The Swirling Storm Inside

By jess_hi

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Nina grew up on The Isle of the Lost along with many other kids, although many things were different about he... More

Chapter 1-The Guards
Chapter 2- Odette
Chapter 3-Leave Me Alone
Chapter 4- Hey Chad
Chapter 5- I'm Smarter
Chapter 6- Horses
Chapter 7- Let's Party
Chapter 8- Not an Accomplishment
Chapter 9- Uh, Thank You
Chapter 11- I'm Fine Just Stupid
Chapter 12- Who Am I Supposed To Be?
Chapter 13- The Passageway
Chapter 14- A Home
Chapter 15- Soldier Boy
Chapter 16- Lots to Catch Up On
Chapter 17- The Last Night
Chapter 18- Tonight Was About You (Spicey)
Chapter 19- I Know It's A Lot
Chapter 20- This Life
Chapter 21- I'm Always Down for a Drink
Chapter 22- Thank You for Everything (Spicy)
Chapter 23- You Done?
Chapter 24- The Storm Had Come
Chapter 25- I Proved Both Wrong
Chapter 26- I Do Have You

Chapter 10- I Am Enough

1.1K 23 4
By jess_hi

There was water all around me, and I was choking on it as well.

I looked around, trying to figure out which way was up for finding air.

A horse face appeared in front of me, the horse also being made of water.

Its little ears twitched, staring at me, before reaching out and biting my hand.

It pulled me to what I assumed was up, and I managed to switch from being dragged to be sitting on its back.

We broke the surface, and I saw a glacier.

Sitting up quickly, I glanced around at my room, the dream shaking me.

It was just a dream.

My windows burst open, the strange wind surrounding me again.

It chirped happily, lifting me out of bed.

"What, Gale?" I asked, and she chirped in response, putting me down right by my window.

She lifted my hair and arms, before leaving through the window again.

"Just a little while ago there was next to no magic, and now I'm having spirits terrorizing me. How does this make sense?" I muttered to myself, going to my closet to get dressed.

I pulled on the white tank, letting my black bralette show.

The black jeans completed it, some holes throughout.

I put on my regular heeled boots, doing my regular makeup quickly.

Throwing my hair into a high ponytail, I exposed the piercings in both of my ears.

Deciding against the leather jacket, it exposed the tattoo on the inside of my arm.

It was just a little reminder.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I grabbed my school bag, leaving the room.

Stalking down to breakfast, people still seemed to move out of my way, seeming afraid.

Exactly how it was supposed to be.

My permanent smirk was on my face, and I walked into the cafeteria, people moving so that I could grab breakfast.

I grabbed a couple of apples, keeping one to eat but putting the other couple in my bag for later.

"Jane can you not stand so close to me? You're weird is going to rub off on me," Audrey snapped at her, and she lowered her head, quickly walking outside.

I followed her as she went outside to the gardens, sitting down behind a tree.

She was crying, but quickly wiped her tears when she saw me, standing up.

"Oh, uh," she muttered trying to leave.

"Jane, does she bother you often?" I asked, and she shrugged.

"I guess. It's like I'm a princess, but not quite good enough to be one. I don't know," she said softly, her head facing the ground.

"You have to prove to yourself that you don't need their approval. Because if you can love who you are, no one else's opinion will matter," I replied, tilting her chin up.

"You have probably never gone through this, with you being so pretty and all."

"I have gone through it more than you might think."

🎵Every day is so wonderful
Then suddenly it's hard to breathe🎵

I started to sing to her softly, and she looked up in surprise. 

🎵 and then I get insecure
From all the pain
I'm so ashamed🎵

"What, you?" She asked, and we started to go further into the forest.

I nodded, stalking along with a confident walk as I sung.

🎵 I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down 🎵

I grabbed Janes hand, twirling her in the beautiful forest.

🎵 I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today🎵

She started to dance along with me, and I sent some snowflakes spiralling around us, sparkling in the sun.

🎵To all your friends you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness 
The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone 🎵

We came up to a lake, and I grinned, grabbing her hand and twirling her again before pulling us down there.

