The Lazy Magician (Black Clov...

By Nightmarefredbear666

54.7K 1.2K 787

In the Clover Kingdom, in the city of Hage, there lived a boy who was quite skilled when it came to magic. Si... More

Harem 1
Harem 2
Chapter 1: Asuna, (Y/N), and Yuma
Chapter 3: The Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Chapter 4: The Black Bulls
Chapter 5: The Other New Recruit
Chapter 6: Go! Go! Our First Mission!
Chapter 7: Beasts, Guardians, Those who Protect

Chapter 2: To the Royal Capital of the Clover Kingdom

4.2K 143 69
By Nightmarefredbear666

Name: talking

' ' thinking

" " quoting

[] {] () Author notes

* * scene/pov/emotion



*Outside hage Village*

So, looks like Asuna does have some power in her... but I'm worried just how much it might be.

Asuna: *stern, determined* No.... I won't give up.... I'll become the Wizard Queen... but first. *grabs Revchi's foot* I'M GOING TO KICK THIS GUY'S ASS!!!!

That was all she said before her grimoire appeared before her. What appeared to be a tattered and worn book with a clover sporting 5 leaves on it instead of the normal 3 or the already rare 4 leaves. The book itself was surrounded by some aura that honestly concerned me. This energy that it gave off, it felt....cold. However, at this point I was proud that Asta had her grimoire, it meant that she did have it in her.

Suddenly, Asuna's grimoire opened up and out of the pages came the hilt and the bottom half of a sword as it stayed within the book.

Yuma: *smiles* I knew she would have been chosen.

(Y): *smirks* Yep, even if she is losing, she always seems to pull off the unthinkable. That's just what it means to be Asuna.

Soon, behind Asuna shot up this crazy shadow, but for some reason it felt like I was the only one who saw it as the shadow was tall and thin, with long claw like fingers and had two large wings on its back.

Revchi: *freaking out* Wh-What is that grimoire?! That sword! Just who are you?! *pissed, summons more chains* You little wretch with no magical powers! *launches chains at Asuna*

Asuna then picked up her sword with ease and gave it a mighty swing and at first it seemed to do nothing, but soon, the chains that Revchi summoned disappeared like dust in the wind as Revchi began to panic.

Revchi: *scared* She nullified my magic?!

Then, as she tensed up her muscles, Asuna brought the sword down to her side and then lunged forwards at Revchi as she prepared to swing the sword.

Asuna: *dramatic* Even without magical powers, I'm going to become the Wizard King! Not giving up is my MAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asuna then swung her sword with enough force to send an invisible shockwave through the air at Revchi. The wave sent Revchi flying as he was imbedded into the wall before collapsing toward the ground. It wasn't until shortly after that the chains around Yuma and I disappeared and I pulled out my grimoire and looked down at the 5 leafed clover on my cover and wondered what exactly it meant.

Asuna: *smirks* I've built up my muscles since I couldn't use maigc. Looks like they came in handy after all.

Yuma: *smiles* Asuna.

Asuna and Yuma then looked towards each other as they shared a silent stare, the kind of stare that two loving sisters would share with each other. Soon, Asuna ran up to Yuma and I as she held out her grimoire.

Asuna: *excited* Yuma, (Y/N)! Look, look! I got my grimoire! *hugs it * It's insanely shabby, but I'll take good care of it for the rest of my life! There, there, there, there, there, there, there, there, there.

(Y): *rub's Asuna's head* I told you you'd get your grimoire today.

Yuma: *stern* I guess you saved me again.

Asuna and I turned towards Yuma as she kept walking away from us.

Yuma: *stern* I'll repay you for this someday. Asta, you remember our promise?

Asuna: *smiles* You mean you remember it? I thought you were just making fun of me.

Yuma: *smiles* I have no interest in being too friendly with my rival.

(Y): *smirks* Hey, don't forget I'm in this too. The three of us are rivals here.

Today has been....a pretty eventful day, but at least now we can give it a happy ending. We all got our grimoires, and soon, we'll be on our way to join the magic knights.


