Turning Back Time (Merlin)

Od Dollophead111

133K 4.7K 3.7K

Merlin and Gwaine decide to pull a prank on Arthur, which turns out bad for Merlin. Arthur decides to punish... Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Seventeen

4.2K 159 59
Od Dollophead111

~~Morgana's POV~~

I stare into the fire as she and Mordred are with one another by their sleeping bags. How cute. Young love.

Looking down, I'm almost finished whittling the wood into my hand into a shape of a dagger. I know it's only wood, but I would love to jam this into Arthur's heart and watch him bled out and beg for mercy in front of me. The joy I would feel of watching his pathetic life cripple away by my hand.

Life would be easier if I could just get Merlin on my side. Now that he's only a child, persuasion should be much easier. But even at his age, he is still loyal to Arthur.

What did I do wrong?

I gave Merlin shelter, a castle, for him to live in. Why would he destroy all that to save Arthur? Merlin could be dead right now. Arthur would never protect someone with magic if it goes against Uther. And why would he? He is just as much of a tyrant as his father.........our father.


At the sound of her name, she immediately gives me all of her attention.

"Yes, my lord?"

"There is a change of plans. I need you to do something for me."


So loyal.

I pull out the pendant from my pouch. This will work perfectly.

"Now, let me tell you a story about Merlin and his mother Huther. Listen to every word carefully, details are important."

~~Merlin's POV~~


I feel myself having a harder time breathing as I run to the field. I don't really know where I'm going, but I trust Kilgharrah. He said I would know where I'm going.

But I feel bad for Gwen.

**A few moments prior**

"Here's the bathroom Merlin. I will wait for you right out here for when you're done."

"Okay. Tank you!"

I close the door and try to think of something to do.

What can I do to distract Gwen for a while?

I can do the thingy I did at the castle but not as bad.

I close my eyes and try to think of a way to not hurt Gwen.

Don't hurt Gwen and don't destroy the castle. Please please please.

There was a slight rumble and a cutoff scream of Gwen before it all went silent.


I open the door and there is a really big hole in the roof that covers Gwen in the middle of the room.

I know she's okay.

I feel the magic draining from me. I have to get to Kilgharrah quickly.

I stop running once I hit a really big open field.

My breathing is really hard for me. I feel like I have no energy.

Looking around, I don't see Kilgharrah. I'm pretty sure this was the right place.

"Kilgharrah! Kilgharrah. I'm here!"

Maybe I should take a nap while I wait for him to come. I sit down and use my arms as a pillow and curl my legs close to me.

Just for a few minutes, I can close my eyes.

~~Arthur's POV~~

Something wrong. Something wrong. Somethings wrong.

Those were my only thoughts as I briskly walked to Gaius's chamber.

Before as I was taking a break from my work, I looked out my window. Apart from me just told me to look towards Gaius's chamber that I may or may not have a perfect view from my window.

As I was looking, there was a gaping hole in the roof. But not like something hit into it. A perfect circle. Magic.

And who happens to be the one with magic in this castle?

An idiot manservant.

As I reach his chamber, I brace myself as I open the door.

In the middle of the room, there's a pillar of ceiling that looks like it is around something. I run-up to it and start banging on it. I can tell it's hollow, which confirms my theory that something, or someone, is in here.

"Hello! Is there anybody here?!?"


"Merlin!?! Are you in here? Gwen?!?"

Still nothing. Also, my pounding has done nothing to the ceiling. I unleash my sword and try swinging at it.


Okay okay. Don't panic. Princes don't panic, they find solutions.

I have an idea!

Placing my sword down, I walk towards the door. Deep breath.

With all my power, I run as fast and hard as I can at it. I have my right shoulder slightly ahead so I can hit into it with it, hopefully not popping out my shoulder.

Right before I'm about to hit it, it goes back up and fixes itself onto the hole in the ceiling, like nothing ever happened.

Gwen looks at me, first with a relieved look, which quickly then turned into a panic look.

Stop running stop running.

Unfortunately when you are running full speed, it is difficult to stop.

I run straight into Gwen and we both go down to the floor.


