Blood Moon ~ Klaus Mikaelson


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Klaus falls in deep with a girl trained to kill him . Started : 2014 Finished : - ©️hakyeonaesthetic Еще

Blood Moon (TVD Klaus fan fic)


3.1K 66 10

A/N: Hello! this is chapter 21. So sorry for the lack of an update, I am finally on school hols, so there should be at least two updates in the next two weeks, but bare in mind this chapter took me 8 hours to write! So enjoy, and let the chapter flow! (That made no sense whatsoever!)

Amelia's POV.

My head had started to pound.. causing my eyes to flash open to look at my surroundings, which turned out to be unknown. It was then when the memories of last nights events had began to come back to me..

The sun and moon sacrifice..

Melody and the un-breaking spell..

Klaus making me love him..

Klaus hitting me out cold and taking me..

I guess that must be how I got here, in what I think looks slightly like a wooden cabin.. and that means I'm probably in some place in the woods. Just fantastic. I had no idea at all how long I had been cooped up in this cold, bare hell hole of a cabin, but I sure as hell wasn't going to stay here willingly any more than I had to. As soon as I quickly sat up, I instantly regretted it. My hand rushed to touch my clammy forehead, I could feel a slight bump beginning to form on it starting to give me a severe headache. But that certainly wasn't going to stop me, I stood up and walked to the exit of the cabin, not even bothering to be quiet. The world surrounding the cabin was expected, probably lengths and lengths of trees and dirt.

As I was wildly running, a sense of deja vu overwhelmed me.. i only ever seemed to run away from Klaus, how come he just can't take a hint? Maybe he just has an incredibly large ego.. yeah that sounds like him. I was incredibly fast, yes I wasn't supernatural but I knew how to run during a crisis. This sure was a crisis; running away from my mate. But no matter how much I ran that explanation in my head, I couldn't manage to process it. I would of thought that having a soulmate, would be the best feeling ever, like it would be an eternity of love and devotion. But when the thought of Klaus being that person.. it just makes me wonder.. Does mother nature have it in for me? What the hell have I done to deserve a CRUEL HEARTLESS MONSTER as my lifetime partner?

My thoughts came to an abrupt stop. I managed to bump into the road, the old sign next to it clearly presenting the words; 'Welcome To Mystic Falls'. I snorted, they present the town as if the area is safe and well represented.. yeah it sooo is. I quickly turned me head back to the forest making sure that Klaus wasn't near me, then proceeding to run in the direction the sign displayed. I got a couple of strange glances form the cars flashing past me as I was running at a steady pace beside the road. Most likely thinking that I had some sort of mental issue, I wish.

When I reached the town centre, which only consisted of a small cafe and the grill I speed walked right, in the direction of the Salvatore boarding house.

When I got there the door was wide open, which was strange given the large amount of supernatural beings in this danger magnet of a town. I cautiously walked in, but all my calm intentions flew out the window when I witnessed Damon standing in front of a large window burning in the sunlight. i ran as fast as my mortal legs could, dashing over to Damon, and literally pushing him out the way. The result having him on the floor and me directly on top of him, I would've blushed had I not been in such a life threatening position. Anger an disbelief clouded my emotions as I hastily said; "What is this? Why?" I am loudly saying. I had grown quite a good relationship towards Damon when I had frist arrived in Mystic Falls.. So to see him like this.. why?

Damon groaned and motioned to the other side of the room, I looked over my eyes landing on his daylight ring. I glanced at him, and grabbed the ring. I sat onto the sofa, where Damon had managed to vacate with a bottle of Bourbon in his hands, shielding himself from the light. I placed it in his hands watching him sigh and put it on his pointer finger. "What's wrong Damon, you know I can help.. right?" I say, an edge of hope in my voice, hoping that whatever it is.. it isn't terrible. Damon chooses not to answer, instead rolling his left sleeve up causing me to gasp. His arm looked like it had been bitten, his veins were black filled with poison even a bit of blood. I didn't need to be an expert to know what Damon's problem was; a werewolf bite. Not only that, but I knew that the bite was fatal to vampires and there wasn't even a cure for it. It was then when the conclusion came down like a ton of bricks..

Damon was going to die...

