Forgotten by My Twin

By TreijiHathaway

40.6K 893 32

17 years old Adrianna Jones wants nothing more than to find her older twin brother, Antonio Jones and to get... More

Cast and Character descriptions
Chapter 1- Miss Lucy Graham
Chapter 2- a dying bull/ howling wolf
Chapter 3- Help
Chapter 4- as far away as possible
Chapter 5- i'll miss you
Chapter 6- the past (1)
Chapter 7- the past (2)
Chapter 8- finally back
Chapter 9- Nio
Chapter 10- for the sake of a daughter
Chapter 11- shopping with papa
Chapter 12- first day of school
Chapter 13- Surprise
Chapter 14- little Ms Queen B
Chapter 15- the new game
Chapter 16- Maddie
Chapter 17- Josh
Chapter 18- Rumors
Chapter 19- another surprise
Chapter 20- confrontration
Chapter 21- all for me
Chapter 22- saving her
Chapter 23- how is she?
Chapter 24- forgiveness

Chapter 25- happiness

1.4K 35 2
By TreijiHathaway

I had to go back to school today and I was honestly not that worried. I knew that I'd not only have Mark, Nio, Caleb and Alyssa by my side, but I was also finally ready to stand up for myself. I was ready to have fight my battles against anyone who comes up to me and picks a fight.

"Come. On. Ria. How much longer do you think are you going to take? Girls" he sighed and shook his head.

"I have been saying the same thing for past 5 years now. This girl is special." Mark said.

"Okay okay. I'm coming. And my dear Marcus, I already know that I'm special. That is because I'm Adrianna Jones. How come it took you so long to realize that" it was now my turn to shake my head.

"Let's go women before you make me go crazy too." Mark said

"Come on Ria" Nio slung an arm over my shoulder. All three of us walked towards the car and sat down. I sat at the front seat while Nio sat at the drivers seat and Mark at the back. Nio started the engine and drove towards the school.

"Ria we can't tell anyone that you are my sister" Nio said without looking at me.

"Oh" is all I said as I looked down at my hands.

"What the hell Tony?" Mark asked angrily

"What? Oh no no no. Not because I don't want to Ria. I promise I really want to. Trust me. I just want to teach Brittany and Joshua a lesson. But if you want we can tell them all. We can—" Nio rambled on

"It's fine Nio. As much as I want everyone to know that you are my brother, it would be nice to have some fun with Brittany. Not only for me, but for everyone she has bullied. She thinks she is the queen and someone has to tell her that she is not." I said

"And that Joshua kid. He deserves more than a lesson. He needs to get just a few punches from me. Only until he can't open his eyes anymore. That would be fun" Mark said darkly

"Marcus Smith. You are not punching anyone so stop daydreaming about killing Joshua" I warned him.

"Okay okay. But. You know me soo well" he sang.

"Yeah yeah."

"What do you say Tony. We both can go on an evil Joshua hunt. We can gift him a few punches that I'm sure he'll love" Mark said sweetly

"How about we also cut those nasty fingers that he touched Ria with too? He be so happy to have those off his body" Nio said in the same tone

"And how about I jump out of this car to skip this horrible conversation." I mocked the same tone.

"Sorry Arianna. I know you don't like violence. I'll try my best to avoid it" Mark apologizes

"Yeah sorry sis." Nio said.

"It's okay both of you but please. I really don't like violence." I told them.

"Hey Tony. What are you doing with her? You know she is just an annoying bitch." Brittany screeched as I stood with Mark and Nio at my locker. "Oh and who are you? You should come with us. Don't spend your time with that slut." She said to Mark in a flirtatious tone.

"Actually, she has been my best friend since I was 11 so I would appreciate it that you stay away from her." Mark said in fake nice voice. Honestly, him and his fake sweet tone.

"Ugh. You can spend all the time you want with the slug faced shit. Just know what you'll be missing" she winked ignoring the fact that Nio was standing right next to her with a disgusted and amused expression.

"Hey Britt. I have a surprise for you. Do you—" Nio started but was cut off by her.

"Wait. Can you ask me the question in the a moment in front of everyone when you call them here so all the bitches including this one can witness me being— oopses, can't ruin the surprise can we?" She giggled then she leaned towards me "just stay here and wait a little so that you can watch your crush ask me to be his date for the upcoming dance" she whispered loud enough for only me to hear. I made a disgusted face as she leaned back and smiled "Meet you at the main hall"

"She thinks I'm crushing on you." I looked at Nio with disbelief as he made a confused face.

"That's sick" He gagged as he realized what I meant. "Are you?" He said playfully making me punch his shoulder

"Hell nah. No Offence but I'm not into incest. Ew" I made a disgusted face.

"Don't worry sis. You are my sister" he smiled before hugging me.

"That's what I was afraid of" Mark said and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean Mark?" I asked

"You forgetting me after you met Tony again." He shook his head in fake disappointment.

"Oh come here you big baby." I pulled him in a hug. "I love you Mark" I whispered before pulling away and kissing him on the cheek

"Love you too Ari" he smiled.

"Turn around" I said and he did as I told him. I jumped on his back for a piggy back ride. "Go on. Let's see what the queen has to say" I said pointing towards the main hall.

"More like the queen bitch. Right Tony? How do you even put up with her?" He asked Nio

"Don't ask man. I don't even know why I ever dated her." He shook his head

"Because you are the football captain and she is the head cheerleader. To become one of the most stupid but famous couple." Mark shrugged.

"THAT IS ABSOLUTELY......sadly the truth" Nio sighed.

"Let's go shall we?" Mark said knowing that I was still on his back.

