Together Till Forever || A M...

By Iris270902_

36.6K 3.9K 1.7K

This is a sequel to my first book ANAM CARA. In order to read this book you have to read its first part. ~~~... More

1| A Changed Life
2| Their Eden
3| Those Familiar Eyes
4| His family or Her?
5| A Piece of Advice
6| Under The Stars
7| Illusions or Reality
8| Broken Paradise
9| Crossroads
10| Hot Chocolate
11| A Hug That Matters
12| Midnight In Brussels
13| The Waffel Shop
14| Coalesced Sentiments
15| Maison de l'amour'
16| Past In The Present
17| Au Revoir
19| Arms of the Beloved
20| Dreams Do Come True
21| Nivaan
22 | The Waitress
23| She Returns...
24 | The Conversation

18| A Comedy of Errors

808 133 71
By Iris270902_

I honestly don't know how this has turned out to be but I'll let you all be the judge


|| Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast ||


To say the least, Malhotra Mansion was no less than a buzzing New York Times Square at that moment.

From Raj to Hades, each member of that so-called 'small family' of eleven was present in the living room. The mighty powerful duo, which was yet to arrive, had messaged them and asked to assemble there as soon as they could.

"What might be the reason behind them asking us to meet here?" questioned Mukti, munching on popcorn garnished with chocolate. Well you can blame that on her cravings. "It better be for apologizing. They both just vanished from here. Can you believe bhai hasn't contacted us since his birthday?" Amyrah chipped in with her opinion.

"Let those two come. They'll have it from me", the rather mellowed Nyonika was roaring with anger. And for a change, Raj was happy that it wasn't because of him and won't be vented on him. Also, he internally wished well for his son and his girlfriend because no one, I repeat, no one escapes his wife's anger.

"There could have been a situation there. Manik usually...", before Abhimanyu could, as usual, save his little brother some trouble, Cabir who sat beside Mukti eating from the tub, butted in, "Abhi man, for the first time, I'll see Manik getting beaten up by aunty. Can't you see how excited I am? Please don't spoil my drama film".

In past times, Manik was never the one who would get in trouble. He wasn't innocent as many believe, in fact, he was the naughtiest. But those charming innocent eyes of his, always bailed him out of punishment. And Cabir, with that joker face, would always be held responsible even if he had no idea about it. After years he would be getting his revenge and he just cannot wait for it.

"Cabir, I still feel Manik will be able to escape", Not only Alya but also Mukti felt the same. "I agree with them", Amyrah too believed that Nyonika Malhotra beating her most favourite child, was a talk of another life.

"Be positive ladies! If he hasn't been beaten up before, he certainly hasn't done this before too", how much Cabir wanted the dream he was seeing to turn into reality.

"Hello people!"

"And the movie starts", Cabir gleamed.


When Manik and Nandini landed back in Mumbai, it was a mutual decision of the couple to drop the news to their families the moment they reached. They had planned accordingly too. While Manik prepared to assemble his side of the family, Nandini messaged the two most important people, to reach the Malhotra mansion as soon as they could.

Along with those two, another message was sent to a third, least expected party requesting his presence too. The surprising fact however was that Manik didn't know about this third person being called.

"Ready?", asked Manik as he gave his hand to Nandini as they reached the Mansion. "Yes! Absolutely", the excitement was evident in her and Manik was thrilled about it. You don't see a bubbly Nandini Murthy everyday, do you?

The househelp informed the two of the group being present in the main living room, and they didn't waste another moment to be on their way there.

"Hello people!"

Manik expected a welcome. A nice warm welcome. And so did Nandini.

Just what they didn't expect was Nyonika standing there, looking furious, almost like a raging Bull, ready to tear someone apart in two. Behind her, stood the rest, Abhimanyu and Raj had a somewhat consoling look while the rest sported a cunning smirk.

"What is happening?" asked Manik, not at all understanding the reason behind Nyonika's anger. "Ahha!! What is happening? Oh look aunty he doesn't even know what's wrong", no wonder who it was.

"Cabir? Alya? Mukti? Anyone? Will you tell me what's wrong?", while Manik got more confused the rest just got more angry. "Look Mami... bhai is acting as if everything is alright", Amyrah fueled the fire. "Haan mom look at his shamelessness" "Dekha aunty", it was Mukti and Alya speaking after giving a hi-fi to Cabir who just prompted her more.

"What is goin...ouchhhh Maaaa"

The evil quartet of Cabir, Mutki, Alya and Amyrah doubled up in laughter after seeing how brutally Manik's ears were being pulled while the rest, including Nandini, stood smiling at the banter of the Mon and Son duo.

"What's happening ke bacche? Is this the way you behave? You didn't even call us after your birthday. How busy were you in your bedroom?", did I tell you before that an angry Nyonika is a sassier Nyonika? Not only was Manik stumped by her but also it sent Nandini on a blushing spree. It was her to-be mom in law speaking after all.

