A Heart's Desire (Book 1)

By JadeDragon24

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Evangeline Gray just wants to find her mate, like any werewolf, but after a cruel twist of fate, she decides... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

237 18 0
By JadeDragon24

Scarlett POV

A knock on my office door interrupts my time with Raphael, and I am irritated to learn that it is because of Isaiah Newport. Reluctantly I agree to see him.

Thankfully, after a couple of minutes there's knock on my door

"Come in." I say tersely, and Isaiah enters.

"What part of staying off of my territory did you not understand?" I start before the door is completely shut behind him, and he holds up his hands apologetically.

"Please Alpha Blackrose, I mean you no harm, I would just like to talk with Eva." He implores me, and I narrow my eyes.

"If Eva wants to talk with you, I will allow you to stay on the territory unharmed while you are speaking with her." I reply stiffly.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, Eva hasn't said yes." I huff as I link Eva to let her know that Isaiah would like to talk with her, and she reluctantly agrees.

"Eva has decided to speak with you, but I warn you - don't overstay your welcome and do not harm Eva."

"Yes ma'am."

"Eva is over at the pack clinic helping with the injured. She said she would meet you outside in 10 minutes."

"Thank you again Alpha Blackrose."

I see Isaiah rushing off to meet Eva, and I feel slightly bad for the kid. It's obvious that he is still in love with her, but he made a stupid mistake - one that will forever haunt him. Eva will never take him back, but maybe the guy just wants forgiveness. I hope that is all he wants because that might be all he gets.

Isaiah POV

I rush over to the pack clinic. I don't expect Eva will ever take me back, hell she has her second chance mate, but maybe she will forgive me - that is the best I can hope for now. I've always loved that girl but instead of trusting her I listened to my father - foolish asshole.

I get to the clinic but see some guy carrying Eva off in the distance. I start to run after them, but I'm not quick enough because he throws her into a black Camaro and speeds off.

Quickly, I rush back to the clinic to try and get anyone's attention.

"Someone help come quick. Eva's been taken." I yell out and a dark skinned guy comes hobbling out of a room.

"What do you mean - Eva's been taken?" He roars.

"I saw some guy throw Eva into a black Camaro and speed off."

"I'll link the alpha." he tells me.

I just hope they have some way to track her or know who owns the black camero or something. I can't lose Eva this way. She might not be my mate anymore, but she didn't deserve to be kidnapped either. Who would do something like this and why?

Scarlett POV

"What are you doing to find Eva?" The asshole demands, and I bite back a growl.

"What are you doing? Right now I'm going to call other alphas including rogues I know to help. I've sent descriptions to them. If someone sees them - they will let me know. It's been less than 24 hours." I ask, his attitude grating on my already thin patience.


"Meaning what? Don't forget Alpha Walsh that I once was a rogue and most new members to this pack are rogues. They just might save Eva's life. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to seek out the best witches that are within this pack to see if they can track Eva's wearabouts. Feel free to join me if you choose, unless you think this is useless also." I growl out, and he immediately lowers his tone.

"I didn't mean any disrespect Alpha Blackrose, this is all just very stressful for myself. She was taken right under my nose." He apologizes, and I sigh.

"I understand your stress, she was taken from my territory. Never forget that Eva is my friend as well as the friend of most of Blackrose. We will do everything in our power to find her and bring her home. Now we must get going."

We leave to find Iris and the other elders to see if they can perform a tracking spell.

"Wait, I need something personal of Eva's." I say as I halt in my tracks.

"I don't have anything on me." He says with a bit of confusion.

"Go get a personal item of hers from your room, the elders will need this to perform the tracking spell."

"Tracking spell?" He questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, they can sometimes find a person by using a spell to track them. However, I must warn you that this method isn't always successful. If the kidnapper has any knowledge of magic himself, or has friends that do, they can cloak themselves to make sure being tracked is near impossible. But you also must have some faith in the magical prowess of these witches...is it safe of me to assume that you have no problem with them?"

"I've not had any direct contact or working with witches themselves, but I don't disbelieve in magic or witches abilities - I've just never seen it in action." He answers as tactfully as possible, but I can still sense his hesitation.

