Spider-Man: Welcome Home (Boo...

By KatherineRWaggoner

307 16 44

This is the sequel to Spider-Man Homesick and Spider-Man Homelands With the Enchantress released by Wanda, An... More

Chapter 1: Magical Ambition Within Destinies
Chapter 2: Betrayal Of The Highest Consequences
Chapter 3: A Return Unexpected Beyond Compare
Chapter 4: Plans And Visions Amongst Trauma
Chapter 5: A Battle That Destroys More Than The Problem
Chapter 7: Trapping The Innocent In A Cowardly Fasion
Chapter 8: Denial And Fear Get The Best Of The Mighty
Chapter 9: A Fight Hinting At An Avenger Level Threat
Chapter 10: Unexpected Threats Arise In The Worst Forms
End Credit Scene: 50 Shades of Red

Chapter 6: Betrayal and Pain Break Down The Kind-Hearted

29 1 2
By KatherineRWaggoner

A few days later Annie woke up and she was completely healed. She then got up and walked down to the kitchen but before she entered she could hear everybody's thoughts and they were too much so she went back to her room and found her super suit. She then put it on and walked down to the kitchen. Everybody saw her and looked concerned.

"I'll see you guys later." Annie sighed and everybody started to argue with it but Annie walked over to a window, opened it and jumped out. Nobody spoke for a minute.

"She can't just do that without our permission!" Tony shouted.

"Not with half of New York's worst thugs looking to kill her." Bucky sighed sadly. Billy then stood up in frustration.

"I told you, the thoughts going through your heads are not good enough. You're doing more damage than good, and it's not exactly your faults. You cant help it. What my mom did tainted everybodys judgement and obliterated their ability to trust in someone with the powers my Mom possessed." Billy said this and then he looked back at everyone. "Like I said, you need to rethink your approach for the better of Annie." Billy then left the room.

Billy walked into the living room to find his father and brother.

"You're brother is leaving to start studying at the Charles Xavier Institute of Higher learning in a few days," Vision started saying and then he handed Billy two letters. "and it seems that both you and Annie have received letters of acceptance as well. It's a boarding school for mutants." Billy then walked out and went back into the kitchen and threw Annie's acceptance letter on the table. "You should all have a look at that." Billy snapped and then he left the room again. Everybody turned to the table but they just stared at it. Tony walked over and opened the letter and started reading it and then he looked to everybody else.

"I'm gonna wait for Peter to wake up while I do some research on this. We'll discuss what I find later." Tony sighed and then he walked off......

Annie was on top of a building with her mask off as her face was covered in tears.

She waited patiently when Billy walked through a portal.

"I'm sorry they feel the way they feel Annie." Billy said and Annie looked to him.

"I'm really not in the mood to hear whatever you have to say Billy. So please just let me fight these feelings out." Annie said in a tone that Billy knew well enough.

"Keep in mind, that despite they're feelings, they still love you, and everybody has a thought process. Give them a chance to figure out how they feel regarding you. And for God's sake be careful out there." Billy said this and then he opened up a portal and left yet again.

Soon there was a siren in the distance. Annie put her mask on and ran and jumped off the building. Annie was swinging through the city but she was clearly distracted. She suddenly saw a notification that May was calling her.

"End call." Annie said and then she saw that Tony called her shortly after. "END ALL CALLS! I'M BUSY!!!" Annie kept seeing names pop up in the corner, showing her how many voicemails had been left for her. Annie then saw that she was to high up but she was too late. She hit her head on a metal railing and fell into the water of the Hudson river. .....

Peter woke up to find May, Happy, MJ, and Tony in the room. He could see the worry on everybody's face.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked tiredly and Tony shook his head.

"Peter, you barely survived." May sighed as she walked over and put her hand on his. Tony motioned for MJ to follow him and they left the room momentarily.

"Annie isn't answering anybody's phone calls. I'm worried. She's been gone for an hour." Tony sighed and MJ was terrified.

"I'm gonna go look for her." MJ said and Tony shook his head.

"Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Nat are already on it. Right now, we need you here so Peter doesn't suspect anything. I don't think he could take it if he knew. He would probably try to go help her and we would have to tell him why he can't. We have to play this out right." Tony insisted and MJ looked heartbroken.

