouse
Chapter 5: Infiltration
Chapter 6: Infiltration Part 2
Chapter 7: Odysseus's Words
Chapter 8: A Shooting Star
Chapter 9: River in Dry Land
Chapter 10: Dead of Night
Chapter 12: Chivalry of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 13: Through the Fire & Flames
Chapter 14: Storytime
Chapter 15: The Centra of Attention
Chapter 16: Mission..Somewhat Possible
Chapter 17: The End of All Things

Chapter 11: Mission Impossible

21 2 0
By RealCrimR

Location: Extinction Warship

*A flash of light happens as Ash Raymond is taken aback by it and..*


Braden Blackwell: Where the hell am I?

*Braden gets up holding his head as he sees Ash Raymond who is smiling somewhat both happily & smugly*

Braden Blackwell: Oh joy, you're just the person that I wanted to see.

Ash Raymond: Who saved your ass?

Braden Blackwell: Fair point, now better question, where the hell are we?

Ash Raymond: Oh, we're on some evil dude's warship.

Braden Blackwell: Gotcha..wait what?!

Ash Raymond: Long story short, we need to get out of here!

Braden Blackwell: Ok genius but how?

Ash Raymond: Just follow my lead.

Braden Blackwell: Ah yes, the worst thing one could say in a situation of this magnitude.

Ash Raymond: Look here jackass, we go one step out of this room & we're dead so we have to think of a plan.

Braden Blackwell: You're one to talk about making a plan, literally your whole life has been mooching off everyone else's plans.

Ash Raymond: Gotta give something new a try! We don't even have time for this Bitchwell!

Braden Blackwell: Whatever, anyways, what's your idea?

Ash Raymond: Simple.

*Two guards are seen guarding to door to the room that they're in, Ash & Braden open the door and take them both through but not without struggle, in the end they both get them in the room and knock them unconscious.*


Location: Resistance Base of Operations

*Everyone is seated as doctors tend to Ben's wounds.*

Nate Xpress: Okay, I gotta ask but what the hell was all of that?

Miya Squared: I don't know!

TTX: I can tell you that the person leading the charge is a wanted man in the known Galaxy and that mans name is Nate Virginia.

Nate Xpress: Well not shit Sherlock, I didn't guess!

TTX: Shut up.

Miya Squared: Is this really the time for arguing?

Nate Xpress: I ain't trying to argue, I'm trying to figure out what's going on and why it lead to my brother having to get himself stitched up?

TTX: If you'd let me explain-

Nate Xpress: So you can bring up the obvious again? I'm not looking for questions, I'm looking for answers!

Charlie Dixon: I think we should all take a bit of time to calm down.

Nate Xpress: There is no time, for all we know the world could be ending and we are sitting here on our asses and we might as well be playing a board game, whose up for fucking Mario Party? I can play a mean Bowser!

Miya Squared: ENOUGH!

Nate Xpress: Don't enough me princess, I ain't waiting around!

Ben Connell: Everyone, calm down!

*Everyone goes silent as Ben speaks up with his ribs tapped & he gets up off a table.*

Ben Connell: Most of us in this room right now except TTX are members of the Resistance, a group of people who use all their strengths & even weaknesses to fend off any opposing evil and here we find ourselves arguing? Going to be hundred percent blunt, that is pathetic of us.

*Ben looks at everyone.*

Ben Connell: Miya, I get doubt has clouded your head more times than you can imagine & you feel as if you're a failure but I can assure you that you aren't a failure, you're a leader, more specifically your the Resistance's leader which means that you have to have guts & bravery which you do have and in this time of need we need you to be the leader that we all need right now.

*Miya looks on as Ben moves on.*

Ben Connell: Charlie, you've done an excellent job, being able to mix your sarcasm & ability to focus so well and I want you to keep it up.

*Charlie smiles as Ben turns to Nate.*

Ben Connell: Nate, my brother, you've got to cool down. We're all in this together and I'll be damned if something were to happen to you because of injuries I sustained myself, now TTX please explain everything you know.

TTX: Virginia is known throughout the galaxy, surprisingly, he's shrugged off every person whose come for his head but for as long as his story goes there's only one person that Virginia will go toe to toe with but I don't know that much..

Charlie Dixon: What was his end goal?

TTX: Him & his crew wanted only one thing and that was to watch the Galaxy burn, every last bit of it, he wanted it burnt and in order to do that..he had to let out the one thing that will do that with get what he wanted, he got people to help him, some of not just Earth's most notorious villains but the galaxies as well in order to break it out..

Nate Xpress: Why do you keep saying "It?"

TTX: Because they released Lord Mirage..a person or creature of unknown origins..

Miya Squared: So what you're saying that the tales that were told to me & Robert were true.

TTX: Whoever told you those were tall tales is stupid.

Miya Squared: My parents.

TTX: ..Oh

Ben Connell: From the information given, we are in a possible end of the world scenario.

