By gisellextanya

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Onika is a stubborn spoiled highschool girl who meets Beyoncé and falls in love. *G!P* More



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By gisellextanya

- Onika Tanya Maraj
Bey had a whole bruise on her stomach from the party but Uzi looked worse. I got her an ice pack and placed it on her stomach. She whined a little bit considering it was cold.

"Thanks Princess." she smiled.

"You're welcome B.B" I said kissing her cheek.

I went into my bathroom and changed into a shortd and took my shorts off. We couldn't do anything else so I decided to just go to sleep. I laid down next to B.B and snuggled up next to her. Her phone started to ring as she got up and answered it.

"Hey solo." She smiled.

"Uh huh. Who's that in the background?" she asked.

"Drake? The fuck you doing with drake?" she asked with her voice rising slightly.

"Your boyfriend? Since when?!" she yelled.

"Aww hell nah, go back to Rob's!" Bey demanded.

I sat there and listened ..

She hung up and got back in the bed, I could tell she was upset cause she was tense. I laid my head on her chest and dozed off as she did while rubbing my back slightly.

- Beyonce Giselle Knowles
It was around 3am and I couldn't sleep, I was completely lost in my thoughts. I got up and grabbed my backpack before heading out to the balcony. I took out my bag of weed and started rolling up. I grabbed my lighter and lit the blunt taking a long hard it. I couldn't help but worry about Solo.

She's not okay. What if dad goes lookjng for her? Drake cant be trusted either. She's not safe Bey. save her. Stop sitting here. Go do something! You're failing! Bey! B-

"B.B!" Nicki called out bringing me back into reality.

"Hm?" I asked.

"You okay baby?" she asked sitting on my lap.

"Im stressed and worried about Solo, now she's dating drake's punk ass."I scoffed before taking another hit.

"B.B she's gonna be fine." she reassured.

"How you know? Im not there. Im not being a good sister Im failing Nic! Im fucking failing .." I broke down crying.

She pulled me in as I laid my head on her shoulder and sobbed heavily. The hot tears fell down cheeks as she rubbed my back trying to comfort me. I felt like a bad sister for one, I left solo alone with that man and now I dont trust her with Drake at all. The tears started to stop as I lifted up and wiped them. Nicki looked at me while holding my face.

"You're doing a good ass job. You didn't fail anyone." she smiled.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me back to her room as I laid back down. I wrapped my arms back around her and fell asleep as my thoughts continued to run.

Next Day ..

I was still laying in Nic's bed when I realized she wasn't there. I figured she went downstairs or something as I shut my eyes again as I felt her hand rub the side of my face.

"Get up baby." she whined.

"Fine." I sighed.

I got up and checked my phone as I got a text. It was from an unknown number, it was a picture of Nicki and Uzi. It was the kiss she told me about but that kiss .. looked more serious than what she said. Nic said Uzi kissed her not the other way around. I looked at her as she looked at me.

"Nic. The hell is this?" I asked.

I showed her the photo as her face instantly scrunched up.

"Baby. Thats photoshopped. Uzi kissed me not the other way around and who took that?!" she asked.

"I dont know you tell me! You kissed him obviously." I yelled.

"B.B" she pouted.

"Quit that pouting shit, you know what you did and you fucking lied to me Nicki." I said as my voice broke.

"Bey, I didn't like Im telling you its fake!" she said in a low tone.

I turned away from her as I started gathering my bags and packing my stuff. I darted out the door heading downstairs, I walked out the door and headed down the street.

"B.B! Beyoncé! Beyoncé Giselle Knowles!" Nic cried.

I ignored her starting to run slightly as hot tears ran down my cheeks. I ran and ran all the way until I got home, once I got there my dad's car was out front. I opened the door as the house smelled of cheap bear and weed. He had friends with him aswell.

"The hell you been at?" he asked.

"I dont wanna talk about it." I scoffed.

He came over and grabbed me by my shirt.

"Dont get too cocky now!" He yelled.

I was already upset what more did I have to fucking lose.

"Do something then." I laughed.

He grabbed me by my throat as I kicked him in the shin making him drop me. I ran past him and out the door as I was pushed onto the hard and rough concrete. My skin slid up against it harshly as I felt blood leak from my face. Him and his friends came over and punched me repeatedly as I felt myself getting lightheaded.

"Mathew that is it! Im calling the police!" My neighbor yelled.

"Aw shit! Come on yall lets go." he said.

I heard him and his friends pull off before everything got dark and I passed out.

Later on ..

I opened my eyes slowly as white lights blinded me, I looked around and saw Nicki sitting in a chair.

"Nic?" I muttered.

"B.B? You're awake." she smiled.

"Yea." I said slightly.

It got quiet for a second as she looked down at her phone before showing it to me. It was a video of the kiss this time actually.

"He did kiss you." I rasped out.

"Yes he did, but its not your fault." she said kissing my lips.

I smiled slightly considering my face was throbbing.

"What happened B.B?" she asked.

"My dad and his friends, I thought I was gonna die. Shortly after I woke up in here." I mumbled.

"My parents told me he was arrested, him and his friends." She said rubbing my face.

Nicki leaned in and kissed my forehead as I held her face and pulled her in for a kiss as I placed one on her soft lips. My body hurt so bad but Nicki made me feel good, and made me feel way more better. The nurse came in as we both looked at the woman. She also brought in Carol and Robert also Weezy. Carol came over and hugged me tightly.

"Bey. Im so glad you're safe, darling. Please never ever leave again." She said kissing my cheek.

I promised to her as Robert came and dapped me up. Weezy gave me a hug as the nurse started telling me about how I was doing and everything.

"Beyoncé has a one major body injury but she's doing so well. Her cheekbone was close to being cracked but wasn't. She had a couple deep cuts on her face and a slightly cracked ribcage. Her lip was busted but is healing, we also stiched up her thigh considering she had a deep cut there aswell." she said.

Damn. You almost fucking died, cause of some piece of man who never cared about you because you were jealous,B.

I ignored my thoughts and listened to the woman as she went on for awhile about my health.

"She's gonna be here for about 2 weeks. Anyone planning on staying or?" she asked.

"Me. Mama please?" Nicki begged.

"My daughter will." Carol laughed.

"Okay, we'll bring in a bed." She said leaving the room.

Nicki looked around at everybody expecting them to leave. I laughed slightly at her expressions.

"Can I get a minute with B.B?" She asked.

"Sure." Robert said.

Everyone left as it was just me and her.

"B.B, I want you to know. I could never leave you or cheat on you .. okay?" Nicki reassured.

"Okay." I said faintly.

"I love you." she smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled kissing her lips.

- ignore any errors✨.

- what yall think?

- ik this chapter probably had yall pissed.💀

- matthew in jail tho .. and b.b and nicki still strong.🤎

- vote & comment💬

- xoxo, love yall <3

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