"What if she's hurt?" MJ asked and Tony nodded in understanding.

"Our best heroes are out there to go protect her. They'll bring her back whether she's hurt or not. Right now, you have to trust me Michelle." Tony insisted and the MJ caved. "Take some time and pull yourself together and then come back into Peter's room. I'll tell him you're getting something to eat." MJ nodded and then Tony left the room........

Annie was in the water and she looked around herself. The suit was waterproof amongst many other things. Annie thought about letting herself run out of oxygen, but then she felt responsibility flood her and she swam up to the surface as she pressed for her mask to go away and she took a massive deep breath of air. Annie then felt blood running down her face pretty heavily. She felt her head and felt a massive cut. While her suit was bulletproof, the mask was not. The bulletproof mesh proved to be too thick to breathe in, so Annie had to go with a non-bulletproof mask. Annie then noticed something unusual a few feet away. She saw a shark fin and then remembered that dogfish sharks sometimes would travel into the Hudson. Annie payed too much attention to the facts and didn't notice that the shark was coming after her blood. She saw the sharks mouth try to bite her chest but it was unsuccessful. Annie then used her super strength to get the shark away. Sadly the spike on the fin of the shark cut deep into her cheek.

With Great White Sharks, Bull Sharks, and more dangerous sharks getting most of the attention, few knew that the rather small, in comparison dogfish's bite was the least dangerous thing about it, but in fact the poisonous spikes on the fin were the worst thing, and even Annie didn't know that much about dogfish sharks. Granted, the poison is very mild and can only be dangerous if not properly cleaned, but the sting on top of the polluted water of the Hudson, was already causing issues. Annie  was in severe pain and she was getting a little dizzy and nauseous.

Annie then rushed to get to the shoreline and when she got there she got back up to her feet, put the mask on and then rushed off to go help wherever the alarm was coming from. Annie landed on the wall of a bank and her hand slipped from the dizziness, but she caught her grip and she climbed into a window and a few feet in she was grabbed by somebody. Annie went to punch them and missed and they punched her in the face. Annie fell to the ground but got back up again and then avoided several other attacks until she was able to successfully punch the guy. Due to her lack of steadiness she punched the guy very hard and it pretty much messed him up so badly that he was on the border of being dead on impact. Annie then stumbled out of the room and went through a doorway and saw six other guys waiting for her. Annie immediately sent a massive spell out, knocking all six out immediately as this revealed her cover. 5 more men ran up the stairs, saw what she had done to the other 6 and started to run for their lives. Annie had to stop for a moment, and luckily she saw a trashcan, pulled her mask on top of her nose and threw up in the trashcan. Then a man who wore a massive metal suit came up the stairs and saw her.

"Aww, little spider is sick. Too bad." The person said in a thick Russian accent. The suit transformed into what looked like a mechanical rhino and started charging at Annie. Annie quickly shot two webs at the ceiling, flung herself up to it, missed the mark by a landslide, couldn't find a grip, dislocated her shoulder on an arch in the buildings structure and started falling back down as she cried in pain. The Rhino hit her head on and Annie was flung into the wall. Annie felt pain fill her whole body and she realized that she had returned to hero work too soon, but it was too late for that realization. 

Rhino looked to Annie who wasn't getting back up.

"The itsy bitsy spider's been washed out by the reign of the Rhino." The Rhino laughed. "They said you would be difficult fight." The Rhino was enjoying this too much.

Annie felt a memory come back to her head. Annie was laying in between Peter and MJ and Annie looked to Peter.

"Dad?" Annie whispered and Peter opened his eyes.

"Mhm?" Peter sighed.

"Have you ever been scared to fight somebody?" Annie asked and Peter nodded.

"It's normal to be scared. Even I get scared sometimes. Especially when it feels like they're gonna beat me, when I'm lying on the ground, unable to get back up." Peter began to explain.

"What do you do to get that fear to go away?" Annie asked and Peter slightly smiled as he ran his hand through her hair.

"You use that fear, and the pain you're in to fuel you." Peter replied.

"But why does it fuel you? Theoretically if the pain and fear is being caused by the fight, shouldn't it get worse as the pain and fear increase and become helplessness?" Annie asked and Peter let out a short chuckle at how smart she was.

