ScaryKouji [Discontinued]

By urat1o

167K 5.5K 3.4K

What if Ayanokoji always has his scary eyes and dark aura around him. Also he's in Class A cause why not? Aut... More

1. Declaration
2. Beer Chan
3. The Childhood Friend I Never Met
4. Clubs And The SCP
5. Making Of A Pawn
6. Joining The Student Council
7. Midterms
8. Class C vs Sudo
9. Cruise
10. Start of the Island Exam
11. Plans For The Island Exam
12. Scouting the Enemies.
12.5 The Deal With The Dragon
14. The End Of The Island Exam
15. The Results Of The Island Exam.
16. Unexpected
17. A Failed Attempt.

13. Finding the leaders

5.4K 235 166
By urat1o

Kiyo POV

After leaving the Class D base camp I along with Kamuro arrived at the cave.

Some of my classmates had gone in the jungles in the groups, in search of resources which can help minimize the use of our points.

On the first day we had decided to purchase 2 tents, a shower, a toilet, drinking water and nutritional food set for the whole class.

This morning we had purchased another food set and drinking water.

The food and drinking water normally cost six points per individual unit, but as a set it only cost ten points. Ten points per meal eaten twice a day came to a daily loss of twenty points.

The two additional tents we bought cost us 20 points and same goes for the toilet and the shower.

We have currently spent 80 points which were all reasonable.

{ 20 points for food and water. 20 points for additional tents. 20 points for the toilet. 20 points for the shower. }

If we buy the food set once again today and twice everyday for the next 5 days, it'll cost us 110 points.

If we manage to put up with it on the last day and skip a meal, then the deduction would equal 100 points.

Considering we have 3 spots in possession i.e the Cave, the hut and the tower we are able to receive 9 bonus points daily by occupying them.

We received 3 bonus points yesterday and 3 this morning. We will receive 6 more points today by occupying the 3 spots.

If we are able to keep on occupying the spots till the end of the exam we will receive 45 more bonus points for the next 5 days.

That brings it to a total of 58 bonus points.

We also got some fishing rods from the hut which we can use to catch fishes from the nearby river.

For every time we manage to find food or water to make it through the day, we can adjust our calculations and save more points.

All that aside in around 30 minutes, Yahiko and the group assigned for him to go along with to capture the spots would be leaving. I decided to slip the leader's card in Yahiko's pocket just as I was about to walk past him.

That went smoother than I'd expected...

Mainly because Yahiko is being a little more carefree around his classmates.

After renewing the cave Yahiko along with the others acting as his cover went in a group to renew the other 2 spots.

The ones gone along with Yahiko are all members of  Katsuragi faction. Katsuragi himself decided to go along with them to make sure that no one is able to find the leader of Class A. 

They should be arriving soon... 

"Ayanokoji-Kun!" A voice called out to me. It was Nishi who was holding a disposable lunch box, waving at me. Sitting beside her were Motodoi and Kamuro.

They were sitting on some leaves which they were using for cushioning. The inside of the cave has been properly reinforced and even the ground inside is not nearly as rough as compared to outside.

Even so the ground being ground was still hard so by piling up some leaves they were able to make it comfortable to sit on.

"Here, you didn't have breakfast yet right? We saved your share." She said with a smile as she handed me the box. 

"Thank you." I replied and sat on another pile of leaves they'd prepared for me. I have some really caring classmates.

There was one pile for Hashimoto too but he was not here.

"Where's Hashimoto?" 

"He's mourning.... just let him be for the time being."

"Sure I guess."

I'm interested in learning more about that topic. I'll ask Hashimoto about that later.

"Did you guys found any information when you visited the other classes base camp?"

"Yeah, the leader of Class D."

"Oh nice- Wait What!?" Nishi shouted shocked by my words.

"S-Sorry, Sorry hehe." She said apologizing to our classmates who thought something happened.

"Is it Ryuuen?" Kamuro asked me.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked her. Did she also notice the transceiver he had near him and connected the dots?

"Well Ryuuen was the only Class D student you talked to." Kamuro replied.

Looks like I hoped for a bit too much...

Well still at least her guess was right.

I then proceeded to explain to them about how I noticed the transceiver he had and that he will be staying on the island till the end.

