A Second Chance || Attack on...

Από Patolemus

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SNK Modern Setting AU where everyone is reincarnated, but only Eren and Levi remember. Somehow, things get a... Περισσότερα

i want to forget (remember me)
love, love, love, never let go
remember that time?
late night conversations (can you tell me a secret?)
a tale of final goodbyes
i'll give you my heart again (don't take it away with you this time)
of a boy who wanted freedom
to you, 2000 years from now

putting things into perspective

57 0 0
Από Patolemus


People don't understand how Eren and Levi have decided they are each other's better half after a single meeting. Then, they do.

Armin doesn't understand it. Yes, he knows  Eren can be impulsive and hotheaded at times, but even he couldn't have  found a boyfriend in the hour and a half he left him alone.

Except  he did. Eren has a boyfriend now. A boyfriend fifteen years his senior,  who Armin has never heard of before, and who looks as far as Eren's  type as possible. All of Eren's other relationships were with people  taller than him, more on the lanky side, usually paired with preppy and  happy personalities. Armin doesn't get it.

(Eren would confess,  years later, that he didn't date anyone like Levi on purpose. It hurt to  much, everyone fell short to the man who has held his heart for a  lifetime already. It was easier to bury the memories if he stayed clear  of people who reminded him of what he had lost.

And Armin wouldn't  understand - how could he, he doesn't have the memories like Eren and  Levi do - but would still hug his best friend and comfort him as he  reminisced the horrors of a life they lived together but Armin can't  remember.)

Except Eren has that look when he talks about Levi. His  eyes shine, brighter than Armin has ever seen them, and there's this  happy edge to his voice that's impossible to ignore. He talks about Levi  like he's the world, with a familiarity that he should not have, given  that they've known each other for a grand total of two weeks. Still, it  doesn't feel strange, per se. Armin gets the feeling of deja vu,  like he has gone through this before, but that's impossible. Neither of  them have met Levi before in their lives, and this is the first time  Eren looks so happy since Armin has known him. They have known each  other since they were children, so that's a lot.

Eren thinks Armin  doesn't notice. He thinks none of their friends notice, but they do.  Eren always looks far away, like he's not entirely there. He's always  daydreaming, startled by mundane things, eyes filled with such deep  emotions that shouldn't be there. Armin sees the heartbreak in those  teal eyes, sees the sorrow and the pain.

He wants to ask why is it always there when Eren watches all their friends together, laughing and joking with each other.

He doesn't. Armin has a feeling if would break him.

But  Eren has always been different. Ever since they met all those years ago  in primary school, when Eren saved him from the bullies, he has always  looked older, wiser. Armin forgets, at times, because for all that  wisdom, he can be dumb as a brick sometimes. But Eren holds a sharpness  that he hasn't seen in anyone else, a drive and a sense of purpose no  child should have, and despite that, it feels so familiar it aches.

A  lot of things feel that way, like when they had gymnastics at school  and Eren gracefully moved around, or when he took out a gang of bullies  with practiced movements Armin never saw him learn. Like that time Sasha  stole a steamed potato from the cafeteria and was caught by one of the  teachers, or when they went play paint ball and his hold on the riffle  felt frighteningly comforting. Safe.

A lot of things feel familiar, but Armin has never figured out why.

Still,  despite the weirdness of it all, Armin is nonetheless excited to meet  the man that seems to mean so much to his best friend, if only to keep  Mikasa under control. She, unlike Armin, hadn't taken the news so well.  It's not that Mikasa doesn't like Eren to date anyone - though that  certainly is part of it, Mikasa is a little bit overprotective when it  comes to anything remotely related to Eren - but she, like Armin finds  it weird that her adoptive brother would be so smitten with a man he  only just met, and unlike Armin, she is more than ready to break some  bones if she doesn't like what she sees.

That's what Armin is  there for. If push comes to shove, he'll have to mediate between the  brothers. Again. Just thinking about it has him having flashbacks from  before Mikasa moved out in favour of sharing an place with Annie, when  the three of them still lived together, Walls.