I continue laying on the floor as I let out a groan.

Why me?



"You're on top of me."

Coming to my senses, I realize that I am, in fact, on top of Gwen. I quickly get up and stick my hand out it Gwen.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to go into you."

"It's okay, Arthur."

I hear a clearing of a throat behind me and I turn around to see the one out of two people who I fear.


Gaius standing there with his one eyebrow up, holding a basket of herbs.



"I was just umm helping Gwen."

"Of course."

We stand there for a moment just staring at one another. Well, more of Gaius staring at me and me staring at anything else but him.


We both look at Gwen as she runs to the bathroom. She comes back a few seconds later with a defeated look on her face.

"Gwen. Where is Merlin?"

I see Gwen standing at the doorway, biting her lip, looking down.

I feel anger start building up in me.

I slowly start walking towards her.

"Guinevere. Where is Merlin?"

"Sire. I am sure Merlin just wandered off like he always does."

"Yes. I'm sure he just happened to enclose Gwen using your ceiling just so he can 'wander off'."

I hastily walk towards the window and take a few deep breaths. This isn't Gwen's fault. Merlin walked out on his own. This isn't Gwen's fault.

"You're right Gains. Merlin is probably just roaming the castle somewhere. We will find him. He can't be far."

Without looking at anyone, I walk out of the room with determination in my eyes.

"That idiot!"

~~Merlin's POV~~

I let out a yawn as I open my eyes.

It's really dark outside and Kilgharrah is laying in front of me.

Slowly, I walk up to him and poke his leg. No movement.

In a loud whisper, I call out his name as I continue to poke his leg.




"Young warlock. If you poke me one more time, Arthur's destiny will be the last thing you have to worry about."


Kilgharrah opens his eyes and stands up.

"It is really dark."

I don't like it when it is dark. It's scary.

Kilgharrah squints at me and stays there for a little bit.

"Use the power you hold and make a light."

Make a light? How can I do that?

"How do I do dat?"

"The power you hold is inside you."

The power I hold? Oh! My special power.

"Okay. But-"

"You know what to do."

I do?

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to think of light. Big bright light.

"Open your eyes young warlock."

I do what he says and gasp at the sight. There are so many little blue circles around us. But they are bright. There must be a billion lights.

"For such a small thing to contain much power is impressive, young warlock."

"You can call me Merlin. Dat is what my friends call me."

Kilgharrah gives me a smile before looking at the trees.

"It looks like you have friends looking for you."

I look into the trees where Kilgharrah is looking, but I don't see anything.

"Really? I don't see anyting."

"They will arrive shortly, youn- Merlin."

"Oh okay."

I look back at Kilgharrah.

"Do you why you were summoned?"

"What is summoned?"

Kilgharrah lets out a sigh.

"Do you know why you are here Merlin?"


"The witch-"


I quickly turn around at the sound of my name, only to see Arthur, Percy, Gwaine, Elyan, and Leon there, with their swords in their hands.


With a smile on my face, I run to Arthur and give him a big hug. He wraps an arm around me and puts me behind him.

"Artur. Do you like da lights I did? Kilgharrah help me."

Arthur looks at Kilgharrah. He looks angry.

"This is Kilgharrah?"


Arthur looks at the others and he nods his head. They begin circling Kilgharrah with their swords up.

"Artur. What are you doing?"

"Merlin. Stay back. This dragon isn't your friend. It destroyed most of Camelot."

What? Kilgharrah would never do that. But Arthur wouldn't lie to me, would he?

"Artur stop."

"Merlin this is for your own-"

"Percy stop!"

I see Percy start slowly walking up to Kilgharrah from behind with his sword about to hit him. They want to hurt Kilgharrah!

"Keep going, Percival."

"Artur please stop!"

"Merlin! Knock it-"

"Stop being a...a....a.... prat!"

Arthur stops walking and looks right at me.

"What did you just call me?"

I didn't mean to call Arthur anything mean. It just came out. I don't even know what it means.

I look at the ground at bite my lip to stop myself from crying. I don't want Arthur to yell at me.

"Merlin. Please tell me what you just called me."