A few days have passed since we got our grimoires, but I was confused as to what exactly was the 5 leaf on our grimoires. Reading through the grimoire itself didn't prove all that useful since I couldn't find anything that explained as to what the 5 leaf was. each leaf of the clover is supposed to represent something, but no one has ever seen a grimoire with a 5 leaf clover. In any case, I have been practicing with my grimoire and found that my magic has experienced an immense boost in capabilities. The grimoire features so many different spells, even some spell combinations, which I am eager to try out. I even see a few styles of magic I haven't heard of before. Fairy magic, shadow magic, dream magic, and bone magic.

 In any case, we've all taken to training with our grimoires. In fact, I was joining Asuna right now in the woods as she was off practicing with her sword, and by practice, I mean she was swinging it into the rib of the giant demon skeleton 1000 times. While she was doing that, I was a little ways away reading through my grimoire again, thinking of which style I should try out first. I tried doing a combination spell earlier, but in my eagerness, I tried fire magic and lightning magic and.....well.....


(Y): *smirks* BLAZING THUNDER!

*Flashback end*

It kinda blew up on me. Suddenly, a small bird landed on my head, but it was one I was somewhat familiar with.

(Y): *smiles* Oh, it's you again. I was wondering where you were.

Yes, this bird has been somewhat following me, but with all the animals that have followed me lately, I'm more so used to it. It always sits on my head like this whenever I come in here to train. At first I would try to shoo the bird away, but it would always come back. The odd part about it is that it would never leave these woods, it would just sit on my head and right as I reach the edge of the woods, it would jump up and fly away until I would come back the next day. To be honest though, it's not exactly the worst thing to stick around and follow me. That title goes to a giant fire spewing spider that tried to burn Asuna every time she got close to me, but that's a story for another day.

In any case, we still had 6 months before the entrance exam for the magic knights, and only the best of the best can get in, so we need to practice our hardest.

(Y): *stern* Alright, let's try and practice some new magic.

I began to flip through the book looking at the new types of magic when there was one that had caught my eye. It was a way to summon two swords, I'm guessing somewhat like Asuna's sword. It would be a perfect way to both practice my magic and my physical capabilities.

I kept the grimoire open to the page in the book as I began to focus my magic on it and it wasn't too long before a handle appeared out of the book, just like when Asuna summoned her sword. The grimoire was glowing a bright white color as the handle itself sported a red band wrapped around it and a broad golden hilt that connected with a wide blade that seemed dull on one side. I grabbed the handle and soon pulled out the blade as I found the sword itself to be nearly as long as my body was. The blade itself was wide in the sense that it was very broad compared to a normal sword. It felt heavy to just hold and yet somewhat light when I moved it around.

(Y): *shocked* Woah, now this is a quality sword. I bet I could kill a building with this thing. Hell, I could probably kill anything with this.

????: *smug* Meh, it's a nice sword, but personally, I'm more of a fan of the other one.

I heard a voice, but when I looked around I couldn't find the source of it. I was worried, and in my worry, I didn't notice that the bird flew away until it was already gone.

(Y): *defensive* Who's there?!

????: *calmly* No need to get defensive my friend. I don't hold any ill will towards you.

(Y): *tense* Then why don't you should yourself? Coward!

????: *sarcastic* Now that really hurts, I was hoping you and I could become good friends, after all, we are stuck with each other now. Suddenly, my grimoire was engulfed in a black aura as soon, trails of black light flowed from the book upwards and soon, a figure floated before me as he appeared to be made of smoke.

????: *smirks* I must say, I am impressed with how powerful you were before we met. Someone being able to summon a beetle on their first try is impressive, and with practice you'll be able to summon so much more.

(Y): *forms fire in hands* Who are you? What are you?!

Kage: *chuckles* I guess introductions are in order, though I already know who you are (Y/N). Your mind and your curiosity, it interests me.  I am Kage, and I am the demon that resides within your grimoire.

(Y): *confused* What?

Kage: *smirks* That 5th leaf of the clover, the one you've been pondering over, it is the reason that I was able to possess this book. Your grimoire once belonged to someone before you and before I possessed it, and that person "fell from grace" so to say. His anger and hatred was powerful enough to corrupt his grimoire and gave me the opportunity to possess it. Hence why you and your little girlfriend's grimoire's have 5 leaves.

