The Lifesaving Bond

By SPNFamForever

16 0 0

The Reader decided to end it but realizes that there are people that actually care for her. She gets that rem... More

Chapter 1

16 0 0
By SPNFamForever


I was finally alone for the first time in months, Sam went to visit an old hunter friend for books and Dean went on a road trip to Wisconsin. I wrote a note to both Sam and Dean.

"Sam and Dean,

Went to my family cabin. I will not have a signal for my phone. I just need some time to myself, don't know when I'll be back. I'll text you when I'm on my way home.

Love you,


I also moved my car to make it look like I left the Bunker. I set the note on a table in the war room, then went to the farthest bathroom in the bunker. Before I went to the bathroom, I walked to my room and grabbed my sleeping pills. I then walked to the bathroom, Once I got there, I locked the door and slowly turned to turn on the water to fill the tub. I took out a hand full of pills and then shut off the water. I sat in the water staring at the pills in my hand, then swallowed the pills then laid down in the water and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I thought that it didn't work until I turned my head and saw my mom, dad, and brother. I started running to them happy to see them again but mom slowly shook her head and I stopped running to them. She said

" You don't belong here honey. You need to back to your soulmates."

I was about to say that I didn't have soulmates when I heard faint voices coming from behind me.


I got home from Garths, from getting some books we didn't have. Shockingly. When I pulled into the garage I saw that (Y/N)'s car wasn't there. I was nervous because (Y/N) usually texts one of us, but I left it alone to see if there was a note inside. Once I parked the car and turned it off, I went to see where (Y/N) put her note if there was one. It was really quiet, which was unusual, because (Y/N) always listened to classic rock. That was something Dean and (Y/N) shared, sure it drove me crazy but that is what I love about them. I then looked down to my left hand when there was a small sting and noticed another name forming about Dean's mark. I went to my room to put my stuff down and I had an odd gut feeling that I just couldn't ignore. I quickly ran to (Y/N)'s room and and found that it was all packed with her car keys on top of the boxes with only a small note

"Sam and Dean I'm Sorry. I love you both."

I knew what this really meant. I had a rough patch myself and took my life into my own hands instead of going to Dean for help. So I ran to get my phone than ran to the farthest bathroom in the bunker. Once I got to the door, I kicked it down and when I got inside it seem liked I saw already too late. I did the only thing that I could do 'Save (Y/N)'. I quickly pulled (Y/N) out of the tub and started CPR. I kept trying to save her but soon I realized I was too late, I sat down and pulled

(Y/N) body into my arms and stated crying.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I wish I noticed before you did this but please if you can hear me please come back. I love you so much and I know Dean does too. We both really need you 'please' come back to us." I just kept crying hard.

After a while I reached for my phone to call Dean. That's when I notched (Y/N)'s name on my left ring finger above Dean's mark. I found Dean's name on my phone and hit the call button and waited for his mate to pick up.

Dean POV

My night wasn't going to well but I had this gut feeling that I need to go back to the bunker. While staring at my left hand on the wheel I noticed a name starting to form above Sam's, my phone started to ring and I grabbed it, and saw it was Sammy.

"Hey Sammy. What's up?"

All I heard was Sam crying on the other side of the phone.


"Sam! What's wrong? Are you ok? Where are you?"

" Dean... you need to get b...back."

"Why? Sam! Answer me! What's wrong?"

"(Y/N)'s gone. Dean..." a moment of silence pasted. "She's dead." Sam continued crying.

I just slammed on the brakes and sat there in complete shock. Started thinking back to when I found and felt Sam.


I had this gut feeling that something was wrong. I drove back to the motel, still not shaking this feeling. As I turned off Baby, I ran inside and saw the dark spot and thought Sam spilled water until I stepped in it. Before I could look I saw Sam laying their unconscious not moving. I was in complete shock because my baby brother was laying their motion less. As I stared at Sam, a name slowly formed on my left ring finger that I didn't notice. Until I felt the sting, I looked down and to my amazement, it was Sam's name there. I quickly looked at Sam's hand and there was my name. I was rocked out of my panic when Sam started to breathe again. I jumped into action because I knew that the bond was the only thing keeping Sam alive. I grabbed the first aid kit and started cleaning Sam's wrist. Once I was done, I grabbed 2 pain pills and water, put them on the bed side table. Than I sat down and waited for my Sammy to wake up

End of Flashback

" De? Hey! You're scaring me. Are you alright? De! De!"

When Sam called me "De" I knew Sam was scared, so I quickly answered him.

"Sam, I'm fine. You remember when this happened to you and then you got your mark." I said

It took Sam a bit to catch on.

"Yes! Dean please you need to get here as fast as possible. I really need you too."

Sam sounded so scared

"I'll be there as fast as I can. Now take a deep breathe."

I heard Sam take a deep breathe and exhale.

"Thanks Dean, see you soon. I love you."

" I love you too."

Sam then ended the call so he could care for (Y/N). I was flying down the road and with the speed I'm going I would be at the bunker in 20 minutes to a half hour.


After I ended the call, I quickly grabbed a towel then picked up (Y/N) and ran to Dean's room. I stripped (Y/N) down to he bra and underwear. I ran to mine and (Y/N)'s room grabbing the blankets because I knew that you would need the scent of Dean and I.


As I listened to the voice, I soon realized that it was Sam and Dean talking to me.

"(Y/N) you can't leave us. We nee you. I need you and so does Dean." Sam said.

"Hey Sweetheart. You have to come back to us. It's ok to feel the way you feel. We... I need you." Said Dean.

I looked down to my left hand and saw Sam and Dean's names wrapped around my finger. I ran to the voices and noticed the light faded but I kept going and noticed the light coming back.


As I got (Y/N) set up in Dean's room, I changed and climbed into bed to comfort and protect (Y/N). Soon I fell asleep wrapped around (Y/N), I than woke up with Dean running his fingers through my hair there was a pregnant pause than I asked,

"When did you get here?"

"Just now. How's (Y/N) doing?" Dean replied.

"She seems ok, still breathing but she hasn't woken up yet." I said

Then Dean reminded me,

"Remember what I did for you? I sat and talked to you for hours."

I just let Dean run his fingers through my hair a little longer. Than I said,

"Lets try talking to her and see if we can bring her back to us."

Dean and I sat on both sides of (Y/N) and just started talking. I was first to notice that (Y/N)'s hand was moving and then her head twitched towards Dean. Dean and I waited for (Y/N) to fully wake up.


As I started waking up, I noticed that I am nice and warm. When I moved my head to the side I heard Sam and then I heard Dean. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was in Dean's room. Once my eyes focused, I looked at Sam and Dean.

"What's going on?" I questioned

Sam and Dean looked at each other, then looked at me. Sam spoke first,

"You tried to take you life and I thought I got there too late but the bond saved you... us."

Dean then started running his fingers through my hair, then I quickly looked back at Sam confused.

"What do you mean 'bond'?"

All Sam and Dean did was hold up their left hands and right there was my name on both of their ring fingers. I then slowly started to cry. All I could do was look at Sam and Dean with tears cause I actually felt cared for again. Dean picked me up and straddle his legs and put my head in his bonding gland. Sam then started rubbing my back to calm me down.

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