"It fuels you, because you know that if you don't get back up, the hundreds or thousands, or even the few people around you will suffer that pain. Always remember that the people around you may not understand the fear you're feeling at that moment, but you can save them from ever having to know what that feels like. You can save them from the trauma they would endure if you let that evil person who has beaten you into the ground win. You'll understand one day. Until then, just take my word for it sweetie and try to get some sleep." Peter sighed and then the memory faded and Annie opened her eyes to see the Rhino aiming a gun at her.

"Nighty night itsy bitsy spider." The rhino laughed and Annie felt her bravery fill her and her blurred vision became somewhat clear. Annie saw that the rhino was underneath the arch she had hit and the arch was ready to cave in. She had to act quick with this and so she took a deep breath and shot two webs at the arch and yanked them with all her might and the arch crumbled down onto the rhino. Annie then saw the ceiling around it start to collapse and she got to her feet and ran towards it and then used one hand to cast a spell to keep the ceiling up and used the other hand to fire a bunch of webs at it. Once it was moderately stable she casted a spell and turned the webs into concrete. Annie then saw the Rhino burst out of the rubble and she quickly casted a containment spell that put a shield all around the rhino so that the rubble would bounce off and hit him again. Annie felt her feet sliding at the force of the explosion of rock but she pushed through it. She saw that the Rhino was trying to charge at her again and she removed the spell and rolled out of the way so that the Rhino rammed into the side of the building so hard that it busted the wall open and the Rhino tumbled onto the streets of Queens. Annie then rushed over to the side of the stair railing and saw that police had come into the bank and were holding the rest of Kingpin's men at gunpoint.

Satisfied, Annie ran outside, casted a couple webs, and then swung towards the Rhino who was getting back up. She jumped about 7 feet in front of him and landed. She stared at him as she started to get dizzy again and the Rhino was pissed.

Two blocks away Bucky, Sam, and Steve were all waiting on top of the roof, ready to attack if Annie needed help.

"I will crush you into pieces! I will smash you into the ground so your bone becomes one with dust!" Rhino shouted and Annie saw a police officer who was waiting behind a truck and she saw a megaphone in the front seat and Annie looked to the police officer.

"Pardon me." Annie said and she shot a web and grabbed the megaphone and turned it on as she could see crowds forming and police officers were trying to create a perimeter to protect them. "I'm sorry did you say that you were going to turn me into dust?" Annie asked through the megaphone.

"I will crush you little spider like the pesty insect you are!" Rhino shouted.

"Well that would just make my day. By the way, I'd like to point out that you almost turned me into dust by slamming me into that wall, and you also called me an insect." Annie reiterated.

"THAT'S RIGHT!" Rhino shouted as he had an evil smirk on his face.

"Actually you would be so ultimately dimwitted when it comes to both scenarios considering that spiders are actually arachnids, and I'm standing strong right here." Annie had been stalling and she had stalled long enough to regain her focus. Then again, she had just made the guy ten times angrier. Annie cast a spell around the perimeter to protect everybody. Rhino started firing bullets at her and Annie shot a web at a massive tree branch that had been yanked from it's source by Rhino when he had fallen out of the bank. She used her strength, webs, and a spell at the same time to move the massive object and she hit him with it as hard as she could. Formed a teleportation spell and was above Rhino and she landed on him with such a force that it made a massive hole in the road. Annie then flipped off of Rhino, while casting a spell that turned his armor into metal dust. It left a very sweaty, ugly, and pathetic man lying on the ground. Annie felt herself become extremely dizzy again as the shield around the perimeter went away. Annie then pulled out a cuffing device and tossed it at the guy and it formed multiple cuffs around him. Annie then walked over to him as she knew that there were multiple news reporter recording this. The rhino went to get up and Annie shot a web at him, sticking him to the ground. He looked at her in hatred.

"You are a coward. Fight me." Rhino snapped.