"Be ready for some serious people then. They don't take too kindly to people who come to them for help, only to be doubted and second guessed. Don't ever underestimate their abilities, even if the tracking spell is unsuccessful." I advise him, and he only nods in response...which is considerably a good thing with how my patience is thinning.

We continue on our way to the witches after Callum grabs a bracelet of Eva's, and I pray to the goddess that this works.


Waking up groggily, I look around to try and figure out where I'm at. The last thing I remember is a slight sting and then nothing. I gather I am in a car, but when I look over Delano is driving the car.

"Del, what are you doing?"

"You are mine, Evangeline Gray."

"I don't think so."

"I know so. I took you right out from underneath not only Romain's nose, but your best friend, Julian's, and that pretty boy of a mate you have." He sinisterly sneers.

Silently I look out the window, trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. I even try to mindlink someone, but it seems useless.

"I wouldn't even try to use your special powers to escape. I had a witch put a hex on you to weaken your abilities."

"Why did you take me?"

"Because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I knew I wanted you from the moment I saw you training at Blackrose. Even rejected my mate so she wouldn't get in the way." He stated proudly - like that was something to be proud of.

"You did what?!!" I screamed.

"She didn't hold a candle to your beauty, strength - power. We are going to be the next 'power couple' - once you accept me."

"I will never accept you, Delano. Never. You are not my mate." I spat with venom.

"Such a shame that you are going to make this harder than it needs to be."

"It's not going to be at all."

"Never say never - eventually you will grow to love me."

"Mmhmm." I mumbled, and go silent - seeing as this conversation is going nowhere.

This guy IS insane. I concluded.

Damn right he is! My wolf agreed.

Hey you ARE there. I cheered.

This guy might be insane, but he didn't cover all of the bases. I am stronger than he gives me credit for. MORON. She scowled.

No doubt. Now we need a plan to get out of this mess. I argued.

Give me a chance to get my bearings. She stated, and we fall into silence for a while.

Delano and I drive for hours, the scenery constantly changing. From the looks of the landscape, we are headed somewhere north of New Orleans, especially since we have crossed the Mississippi River several times.

Eventually the asshole stops.

"Time to sleep for the night, we are far enough away I believe. I'm going to make you go to sleep, because I can't have you warning anybody about who you are. You'll come to love me - I promise."

"Yeah right." I chuckle.

He grabs me roughly by the hair and yanks me to look at him.

"I'm not such a bad guy, Evangeline. You now need me, so you'd better behave. The quicker you accept me the better all of this will go."


somno somnus profundus

Quickly the world goes dark after that.

Sometime later I wake to someone undressing me - slowly and methodically - their hands roaming all over me. The images of what Martin did to me play through my head.


"No Martin, I don't want this." I cry out.

"You're my girlfriend, Eva. I've put six months into this relationship and now it's time to pay up."

"I don't owe you anything. I promised you nothing. I made it perfectly clear, long ago, that I was waiting for my mate."

"Well, I'm not waiting, and I'm not waiting any longer." He sneers.

Knowing now what his plans are, I think of Ethan and try to communicate with him through our twin bond.

Ethan, ETHAN

Evan, is that you?

Help, please. Come quick.

What's wrong?

Martin's got bad intentions - please help me!

Where are you?

I look around quickly to get a feel for where we are.

It looks like the playground we played at as children, when Isaiah still lived here. In his car.

I want to communicate more, but Martin yells at me.

"Hey! Pay attention here. I want you to enjoy this." He grins. Smug bastard.

"I'll never enjoy this!" I spit.

All too soon, Martin's hands make their way up my shirt and under my bra, and his calloused hands are caressing and stroking me. I shiver in disgust and try to wiggle away. He gets upset by this and uses his weight to hold me still.

"Just as perfect as I've pictured them." He grins.

"You're disgusting." I leer.

Next he unbuttons and unzips my jeans, his hands traveling down into my pants. He continues his exploration, and I yell and plead for him to stop. He groping and feeling is getting a little more intimate, and I want to be anywhere but here.