🎵Is that the way it is?
You are beautiful no matter what they say 🎵

I didn't pause as our feet met the water, instead walking out as ice formed on it.

Jane grinned at the spiralling designs, and I started to lightly spin her on the slightly slippery footing.

🎵Words can't bring you down, oh no
You are beautiful in every single way 🎵

She got used to the footing, smiling and doing some steps with me that she learned in cheer.

🎵 Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today🎵

I beckoned for her to join me, and she started to do the confident walk with me, singing along.

🎵No matter what we do
(No matter what we do)
No matter what we say
(No matter what we say)🎵

I started to get more snowflakes falling around us, the sparkling making her look beautiful as she sang with me.

🎵We're the song inside the tune (Yeah)
Full of beautiful mistakes
And everywhere we go
(And everywhere we go)🎵

She started to do some back hand springs, as happy as can be as we sung together.

🎵The sun will always shine
(The sun will always, always shine)
And tomorrow we might wake on the other side🎵

I started to make a platform from the ice, having both of us on it as it spiralled up.

🎵'Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, no, no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down, oh, no🎵

The platform spiralled above the trees, and we came together, holding each others gaze as we held each others hands.

🎵So don't you bring me down today
Ooh-oh-oh, yeah
Don't you bring me down today
Yeah, ooh
Don't you bring me down
Ooh, today🎵

We stopped, both slightly out of breath.

She let out a laugh, smiling softly.

"And everyone says you are so scary," she said, and I shrugged.

"I am on the outside."


"Because, when I let people in, they tend to leave. So it's easier to just not care," I replied, not sure why I was trusting her so quickly.

I left her, walking to the edge of the platform and resting my elbows on the rail.

The platform really had grown tall, and I could see a lot from up here.

"Its beautiful here," she said, dropping the subject.

"It really is. So do you feel a bit better?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I really do. Thank you for that," she said softly, and I gave her a smile.

She brushed off her light blue sundress, and I got an idea.

"Do you want some sparkles on that?" I asked, some snowflakes dancing in my palm.

"Yes!" She squealed, and I covered it with the snow that wouldn't melt, throwing some in her hair as well.

"All done," I replied, making a mirror out of ice.

"I love it! Thank you Nina," she said, and I nodded.

"We should probably get back," she suggested, and I nodded, raising my hands to lower the ice.

It spiralled back down, slowly turning to nothingness.

We walked back across the lake, it melting behind us.

We started heading back to the school, walking in somewhat silence, but I kept feeling like she wanted to say something.

"Just say it," I said bluntly, and she seemed surprised.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

I paused, thinking for a moment.

"Because you deserve it," I replied, and she smiled softly.

"I think you deserve kindness more than anyone," she added, and I shook my head.

"No, I don't."

"Why not?"

"I am a kid from the Isle. I steal, I cheat, and I lie. I'm everything an Auradon kid isn't," I replied working to keep my emotions in check.

She was pure, and she didn't need someone like me in her life.

"So did Carlos, and I'm dating him," she replied, and I chuckled.

"Carlos was always different," I said, and she smiled, obviously thinking of him.

"What about Evie? I've heard she wasn't great on the Isle."

"Evie has a desire to be good. Something that most kids from the Isle lack," I said softly, and she shook her head.

"But you want to be good too don't you?" Jane asked, her eyebrows coming together.

"No," I replied as we reached the school, and I split ways from her.


I shut my locker, and Mal reached out, grabbing my arm before I could leave.

"Nina, I'm really sorry. I really want to try and be friends if you will let me. You have been right all along, and I should have just admitted my mistake earlier." She said, letting me go when she realized I was listening.

"I don't have friends," I replied, and she smiled softly.

"I know you don't. But you could. Just think about it okay? I'm here if you need," she said, and then I heard an announcement.

"Nina from the Isle please come to Fairy Godmother's office," it said, and I frowned.

"I wonder what that's about."

"Do you know where her office is?" Mal asked, and I snapped my head back around to look at her.