(Y): *angry* What do you know about Asuna?!

Kage: *blunt* Well nothing really, nothing except the stuff you've thought about her and that other one, Yuma was it? Kinda creepy if you ask me.

(Y): *pissed* They're my friends and I'll kill you if you lay a finger on them!

Kage: *puts up hands* Easy kid, I just said I have no ill will towards you. If anything, you're my ticket to some actual fun in this world. You and your little boy crushes are the least of my concern at the moment.

(Y): *angry* How do I know I can trust you?

Kage: *smirks* Look kid, if you do me in, I get to enjoy a trip down the Styx. If I do you in, I'm stuck in this book until the next boy scout gets me and the book. It's a lose-lose situation for me if I go against you, so until you kick the bucket, I have to work with you to actually get something done here. Besides, I've been in you long enough to know that you aren't some gullible whelp who's out for just power. So, I'm instead going to offer you a deal. I help you on whatever stupid quest or goal you hope to achieve, and you give me a good time in this world.

(Y): *concerned* How do I know you won't just possess me or something? I still know nothing about you.

Kage: *blunt* Kid, I'm a demon inside a book of magic, if I wanted to possess you, I would have done it already, but just possessing someone is boring and as I hate to say it, cliché. You may not be a gullible whelp, but you're still a human and just as susceptible to your emotions as anyone else. Not to mention that brain in there isn't exactly an iron vault if we're being honest. But you know what, seeing as I'm a caring demon, I'll even sweeten the deal a bit for you. I know each of these spells like the back of my hand, and you can't even do a simple combo spell without blowing yourself up. I already said I would teach you, but I can do so much more than be your simple teacher.

(Y):..........*skeptical* If I trust you, you promise you won't try anything?

Kage: *stern* Like I said, I have nothing to gain from butting heads with you.

(Y): *stern* Alright......I'll trust you, but if you try anything, or hurt anyone that isn't a threat to us, then I will burn this grimoire.

Kage: *blunt* Not like I have any desire to do so, but I promise not to hurt anyone not worth our time, friend.

Kage then stuck out his hand but I refused to shake it.

(Y): *stern* We can make a deal without shaking hands, I don't need some curse put on me by you.

Kage: *smirks* After all I said and yet you still don't trust me. Fair enough, me being a demon and all, I don't entirely blame you for not trusting me, but don't expect me to trust you any more than you trust me.

(Y): *sighs* It's getting late. I need to get home anyways.

I picked up my grimoire as my sword disappeared and Kage slowly started to disappear.

Kage: *smirks* Be seeing you soon then, friend.

Once he was gone, I started to make my way back to my house as I saw Asuna and Yuma were running back towards the church on a different path. I chuckled as I saw them running off and stopping once they made it, both bent over gasping for air.


I made it home as it was time for dinner with my family. We were having roasted chicken with steamed vegetables, roasted potatoes, and some rice. I sat down beside my little sister violet as she was making the water in her cup float around in balls of water before placing them back in the cup.

(Y): *smirks* You going to drink that water or just play with it.

Violet: *pout* I'm gonna drink it. I was just having a little fun onii-chan.

My father chuckles as he helps mother set the table.

Father: *smiles* Now (Y/N), I remember you used to play with your magic at the table during dinner too. Cut your sister a little slack.

(Y): *pats violet's head* I know, I was just messing with her. It's nice how far she's come with her magic.

Violet: *smiles* Maybe one day onii-chan can practice with me.

We soon sat down to eat as we each talked about our days. I was explaining to my family about my training and preparing for the Magic Knights exam in 6 months when suddenly, an uninvited guest reared his head.

Kage: *suddenly appears* So, this is the in-laws? I honestly wasn't sure what I expected, and yet I'm still somewhat disappointed.

(Y): *gasps in horror*

Mother: *concerned* Is something wrong (Y/N)?

(Y): *worried* I-I can explain. He-

Father: *confused* What's wrong (Y/N)? He who?