"So guys. You know me. I'm sure you also know Tony Jones and the slut Anna. So Anna here has a crush more like an obsession really. She wanted Tony to ask her to the dance and when she found out that he is in love with me she decided to indoctrinate Mark. I wanted to be nice to her like I am but then she bullied me because Tony loves me and she is jealous. And then I found her secret out. I think she deserves a lesson so I'm going to tell it to you all. She killed her mother. I bet that's why your dad abandoned you." Everyone gasped. They gasped. Seriously? Way to be dramatic.

I stopped both Tony and Mark from going up to her by placing one of my hand on each of their shoulders. They looked up at me confused but I just smiled at them before going up to her myself and I started clapping my hands as everyone quieted down again.

"Wow. Nice story. Seriously, people. Don't you have anything except taking part in others business. My mother is not even dead. She is still alive. And I live with my dad. Where do the bitches get all these stuff from? I mean to make up a story, you need brain. Which you clearly don't have since if you did, you would have made sure that my mother was really dead before making up rumors about me killing her. And I do not have an 'obsession' or crush on Tony. And I'm not into incest. How dumb are you Brittany? I mean look at yourself. What? You think you can stand here and 'teach me a lesson' as you say it, and be the queen of this school just because your daddy has some money. Well your daddy is my fathers secretary. So if you think your petty rumors are going to make me cry, guess again." By the end I was standing right in front of her as she was glaring at me. Yesterday, I did some background search on her and found out that papa's secretary is her father which clearly gave me an advantage. I know this was too much but she just crossed a line by talking about papa.

"Brittany I don't have an easier way of saying this but I never told you that I love you. I mean how in the world should I love someone that decided it was great to spread rumors about my twin sister." She just gaped at Nio as if he is crazy. "You heard me right. Adrianna Jones is my twin sister that I love and she does not have a crush on me. That would be disgusting. I break up with you Brittany. Have fun with Josh." It was my turn to stare at him. I never told him about them. "What? Lewis saw them together. And he knew that you knew. I still have to talk about you not telling me though" he glared playfully and then placed an arm over my shoulder. "So as fun as this has been, I'm done with this. Everyone listen carefully, none of you are going to mess with my sister or else the result won't be to your pleasing. I will personally be handling the situation in which my sister is concerned. If you mess with her you mess with me" He said in a serious tone.

"And me" Mark chimed in. Honestly, this would have been so ridiculous if it wasn't for the serious expression they both had.

"Okay everyone. The show is over. Now go and do your own things" I said to everyone as they started to slowly walk away.

"You never told me he was your brother. That goes against all the friendship rules" I looked sheepishly at Alyssa's glaring face.

"Aly. Hey. I'm sorry. Please forgive me" I pleaded

"I forgive you" she hugged me

"Wait really. Thank you so much. I'm sorry for hiding this from you. I'll be right back" I said as I saw Caleb standing at the side with a smile on his face.

"Hey Caley" I hugged him and kissed his cheek and smiled when I saw a light blush appear on them. We all started to walk towards the parking lot.

"Hey Anna. I'm so happy Tony is acting like himself again. This is the first time I have seen him like this ever since you left." He smiled. We stopped after reaching the parking lot and turned to look at each other.

"I'm happy too. Thank you so much for being there for me when Mark wasn't here and Tony wasn't acting like himself. I don't know what I would've done without you." I thanked him.

"Anna we have always been friends. You matter more to me then you will ever know. You don't have to thank me. I have a question to ask." He said hesitantly. I frowned at the hesitation before smiling again encouraging him to keep going.

"You don't have to say yes but um I— I like you a-lot and would you like to go on a date with me" He asked quickly and I felt myself brighten up. He looked away and I stifled my laugh at his cuteness.

"Hmm" I played with him "sure" I said emotionlessly and smiled when he looked up at me.

"of cours- wait what? You are serious?" He asked and I laughed.

"Of course I am. I like you too Caleb. I— kind of had a crush on you since we were children. I thought it went away when I was with Lucy but as soon as I saw you again I knew it was still there. I really like you." I don't know who started it but before I knew it our lips were touching as I felt soft feeling on my lips. This was my first real kiss ignoring when Joshua or this other guy kissed me forcefully. This was my first kiss where I wanted it too. I felt this beautiful feeling when Caleb placed a hand on my cheek and I placed mine on his chest.

"Mhm" Nio's voice interrupted as I quickly pulled away to see him standing there with his eye brow raised. "When did this happen?" He asked.

"You didn't even tell me that you liked him. That is not right. You have tell me everything. I thought you two were just friends" Mark grumbled childishly with his arms crossed and a pout

"I knew it. I told you he likes you. Ha. I am never wrong. My ship has sailed" Alyssa squealed and punched the air.

"Care to explain what that was" papa said. Wait. Where did he come from. I guess he read my confused expression because he said "me and Matthew came to get you since it was your first day after the incident." He smiled before placing a scolding expression again.

"Hey papa. Hey Matty." I looked at Caleb and he nodded his head answering my unasked question "me and Caleb are going on a date. If that's okay with you that is" I said quickly knowing that they'll say yes.

"Addie. Are you going to stop if I tell you to?" He asked playfully

"Good question" is all I said as I saw him shaking his head with an amused expression.

"As much as I hate you with boys, you can go. But Caleb if you ever hurt her, you'll be hearing from me." papa said

"Don't worry Mr. Jones I won't ever hurt her on purpose. And if she ever sheds a single tear because of me, I'll hand my self over to you. Caleb smiled at him

"But no kissing in front of me please" Matt said

"I guess no one is going to ask for my opinion" Mark said.

"Nope. I'd rather ask people with actual brain cells Marcus" I said playfully

We all laughed as Mark stood their grumbling but I didn't miss the small smile that played on his face. This is what I wanted. Laughing with all the people I love and care about.

The end

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