"Follow me. No you don't get a choice in the matter," Mal said, and I smirked, following her.

That was much closer to my language. 

We had to go up some stairs to her office, which was beautiful as we walked in.

It was mainly made up of windows, being able to see quite a lot of the gardens.

Both Ben and Fairy Godmother were sitting inside, and Ben smiled when he saw Mal.

She walked over to him, giving him a hug.

"I have to get back to Evie. I'll see you later?" She said quietly to him, and he nodded, kissing the top of her head before she left.

I stared softly at them, wondering what it would be like to be that in love.

Shaking my head, I moved my gaze, clenching my jaw to control my emotions.

Mal left, and I looked at Ben and Fairy Godmother, raising an eyebrow.

"What's up?" I asked, and they gestured for me to sit.

"We just wanted to check in, see how you were adjusting to life here in Auradon," Ben said, both having a friendly smile on their face.

"It's interesting for sure," I replied, comfortably crossing my arms.

"Care to elaborate?" Ben asked, coming around and leaning on the edge of the desk.

"Well, the food is good. None of it is rotten so that's a big bonus," I said, raising my eyebrow at him.

He frowned, noticing the dig but didn't comment, instead gestured for me to go on.

"The dance is entertaining, although the practices are quite short," I added, and he laughed.

"The practices are usually an hour and a half long. How much are you used to?" He asked, seeming like this was a joke.

"Three hours for a short one, five for a long one," I replied nonchalantly, and his eyes seemed to pop out of his head.

"How did you do that?" He asked, pity displayed on his face.

"That, was better than being pitied, and isolated here," I snapped, standing up and walking out.

I walked back to my room, my feet hitting the floor hard.

How dare he pity me, as if I needed help.

No one ever did that at home.

Either you were afraid of me, or you hated me.

It was so much easier that way.

I slammed my door once I got inside, wondering what Auradon was doing to me.

This place was starting to break down my walls, and I don't know how to deal with that.

I let out a small scream, my magic slipping through my fingers.

"Ahh!" Screamed Jane, jumping on my bed.

I looked up, surprised to see her there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, and she looked at me, with some fear in her eyes.

Ice covered all of the floor, spiking up the walls too.

She tried to cover the expression, but I saw it too soon.

She carefully crawled off of the bed onto the rough ice, coming over to me.

"I just wanted to say thank you for this morning. It really helped," Jane said, standing a little ways in front of me.

I tried to control my emotions,  but ice was spiking around my feet, which she noticed.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" She said softly, letting out a shiver before leaving my room.

As soon as she was out, I fell to my knees, letting it out.

Icicles formed on the walls, floor and ceiling, giving the room a terrifying look.

It was getting harder and harder to control my emotions and my magic.

They went hand in hand.

Where the North Wind,
Meets the sea,
There's a river,
Full of memory,
Sleep my darling safe and sound,
For in this river all is found,
When all is lost,
Then all is found.

The song was just like Agnarr said, a lullaby.

The woman's voice was soothing, calming me as well as helping me melt the ice.

Perhaps he was right about the river calling me.

Why it was calling me was yet to be seen, but perhaps it knew something I didn't.

The words of the song even said, when all is lost, then all is found.

Maybe it was talking about me.

Shaking my head, I stood up, looking around the once again calm room.

There was a knock at the door, and I walked over, opening it.

Carlos was standing there, a soft smile on his face.

"Do you mind if I come in?" He asked, and I nodded, letting the kid in.

He closed the door behind him, and I leaned against my desk.

"What's up?" I asked him, and he laughed softly.

"Well, Jane seemed pretty worried about you," he said, sitting on my bed.

"Now why would she do that? As I'm sure you can see, I am perfectly fine," I said with a smirk, and he seemed almost sad.

"I'm sure you are, but I also know you are having problems with your emotions and your magic." He commented, being very blunt.

I snapped my head around, and he held eye contact, not backing down.

"What of it?" I replied, and he smiled at me.