(Y): *confused* D-Don't you guys see-

Kage: *smirks* Allow me to explain kid. Right now, your parents don't see me floating around and judging them, so you just look like a total spaz to them. I'm not letting them see me right now. *floats over to my parents* Your doting parents won't see a thing unless I let them see me, and that goes for the other senses too in case the walnut in your head is denser than it seems. * makes faces in front of my parents*

Father: *concerned* (Y/N), what's wrong?

(Y): *nervous* D-Don't you guys see......what a great feast you guys made, and here I am not eating more of it. *shovels food onto his plate*

Kage: *laughs* Nice save, now they think you're a spaz, and a glutton. Oh man, I'm gonna have fun fucking with your mind like this. And the best part is that it's not breaking our deal since I'm not hurting anyone else. *looks at Violet* Huh, little sister of yours? Cute, allow me to barf up the sugar and diabetes I contracted from looking at her. In any case, I just wanted to take some time to get the know the family, since I only got 6 months until I'm dragged on whatever stupid quest you're going for.

The rest of the meal was me nervously eating as Kage kept floating around and talking about my family and "messing" with them. I ended up scarfing down my food so that I could go into my room as Kage decided to follow so that he could keep messing with me.

Kage: *laughs* Man, your family is right to think you're a spaz. Running from something that they can't see or hear.

(Y): *pissed* Would you just shut up?! I didn't ask to be chosen by your grimoire.

Kage: *smirks* And I didn't ask to be stuck with you as the grimoire's user, but I'm sure as hell going to make the most I can out of it. Besides, you got a cushy and comfortable life here. You should learn what it's like to have bad things happen to you sometimes. I won't hurt anyone you care about, but think of me as your new annoying roommate that you can never get rid of or escape from.

(Y): *blunt* My roommate? Or my torturer?

Kage: *smiles* You say that second one like it's a bad thing. Look, I'm just in this for some laughs, if anything I'm a minor inconvenience to you. You have the full capability of a grimoire to you, and yet you can't handle a second voice in your head telling you that you are insignificant.

(Y): *sighs* I don't have to deal with you.


It was the next day as I was out training once again, this time practicing with the sword I summoned, and the second one that Kage had mentioned after I learned to summon it.

This blade was lighter compared to the first one, yet at the same time felt more durable but just as powerful as the first one. I was practicing swinging the swords at a few boulders before switching over to my magic and using earth magic to summon more boulders along with lightning magic to reduce the old ones down to rubble and pebbles. This would go on as sometimes I would change up what magic I did use. water to wash away pebbles and dust, ice to create more targets, fire to burn away the ice and dissolve the water, wind to cut through the ice and the stone. The work was tiring, but this is what is needed if I want to get into the Magic Knights, and I have no doubts Yuma and Asuna are doing the same thing as I am. 

Kage: *bored* Is this all you're going to do today? Practice magic? 

(Y): *breathing heavily* Well....not like you care....but I got an exam coming up.....*stretches* And I need to be prepared for it.

Kage: *forms whisp of black smoke* And you also have 6 months until the exam, do you not? You have plenty of power on your hands so you can get in no problem.

(Y): *stern* It's more than just the exam.

Kage: *bored* Ah yes, the two boy crushes of yours. You 3 have some sort of competition going on? 

(Y): *stern* We all want to be the wizard king/queen, so we've become rivals of each other. It's basically our way of both motivating one another and trying to have bragging rights over each other. Besides, we all want what's best for the kingdom, so who better than any of us?

Kage: *smirks* Get me to know the people in the kingdom and I'm sure half of them would be. But if you're so keen on wearing yourself out for this, go right ahead then. It's not like I can do anything to stop you. I can just give you my best suggestion, like, LET'S GO DO SOMETHING FUN!

(Y): *stern* You spend a few years developing a friendship and then you can decide what to do. Oh and while you're at it, get yourself a body that isn't my grimoire.

Kage: *blows raspberry* Alright, alright, do what you want then.

(Y): *sighs* You just don't get it do you Kage? It's more than just wanting to to be better than my friends.

Kage: *smirks* Please, why should I care what your reasons are? You have your friends and you want to be better than them.

(Y): *blunt* I literally just said it was more than just that.

Kage: *stern* Yeah yeah, whatever.


