Film Rants

By urandomboi

462 26 60

SPOILER ALERT Just watching movies and tv shows and then ranting about it. Give me sth you want me to talk ab... More

the 1800s gossip girl - bridgerton s1
the plot is lying - the kissing booth 2
introducing creekwood - love, victor s1
please don't make a sequel - work it
what happened to phones - the umbrella academy s1
reverse roles - ww1984
i spot liz danes - the resident s1
i spot mrs. kim - the resident s2
love triangles - love, victor s2
the kissing booth 3 broke me - the kissing booth 3

i apologise for hunter - ginny & georgia s1

8 1 0
By urandomboi


Disclaimer: SPOILER ALERT. Also there is mention of self-harm, so read at your own discretion.

The Plot

When I first started watching the show, I thought it would just be like Gilmore Girls, but modern. But then, bam, there’s mystery. Who doesn’t love a good ol’ mystery plot, and I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way. You can legit add mystery to anything and the whole thing would be much more interesting. So in this show, Georgia, a single mother, who might, and very probably poisoned her ex-husband is starting a new life with her two kids in this new town. Throughout the show, there are flashbacks from Georgia’s life and it always has some kind of correlation with what’s going on at the present. Now add high school drama to it, and that’s the show. Pretty genius, if you ask me. During the last episode, there was a scene in the school corridor where everyone found out about Ginny and Marcus. I’m not gonna lie, that scene cracked me the fuck up. I just couldn’t stop laughing when everyone was standing there arguing. And then Marcus appeared like he has no idea wtf is happening, and I’m just like, mhmm. 

I know there’s also this very controversial scene where Ginny and Hunter argue about their race and how they are discriminated against. I feel like that scene was added purely for the show to be “edgy” and “different”. But saying things out loud like that just shows that they are prejudiced. And especially Ginny, who openly talks about Mr. Gitten being a racist, you should know better. And as an Asian, I apologise for everything Hunter says, and I can tell you we don’t think like that. 

The Characters

Georgia is that bitch that will stab you in the back. But her charm and charisma makes you trust her, and you won’t even suspect it was her doing. Thoughts of Georgia: I don’t really know. I think on one hand, I like how strong and relentless she is, but also she does a lot of questionable things. Murdering someone, stealing money from the city, um, bitch, you shouldn’t have bought the house then. I would also like to know how she is able to afford so many stunning outfits because aren’t you like, broke, technically?

Ginny’s kinda a bitch. I think if the show wasn’t based around her and her mother, everyone would hate her. She dates Hunter, and I guess you can blame it on peer pressure, but girlie, you can just tell him you don’t like him that much. I wouldn’t even blame you if you broke up with him over text, at least you’re not cheating on him. She’s also so rude to people, like my mom would kill me if I talked to her like that; and when Marcus cares about her, she just insults him. I know you want Austin to go to therapy, but maybe your whole family should. And also that self-harming thing with the lighter, that felt a little out of place, but I guess it shows how you sometimes don’t suspect that sort of thing with someone who acts so normal. The one thing I do respect her for is how she stands up for herself against her racist English teacher. I wouldn’t have the guts to do that, so props to her. 

I feel like Austin is forgotten a lot of the time, and that’s really sad. He is a little psychotic and I’m a little afraid. If you don’t remember, he stabbed someone, with a pencil. A goddamn pencil. I’m not a therapist, but I’m just gonna go ahead and guess that’s not normal behaviour. Off to a lighter note though, his relationship with the Mayor is adorable. I feel like in season 2, something’s going to happen between Georgia and the Mayor, ending their engagement and that’s going to have a big impact on Austin. Austin is attached to the Mayor, and he probably needs a good father figure in his life, so he might get into more trouble when the Mayor is not in his life anymore. 

Max is the resident popular girl, who miraculously takes an interest in the new girl. Honestly, in which school does the popular girl care about the new girl? The popular group probably has an established group of friends and I highly doubt they take applications. Now if you tell me they used to have another girl whose name has the initial ‘G’ and they are trying to replace her, that would make a fantastic subplot. But back to Max because she seems to like attention so much. Max is so self-obsessed, she doesn’t seem to notice when someone else is having a bad day. Everything is so me, me, me, and that annoys me. She has such a great life and she just keeps complaining. Marcus is such a great brother to her, and she just takes it all for granted. Though, her performance during that last episode was pretty neat.

There is so much I can say about Marcus. Let’s start with the good and slowly descend into the meh terrority. He’s your typical troubled teen that the main character falls in love with, but feels like she shouldn’t for some weird fucking reason. His backstory about his best friend dying a year ago was really tragic and the way he acts does, sort of reflects that. And because we like characters that need fixing, we like Marcus. Now add Felix Mallard, and there’s your Wattpad boy. (Genuinely, how does no one else in that school have a crush on him?) I do like how he acts like an actual teenager with the “I wanna kill myself” attitude sometimes, because, same dude. And he’s a nice guy as well, I mean, he helps his sister when she’s drunk, he’s good with kids and cares about Ginny when he sees her in a bad place. He doesn’t deserve the amount of shit MANG throws at him. Coming down from the I like Marcus place, he does do things that are questionable. I don’t know which writer thought it made sense, but no virgin would sneak into someone else’s house and have sex with them and loose their virginity that way. I’m sorry, but HUH? WHICH IDIOT WROTE THIS? And him being a virgin doesn’t even have to be a thing. Like it literally doesn’t contribute to the plot. I want redemption for his character in season 2, and by that I mean he can do so much better than Ginny. Ginny, honey, if you don’t want him, there are many others that will willingly date Marcus. 

