Chasing Champions

De SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... Mais

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

OBGYN and telling some family

116 1 0
De SGD1318

Sarah POV:

As I wake up that next morning I couldn't help but smile as I snuggle into the back that was in front of me. I slip my arms around his waist and nussle my nose in between his shoulder blades. I relax as I listen to his slow heartbeat and kiss the skin under my lips as I start to slowly fall back asleep. But right as I was about to be pulled under I hear my door creak open and little feet walk across the floor to my side of the bed. I smile as I open my arm and feel Jace climb up and wiggle in between me and his daddy. He tries to wrap his little arms around me but his arms aren't long enough yet. I kiss the top of his head and he settles down and is almost asleep instantly and I follow suit.

A while later I wake up to feeling lips on my forehead, my eyes flutter open and see blue eyes staring into mine. I smile and whisper,

"Well good morning there handsome."

He smiles and whispers,

"Morning gorgeous, when did little man sneak in?"

I look down at my son still sleeping soundly in my arms and say,

"Maybe 2 hours ago or so? I was just about back asleep when he quietly came in and snuggled in between us. Honestly it looked like he had been awake for a good bit before he came in."

He frowns as he moves some hair on Jace's head and softly says,

"His sleeping has always been off, maybe he struggles with it like you do?"

I frown as I mumble,

"I've been wondering about that too, but it's not like I can ask my parents if I was the same way at his age. I really hope it didn't go to him too, because it sucks to deal with."

He nods and wraps his arms around both of us and says,

"Yeah I can only imagine, and I really wish he doesn't have that and this is normal but I don't believe it. Anyways, I say we sleep in a bit longer before we take him to the track."

I smile and answer,

"Sounds like a good idea, I'll let Jett know that so they don't get there and wonder where we are."

He just lightly pulls Jace into his chest so I could roll over and grab my phone and I shoot a text to Jett and roll back over. I bury my face into my sons hair as Chases arms come back around us both and we fall back asleep.

A bit later was when I was woken up by my morning sickness. I blink as sit up and carefully get out of bed and walk into my bathroom and shut the door. I turn on the fan as I sit on the side of the tub and rest my head in my hands as I try and will my stomach to calm down. I knew it wasn't going to calm down as saliva kept gathering in my mouth. I hold a hand to my mouth as I crawl to the toilet and I reach it just in time for everything to come out. After hurling a few times it calmed down enough that I was confident that I was done but still upset. I stand up and just take a quick shower to help calm me down some more, I finish and wrap a towel around me and open the door just in time to see Chase sitting up. He looked to where I was supposed to be in sleepy confusion till he looked up and saw me. He blinked and asks,

"You ok? You look a bit pale."

I lean against the door frame and say,

"Yeah just the normal morning sickness rearing its head. So I took my shower after so you two can sleep a bit longer."

He sighs and stands up as he stretches and I walk over to my drawer and grab some lose comfy clothes to wear. I look over my shoulder and see Jace was starting to move around which meant he was waking up. I slip into my closet and throw my clothes on and walk back out using the towel to dry my hair some more. My stomach cramps slightly making me absentmindedly start rubbing it as I sit down on the bed. I lean back against the headboard and close my eyes as I feel Jace snuggle into my side. I knew he had to get up but I didn't have the heart to make him as I understood what it was like to feel like you never could get enough sleep. I felt the bed dip next to me making me lean into him. I open my eyes and say,

"We gotta wake him, don't we?"

He just laughs lightly as I groan in response and sit up as I turn and gently shake him awake. He whines as his eyes open and I say,

"Time to get up, we gotta meet uncle Jett and Ry at the track in 40 minutes."

He nods before zombie walking out of our room to get ready. I just sigh as Chase starts snickering and saying,

"He is definitely your son, no doubt about it. You both walk around like that."

I swat his chest as I get up and say,

"That may be so, but it only takes us 5 to 10 minutes to be fully awake and ready to go. You take 2 cups of coffee and 40 minutes for you to be. So shut up."

I turn to see him sitting there pouting and I couldn't help but giggle as I grab my purse and make sure everything I will need for my OBGYN appointment is in there before walking over to him and asking,

"Will you go make sure he's ready and bring him to the truck? I'll get you two some food to eat on the way."

He nods as he stands up but frowns as he asks,

"Your not eating anything? You know you have to eat something soon."

I rest a hand on my stomach as I give him a light kiss and mutter,

"I will on the way to the appointment, my stomach is still way too upset to eat anything right now without it coming right back up. I think it will be calmed down completely by then, hopefully anyways."

He nods as he kisses my forehead before going to our sons room. I sigh and head down to the kitchen and quickly make some breakfast sandwiches. As I was finishing wrapping them up I hear my boys coming downstairs. I turn and smile as I say,

"Grab your food and get in the truck boys, or we will be late."

They both grab them and run to the truck making me laugh. I walk out to the truck and I say,

"Chase let me drive because I really wanna drive."