And I knew that I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Oh my god Damon!" I leaned towards him, pulling him for a warm hug. He responded hugging me tightly back. By the time we pulled back I could tell that we were both close to tears. I loved Damon, seeing him hurt feels like a deep pit of sadness in my stomach, I want to help him so badly. "Stefan says that after he saved Elena, the witches told him that the original hybrid has the cure to the bite, he's going to see him right now at Alaric's apartment. I'm so sorry Amy.. but I think this is it." He finishes, knowing that his speech had reduced me to tears I was relieved about Elena, but Damon.. I knew that Damon didn't deserve this. I then clearly realized that he said Klaus had the cure, it angered me.. it didn't matter if Stefan was on his way, I would go too. I know that Klaus will listen to me. I guess it's worth a shot.. isn't it?

I stand up, wiping the warm tears away form my eyes and rubbing them on my jeans. "What are you doing?" Damon asks, slightly shocked by my sudden actions. I look at him, feeling so much pain; "I'm going to have a little chat with my beloved mate, you won't die Day, I know that if Stefan can't save you.. I sure as hell will." I say, triumph in my voice because I had managed not to cry. I watch as Damon quickly shakes his head; "No I won't let you give yourself back to him just for the sake of a new best friend." I quickly interrupt him, not wanting to here anymore. "No I won't let you die, I-" I shout, but being quickly cut off; "But-" I didn't want to hear what he was going to say, it would just pain me further, so I cut him off, again. "Day! I love you." I say, surprised to feel his lips crashing on mine. It was sweet and desperate like, almost as if it would be his last. It lasted a good ten seconds before I came to my senses, and we broke apart. "I will save you, you won't die Day.." I whisper as I run from the house, heading to Alaric's apartment with a vengeful look on my face.

The journey towards the apartment hadn't taken as long as I had expected it to be. I walked up the main stairs, knocking loudly and upbeat on the correct door. The door is answered by Katherine Pierce, she smirks and then manages to say something; "And what is it that you want.. Amelia I presume?" I just put all my strength in pushing past her, walking over the threshold and looking into my surroundings, my eyes landing on Stefan anxiously pacing around the room. He must've heard my footsteps, as his head flashed up to look at me as soon as I stepped in the room. "What are you doing here Amelia? You know you shouldn't be near Klaus." He says, his eyes boring into mine. "I heard about Damon and his bite, I won't just watch him die, when I know that I could do something about it." I conclude, staring at Stefan's face as confusion is clear on his face. "Then what? What do you think you can do to stop my brother from dying?" He says, firing question after question making me feel slightly uncomfortable. I look at him incredulously; "Klaus can't say no to me, I'm his mate even if it means sacrificing myself. I love Damon and I don't want to see him die." I watch as Stefan's face warms slightly.

The door opens again, but this time we all know who it is. Stefan steps forward shielding my body, it was almost as if he didn't want Klaus to know that I was here. I could almost feel the fear rolling off of him, as two heavy pairs of footsteps entered the apartment. I sucked in a deep breath as I heard his voice, "Stefan mate, what can I help you with?" I felt my heart beating quickly as I heard his voice.. no.. think about... Damon. It had taken everything in me to stop thinking about Klaus, I loved Damon now, it didn't matter what I had ever thought about Klaus, I don't care that he's my mate. "I'm here to make a deal with you, it's about my brother." I hear Klaus chuckle, phew, he still hasn't managed to notice me. I knew that I should stay unknown until I think it's right to step in, make sure that Stefan doesn't get himself into a dangerous ordeal. "Can't you see I am a tad busy with carrying out a deal with my brother?" He says, a tinge of hostility in his British accented voice.. hmm.. heavenly. No I refuse to think about him like that.. I NEED to remember Damon. No Klaus is your mate.. think about him. I kept on constantly arguing with myself, forgetting about the voices of others around me, causing myself to realize that 1) I was pacing around the room, 2) I was saying all of my inside argument out loud and 3) Everyone was giving me amused glances.. Well apart from Stefan of course, His face was covered in sheer confusion.