6 months have passed and tomorrow, Asuna, Yuma, and I would be going to the capital of the Clover Kingdom to take our exam to join the Magic Knights. Since tomorrow was the big day, my parents decided to invite Yuma, Asuna, and the rest of the kids from the orphanage along with Sister Lily and Father Orsi to eat with us. My parents decided to go all out so we had pork, beef, chicken, and fish each prepared in different ways along with plenty of steamed and roasted vegetables, some stew, and fruit to spare. We were in the process of finishing up cooking as there was a knock on the door.

(Y): *excited* I'll get it!

I went over to the door and opened it to find that our guests have arrived.

(Y): *excited* Haha, I'm so glad you all could make it.

Orsi: *smiles* We were happy to come. Tomorrow is a big day for 2 of you.

Asuna: *whiny tone* Father Orsi, there are 3 of us going.

Lily: *smiles* I'm so happy we could all celebrate together, I just wish that we weren't not taking advantage of your family.

Mother: *smiles* Nonsense Sister Lily, Rouke and I are more than happy to prepare a feast for all of us.

Father: *Happy* Well don't just stand in the doorway, come on in, dinner is just about ready. 

The others came inside as my father and I helped to set up the table while mother finished up the last bit of the cooking. Since we weren't used to having this many guests, I had helped create a second table that the younger kids could eat at while my parents, Father Orsi, Sister Lily, Asuna, Yuma, and I could all sit together.

Mother: *smiles* Alright everyone, I hope you're hungry, because there is plenty to go around.

With the food placed on the tables, everyone was given a plate and everyone got as much food as they wanted as we started to feast together. The kids at the other table were having fun talking with each other while our table was more focused on our exam tomorrow.

Orsi: *smiles* It's nice we can have this feast for Yuma and (Y/N). I know they will do great things.

Asuna: *angry* Father! 

Orsi: *smiles* Don't worry Asuna. There is no reason to feel embarrassed. You will always have a home back here after the exam.

Asuna: *concerned* Y-You should say the same to Yuma, too.

Orsi: *sweatdrops* Yuma will be fine.

Asuna: *shocked* Huh? What do you mean?! I'll be fine too! I'm gonna become the wizard king!

(Y): *blunt* Queen.

Asuna: *stern* Then, I will come back for (Y/N), and then he will marry m- (gets blasted by water).....*confused* Eh? *suddenly gets electrocuted* .....*puffs out smoke* Ow.

I look over as I saw Violet look at Asuna upset. Yes, Violet has not been too happy about Asuna constantly proposing to me, so she has been practicing her magic on Asuna when she does see Asuna propose.

Yuma: *stern* Forgive Asuna, she doesn't understand when to shut up sometimes.

Mother: *smiles* Well it's perfectly fine. It's actually nice to hear that someone has a crush on my son. It gives me hope.

(Y): *shocked* Mother?! Just what do you mean by it gives you hope?!

Mother: *smiles* Oh nothing important. 

Father: *smiles* I always knew it was more than just friendship between one of you two. 

Asuna: *excited* So does that mean I have your blessings Mom and Dad?!

(Y): *upset* Does my opinion on the situation factor in here?!


It was a few days before our entrance exam as Yuma, Asuna, and I had our bags packed, and our grimoires in hand as we had a farewell party of my family, Sister Lily, Father Orsi, and the kids at the orphanage. 

Mother: *smiles, waterfall tears* We're going to miss you son, please try to write to us everyday, and if you feel homesick, don't be afraid to come back home. *hugs me tightly*

Father: *smiles* We'll be rooting for you here son. Go make the most of yourself.

(Y): *sad smile* Thank you both. I'll be sure to visit every chance I get.

Suddenly, I felt something collide with my leg, as it was my little sister hugging my tightly.

Violet: *sad* Please don't leave onii-chan. I don't want to lose you.

(Y): *kneels down to her* Don't worry Violet. I may not be here, but you will never lose me. In fact, *pulls out a stone as he harnesses magic into it* take this stone with you. It will glow as bright as a torch when I'm nearby and the further away I am, the light will grow dimmer, but no matter how far away I am, the light will not go out. So when I come home, you'll be the first to find out.