"Wow it's so cool that you were able to figure all that out just because of his small mistake." Nishi praised me.

"Well that's 50 points for us."

"Should we tell Katsuragi about it?" Motodoi asked me.

"Not yet. I'll tell him on the past day of the exam."

There's no point in telling Katsuragi about that right now. If I told Katsuragi about it right now and Ryuuen ends up retiring before the exam ends the blame of guessing the leader wrong would be all on me.

"You guys are comfortable here?" I ask them 

"Yeah, it's at least better than sitting in the ground directly."

"I see."

"Who are you guys!? What class are you from!?" I heard a loud voice come from near the entrance of the cave we were sitting in. 

Since we had covered the entrance of the cave with several vinyl sheets joined together into one giant tarp, so that no one from the outside an see inside the cave, I decided to exit the cave to see who had arrived here.

"We came to snoop. You have a problem?" I heard the voice from outside. It certainly didn't make me happy.

"And what if I do?" I said as I came out of the cave. "Is there anything someone like you can do about it?" 

As soon as she heard my voice Horikita flinched. She was still accompanied by Kushida who waved at me from behind her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Horikita said while glaring at me. 

"Exactly what I said. If I have a problem with you snooping around in my class's base, is there anything you can do about it?" I glared back at her as I said my words. The originally fearless Horikita was now trembling where she stood. 

I looked around to see if a particular person was waiting nearby or not. Then I got closer to Horikita and started whispering something in her ear.

"I pity Manabu, for he had to see the pitiful face of such a disgraceful sister more than half his life." 

As I said those words Horikita snapped and rushed at me, trying to punch me in my stomach. I intentionally let her hit me and fell to the ground. Horikita then continued to punch me several times before being stopped by Mashima sensei.

"A-Ayanokoji-Kun are you fine!?" Kushida said as she approached me. Soon enough most of my classmates nearby also showed up near us and asked me if I was fine.

"I'm fine don't worry about me." I said as I wiped some of the blood from my nose.

Kushida then went ahead and hugged me. Then Nishi, Motodoi and Kamuro who were standing behind me also proceeded to hug me. 

8 soft sensations all over my body.

After a few minutes they all let go of me as Mashima sensei came near us.

"Horikita Suzune of Class C has been disqualified from the special exam for attacking Ayanokoji Kiyotaka of Class A. Class C will get a 50 points penalty for her actions." He announced to us.

"She deserved it!" 

"What a bitch, attacking someone like that."

"She's truly a defective!"

Since no one heard me provoke Horikita and Kushdia also feigned ignorance, my classmates thought that Horkita was the one at fault.

"Even that day in front of the convenience store she stabbed Ayanokoji with a compass. She's a crazy bitch." One of my classmates who had witnessed Horikita stabbing me that day said.

All went according to my plan.

Hashimoto POV

It's our fourth day on the island and currently I'm sitting on a tree near the Class B's base camp.

It has been around a hour since I came here and I haven't found any useful information.

Ayanokoji had given me these binoculars which I have with me right now.

Apparently he had found them in the tower we occupy and thought that it can be of good use for us to spy onto the base camp to find the leader's of the other classes.

He has given me the responsibility to find Class B's leader. He said that he'll find out Class D's leader himself so I didn't question it any further.

Currently the place I'm looking at is the spot collection apparatus. Or whatever it is called.

Spot occupying device?

Spot capture device?

Well that's not the important thing right now.

The important thing is that sitting on top of a tree for hours is highly uncomfortable, boring and dangerous.

Also the fact that the only ones near the apparatus are girls makes me look like a pervert.

"Honami-Chan! Its time for renewing the spot." A voice call out to Ichinose. It was a short female classmate of her's; Chihiro Shiranami.

It's time for them to capture the spot. Finally I can get this done with.

Around half of their classmates gather around near the device trying to blend in the leader. Fortunately because I'm far away from them, they won't be able to notice me and because of the elevation of the tree I'll be able to figure out the leader among them.

As they all gathered around I just kept on looking at the place where the card will be scanned. It will be easier for me to just read the name engraved on the card than trying to figure out the person who is holding it.

As one of the hands reached out to claim the spot I focus on the card its holding and am able to read the name engraved on it.