My whole entire head looked down a traitorous blush across my cheeks, when I managed to look up I was faced with a Klaus speeding towards Elijah, and him swiftly daggering him. I looked towards Stefan my face showing utter shock and sadness, not before I ran in Elijah's direction falling to the floor as I stared at his grey veined complexion, many thoughts swimming around in my head; How could someone dagger their own brother and feel no remorse or any guilt? so.. cruel. I look at Klaus my face showing anger like the last time I looked at him. I hadn't really knew Elijah, but when I was training to be a vampire hunter, my teacher would always tell me the story of the Originals, and how Elijah was always the noble one, I was positive that he didn't deserve this.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" I shout at my estranged mate. His eyes flash to my own, some hurt showing but all emotions then quickly evacuate leaving just a smirk on his face. He chooses not to answer and turns to Stefan, walking away from Elijah and me. "So what is it that you want to make a deal about mate?" He says, his voice not faltering even though he had just killed his own brother, even if it was only temporary.I knew that I could just pull the dagger out of him, but I think the consequences of me doing it wouldn't exactly be kind.. whether I was Klaus' mate or not. I looked to Stefan my, face expressing signs of concern, I had a feeling that Stefan was really upset knowing that his brother is dying, and I knew that he was feeling even worse, given that the only person that could cure him didn't care for anyone.. probably not even me.

"My brother got bitten saving Caroline and Tyler, the witch ancestors say that you have the cure." Stefan tells Klaus in a rush, feeling uncomfortable in his surroundings. I look at Klaus, my eyes boring into his back, waiting impatiently for his answer. He doesn't answer, testing my patience even further, so Stefan decides to prompt him; "So do you have it?" He asks his voice getting more and more shaky. To comfort him I stand up and walk beside him in a confident manor, showing him that he wasn't alone in this. Klaus stares at me, the same hurt in his ocean blue eyes, but he quickly turns away facing Katherine who was sitting on the Couch in the far corner, still in shock from Elijah's sudden departure. "Katerina, come here." Klaus motions. I recognized the name, Katherine must've changed her name, probably to help run away from Klaus.. quite cowardly if I do say so myself.

She cautiously stands up walking towards the hybrid, fear radiating off her body. Suspicion is in mine and Stefan's eyes as we are in deep thought, wondering what sort of messed up plan Klaus had inside of his head, and wondering if it had involved us. We watched as Klaus suddenly grab Katherine's wrist as his eyes turn a vibrant yellow and fangs elongate from his canines as he savagely bites her wrist. I gasp, turn my nose up in disgust and shock, and stare at Stefan as his face contorts in one of shock. But the most hilarious face to look at was Katherine's; she looked terrified and kept on muttering no repeatedly, shaking her head quickly. I was happy that Klaus done it, Katherine had deserved what she got,after all of the things she had done to Elena, but part of me was disgusted that Klaus would do such a vile thing.. but that was just him I guess. Oh well say good bye to life vamp bitch Katherine, she was going to die from a werewolf bite, which I bet is definitely not the way Katherine Pierce had expected to go down.

But my prayers were short lived as only less than a minute later, Klaus turns back into hybrid for, bites his wrist and then force feeds Katherine his blood.. ewwww was the only coherent thought that my mind could possibly fathom at that moment. Me and Stefan stared at Katherine's wrist as it magically seemed to clear, clean as if it had never been damaged with life threatening poison. Klaus pulled away his signature smirk showing as he pulled away, his features quickly tuning normal. His blood was the cure to a werewolf bite, isn't that just fantastic?

"Your blood's the cure." Stefan states, almost as if he wasn't speaking to anyone, just trying to run the thought completely through his mind. Nevertheless Klaus had still felt the need to reply; "Gotta love mother nature. Now about this deal, what exactly is in it for me?" He still hasn't said anything to me, its almost as if he feels ashamed of himself and what he had done to me. I decide to intervene, I didn't want to get Stefan into anything with Klaus, we all knew that he was bad news; "Anything. Save Damon and I will do anything you please, just please leave Stefan out of this. He doesn't deserve you tampering with his life, he just wants his brother safe and healthy, so do I." I butt in, my voice getting stronger every second as I step forward, not realizing that stepping forward equals getting closer to Klaus. I watch as Klaus starts to ponder my reasoning, weighing out his options. I hope that those options aren't messing with Stefan. I can deal with him messing with me, because I can't help but feel that all of this was my fault.. I don't know why.. but the feeling is just right at the back of my head.