Can we talk about how iconic Ellen actually is. She’s like an actual mom who has to deal with her two teenagers’ shit. She’s just like nope, and sort of losing her mind at the same time. And the way she wants to know the tea about Georgia and the Mayor’s relationship is literally me. 

I’ve been watching The Resident and when I heard the name ‘Randolph’, my first reaction was ‘Paul Randolph who? I only know Randolph Bell’. Anyways back to Ginny & Georgia, this man seems too perfect. I feel like there’s something we don’t know about this man and I’m scared to find out his deep dark secret in season 2. And the fact that he bought the ring right after his first date with Georgia, oh god, if a dude ever told me they did that, I will run. He is a good mayor, I think, but he is also biased towards Georgia, because they’re dating obviously. Maybe it’s just me, but probably not a good idea to date your employee?

Joe is probably the most unproblematic character in this show and his reactions to everything are just all of us. But also Justice for Joe. Joe deserves so much better. He has to handle Ginny and Georgia’s shitty drama and just stand there and listen while they rant. I feel like he’s going to have a chance with Georgia in season 2 because they can’t just tease us with the gas station scene and then give us nothing. Yet, at the same time, I feel like he might be too good for Georgia. 

Look, I love the diversity in this show, but also Hunter is a bit too much. And that’s coming from another Asian here. That tap dance scene killed me, you'd be lying if you say that didn’t give you second-hand embarrassment. If anyone at my school did that, you already know they will be bullied for the rest of the year, probably until graduation. There is a reason people don’t do big fucking gestures in high school, because the chances of y’all actually ending up together is very slim. Now I’m not saying don’t put effort into your high school relationships, but you don’t have to give it this much. A fucking tap dance in the middle of the hallway for your girlfriend’s birthday. No thank you. If someone did that to me, I would literally just walk away. And that song, it’s not that good. I don’t know why everyone’s so impressed. I’m really sorry if I’m being extremely harsh on Hunter, but by god, he’s just so embarrassing. 

Abby is an interesting character. Her parents are getting divorced, she struggles with body image, which is a lot of us. Initially, when she was being a bitch to Ginny, we all hated her, I mean she shouldn’t treat others like dirt, but then it sort of made sense. She has such a terrible family life yet no one notices. She just wants someone to ask if she’s okay, but Max is too much of a narcissist, Norah has a boyfriend, and Ginny is just… a bitch. So I get her, and I want more of her in season 2. 

Out of MANG, Norah probably is the most boring, so I hope the writers tell us more about her next season. Because there’s definitely something there. So far, she just feels like the “dumb brunette” of the group. So yeah. 

I can’t believe the writers actually gave us an ending where we see Cynthia’s husband surviving on a vent on medical aid makes us feel sorry for her. She’s this mean and awful mother who always wants to get her way, and I mean, these mothers are common. And then she goes and tries to run for Mayor, unsuccessfully, and now the writers want us to feel sorry for her. Writers, you can’t do this to me. 

Sir, you said you wouldn’t run. And you did. What kind of shit is that? And sleeping with your ex-girlfriend, who has a boyfriend that you met. Nuh uh. Why is cheating so glamorised in film? I can see that he is a good dad to Ginny and Austin, but he’s just not there. I feel like he’s gonna be in more of the upcoming season, so I’m curious as to how they are going to show this adult version of Zion. Good job to the actor playing young Zion though, I think he nailed it.

Stop being a racist. He’s the typical teacher that every student hates. But also, Ginny forcing him to sign that recommendation, I would have thought he would put up more of a fight. 

Padma is sort of just thrown to the side, and ignored most of the series. She came onto the show as Marcus’s… I don’t even know… friend with benefit? Maybe? I do like that the writers didn’t make her a bitch. Like she’s actually a normal human being, and I’m actually curious about her. She’s in a band, she can sing, why is she dating, I mean, has a thing with Marcus? I hope the writers keep her in the show. 

At first, Nick was like, I don’t like Georgia. And then he was like, meh, she’s fine. And now they’re like best buds. I like the character development. And the scene where he sings Avril Lavingne was so fun. It was weird that he just crashed a teen’s birthday party, but hey, this whole goddamn show is weird. 

I’m not sure what her character is supposed to be in the show. She was Max’s girlfriend for like 5 seconds, and then bye bye. So I guess we won’t be seeing her much next season?

Final Thoughts

This show feels like trash, but still I’m excited to see where it’s going for the next season. I look forward to watching it. I wanna know if Ginny and Austin really stole a motorcycle to find Zion and live with him. Honestly, comparing the two parents, Zion might actually be a better choice. And that symbol on the leather jacket, I wanna know how Georgia got it and whether or not she joined the motorcycle gang we saw in that flashback scene with Joe. 

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