Tales from The Castle (Short...

By RenaFreefall

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Short stories that follow the lives of the characters from The Rose Quartet Series. (Warning - contains spoil... More

The Blue Rose (BATB)
The Price of Roses (BATB)
The Blue-Eyed Stranger (BATB)
Courage Not Included (BATB Special)
Reading Between the Lines (BATB)
Storybook Lovers (SB)
Heart to Heart (BATB)
Just Fine (DOI) (runner-up)
12 Hours of Christmas (DOI Special)
It's a Small World - Val Day Runner Up (DOS)
Priorities - Val Day Winner (SR)
Working Relationship (Val Day Extra)
Snow in The Heart (SB)
Waking Up (DOI)
Letters Home (BATB)
In The Wings (DOS)
Wedding Bells (Valentine's Day Special - DOI)
Manhattan Cold (BATB)
Tumbling Back to Us ~ Part 1 (BATB)
Tumbling Back to Us - Part 2 (BATB)
Tumbling Back to Us ~ Part 3 (BATB)
Tumbling Back to Us ~ Part 4 (BATB)
Tumbling Back to Us ~ End (BATB)
Everyday Dating - Breakfast
Merry Christmas (SR - Modern)

A Thousand Times Before - Pride Short (KITS)

400 23 31
By RenaFreefall

"Maanah, could you—"

Marie-Fey cut herself off and almost bit her tongue in the process.

Ara looked over to her – her rolling waves of rich deep brown hair falling elegantly over one shoulder – as she quirked a perfectly shaped eyebrow at her.

"Really, Marie, you're going to have to introduce me to this Maanah character. I need to see just how alike we really are," she said, setting a hand on her hip.

"Now that would be interesting," Marie-Fey replied, pointing towards the hair accessory she had been going to ask for.

Ara handed it over and returned her attention to her own hair, adding the final touches to her makeup, examining her powder blue gown.

"We should be quick if we intend to leave with the rest of your family," she said as she picked up her fan and draped her white shawl over her arms.

Marie-Fey, dressed in a peacock blue gown, examined the final strand of pearls her maid added to the back of her hair that was piled on the top of her head. Then she nodded and picked up her fan.

"Alright, let's go," she said, bidding their maids goodnight and sweeping out after Ara, weaving their way through the house until they reached the entrance hall while the rest of her family who were currently in the country pulled on gloves and top hats.

Valentine offered Ara his arm and she smiled, taking it as they all swept down the steps and climbed into the carriages.

"We shouldn't be too late," Mr Leigh said, examining his pocket watch from where he sat opposite Ara.

"Of course not, we're not waiting for Beldon this time," Marie-Fey said beside her, rolling her eyes.

"It does speed up the departure time somewhat," her father agreed, closing his watch.

As it were, they weren't late at all. They arrived at a perfectly reasonable middle point. Not too early for there to be no one too converse with. Not too late for it to be considered rude.

Though, in the five years Ara had been friends with Marie-Fey, she had discovered that it did not matter how late a Leigh arrived at a party. They were still treated like the guests of honour.

Honestly, it was amazing it didn't go to their heads more.

But no.

Oh, they had their vain streaks. But they were also genuine and personable. It had been Marie-Fey who had approached her five years ago to be friends when Ara had arrived in the capital with her family. Their fathers were acquainted through work but Marie-Fey had asked for introductions as soon as she'd seen her.

The interest in an acquaintanceship from someone she'd only heard rumours of had surprised her. To see her had almost bowled Ara over.

Marie-Fey Leigh was beautiful. She had streaming reels of brunette hair that flashed with red and huge eyes the colour of artic ice set against skin so smooth she'd wanted to run her fingers across it to see if it actually was porcelain.

She had tensed up when Marie-Fey took her hand in a firm handshake, the act brazen and direct. Something – she would never quite know what – shot through her, right to her core, in that second and she realised she would be bound to the girl forever.

She had absolutely no idea where such an idea came from. It was nonsense. For all she knew, ten minutes of being in the same room and they'd want to rip each other's pearls off.

But somehow, somewhere, a strange trust settled. As if Marie-Fey had already proved her loyalty and understanding.

She hadn't of course.

Ara could never give her the chance.

There were certain secrets one did not tell anyone, no matter how the universe said they should trust them.

Five years on and that had not changed.

Though a few months ago Marie-Fey had snapped to, like she had woken from a dream, and Ara couldn't quite figure out what had changed about her.

Something had... shifted.

She was still the Marie-Fey she'd known.

But she also... just wasn't.

It was like she had hardened overnight. Suffered something that had brought her to breaking point and back again.

Not to mention she had started slipping up and calling her Maanah every now and then and the same sent a weird spark through Ara that she didn't care for.

"What are you frowning at?" Marie-Fey asked and Ara smiled at her.

"Nothing," she said as the carriage rolled to a stop and they climbed out at a perfect time. Not too early that there would be no one to socialise with. Not too late that it would be rude. Though, Ara had discovered after so many years of attending parties with the Leighs that it didn't matter when they turned up, they were always treated like the guests of honour.

She and Marie-Fey made their way up the grand steps, greeting the hosts, making the rounds to catch friends, getting stopped by young male acquaintances who wanted spots on their dance cards.

Ara accepted those who asked her, as she always did, though she still did not enjoy dancing. Her parents weren't attending the ball that evening though, which was a relief. There would be no talk of finding a suitable partner. She was getting old, she knew that. But she just couldn't bring herself to face that future, the idea was too painful.

