𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 ✾|...

By AthenaWisdom1

54K 1.9K 432

✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿   A Soulmate "Is someone who challenge... More

°•~Rise of the Serpentine~•°
Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can Of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green & Guardian Ninja
All Of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
°•~Legacy of the Green Ninja~•°
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's Play
Growing Up, Unfortunately.
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island Of Darkness
The Last Hope
Return of the Overlord
Rise of the Spinjitzu Masters
*Bonus; First Impressions.*
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist
The Curse of the Golden Master
Enter the Digiverse
Codename: Arcturus
* Special Oneshot *
The Titanium Ninja
*Finding Emerald*
°•~The Tournament Of Elements~•°
The Invitation
※✥❀✾ Anniversary ❁✿❖✤
Only One Can Remain
Ninja Roll
Spy For A Spy
The Forgotten Element
The Day of the Dragon
The Greatest Fear Of All
The Corridor Of Elders
Bonus: The Date ❦ The Dream
Winds Of Change
Ghost Story *editing*
Stiix and Stones
The Temple On Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger

The Void

542 30 6
By AthenaWisdom1

A spaceship evolved around earth as it slowly swam into the dark abyss of the universe and galaxy. It zoomed across and away from the planet as Jay looked out the window of the spaceship.

Cole, Jay, Kai, Zane, Lloyd and Lacey all floated around as there was no gravity in space. A few things also floated, a flashlight, screwdriver, a wrench and a few more.

Jay seemed to be enjoying the flying around as he put his hands behind his head and relaxed. "Is this the greatest thing ever or what?" He asked excitedly as he flew around.

Kai looked at him incredulously, "Where are you? We're trapped in space and you..." he paused. "Where did you go!"

"Guys, we're in space." Jay said. "I thought this is stuff only Fritz Donogon gets to enjoy." He smiles.

"Fritz is from a comic book, dude. This is real!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"Well, you got me hooked on the character. Would you lighten up and not step on my dreams of being a real Starfarer just yet?" Jay asked as a screwdriver passed by floating. 

Lacey let out a loud scoff, she had stayed silent the whole way, not anymore. "Jay, we're in freaking space. What are we gonna do, and how the hell are we gonna get back to earth?" She asked, irritated.

"Well, it's not that bad, Ms. Night." Lloyd said playfully as he floated over to her. Lacey tried to hide her smile but she essentially gave up, grinning like a school girl talking to her crush.

"Why, because it's fun, Mr. Garmadon?" She raised a teasing eyebrow.

Lloyd grinned at her. "Well, it certainly gives me a great view of you," he smirked, his eyes going to her chest briefly.

"OI!" Jay yelled, "No flirting!" He said disgusted and in nostalgia as he remembered him and Nya. Too bad his best friend named Cole, ruined it.

Lacey rolled her eyes.

"We have to find a way to take control of the ship." Lloyd spoke up. "If they get the Golden Weapons back to the Overlord, Ninjago doesn't stand much of a chance," he than let out a scream as he was pushed back.

"But there's no access to the rest of the ship." Kai said, floating forward. "The only way out is through the same airlock we came in."

"And if my memory banks serve correct, space has a way of taking one's breath away, in the negative sense." Zane adds as he glanced out the window.

Lacey let out a breath as she looked outside the window, the earth was passing by, it was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. No wonder she was afraid of heights, she didn't like it one bit. Her fear of heights may or may not have been coming back.


In the front, The Nindroids and Cryptor are all sitting around and standing around, piloting the ship.

"Delta V guidance," Cryptor said "Data point zero thirty. Initiate auto sequencing," he orders.

Min-Droid sets the time for five minutes, after saluting the Nindroid.


Lacey huffed whilest crossing her arms over her chest, she blew a strand of hair out of her face as she floated around the spacious room.

Why did I think this was a good idea?

She didn't regret the decision, okay, maybe she did a little but still! They were in freaking space. This stuff wasn't possible for people, well, they were irresponsible teenagers with powerful elemental powers, and they are essentially the protectors of the Green and Guardian Ninjas.

Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane were special, they were her's and Lloyd's protectors. And not to mention that they had fought off snakes and a giant snake, they fought off stone warriors and a 4 armed man, who just so happened to be her boyfriend's father. And they fought off a dark old evil spirit who was back yet again.

Can't they just get a freaking break?

Jay seemed to be enjoying this as he whizzed by going, "Wheeeeeeeee!" Lacey shot him an irked look but stayed silent.

Zane then moves over the computer, typing on it. "Enjoy it while you can, Jay, because in five minutes, the entire ship is scheduled to lighten up. The supplemental boosters are set to detach," he explained.