"I might have an idea to help with that. If you are open to it," he suggested, giving me a minute to think about it.

"Well, there's what they call Emotional Support Animals. They can help bring you back to reality before you lose your temper," he suggested, and I looked at my hands quickly.

"That is a, glorious, idea, but the only problem is what happens when I lose it and freeze the poor beast?" I asked hopping up onto the desk and crossing my legs.

"Well, it would take some practice, and we could look for an animal that can withstand the cold better. Just, think about it okay? Here is some information on them," he said, pulling out a small pamphlet.

Placing it on my desk beside me, he gave me a smile, gently squeezing my arm.

"If you ever feel like taking over the world, or going back to the Isle, just talk to me okay?" Carlos said, and I gave him a soft smile.

"Not so scared anymore hey?" I asked as he went to leave, and he turned back, a soft smile on his face too.

"I always thought you were untouchable. That nothing ever affected you. But, seeing you here, knowing everything that went on with you changing homes, we might not be that different. My mother never cared about me, and you never had anyone who cared about you. But instead of hiding and giving up like me, you just kept going." He said, and I nodded, chuckling softly.

"Well, you are right about one thing. I am untouchable. You should get back to Jane," I added cooly, and he nodded sadly.

"Wanting to be close to people, it doesn't make you weak. I hope you know that."

He left the room, and I crossed my arms, pausing for a minute.

Checking the time, I realized that I should be getting ready for my dinner, and hopped off, grabbing the outfit that Evie had given me.

The dress fit me very well, and even suited me quite well, despite being a darker blue than I would normally wear.

I did my makeup to match, before taking a glance at my nails.

I painted them a dark blue, letting them dry before adding small snowflakes.

Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was only five minutes until Jace was supposed to pick me up.

Hearing a knock on the door, I walked over to open it, the heels clicking against the wooden flooring.

Jace stood there with a soft smile, in a dark green button up, and black dress pants.

"And I half expected you to wear sweatpants just to spite me," he joked, and I let out a laugh.

"It was tempting," I replied, stepping outside of the room and closing the door.

He started to lead the way downstairs, the soft smell of his cologne wafting over to me.

"Would you like help?" He asked as we got to the stairs, and I flipped my hair over my shoulder, smirking as I jogged down the stairs.

"It really is amazing how you can run in those death traps," he said with a chuckle, jogging after me.

"Ballerina remember," I replied as we headed outside.

I saw a buggy being pulled by a Clydesdale, and I turned to him quickly.

"You said you liked horses, so I thought this could be fun," he said, chuckling at my excitement.

Trying to control just how excited I was, I crawled into the carriage.

On the way to the place we were going, he taught me how to drive the horse, who's name turned out to be Rose, and it didn't take us too long to actually get there.

"Tiana's Place," I read out when I saw the sign, and he smiled.

"Yeah. It is a classic here, so I figured it would be a good place to start." Jace said, the reins of the horse being taken by a worker.

He stepped out, coming over and opening my door for me.

That was how pretty much the whole night went.

We talked about different things in Auradon, keeping everything pretty light, and he was an absolute gentleman the whole time.

Before long he was dropping me back at my dorm, and even walked me up to it.

"Was this a date?" I asked him, pausing at my door.

"Well, I suppose it could be seen as that. But really I just wanted you to see that not all the people in Auradon are out to get you," he replied, his green eyes still sparkling with mischief.

"You don't seem as self righteous as the others. Everyone here seems to believe that they are saints." I said, and he chuckled.

"Everyone here is royalty. I'm just a guard," he added, taking a step closer.

"You know I don't date right? I never keep anyone around that long," I said, and he chuckled, gently pushing me up against the door.

"A little fun never hurt anyone though. If you want," he replied, and I quirked up an eyebrow.

"Is an Auradon kid suggesting this?" I asked, and he laughed, his hands grabbing mine.

"I'm just a knight from Neverland. Nothing special," he replied, leaning forward to kiss me.

AN: Okay super long chapter. Wow this took me a while to write. It just kept going and going. Anyways please vote and comment!

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