Experiment 2377 (SLOW UPDATES)

By AshlandCoffee

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This is my first story so please enjoy. COVER IS NOT MINE! BELONGS TO RIGHTFUL OWNER! Before I start no hate... More

•Chapter 1• •The Meeting•
•Chapter 2• •Get Ready•
•Chapter 3• •The Mission•
•Chapter 4• •Experiment 2377•
•Chapter 5• •Not What It Seems•
•Chapter 6• •What if you can•
•Chapter 7• •Anything For You•
•Chapter 8• •The Escape• •Part 1•
•Chapter 9• •The Escape• •Part 2•
•Chapter 10• •Fight or Flight• ft.Boomed with Fan Art
•Chapter 11• •City Trip•
•Chapter 12• •Friend or Foe•
•Chapter 13• •Till my last breath•
•Chapter 14• •What could be better•
•Chapter 15• •Unexpected Visit•
•Chapter 16• •Lying•
•Chapter 17• •Where To•
Important Announcement
•Chapter 18• •Strawberry Pimp•
If you read the title you know why your here-

•Chapter 19• •Concerns•

259 8 5
By AshlandCoffee

So my ODC and crippling anxiety insisted that I finish writing this book at 3 in the fricken morning-

Note: Some chapters may be a lot longer than the others and might take a little more time to be released. Do mentally prepare yourself for a lot of stuff to go down-

Also thank you @ChildTheWild for the lovely Fanart up top! It's adorable!

•~Edd's POV~•

"No wallet, no cash, no credit card, no car, no way back. Well then. I am absolutely screwed." I slapped myself in the face and groaned.

How could I be so stupid to have left my wallet in my desk drawer! Now how am I supposed to fix my car?

"You need help there, partner?"

I jump up and yelp out of surprise. The owner of the repair shop was looking at me through the screen door. He was dressed like some cowboy, the hat, the boots, everything! He even had the weird accent.

"I ummm- My car broke down." I awkwardly blurted out.

He raised an eyebrow but opened the door, walking over to my car to take a look. He opens the hood and a bunch of steam comes rising out.

"Hmmm. Yep. She be broken alright. But nothing a little love can't fix." He smiles as he looks at the car. "A real beaut! Where'd you get her?"

"Oh! It's actually custom made." I shift uncomfortably. I'm not use to talking about cars. I just want to get mine fixed so I can find my boyfriend. Then it hit me. The money problem. "I Uhh- So little problem. I don't have my wallet on me or any cash of that matter."

The man looks over at me, hoping I was joking but when he saw my expression, he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You rich folk and forgetting your wallets. Alright, I'll fix her and send you on your way but you gotta do a little something in return for me."

"And what would that be exactly?" I asked with a nervous breath.

"How much you know about cars?"

"Not much. Why?"

"Alright. You'll have to do then."

"Do for what?"

"In return for fixing your car here, you have to be my assistant for the day." He chuckled.

I stood there a little surprise that he wanted me to be his assistant for the day. I didn't know the first thing about cars or even fixing them. "Are you sure? I wouldn't have any clue as to what I'd be doing."

"I'm sure. Now how about we start to get to work. Let's start with your car."

"O-Okay sir!" I quickly walk over and help him tow my car into the garage.

He points to his left at a wall filled with different tools. "Can you grab me my wrench? The big one."

I nod and walk over, picking up the wrench to walk back over and give it to him. He smiles as he takes it and starts to get to work.

"So what's your name, son? I haven't seen you around here before."

"I'm Edd. I'm just visiting a friend here." Big understatement.

"I see. Well you'll be out of here in no time, I'll tell you that."

"Thank you."

"No problem! That's just what I do."

I really hope that this will be done soon. I'm coming Matt just hang on.

•~Matt's POV~•

A vampire. I'm a vampire. How am I a vampire? Why am I a vampire? I don't want to be a vampire! I looked at myself in this special mirror trying to take everything in. Why did they do this to me?