Kai frowned in confusion. "Uh, I'm a Ninja, not an astronaut. What does that mean?" He asked.

"The portion of the ship we are currently stationed will soon detach and we will be abandoned in space with it." Zane elaborated.

"Uh, oh." Lacey muttered under her breath. This was definitely not good, okay, definitely not great.

"Hello? Kai? Anyone? Can you read me?" Nya's voice came on the computer. Sensei Garmadon, Wu, Pixal and Nya were all in front of the computer.

"We read you loud and clear," Kai spoke up as he looked in the computer with Jay and Zane next to him.

"They're alive! They're alive." Sensai Garmadon cheers.

"Whoa! Yes!" Nya yelled simultaneously.

"Good to hear you boys..." Wu starts.

Lacey cleared her throat loudly, giving Sensei a deadpan look. She did not look amused or happy at all, honestly, she was tired and maybe still in shock from everything.

Wu chuckled, "And girl." He adds looking at Lacey. "We're going to help you get home safe. Pixal was able to find the blueprints for the rocket."

A picture of the rocket comes up on screen as Wu continues. "You need to escape the cargo hold before it's too late. Near the front of the ship is an A2 storage compartment. Inside are emergency spacesuits,"

"That will be a doozy," Cole spoke up. "We can't get the spacesuits unless we go outside." He accidentally hits Lloyd on the face and the Green bean let's out a small yell as he flies away. Lacey watched him go with amused eyes.

Cole continued. "The problem is, we can't go outside without the spacesuits. Any other suggestions?"

"They are completely out of their element," Sensei Garmadon said. "Even if they get through this, what chance do we have of getting them home?"

"We can HEAR you!" Lacey exclaimed at him, she frowns.

"Yeah, we could really use some encouraging words right about now." Lloyd speaks up, looking at his Uncle and Father.

"If you cannot change your circumstances, change yourself," Wu told them.

"Hm, can anyone else figure that one out?" Kai asked looking at his brothers.

"His wisdom usually takes a while to set in," Jay says before screaming. "BUT WE DON'T HAVE A WHILE!" He looked at the screen, his eyes crazed almost.

Lacey shook her head whilst letting out a sigh.

"Zane you're the only one who can survive outside the ship," Pixal states. 

"She's right. I'm the only one who doesn't need oxygen. I must go alone," He declared

"Be careful!' Lacey called out to him as he left. She let out a sigh, hoping nothing bad would happen. Why does trouble always find them and not anyone else? Why just them? Hmm?


"We'll take it slow. Together," Kai said before the group all scream as the ship briefly accelerates.

"What a bunch of jerks!" Lacey muttered under her breath.

"I can't wait to see the expressions on the faces of those metal chrome domes when they find out we stowed away onboard," Jay says a bit amused and smug.

Cole rolled his eyes, looking annoyed. "They're Nindroids, nimrod, they don't have expressions,"

"Oh, yeah?" Jay said, not knowing Cryptor hearing him. "Well, Zane has expressions,"

"Zane's not like them. Do we really have to go over this right now?" Kai asked as he looked at them, annoyed.

"It's just so quiet, I'm only trying to fill the space. Get it?" Jay asked laughing. "Space."

Lacey smiles.

A bunch of Nindroids all starts climbing towards them, carrying guns.

"Great, just what we needed!" Lacey asked as her grip tightened on the ship, her eyes started glowing a emerald green. Time to whoop some ass!

"So much for our surprise attack. Look out!" Cole yelled. The Nindroids all laugh as they fired at them.

Lacey immediately ducked, she held out her hand and yelled "Abi!" And a few of the Nindroids were pushed back and in space.

Jay steals one of their weapons, causing all of them to cheer for him. "Not Jay. Fritz Donnegan! Fear isn't a word where I come from!" He said jumping up in action poses.

"Oh, man. I'm sorry for introducing him to that," Lloyd says a little embarrassed, shaking his head.

Lacey laughed. "It's kinda funny!" She burst out.

"Don't be." Kai said to Lloyd. "If we can't change our circumstances, that's one way to change yourself. Fire!" He yells using his powers.

"Hope we don't need that," Cole said as a piece of the ship broke.

"Ice!" Zane said using his powers.

Lacey let out a sigh through her nose, they never get a break. Do they?

Perhaps she should stop complaining about that.

Yeah....maybe not.


The team, all sneak inside a cavern with rocks and boulders all over. They hide behind one, and Lacey immediately spots the Golden Weapons, melted into something new.

"This must we where the Golden Weapons landed." Kai said looking around.

"There's the Weapons." Cole points towards the melted rock of shiny gold.

"And there's the key," Kai said pointing towards it.