I quickly whisper back.

"A prat."

"A little louder?"

I look up at Arthur.

"A prat."

Arthur smiles really big and drops his sword as he runs and gives me a hug. Did he like being called a prat?

"Where did you hear that word?"

"I don't know. I just say it. To you."

Arthur looks back at Kilgharrah.

"What do you want with Merlin?"

"I only come to deliver a message."

"Why couldn't you summon me or any of my knights? Why Merlin?"

Kilgharrah squinted his eyes at Arthur. I don't think they like each other very much.

"It's obvious. I expected more from you."

"W-whatever. What is this message that only my four summers old manservant can know?"

"Breath still escapes the witch."

Arthur stares at Kilgharrah for a little bit and then looks back at me. He looks confused.

Kilgharrah rolls his eyes.

"Is there anyone here with any intelligence?"

I see Arthur look up at the lights.

"Those lights......I've seen that light before..."

"Morgana is alive?"

We all look at Leon.

Kilgharrah smiles.

"I see. Sir Leon. The one who lives through the impossible."


"Wait. Morgana is alive? How is that possible? I saw Merlin crush her!"

I crushed Morgana? All those people. I hurt people. Arthur only said that I put the people to sleep.

I feel the tears start falling from my face and my breath quicken.

No no no. I couldn't have hurt people. Mother said never to hurt people.

I turn into the woods and run. I ignore the yells of my name and run.

I hurt people.

I hurt people.

I hurt people.

I'm a monster. Old man Simmons was right.

Looking up, I realize that I don't know where I am. There are a bunch of trees around me and scary bushes and it's really dark.







Turning around with a yelp, I see the person I never thought I would see here.



I run up to her and give her the biggest hug ever.

"Mother! I'm so sorry. I don't know wat happen. I was in da woods and den I woke up in da woods wif all people. But dey are good people. Artur, Gwaine, Elyan, Percy, Leon, and-"

"It's okay, Merlin. I was so worried about you. I went searching everywhere for you and then decided to come to Camelot to see if you came here."

"Guess what!"


"GG is here! He lives in Camelot."


I guess mother doesn't remember GG like I do.

"I think dey call him Gaius here."

A look of shock spreads across her face before she goes back to smiling.

"Ah yes. Gaius. He's a good man."

"Mother. You have to come see Camelot. It's really pretty and da people are really nice and-"

I stop talking as I realize the people. I hurt people.

"I'm sorry mother. I did a bad ting."

"What did you do?"

"I dink I hurt people. Really bad. Da people in da woods and da castle. I hurt a lot of people."

"Why did you hurt them?"

She sounds mad.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to protect Artur. Dey was going to hurt him."

"Why would you-"


I look back to see Arthur coming from the trees. I know it's Arthur because his hair is really light. He stops when he sees me and mother.

"Artur! Dis is my mother."

I pull mother's hand as I walk to Arthur.


"You know mother?"

"No, of course not. Gaius mentioned her."

"Oh okay."

"You must be Arthur then. Merlin speaks highly of you from the short time she mentioned you."

"Yes. We should bring you back to the castle. We will discuss more about what has happened here."

Arthur waves his hand in my direction.

"Of course."

~~Gaius's POV~~

Dear Hunith,

How have you been? It's been a while since we have spoken. Sadly this isn't a letter just to rekindle. Something has happened to Merlin. Don't worry, he is okay. A sorcerer has turned Merlin into a child. To when he was four summers old. He has no memories from past that time. If I am correct, he should return soon enough to his old self. Why am I writing is I believe it might be best for you to travel to Camelot to make Merlin's time as a child easier. I hope to see you soon.

You friend,



Word Count: 2408

What's this? An update :o

I hope all you lovely people are enjoying the book so far.

I wanted to clear something up, just in case anyone was wondering about this. It crossed my mind as I was writing this chapter.

Merlin has so much power because he has still grown up to his older age and just has turned young. He still has his power and memories too, they're just buried in there.

Any suggestions for future chapters? I can and will try and incorporate any ideas that would work along with my own.

I hope you all are having a good day!

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