Violet: *hugs my chest, starts to cry* Thank you onii-chan. I'll never let it out of my sight.

(Y): *smiles, hugs her back* I know you won't. Take care of mom and dad for me, I know they can be a handful.

Violet: *sniffles* Uh huh. Please come home soon.

(Y): *smiles* Don't worry, once I come back, it will feel like I never left in the first place. 

Violet then lets go of me as I stood back up and patted her head. I then went over to Sister Lily and Father Orsi as I pulled out two objects wrapped in cloth for the both of them.

(Y): *smiles* I wanted to get you both something for all that you had done for me. I know it's not much, but it's what I can offer.

Sister Lily and Father Orsi unwrapped their gifts as they both held glass rosaries I had made with my magic by burning sand and shaping it with wind magic by slicing and carving the glass.

Orsi: *smiles* You didn't need to my boy, but thank you for the gifts. You were of no trouble to us, neither was Yuma.

Asuna: *smiles* What about me Father?

Orsi: *blunt* You were constantly trouble, but you are still one of ours and we will welcome you with open arms.

Asuna: *upset* Father!

Aruru: *smiles* Good luck you three!

Hollo: *concerned* Come back soon!

Nash: *stern* She'll be back soon, Asuna, that is.

Asuna: *upset* NASH!

Nash: *smiles* But you know, if, just if, and it's a very huge if,...If you get into the magic knights,...

Asuna: *concerned* Yeah?

Nash: *smiles brightly* I'll believe in possibilities. I'll believe I can become anything. And then one day, I will become a Magic Knight, too! *stern* No, nevermind.

Asuna: *excited* I'll be waiting for you.

(Y): *smiles* I hope one day all of us can be together in the Magic Knights. We all have to potential, and we all will succeed. 

Yuma: *smiles* Well, I'll be off. 

(Y): *smiles, waves to everyone* Take care you guys. We'll be back before you know it.

Asuna: *shocked* Hey! Wait up you two! *smiles* Bye everyone!

Everyone: *smiles* Have a safe trip!

We had a long walk ahead of us, and no doubt this is a good opportunity for us to practice our magic skills along the way. It's honestly weird to be leaving Hage now and going straight to the capital. 

Asuna: *smiles* The royal capital, huh.... I wonder what it's like.

(Y): *smiles* I bet it's enormous, like 10 times the size of Hage. And probably just many people too. 

Asuna: *excited* I wonder if we'll meet the Wizard King!

Yuma: *stern* First we need to pass the Magic Knights entrance exam. Then we'll talk.

Asuna: *smiles* I'm so excited! 

Yuma: *concerned* Excited? Aren't you scared?

Asuna: *confused* Huh? Why would I be? 

Yuma: *smiles* You never change.

(Y): *sighs* I just wish we had like a carriage or something. I'd rather not walk after all that training I did. One of you two mind carrying me?

Asuna: *beams* I will of course! As your future husband, it is important to make sure my wife is-

(Y): *blunt* You know what, I'll just walk. And once again, I would be the husband, and you would be the wife if I did marry you. *sighs* Where's a giant golem when you need one.

Asuna: *Excited* I can't wait anymore! Come on, let's hurry up! The capital is super far away! *starts running*

Yuma: *stern* Stop!

Asuna: *smiles* I got to hurry up and become the Wizard King! 

(Y) and Yuma: *blunt* Queen.

Yuma: *stern* And just because you get there faster, doesn't mean you'll become the Wizard Queen any quicker. 

Asuna: *excited* I'm gonna become the Wizard Queen and then, *grabs a stick* I'll fly up to (Y/N) on a broom stick dressed in a regal gown and extend my hand to him and say, "(Y/N) I've come to marry you. I have become the Wizard Queen and the two of us could rule this kingdom as Husband and Wife." And then we would fly off into the sunset. It could happen.

(Y): *rubs forehead* The one time she gets it right.

Yuma: *stern* Can you even ride a broom when you don't have any magic? 

(Y): *blunt* Or get married without a willing spouse?

Asuna: *upset* I-I'll make it work! 

Yuma: *stern* Will you?