"Shiny." A Nindroid starts reaching for it as Cryptor snaps. "No, don't." The Nindroid immediately disintegrates. "Only the Overlord can withstand the power of all the weapons combined. No one directly touches it."

"Those are the Golden Weapons all right." Jay nods as he thought back to when that Skelton, his name long forgotten, had touched all the weapons and exploded.

Samukai, was it? Hmm, maybe.

A small beetle climbes on Zane's hand. "Hello there, little friend." He said kindly, staring at it.

"Gross." Lacey said scrunching up her nose. She's been silent all the way, thinking about what to do but couldn't come up with anything. They need to do something before the Overlord got the Golden Weapons.

They need to make sure that nothing happens to Ninjago. They were the protectors of it, after all.

Some protectors they were.

"Oh, would you look at that? Can you believe it? It's an extraterrestrial lifeform. And it's not gross!" Jay looked towards Lacey and shoots her a look.

The Sorceress gave him a deadpan look. "It's a bug, if it's a bug, I say gross. All bugs are gross, because they're creepy and crawly." She said shaking her head.

"And it's not what's important right now," Cole said seriously. He shakes his head at his ex-best friend. Annoyed.

"Oh, there's so much we could learn from it. So much we could teach it. I'm gonna call him Glowie. Oh look, Glowie can fly." The bug starts to hover in midair with it's wings. "How cute." Jay comments.

Lacey shakes her head as her lighting best friend starts exaggerating. It's just a bug.

"You...m....no.....disturb the...ali..li.." Lacey heard a voice say on the intercoms. Sensei's voice was cracking and they couldn't really hear anything.

"I couldn't make that out, Sensei. What did you say?" Kai asked confused. Nya and Sensai starts talking but they couldn't really hear them.

"They tickle." Zane said as he and Jay start laughing, covered in more beetles. Lacey's eyes widened as she looked around, where were they coming from?

"Silly Glowie." Jay chuckled as another beetle bites Zane. "Ow." He mutters.

"Uh oh." Lacey said as she looks around all the beetles around them. She should have brought repellent spray.

"Argh! They're eating through my exoskeleton!" Zane said in a panic.

"They're on me too!" Kai said with wide eyes, panic also in his eyes. He tries too shake them off but nada.

"They're everywhere!" Jay exclaimed with wide eyes.

"The hold must remain intact. Back to the ship!" Cryptor ordered.

"What do we do? Any ideas, guys?" Zane asked he tried to move away from all the beetles.

"This is disgusting!" Lacey said as she waved her hands all over, shooing the bugs away.

"Space. Why did we come to space? If I would change any circumstance, I'd change ever coming here in the first place." Coke said with a miserable look on his face.

"If you can't change your circumstances, change your mind." Lloyd said as his eyes lit up like a kid seeing a jackpot full of candy.

"Now's not the time to be quoting Wu," Jay said frowning.

"No, I finally see what he means. This is just like starteeth. Come on, I've got an idea." Lloyd says and they all follow him back to the rover and on it. The beetles follow them immensely.

"Ninja!" A Nindroid yells as he spots them.

"Get them!" Cryptor demanded angrily. 

"Sensei meant instead of focusing on how wrong things are, focus on what's right. We have to think positive. Those parasites aren't just a menace, they're a weapon. Attack!" Lloyd exclaimed.
The beetles distract the Nindroids, destroying some of their rovers.

"Ho!" Cryptor yells at the driver but he whimpers. "What?" Cryptor kicks him out and takes the wheel.

"Now let's go get that launch key!" Kai yells and he, Jay, Zane and Cole all yell "Ninja, go!" Before beating some Nindroids.

"Ice!" Zane exclaimed striking them.

"Hello." Cole said mockingly before fighting some.

"Ninja, go! You can keep your gold," Kai said before he steals the launch key. "I got it! Let's get outta here. Ninja, go!" The Ninja all cheer.

"Ninja!" Cryptor yells.

"We're home free!" Jay says happily before they head to the rocket.

Lacey stops in her tracks.

"The rocket...it's destroyed," Lloyd says letting out a shuddering breath.

"Oh, no." Lacey muttered, devastated. They aren't going back home.

"Then how are we going to get home?" Jay asks like a little child, sadder than a sloth.

"There's no way back," Cole said seriously as he shook his head.

"You're not the only ones who can adapt! So long, Ninja!" Cryptor said before he and Nindroid leave using rocket boosters, carrying the gold back to Ninjago with a net.

"No." Lloyd whispered.

"No. The ship is destroyed. We're not coming home." Kai said on the intercoms.

"Oh, fuck." Lacey said out loud.


Updated Version now updated! Rewriting this is hard. I've spotted many mistakes.

See ya!

Athena 🥀

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