Nate Xpress: Then let's get out there and show them whose boss!

*Everyone looks as the tv is on in the base.*

TV: Reports of a bomb going off have sprouted in the central area in California, and to top it all off a battle was held in the very same place minutes earlier, our local police as well as federal agents are looking into the situation as we speak. More on this development at a later date!

Ben Connell: That's our plan.

Charlie Dixon: What plan?

Ben Connell: Figure out where the bombs are coming from, they keep creating these black holes which lead to..shocker, no where.

Nate Xpress: Dumbass, how are we supposed to figure out where the bombs are kept?

Ben Connell: Depends, anyone good with tracking & shooting?

*TTX slowly raises his hand.*

Ben Connell: Good, no matter what happens team, I got the plan so whatever else happens, happens. Let's get this job done.

Miya Squared: You heard him and as leader, I agree, let's save this freaking galaxy.

Nate Xpress: I prefer "let's save the fucking galaxy"

Charlie Dixon: Oh! What about "Let's save the Galaxy!"

TTX: You just removed the word fucking...or is it freaking?

Ben Connell: Goddamnit, whatever, it doesn't matter! Let's go!

*The team exits the base of operation and are officially ready to save the world as outside of the base is still in shambles from the battle.*


Location: Extinction Warship

*Ash & Braden exit the room in guard uniform.*

Braden Blackwell: We look stupid.

Ash Raymond: You got anything else?

Braden Blackwell: Unfortunately no.

Ash Raymond: Exactly so shut up, all we've gotta do is find the exit & we're out of here.

*They both keep walking down the hall as two guards walk up.*

Both Guards: Hail Mirage.

Ash Raymond: Yeah uh hail Mirage.

Braden Blackwell: Hail Mirage..or whatever.

*The guards give skeptical looks as they continue to walk past.*

Ash Raymond: Told you it would work.

Braden Blackwell: Yeah, yeah, whatever-

*Both of them stop in their place as someone walks past them*


*Lord Mirage steps out of a portal with snake like skin in his hand, scepter in the other hand & bow/arrows held around his back as Aries walks up to him.*

Adam Aries: How did the investigation for the Eye go sir?

Lord Mirage: It went exactly how you would expect it.

*Mirage lifts the snake skin he has.*

Adam Aries: Oh..I guess I will be looking for the location the Eye yet again, have no troubles.

Lord Mirage: One way or another, the Eye will be found & this galaxy will crumble.

Adam Aries: Of course sir..

Lord Mirage: But first, Aries, there's something on the ship I need you & Kurt to take care of..

Adam Aries: And that is?

*Mirage throws an energy blast at Raymond & Braden whose masks come off as Mirage holds up one finger, Kurt rushes into the room as Mirage simply walks past, it's a two on two stand off.*

Ash Raymond: The hell was that bullshit?

Braden Blackwell: Don't know but I guess we're in for a fight-

Adam Aries: Oh, I remember you! You're from the stadium incident.. how'd it feel in the trophy room?

Braden Blackwell: Oh, now I remember you..

*Braden punches Adam square in the jaw which pushes Aries back to the wall while Powell & Raymond square off!*

Kurt Powell: Well, well, guess I gotta deal with the woman..

Ash Raymond: I should feel offended but you seem like the type to be a bit hot-headed.

Kurt Powell: That comeback was not the greatest.

Ash Raymond: You act like yours is better.

*Kurt attempts a punch but Ash blocks it with her guitar..which breaks but Ash immediately snaps her fingers & another guitar pops up as she starts to smack Powell with it!*

Kurt Powell: Jesus, you make Jeff Jarrett look tame!

Ash Raymond: Thank you!

*Ash whacks Kurt over the head with the guitar & kicks him in the gut with revolving kicks sending Powell away! Meanwhile, Braden & Aries trade shots back & forth but Kurt Powell hits a mega punch that sends everyone on the outside of the ship!*

Kurt Powell: I'm here to get this done as quickly as possible, guitar girl has got me pissed!

*They run at each other again, everyone involved throwing strikes at each other, all four of them continue to hit each other until they just can't no more.*

Braden Blackwell: This battle ain't ending til I get my vengeance!

*A stare off takes place as Ash sees the edge of the ship.*

Adam Aries: What're you going to do?!

Kurt Powell: I think they're showing hesitation!

Braden Blackwell: Scared is the last thing I am, come at me!

*Braden is ready to fight but Ash grabs him by the hand and starts running.*

Braden Blackwell: What are you doing?? We could've had them?!

Ash Raymond: We're sticking to the plan!

Braden Blackwell: What plan?- no, no, no.

Ash Raymond: Yes, yes, yes!

*Ash takes the keao of fate as both her & Braden go falling from the sky! Braden is screaming in pure terror as Ash falls down, the shot ends with Powell & Aries looking down as the screen fades*


Chapter 11: END.

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