He blinks before nodding and climbing into the passenger seat. I jump into the driver's seat and pull out, as we pull in I see Jett and Rhys taking his bike out of the back of Layla's truck. I smile and climb out as the boys get out and start getting Jace's stuff out. I walk over to Jett and looks at me with a frown before grabbing my hand and drags me away. I look back at Chase to see him laughing, and I just shrug my shoulders before we stop a good distance away. He turns back to me and looks at me worriedly as he asks,

"Ok what's going on Sarah? You acted oddly at the hospital and even though Chase told us it wasn't anything bad we are still worried. And suddenly instead of staying to help the boys learn to ride like you normally do your leaving? And you look really pale and maybe sick? Since this whole time you've had a hand on your stomach-"

His eyes grow wide as his mouth drops down as I just giggle and nod at his silent question. Immediately I'm pulled into his arms as he whispers,

"Holy shit, your gonna be a mom again! This is amazing, congrats!"

I laugh as he pulls back slightly and rests his hands on my shoulder just beaming at me. I rest a hand on my lower abdomen and the other on top of my stomach and whisper,

"Thank you, that's where we are going after we leave. To go get checked out and make sure everything is ok, we are both excited as all get out but terrified at the same time. Seeing as my history of being pregnant is very rocky, and I really don't think either of us could handle another-"

I get choked up as I shake my head while squeezing my eyes closed. I felt his arms come back around me as the tears start to fall. I lay my head on his chest and just let him hold me as he whispers,

"I can't promise you that everything will be ok, even if I wish I could. But this time you and Chase are in a good space, and you know your expecting. You have your family here for you every step of the way."

I nod as I start to calm down and say,

"Thanks, I think I really needed to hear that from you. By the way how's Layla been doing? All of you really?"

He rests his cheek on the top of my head and says,

"Good, Layla is healing and the kids have been behaving. And we have talked about what happened and she admitted that she didn't want to have more than two kids anyways so it worked out. Even though she complaining about having to be on medication for the rest of her life but we're ok."

I nod as I whisper,

"Good, I'm glad everything is going to be ok with you guys."

Before he could respond we hear Chase yell,

"Sarah we need to get going if we're gonna be there on time and stop to get you something to eat on the way."

I nod back as Jett and I start walking back to where they were sitting only to have Chase walk up to me and pull me into his arms. I relax a bit and kiss his shoulder before pulling away and going to hug our son goodbye. As he runs off with Rhys to get there gear on I smile as I turn back to Chase and we climb into the truck and wave as we pull out.

About halfway there we stop and get me some food and I quickly scarf down. But that showed to be a bad idea seeing as soon as we got into our exam room I felt sick to my stomach. I sit forward on the exam table and put my head in my hands as I shakily exhale through my nose. Chase rested a hand in between my shoulder blades and rubbed small circles with his thumb. I didn't even look up as the door opened and closed, nor did I when she asks,

"So, 1-10 Sarah, what are you feeling?"

I swallow thickly and manage to get out,

"Solid 8, waves of 9."

I heard her move and suddenly there was a trash can in front of me just in time for my breakfast to come back up. Luckily it didn't last long and I sat up only to have a small cup of water and a mint handed to me. I take them with a small smile and wash my mouth out and pop the mint in and sip on the leftover water. I smile up at her and say,

"Sorry about that, I felt fine till I sat down in here and was about knocked off my feet by it."

She smiles and says,

"Its ok, from what you felt while being pregnant with Jace and that now, I feel like you have already had it kinda rough so far?"

I nod as Chase mumbles,

"Yeah she has, it's at anytime and it drains her more then it did with Jace. Actually she's way more easily tired then she ever was. And everytime she wakes up no matter what position she sleeps in she's sick to her stomach when she wakes up."

She looks at me with a frown as I fidget and mutter,

"He's right, it's not been long since I started showing symptoms but it's already different then with Jace. Maybe not as much with being sick but I'm so tired all the time anymore. And I'm actually sleeping the normal amount of sleep for a pregnant woman this time."

She frowns and thinks for a minute before looking through my files and mutters,

"I think I'm going to do the normal exam and a pelvic exam as well to see if anything is odd. Because while you had that complication with Jace, the rest of it was normal. And it could be do to the multiple miscarriages you have suffered making this pregnancy be a lot rougher on you."

I nod as she leaves and I stand up and take off my clothes and grab the hospital dress and lay back down. I look over at Chase to see him lost in thought, so I reach out and grab his attention and he grabs my hand as he whispers,

"I never once thought that your past um, problems would affect you in this pregnancy."

My heart hurts as he stutters and couldn't say miscarriage, it kills me to say it to but it hurts so much worse to see him still struggling with it. I know that no matter what I say he will always blame himself when it was a multiple different reasons it happened. But I know I will never get him to let go of the guilt completely, just like I never will either. But as I look at him and he looks at me I know both of us will do anything to make sure this baby makes it into the world.

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