"You are the one who sent over twenty men to take down one little girl, and you call me a coward?" Annie asked and Rhino had no response. "Let's get one thing straight: I'm not scared of you, or anybody that comes after me for that matter. I will do everything in my power to take all of you down." Annie stated bravely and then she looked to everyone else. "And as for the citizens of New York, there's a new form of protection in town, and as long as I'm breathing, I will do everything I can to bring the forces that try to hurt you innocent people, to justice." Annie stated bravely but she could feel that she was growing weak and so she shot two webs at a building and flung herself into the air. She hadn't swung but a few inches when she heard Steve's thoughts of concern and proudness. Annie started struggling as she did her best to swing to the building where the thoughts were coming from. She found it and flung herself, trying to get to the top but she fell short and she did her best to grab ahold of the edge but missed and started falling. Sam instantly flew down to catch her. Annie felt arms around her and then she felt them land on the roof. Annie slowly got to her feet and saw that everybody was concerned and she took her mask off and they grew more concerned.

"What happened in there?" Steve asked.

"It wasn't just there. I got distracted while swinging earlier and hit my head and fell into the Hudson. I got attacked by a dogfish shark which had wondered into the river. It couldn't bite through my mesh but it did cut my face with it's fin. Ever since I've been very dizzy and nauseous." Annie explained.

"That's because dogfish fins are poisonous." Steve said and he looked to Sam. "Get her back to the compound and tell them what happened. They'll know how to treat the situation. We'll meet you there." Sam nodded and then picked Annie up and flew off. ....

(The following scenes reference Falcon and The Winter Soldier)

A woman named La Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, or more commonly known as Val watched this on tv and turned with an evil smile towards her companion in the room. This companion was a man named John Walker, who was the former Captain America when Sam gave up the shield.

"This girl is a problem of ours now." Val sighed and Walker looked slightly worried.

"Hold on just a minute. If she really is Spider-Man's daughter, that means she's involved with the Avengers, which means she's involved with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Are you sure you wanna get into this mess?" Walker asked.

"The question isn't if I'm sure that I want to get into this mess, the question is, is U.S. Agent sure that he wants to. Now keep in mind that in a very short amount of time, this girl has displayed a level of power that is unlike any. She is as powerful as Thanos himself. Are you, an agent of U.S. going to sit around and let that power remain within a teenager? Allow it to destroy the world? Or are you gonna step in and stop her?" Val asked and Walker got a strong face on and nodded.

"I will." Walker stated as he stood up.

"You won't yet. First I have to send in a little friend to do some digging so that we can find her weaknesses." Val sighed and then Sharon Carter walked in.

"What do you need from me Contessa?" Sharon asked.

"I need you to go spy on our new spidey friend? Seek out her weaknesses? Figure out how to defeat her. As I understand it, you still have The Winter Soldier and Captain America, as well as the old Captain America wrapped around your little finger." Val responded and Sharon smirked.

"I'll head over there right away." Sharon said and then she left the room. Walker then looked unsure.

"Something doesn't feel right about this." Walker said and then Val walked over to him.

"If you're worried about something, then that usually means you're doing the right thing." Val manipulated Walker and then Walker bucked up and nodded.....

Everybody was yet again waiting for word on Annie, to see if she was going to be ok. MJ looked to Steve.

"What's wrong with her?" MJ asked.

"She got poisoned but she should be fine. She was doing alright during that fight." Steve replied and MJ nodded. Just then Sharon Carter walked in.

"Sorry to bother you guys, but on behalf of the government, I'm here to speak with the new Spider-Man of Queens." Sharon said and Bucky, Sam, and Steve looked to her and smirked.

"Been a while Sharon." Steve said and Sharon nodded.

"Yeah. Let's not even discuss the fact that your my uncle now and how very odd that is for me, ok?" Sharon drew the line and Steve understood as he awkwardly looked away.

"The doctors are taking care of her, then you can speak with her." Tony replied to Sharon's request just as the doctor walked out.

"She'll be fine. It was a very small amount of poisoning. She does have a small concussion though, and a few broken bones. Like always though, she'll bounce back very quick." The doctor said and then Sharon walked into Annie's room. Annie was wide awake and she was eating some food when she heard Sharon's mind and looked to her in worry.

"Get out of my room." Annie snapped and unknown to Sharon Bucky and Sam had followed her.

"Annie, I," Bucky sighed sadly.

"Not you, her." Annie replied and Bucky looked worried.

"I'm just here to talk to you sweetheart." Sharon replied in a fake tone and Annie got frustrated as she looked to her.