Asuna: *smirks* I will! I got my grimoire. I can do anything as long as I don't give up! *starts to run* Come on, hurry up! I'm going to leave you two behind! Let's train all the way to the royal capital! 

Yuma: *sighs* She can't be serious.

(Y): *blunt* It's Asuna, she is hardly ever joking. *starts to run* Come on!

Asuna: *cocky* Can't you two keep up? 

We ended up running until we were exhausted, and kept on running after then. Asuna was not willing to stop, or at the very least, stay at the same pace as us. We stopped for a brief moment, but couldn't even catch our breath before Asuna started running again, despite not even catching her breath either. It wasn't until when Asuna collapsed in a small canyon like area that we finally got to stop, although Asuna tried to keep going.

Asuna: *out of breath* Not yet! I'm not done yet!

(Y): *holding back Asuna* At this rate you'll be dead before you're "done." We're going to rest here for a minute.

Afterwards our travels continued as we faced rain, where Asuna used her sword to block the rain from her, Yuma used wind magic to create a barrier over her head, and I used water magic to create a perimeter around me where the water didn't touch. That night, I made our fire using magic and while Asuna slept, Yuma and I stayed awake studying our grimoires, that is until Asuna woke herself up by rolling too close to the fire. 

Asuna: *in pain* HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT! 

The next day, we were looking for food and lucky for us, a large wild boar attacked us, but Asuna was able to take it down with her sword. We roasted the boar and feasted on it.

Asuna: *smiles* I wish everyone back at the church could eat this, too.

(Y): *smiles* Don't worry, when one of us becomes the Wizard King/Queen, the people of Hage, including our friends and loved ones can eat just as good as the people in the royal capital. 

Later on our journey, we experienced a dense fog that surrounded us and kept us from seeing anything. We would have been lost, but Yuma was quick to think of using her wind magic to clear the fog and we saw the sign that pointed towards the royal capital. Later on, we were climbing a mountain but a rock slide caused boulders to fall towards us. Asuna sprung into action by slicing one boulder to pebbles with her sword while Yuma took out 3 more with her wind magic. I decided to use earth magic to make the boulders turn into dust by breaking them down easily and quickly.

Asuna: *pouty* Stay out of my way!

(Y): *blunt* We gave you a hand.

Asuna: *pouts* No one asked you to.

When we got hungry again, we found a nearby river teeming with fish. Asuna had jumped into the river and was fishing by hand, Yuma was using her wind magic to pull fish out of the water, and I used my ice magic to skewer the fish making them easy for me to grab. That night, we got to sleep on a nice cool grass, which was nice compared to the next day. The next day we had to traverse a desert with little water. I was able to make water with my magic while Asuna drank from her canteen. Yuma, in poor decision making, decided to drink from the canteen and found it was Asuna's gross Moguro leaf juice which she promptly spat out. After escaping the desert into cooler, water filled environment, we started running again, feeling that we were close to the royal capital. That night, the three of us rested under a large tree, but I awoke to find Asuna and Yuma were both resting on my shoulders. I wasn't upset though, they seemed comfortable. 

The next day, we were climbing yet another mountain and we soon reached the peak of it as Yuma seemed to stop at the top.

Asuna: *concerned* What's the matter, Yuma? 

(Y): *stern* Is there something ahead of us? 

Asuna and I soon reached the peak with Yuma as we saw that she was staring at a large mountain, and on top of it sat the royal capital.

Asuna: *shocked* Whoa, it's huge!

(Y): *surprised* So that's the royal capital?

Asuna: *smiles* That's where the Wizard king is! *Throws up arm* All right, I'm gonna do this! I'll be right there, just you wait! *runs down the mountain* I'm gonna become the Wizard Queen!

(Y): *excited* Not unless I become the Wizard King first! *runs after her*



Next Time: The Magic Knights Entrance Exam

And with that, (Y/N), Yuma, and Asuna have made it to the royal capital of the clover kingdom. It won't be long before they take the Magic Knights entrance exam and become a member of the Magic Knights. But now so much has come up. New styles for (Y/N) to learn, a demon in his grimoire who might be a threat, and the looming knowledge of a demon in Asuna's grimoire. What happens next? Stay tuned to find out.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a Fantastic Day!

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