She wasn't sure how long she could hold off though. Reasonably at least. It was not as if she had a reason to avoid the subject forever. All her friends were married or marrying and asking about her marriage. Except Marie-Fey but a Leigh Lady didn't count because someone would always want to marry them. She didn't ask about Ara marrying either.

Sometimes she felt Marie-Fey knew more of Ara's secrets than she let on. The idea sent a chill up her spine. Because she trusted Marie-Fey greatly, but to have that secret out there, somehow out of her control, it terrified her.

But she could never entirely tell.

Especially after Marie-Fey strange shift.

"You are away with the fairies tonight, what is it?"

Marie-Fey's voice knocked her back to the moment and she smiled.

"Nothing," she said.

Marie-Fey shot her a look that said she didn't believe her but carried on, sweeping away with her first dance partner, leaving Ara to go take up her position, smiling at the man opposite her.

Marie-Fey assured her often that she was an excellent dancer, but she never felt comfortable. She was taller than most of the other ladies and it made her feel gangly in a way that she didn't feel when just walking.

The dance was easy enough though, thankfully.

Easy that it allowed her mind and eyes to wander, admiring how the sunny yellow gown hugged Miss Leeya's figure beside her. It had to be new, she hadn't seen that gown before, and it was too flattering to not have had an outing before this.

The same could be said for Miss Renyolds peach gown. Though that had a different goal in mind clearly, considering how low cut the neck was, and how her corset pushed her bust up in a way that was impossible to ignore. She was out to get a husband this season. Ara almost pitied the man she was partnered with – as he tried to keep his eyes up the entire dance.

Though she was just a little jealous of him, maybe.

But she wouldn't want to dance with Miss Renyolds, even if the option had been available. There were more than enough men in attendance this evening, but even without, she still wouldn't like dancing.

It was roughly an hour of dancing later that Ara realised she had misplaced Marie-Fey.

She hadn't seen her for some time, actually.

There was a break between the dances and she broke away from her partner as soon as she could, smiling her excuses and sweeping away, looking for her. She wasn't in the dancing hall but that left a dozen side rooms to look through.

"There you are!"

Ara jumped as Marie-Fey found her first, grabbing her arm.

She barely had time to turn before Marie-Fey hauled her away, towards one of the side rooms.

"What?" she said, staring, stumbling to keep up. "What's the matter?"

"I have someone you absolutely must make the acquaintance of," Marie-Fey said and Ara's heart sank.

She knew that tone.

She heard it often enough from her mother and other friends.

Marie-Fey had discovered someone she believed would make Ara a suitable partner.

She felt a strange sense of betrayal at the idea. Of being let down. Which didn't make sense. Marie-Fey had no reason to think anything amiss by introducing her to someone she could marry. She didn't know that the suggestion was like a cage closing and locking around the lungs, suffocating her as she saw her life crumble.

But Marie-Fey was only doing what she thought was right.

She had found someone good.

Ara had no doubt about that.

She would never introduce her to someone who would hurt her.

But still... it felt like her friend had let her down.

"In here," Marie-Fey said, turning into a room and Ara looked up as a man turned towards them, his stunning blue eyes fixing on Ara, golden hair flicking out of his handsome face with a graceful shake of the head.

Ara hid her grimace, smiling.

"Good evening," she said politely.

He smiled at her.

"Sorry, Charles, can I steal Miss Ariti for a moment?" Marie-Fey said.

"Of course," the man said, smiling and Ara wanted to run. She didn't want to be alone in the room with this man!

"Ara, I want to introduce you to Miss Cassi Ariti."

Ara's momentary crisis paused at Marie-Fey's words. She blinked, then looked up as Charles stepped out of the way to reveal the young woman he had been conversing with.

Ara felt heat instantly rise in her tanned skin, eyes staring as her heart flipped quite unexpectedly.

Miss Cassi Ariti looked over to them, her eyes snagging and staying on Ara, and she gave them the most dazzling smile Ara had ever seen.

Her chestnut hair with streaks of rich brown was pinned at the back of her head, hazel eyes surrounded by thick lashes set against smooth olive skin that seemed to glow against the perfect shade of her dawn pink dress.

She was probably the most beautiful person Ara had ever laid eyes on.

"Hello, a pleasure to meet you," Miss Ariti said, her voice like satin and silk and dewdrops, walking over and bobbing a darling little curtsy.

Ara continued to stare at her for far too long until Marie-Fey cleared her throat.

"Miss Ara Itani," she said, her voice coming out too fast and making her almost blush.

Miss Ariti looked at her, then smiled a softer, more private smile...

And something sparked in Ara's mind...

Had they... no... no they hadn't met before... she would remember this angel... and yet... the more she looked at her... the more she felt like she...

"Excuse this question," Miss Ariti said suddenly, still looking at her, "But... have we met before?"

Marie-Fey made a sudden, small movement beside Ara, making her look around with a frown. Marie-Fey could almost be described a fizzing, her eyes bright with a strange delight.

Ara ignored her for the present and looked back at Miss Ariti.

"It's strange. We haven't, and yet I thought the exact same thing," she said with a smile she worried looked awkward.

"Hmm," Miss Ariti said... then shrugged and smiled again. "No matter, maybe it's just a sign that it's meant to be."

Butterflies flared in Ara's stomach at the idea, and she smiled as Miss Ariti held out a hand.

"Perhaps it is," she said, smiling, taking it...

And holding a hand she was sure she had held a thousand times before.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Ariti," she said softly.

"Oh please, call me Cassi," Cassi said, squeezing Ara's hand, and holding on. 

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