"Maa...Maa please listen to us first", seeing Manik literally beg gave immense pleasure to the four people there and was supposedly the best play ever. "Nandini??? Will ya help me?", a cry for help from Manik brought Nandini out of the laughing hysteria she had gone into along with the others,"Nandini seriously? Are you even laughing? I'm your fiance for god sake!!", a deadpanned Nandini stared hard at Manik who just gave away their 'announcement' in the worst possible way.

"What!?", one said.

"Fiance?" said the other.

"What the hell?"said Mukti.

"Why did you stop aunty? It was going good. Popcorn isn't over yet" I don't need to mention who said this.

"Oh shut up Cabir! He said FIANCE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT DOES IT MEAN?" A tap on the head by his girlfriend gave Cabir the mind enough as he exclaimed, "Oh my god!!! You guys!?".

"That's why we asked you guys to assemble here. We wanted to announce this", Nandini was now standing beside Manik, his hands around her waist while they both focused on Nyonika who hadn't given any reaction to the bomb they just dropped. "You ruined my drama guys", Cabir slumped down on the chair while everyone else just gave him an eye roll.

"Maa aren't you hap...", Manik was cut off by a huge scream from the lady who was above fifty but for now was jumping like a five year old. "Oh. My. God. I cannot believe this", Nyonika squealed with merry. "Three years from now, I was having doubts that Manik is gay and now...I have my daughter in law standing in front of me".

"Oh Nandini!! Thank you God for bringing this angel in my idiot's life", Nyonika thanked her stars. Even after Manik being in a career that involved a lot of meet ups with the other gender, and he being in 'high demand' too, he had never shown interest in anyone.

Nyonika still remembered quite vividly how Manik had taken his room by storm, looking for that one grey sweatshirt which suits him best. That very moment, Nyonika had understood that he had met someone special because Manik Malhotra never cared how he looked. He's just born with good looks, good looks and good looks.

"Who proposed first?", an over excited Amyrah put forth the million dollar question.

"He did" "She did"

Three years. Three years they have been uncannily and extra luckily coordinated. Just one time that they had to go out of coordination was this. When someone asked a question as important as this.

With eleven pairs of eyes, boring into their souls, to get an answer from them, Manik and Nandini stood embarrassed. Not knowing what to say.

"Umm...we kinda...umm...proposed at the same time", Nandini never knew lying could be this hard. "Liar!! Manik proposed first and she refused", if looks could kill, Aryaman would have been dead and buried six feet under. Such were the gazes he got from the two standing there.

"What? Manik's proposal was turned down? Manik's?" Cabir's joy knew no bounds, "Karma they said. Finally all those girls whose proposal you turned down. Karma is acting on their behalf".

"Wait wait. If you turned down his proposal, how are you guys' fiances? Was it a lie to escape from the punishment mami was going to give?", one devil shuts, the other speaks up. "If this is the case Manik, I swear you'll end up living on the streets for a week", the final warning from the boss resounded in the hall. She could not and would not handle a lie as beautiful as this one.

"No no aunty. I promise it isn't a lie. We are really hitched and we want to get married as soon as possible", Nandini clarified taking pity on Manik's condition. "Then were you lying?" Amyrah went from the devil sister to the scary girlfriend mood quite quickly. "No sweetheart. I absolutely didn't lie. Ask them. I'm telling the truth", another glare from Amyrah conveyed 'it better be'.

"He is... he is correct. Nandini did refuse my proposal once", Manik scratched the back of his neck while he admitted to the fact. His statement however once again brought the cacophony back which had died for a few seconds.

"Goodness, it's worse than a Christopher Nolan movie. I didn't have to use this much brain while watching inception", Navya exclaimed. "You gave tough competition to the makers of Dark", even Abhimanyu was out of wits. "Are you guys sure you did propose to each other in real time? Not in separate dreams?", needless to say the question was put up by Cabir.

"Am I disturbing?"

The voice brought the comedy of errors to a stand still as everyone turned their attention to the person who was standing at the threshold, looking at the drama that was unfolding in front of him.

"You?", Manik meant to be a little more annoyed at the untimely disruption but stopped when Nandini said, "Guys! We'll tell you the whole story but right now we need to talk to someone". Her words riled up Manik more, in confusion and bewilderment, but then the trust in Nandini asked him to go with the flow. And that's what he did.


After intense back to back updates be ready to have some random easy going updates, full of craziness.

Also, the updates will be a little fast because I'm trying to finish this up soon.

And I did think about what you guys suggested and I can proudly say,


Any requests or suggestions for the track ahead? Any scene request? I'll be happy to induce😃

Till then

Stay safe people,
Love Iris 🦋

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