"I think I can do a deal with you love-" He says glancing at me, but I knew something else was coming, "-and I think I can also do a deal with the ripper of Monterey" I watched as Klaus' smirk grew as he stared at Stefan. I heard about the story of the ripper of Monterey, about when Stefan's switch was off he would slaughter whole villages, with no remorse. I also knew that he was past that and was back to his normal self. Klaus would ruin Stefan's life for good if he agreed to the deal, I don't know why he had to make a deal with both of us, why not just me? Why can't Klaus just listen to me for one? I mean he is my mate. None of us had replied to him, we were clueless, we didn't want to get ourselves into something that was worse than making a deal with the devil. "OK then, how 'bout a decade long bender mate? And you love, your by my side with me until I say otherwise or until you fall for me." I didn't particularly like what he had to say, but I knew that if I was going to cure Damon, I was going to have to give myself to him. I sighed; "So be it, I won't run from you. But there is no way in hell I will let you do something like this to Stefan, I know he doesn't want that to happen to him again." My posture is tall, standing up for Stefan was easier than I had originally planned.

Stefan smiles slightly at me, I could tell he didn't want this for me or for him we were both going to have the rest of our lives being trampled on all over by Klaus.. and it wasn't willingly. "Your in no position to make demands love, I gave you everything and you do what for me? Hate me that's what you do. i f you want your beloved Damon to be cured, then I suggest that you both do what I say to hold up your part of the deal." Klaus barks back at me, a feeling of fear washes over me, only on rare occasions has Klaus managed to make me shake with fear. I look at Stefan and I nod - an indication to show that I would hold my end up -. I wasn't expecting Stefan to nod back, I knew that the situation had become a lot more harder for him. It must feel like it was either him or his brother, and he was quick to make a final decision. "Fine." As soon as Stefan said those words I gasped, I then realized how much love Stefan had for his brother.. I never realized that he would sacrifice his life for his brother. It was a proper family love, something that I knew Klaus didn't have with his siblings.

"Stefan you know that you don't have to do this right?" I question his actions, hoping that he would come to his senses. "We have to do this Amy, I don't want to see my brother get hurt, and judging the amount of affection you hold to my brother, I think you know that we have to.. don't we?" He says, I know that he was upset, but I could tell that he was trying to pull a brave face because he was standing only 3 feet away from the original hybrid himself. I face Klaus, determined to say what I never wanted to say; "Fine. We'll do as you say, we won't run. Just get this done and over with,get the cure to Damon, now." I start to demand at the end of my speech, I wasn't going to be all soft on Klaus, he doesn't deserve even an inch of my kindness after the evil he has carried out on me and my friends.

Klaus' evil grin reaches his eyes that are glinting in triumph, he has managed to bag to people for the price of the life of one. To be honest I don't think that nobody would ever agree to anything like that, so it just proves how naive me and Stefan must be. "Not so fast love, I said I could make a deal with you and a ripper, so far I'm not seeing a ripper when I look at Stefan. So how 'bout it mate? have a few drinks, then you'll get the cure." Of course there would be a catch, that was how Klaus worked. You can't just ask for something and expect him to just give it to you, and even if you have managed to come into an agreement, he always manages to wind everything up just that little bit more. Klaus gestures for us to sit at the breakfast island, we comply, both of our expressions showing that we are tired of disagreeing with him. I watch as Klaus walks to the mini fridge - which seems to be full of blood bags.. oh how nice...- he takes two out grinning like a Cheshire cat as he sits down at the end of the table, with me in the middle and Stefan on the other side. He slides a blood bag to the end of the table across the varnished oak, it landing perfectly in Stefan's right hand.

"Drink it." Klaus orders. I watch as Stefan stares at the A POSITIVE blood bag in front of him, then glance up at Klaus. At this point I believe that I am completely useless in helping Stefan, I guess this was his own battle. I looked at his pained expression as he said; "No." I knew before Klaus said anything, that disagreeing with Klaus isn't exactly not going to be a pain in the ass in the future, and I guess I must've been correct. "Fine then mate. You better go and run along home to say goodbye to your brother because he isn't gonna get my blood." Easier said then done, Stefan huffs angrily and rips the blood bag open sipping it. I could feel the pain he was in, Stefan had tried his best for over two decades to resist the thing that made his humanity slip away, but now he was just giving up.. it was incredibly painful to watch. But obviously when I looked back to Klaus, he was chuckling, whilst pouring some blood into a glass.