"Wipe that fake ass concern off your face and get the hell out of my room Power Broker." Annie revealed Sharon's secret and Sharon looked stunned.

"What did you call her?" Bucky asked and Sharon was immediately worried.

"She's clearly a bit delusional." Sharon stated sadly.

"She doesn't know what the Power Broker is." Sam pointed out as he immediately lost all trust.

"If you guys don't believe me, that's fine, I'll leave." Sharon still continued the act and then she left the room. She also quickly left the house as well. As soon as she was out of the house, she got into a car and made a phone call.

"Yes, I need access to each of the cell's of the Sinister Six. Also, block off all contact with the Avengers. An issue has come up, and I don't want them seeing what's about to happen. The Spiderling is sick and weakened and I don't want to send her into a worse state." Sharon lied her ass off and then she smirked evilly. "Step on it." Sharon said and they left.

Tony walked back into the room in frustration.

"I can't get into contact with anybody, nor can I access any of S.H.I.E.L.D.S systems to warn them. If she really is this dangerous, she could be doing anything right now. We need to let the government know. Sam, you've gotta take action this time. Fly to the senators office and warn them so they can stop her from doing anything desperate." Tony took immediate action and Sam nodded and then left.

Sharon had hacked into the Stark files and found the one on Annie and started to read through it and then found it. She then closed the files and made another phone call as she got out of a car and went into the Raft prison center.

"The threats weakness is that she panics under pressure. She has no physical weakness, but if we attack her with enough fire power she WILL panic and we'll defeat her that way. We just have to set a trap and catch her off guard, away from the Avengers." Sharon said and she saw a guard look at her in concern. "We have a serious threat and I need to access all of the sinister six to question them." Sharon stated and the guard nodded. Sharon walked into a room that was holding all of the remaining members. She looked to the guards.

"All of you need to leave, this is of highest importance and you don't have the clearance to hear it." Sharon demanded as she showed off her badge. They left and Sharon walked down to the last cell and found Mr Negative. She then spoke over the speaker system so all of them could hear her. "I'm releasing you all. Spider-Man's daughter is now the protector of New York. If you want revenge on him then she'd be the way to do it." Sharon said and she hit a few buttons and all of the cell doors opened up and an alarm went off. When Sharon hit those buttons the power cuffs were taken off as well. Sharon also hit a back door to these cells that led straight outside. "Go on, be free." Sharon said but she hadn't released Martin Li.

"Don't hurt that innocent child." Martin Li said bitterly.

" Oh I wouldn't dream of it. The 6 however, I'm sure they'll kill her instantly." Sharon replied and just then several officers ran in and Sharon started fighting them. Soon she had them all dead on the ground. But it was pointless because eventually too many came in for her to fight. They held her at gunpoint.

"Sharon Carter your pardon is hereby relinquished as you are under arrest for conspiracy to destroy the government as well as multiple other charges and are to be immediately delivered to a cell as you await your sentencing."  The man said and they escorted her into one of the Sinister 6 cells. Others went after the six, but there had been a car waiting for the six to be broken out and they were gone.

Everybody stood in the living room as they watched the tv.

"Twelve officers were killed by Agent Sharon Carter after she broke the Scorpion, The Sandman, Electro, The Rhino, Kraven The Hunter, and the Chameleon out of prison. Clearly this is an attack on Spider-Man but the question remains, why did she do this?" The news woman said and then Steve turned off the TV and shook his head.

"So she's as good as dead?" Nat asked sadly and then Tony shook his head.

"No. Before, we couldn't help her with the witches and the demon from hell, but now we can help her. We can help stop these guys when they come after her. We just have to be ready when they come for her." Tony sighed and everybody nodded.

"It's still ridiculous." Bucky said this and then he left the room as everybody agreed......

Val watched the tv as she smirked and then she turned it off and looked to Walker.

"You'll be fighting with them to stop the girl, and then you'll take down the Sinister 6 and everybody will see that you are the hero they should be trusting. We already delivered a speech for you to explain why this Spider girl is a plague to the city instead of a hero. We'll devise the plan once the 6 get here. Trust me. This battle is already won." Val said happily and Walker nodded in agreement. ...

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