'Chihiro Shiranami'


Finally I was able to find out their leader. Finally I can get off this tree and rest for some time. 

"Fuck yeah!"

 I unintentionally screamed gaining attention of the Class B students. 

Oh no... 

I started to get down from the tree and quickly make my way out of the area running towards our Class's base camp.

Kiyo POV

"I'll be back soon." I say to my friends as I start to walk away from our base camp towards the forest.

Since it is currently the fourth day of our stay at the island and there seem to be no issues at our base camp I decided that its the best time for us to start searching for the other Class's leaders.

Well Hashimoto is the one who'll be searching the Class B's leader.

As for me...

"Here you are." Kushida said as she noticed me.

"Did you wait too long?" I asked her. 

It would make her absence more suspicious if she didn't return to her class's base before long.

"Not really, just got here." She replied as I got closer to her.

"You have it with you?" I asked her and she just took out a key card from her pocket and gave it to me.

"I see. You indeed did a great job." I praised her.

"Of course, it wasn't exactly a hard thing to do you know." She replied to me.

"Well then, we should both be heading back." I said and handed her the card back.

"Wh-Wha- you don't have to leave this early do you? We barely got to talk!" Kushida said seemingly unhappy about me walking away so soon.

"If you stay here for too long your classmates will get suspicious of you." I said. Although given how much trust her classmates have in Kushida they probably wouldn't really think much about it. 

"Don't worry, I told them that I'm going to look around for some fruits and stuff, currently my class is already in quite the chaos anyways." 

"Hmm? What happened?" I asked her. While Class C isn't anywhere near united, Kushida's words make it seems like the situation at her Class is something more than her classmates butting heads over some minor issues.

Kushida then began explaining to me about the situation at her Class.

"This morning when we woke up, one of my female classmates had her underwear missing. She along with most of the other girls in the class started to blame the boys, accusing them of stealing it. My classmates were already furious over the 50 point penalty from Horikita's actions and the 30 point penalty from Koenji retiring. This just added fuel to the fire." 

While a missing underwear doesn't means that it was stolen, Kushida's male classmates don't exactly have a good reputation, especially the 3 idiots. It was pretty much inevitable that the furious and stupid girls would just go ahead and blame the boys of stealing the underwear.

"After that they made Hirata, check the bags of all the boys and their pockets. Even so they didn't find anything with them. But the girls still furious, went on to accuse the boys and asked Hirata to move their tents away from the one's near the boys."

Even though they weren't able to find the underwear with the boys they accused them? It's more likely that the girl had just lost her underwear. Or it could've been the actions of Ibuki, who'd been sent as a spy by Ryuuen.

"I see... just don't let your guard down. Make sure Ibuki doesn't realise about you being the leader.

I said to her. As the card that Kushida had shown to me had the name Kushida Kikyo on it.


Well I know that the strategies with which Kiyo found the leaders of Class B and Class C here weren't anything fancy.

That's because Author san lacks big brain energy to make big brain statistics. And even if I do come up with something I'm pretty sure it'll be full of use of plot convenience which I'd rather not...

Now to answer any questions you might have related to the chapter.

Q- Why didn't Mashima sensei punish Kiyo for provoking Horikita first?

A- Because there was no proof of the fact that Kiyo provoked Horikita. What was evident was the fact that Horikita attacked Kiyo. It's Horikita's word against Kiyo so Horikita can't prove shit. But Mashima sensei saw Horikita hit Kiyo so she will get punished for her actions. 

Mashima sensei might be a good guy and would've definitely punished Kiyo if he had any evidence against him, but he didn't.

Q- Why is Kushida the leader of Class C?

A- Because Kushida has gained great trust of her classmates by helping them pass through the midterms and saving Sudog. 

Due to this Sudo simps on Kushida instead of Horikita. No one in the Class acknowledges Horikita as someone smart as she hasn't done anything other than acting all high and mighty. She has nothing to boast about other than her academics so she isn't considered as someone responsible as well.

Due to this Kushida was deemed to be the responsible person for being the leader. Even though she stands out she can just convince her classmates by saying that no one is going to guess her as the leader just because she's popular and would rather think that Class C won't make someone popular their leader. 

This'll be enough to convince the defects.

If you have any other questions please ask in the comments.


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