The Men in Blue and Red

By katarinna64968

226 6 6

Willow has gone through things no girl should ever go through. Since the incident she's lived alone in the wo... More

My Rescuer
One Night
Boston visits
The Soldiers
Her Story
The Wanted

The Lake

43 1 0
By katarinna64968

I wake to the sun shinning through the foliage, landing softly on my eyes. I groan at it, silently cursing it for waking me.

I pry my eyes open and slowly sit up. No reason for wasting a perfectly fine day just because you wake up grumpy. I quickly get up and head to the makeshift kitchen before I lay back down.

Looking in the cracked mirror across the counter I huff at the sight. I look dreadful like always. Can't blame myself though. The water stopped running years ago, about a couple of months before the incident.

I shudder as flashes of the cursed images filter through my head. The sounds of screaming people fill my head, echoing softly.

I take a final look in the mirror, categorizing what I could possibly do to fix the mess I call myself.

My raven black hair is practically a rats nest beyond repair, and my face looks like it's never seen water in its life. My cloths are dirty and torn all over, and my hands, nothing can express the terror at what you would find. Not even my eyes have gotten away unscathed.

The glow that's present in everyone's eyes are gone from mine. The glow is a sign that someone's soul is still with them. It's especially present when someone talks about something their really passionate about. My eyes are a gray void, with no hint of life inside of them. Can't blame them, they've seen to much to have a "glow."

I need to go to the lake.

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought. The lake is in the wide open, in clear sight of the Reds.

Reds are the soldiers that works for the "king." That's at least what he calls himself. Most people call him a dictator behind his back. He took full advantage of the devastation from the incident to deceive the people into following him. Once he was in control, he showed his true form.

All survivors were to report to the king. Depending on their situation, they would either become new citizens of New America, workers, or were sentenced to death. You only became a new citizen if you a) were liked by the king or b) had something he wanted.

Reds were the ones that took those who didn't report in. They were the ones that forced you to the king for your sentencing. They were the ones that took you to your death. I should know. They took my dad.

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