Before he can go any further, the car door is yanked open and Martin is dragged off of me. I feel a strong pair of arms lift me up after they cover me with their jacket and from the scent I know it's Ethan.

"Sam, Jack, Gray - take the asshole to the cells. Dad is going to want to have a wonderful conversation with Martin here." Ethan commands.

"You're ok now Evan. Shh, don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't get here in time." He says with agony in his voice.

"Thank you bubba." I cry into his shoulder.

He carries me to his car, and I am thankful that one of the other guys must have driven and they are taking Martin to the cells in his car.

It doesn't take long to reach our house, and we are greeted by a very concerned mother and a pissed off Alpha father.

"What happened Ethan!" Dad roars.

"I don't know fully, but Evan linked me that she was in trouble. By the time the guys and I made it, Martin had part of her clothes destroyed."

The biggest roar comes from my father that shakes the house and wakes everyone else up.

"Take her to her room and I'll call Dr. Kincaid." Mom directs Ethan.

We get there and the only thing I want to do is shower, but mom wants me to wait for the doctor. I can still feel Martin's hands all over me, and I feel so disgusting and violated.

The rest of the night feels like torture until Dr Kincaid is able to finish her examination and take my statement. Once she's gone, I go to the shower and scrub until my skin feels like it is going to fall off and I still feel his hands on me. Why? Why did he have to do this to me?

<end flashback>

"Princess, pay attention."

"Don't call me princess, and get your filthy hands off me." I sneer and start to fight with everything I can. I thrash violently, and it starts make the bed shake and hit the hotel wall continuously and loudly.

"You're going to get someone to call the front desk. As much as I'd love for you to enjoy this, I can't have them alerted."

somno somnus profundus

With that I fall into darkness again knowing that at least I won't remember anything else.

Thankfully when I wake up the next morning, Delano isn't in the bed with me. All too soon my quiet repreve is taken from me.

"Morning princess."

"Don't call me princess - asshole!"

"Now, now that's no way to talk to your future mate."

"I'll never be your mate. I have a mate and it isn't you."

"Well soon enough he will forget about you and move on. Then I will have you all to myself."

"And what brilliant plan do you have to make that happen?"

"I can't divulge all my secrets to you - now can I?"

"Whatever." I grumble.

Tired of this situation, I just stare at the wall.

"It's time for us to go now. Can I trust you to be quiet or do I have to put you to sleep again?"

Wanting to be awake in case he tries something again, I decide to go quietly. "I won't yell."

"I'm trusting you."

"Yeah - yeah."

Quickly we make it to his car, and he speeds off again. Not long after though he gets fidgety, and I can't figure out why. I look around and try to spy something that would make him nervous but the only thing I see is another car driving in the same direction as us.

"Are you getting hungry?" He asks.

"I guess." I shrug.

"Here I bought some drinks from the vending machine at the hotel. I bought your favorite. It might be a little bit before we find some place to eat, so why don't you go ahead and drink something."

I inspect the bottle and it looks fine, so I open and take a big swallow. The delicious flavor dances across my tongue, so I take another drink. Not long after I start to feel a little woozy.

"What did you do?" I slur slightly.

"Just a little insurance for when we get to the diner. There's a diner not far from here, but I didn't want you to take this chance to escape. There was a potion mixed into your drink to help keep your and your wolf's powers in control while we were there. I'm sorry, I just don't trust you fully yet."

I don't know if I'm upset at him or myself for falling into the trap, but what can I do about that now. At least at the diner, I can order something from someone not trying to do me harm. I hope.

Not much longer later, he pulls his car into the parking lot of a roadside diner. Inside it looks clean enough and the waitress seems friendly. The waitress eyes me with concern, but Delano explains my behavior as being due to the fact that I've been under the weather lately and am on lots of cold medicines. She seems to buy it and takes our order and leaves. The double cheeseburger and fries were actually really good - something good out of the goddess forsaken trip. After paying, Delano leads me back out to the car, but he seems very jumpy and I wonder what is causing his distress. Aren't I supposed to be the one under distress?


somno somnus profundus - sleep, sleep deep

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