He looks over to Stefan - me in tow - and I see that he has stopped drinking, he thought he only needed to drink a bit.. but I knew that Klaus' intentions weren't going to be that lighthearted. I look at Klaus as he stops smiling and says, "All of it." A few seconds pass before Stefan pulls the bag back up to his blood smeared lips. I could cry, this wasn't exactly a sight anyone would want to see, I couldn't imagine what this could do to Elena, and what she would say if she saw Stefan like this.


I was crying as I saw Stefan drinking blood bag after blood bag, he was slowly loosing everything that made Stefan his own person; mainly his humanity. My head turned as I saw Klaus beginning to pull another blood bag out the fridge.. is there some sort of blood bag factory in that fridge? I got so angry seeing Stefan like this, I lost it, my temper was worse than Klaus'.. which means it was terrible.

"STOP!!" I scream, and then I feel a weird vibe of power surge through me.. I felt powerful like there was a magic flowing through my veins. My hands shot out towards Klaus, causing him to fly across the room. He collided with a piece of wood that pierced through his stomach. As soon as he was hurt, I felt a large surging pain in my stomach, in the exact same place where pain was inflicted in Klaus. I let out a scream in pain, as I looked down to see blood starting to pool around me on the floor. My head looked up to see Klaus fully healed with a pained expression on his face coming towards me, with I believed to be good intentions. "Love come on I can help you." I see him crouch down and bite his wrist, he then offers me his blood. On the outside I am cringing, but on the inside i have butterflies as I take his wrist and drink. The taste at first was quite metallic, but ended in tasting quite heavenly, no doubt that was the effect of the bond. When I am fully haled and satisfied I pull away and slowly stand up, sitting on the stool once again, reminding myself of what had just happened.

I remember my mum saying to me when I was little that I would be magic, and that her mother was a witch, but of course when I was little I just thought they were stories made for me to fall asleep peacefully. But now when I come to think of it, after tonight's display I can understand.

I am a witch.

Everything that my mother would say to me was true.

But only one unknown thing had remains. Why did I suffer the same consequences that Klaus did when he was the only one that actually had pain inflicted on him. I take a deep breath and look over to Stefan who must be on his tenth blood bag by now. I turn to Klaus who has concern shinning through his eyes, "Why did I get hurt just because you got hurt?" I say, regretting it because I almost sounded like a snob, and I felt regret for feeling so hurt because I hurt my mate. "I'ts the bond love. Sadly for you, whenever pain is inflicted on me, your gonna feel the exact same pain.. except it'll be worse since your human. But after the little stunt you pulled back there.. I'm not so sure anymore." he admits to me. I was shocked, there was now no possible way that any of us could go against Klaus unless they were willing to hurt me. Which also meant that Elena would always be in danger because none of the 'scooby gang' were willing to let me die.

"Yes I umm.. just figured that out. Turns out that I'm a witch. Good thing that my mother used to tell me stories about it when I was little, I guess that they had managed to come back into my head, as soon as the power surged through me." I tell him, with surprisingly no hostility towards him. Klaus smirks at me; "Well it seems that not only have I bagged myself a ripper and my beloved mate, but I now have a witch standing by me forever." I looked at him, my expression slightly meaner than before; "Oh yeah, and how do you expect me to live with you forever I'm not immortal." My voice fires back at him, with what I think is a witty comment. He steps closer to me and caresses my cheek; "Oh but love, as soon as you met me the bond was activated you turned immortal like me, nothing can kill you, but you can suffer in pain like a human." Oh well that is just perfect, it seems as if mother nature has literally tied me to him, and whats worse is that the tie will last eternity.

A/N: OOOOHHHH! What an abrupt ending to a chapter, soo sorry that it ended like that. I just thought that perhaps it would get your mind thinking about what will happen next. Did you like the bit of Damon drama? Who do you think that Amelia is going to be with at the end of the book? I appreciate the comments! This chapter is the longest yet, comment if you'd like them to be this long all the time, or whether you like short chapters?






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