The scientists looked at the machines hooked up to me and wrote stuff down on their clip boards. They quietly whispered to each other as I sat there in shock. The scientists then decided to put me back in the cell. I followed them out of the lab completely zoned out. Once I got back, Ash walked over to me and waved a hand in front of my face.

"Hey. Matt? You alright?"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my trance. I looked at her, she seemed worried.

"You okay? What did they do?"

"I'm okay for the most part. I'm just a little shaken."

Her expression turned into a serious one. "What happened? What'd they do to you?"

"I-" I stopped. What do I say? How could I possibly explain this when I have no clue myself? What did happen? "I'm a vampire." I said as I looked up at her.

The room fell silent. It stayed like that for a few minutes until she spoke again. "How? How could they do that to you? What sick bastards!" She never took her eyes off the ground as she yelled. She refused to look up and look me in the eyes.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. She was right. What they did was sick. They were forceful and had no regard for me. They made me a vampire without my knowledge. But there's nothing I can do about it now. All I could do is sit here in the cell, waiting for the next thing to happen.

•~No one's POV~•

Tord had decided to take a nap on the couch after his and Tom's long day at the amusement Park. But Tom wasn't tired! He wanted to do something else fun and exciting. He pouted, sitting crisscross on the island counter in the kitchen. He was hungry too which didn't help and he didn't exactly know how to make food for himself.

Suddenly, Tom's brain thought back to that morning. That black goop, it was surely unusual for it to happen again after the first time but there wasn't anything wrong, right? Nothing hurt, he wasn't in any pain so it was probably nothing. He shook himself out of his thoughts and looked around the kitchen.

It was apparent that Tord had to go shopping because there was nothing on the house. Not even a messily apple. (And we're back to writing about apples- Hey just like the awesome fanart up top!)

Tom's stomach growled and he sighed, defeated. He gazed over to the sleeping Tord, debating whether to wake him or not. Tom slowly walks over and stands over Tord awkwardly. He hesitantly starts to reach down to tap Tord on the shoulder when his hand suddenly shifts into a black claw.

Tom jumps back holding the wrist of the claw hand except when he looks back down his hand was normal. Was the claw just some kind of hallucination? Tom looks over at Tord, concerned but makes his way to the bathroom. He turns on the water and splashes his face a few times. He looks up at himself in the mirror. He stares into his deep black 'eyes' when they suddenly glow magenta.

Tom blinks startled but when he looks again it's gone. Just the normal black voids. What was happening? He was scared, worried, confused..
Why is this happening? What is going on? Was his mind play tricks on him? He didn't understand.

There was a knock on the door. "Tom? Are you in the bathroom again?" It was Tord. He sounded sleepy.

"Yeah. Sorry. I was just washing my face." Lies.

"Oh alright. I was just checking on you." Really? Was he?

"Yeah. I'm good." Liar.

What was happening to him? Where did these voices come from? What do they mean Liar?

"Okay cool. I was just about to order some food actually. What would you like?"

Food?! The voices stopped. It was quiet. Finally.

"Anything you'd think would be good! I'd eat anything right now." What happened to the voices? What was going on with him?

"So I'll order for both of us? Okay.." Tord slowly turned and walked away.

Tom stood there looking at himself in the mirror still. He was so confused. Should he be worried or was that normal even though it's just never happened before? He was in that lab for most of his life. There were a lot of things he had never tried, turning into his fully monster form being on of them. He had never blacked out and let his monster take control like that before. Perhaps the goop was just a side effect and he shouldn't worry about it. I mean, what pain is it even causing him? None. So it should be okay. Right?

Tord ordered some food for both him and Tom. He's a little worried. Tom has been acting a little strange. But if Tom says it's nothing then that good enough for Tord. But Tord couldn't help but shake the feeling, something bad was about to happen.

I am back-ish! Last announcement be yeeted and deleted.

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