Walls? Huh, that's  weird. Armin's never heard of that expression before. It sounds... right  though. Oh well, maybe he saw it on a videogame of something.

They  all agree to meet at a cafe near their campus at around six, since Levi  has to work. Eren is practically vibrating on his seat during all his  classes, or at least the ones they share, texting back and forth with  whom Armin can only guess is Levi, if the happy grin in Eren's face is  anything to go by.

When they arrive (Armin is on the lookout for  Murderous Mikasa, but so far things look good), there's a man sitting by  the window corner, and Eren immediately does a beeline for him. As if  the man could sense him, he turns around as Eren reaches the table,  Armin and Mikasa trailing behind, and opens his arms just in time for  Eren to crush the man in a hug.

Huh. Eren has always liked  physical contact, but Armin's has never seen him like this. He's  shamelessly crushing the daylights out of this man, not that Levi seems  to mind or anything, and he's nudging his nose against Levi's neck.

Unexpected,  though Armin really shouldn't, given the amount of things he has heard  about Levi from Eren in the span of two weeks.

Eren hastily introduces them, though it sounds more like he's introducing Levi to them,  as if the man already knew them, and they all sit down. Mikasa huffs in  displeasure when she sees Eren sitting next to Levi, but a warning  glance from Armin has her back down. For now, at least, there's nothing  that can really deter Mikasa is she's determined.

A waiter takes  their orders, and Armin takes note on how Levi seems to know Eren's  order by heart, not even hesitating before ordering him a double-shot  latte with extra cream. Does that mean he knows about Eren's insomnia  too? They haven't spent the night together, as far as Armin knows - and  he should know, they live together after all - but looking at them, he's  not so sure anymore.

It really feels like they've been together  forever, seeing how comfortable they look around each other. They fit,  Armin realises as he looks closely at them. Despite being shorter, Levi  loops an arm around Eren's seat, and Eren rests his head on Levi's for a  moment, before the other man shoes him away, earning him a light  chuckle from his friend.

Mikasa clears her throat, none too  subtle, breaking the moment. Armin almost feels bad for them, they  looked really cute together and Levi really doesn't deserve Mikasa's  wrath - no one does, but especially not Levi, if he makes Eren happy -  but the way Levi's face twists in practiced annoyance, like he was  already expecting it, makes him hesitate.

"So. What are your  intentions with my brother?" Mikasa, for all her talents, has never been  known for her subtleness, and it shows. Armin sighs, but in all  honestly, he had been expecting it. He's surprised she hasn't done  anything else, actually.

"Mikasa!" Eren groans, trowing his head  back in exasperation. Levi doesn't seem phased, but with how things have  been going, Armin is less and less surprised. It seems like the man  really does knows them well, or at least Eren has warned him enough  about Mikasa's protectiveness.

Though, in all fairness, Armin  doesn't think nothing could ever prepare someone for Mikasa's  protectiveness when it comes to Eren.

"What? I have to make sure  he's not gaslighting you or something," unapologetic as always, it  seems. Well, she's not wrong. Even if he wouldn't use the word  gaslighting, Armin still thinks is kind of strange.

"What Mikasa is trying to say," he intervenes before it can escalate to a shouting match, again.  "Is that this is the first time you've been so excited about someone  Eren, so we want to know more about Levi. That way, we can know why you  like him so much," that is definitely not what Mikasa meant, and  everyone knows it, but Armin doesn't care. He won't have those two  ducking it out in the middle of a coffee shop. No, sir, not this time.

"Just  to be clear, I'm not gaslighting anyone," Levi says, eyebrow raised at  Mikasa, who huffs and crosses her arms against her chest. "Eren and I  met at the train station a while ago, and we just clicked. It was..."

"Like  a memory," Eren has that faraway look again, deep in whatever it is  that always plagues his mind. He has never explained it - looks almost  scared to, the few times someone aks about it - and they usually just  have to let him ride it out before resuming conversation, but Armin  watches in fascination as Levi grabs a hold of his hand, drawing slow,  steady circles in his palm until Eren's eyes focus again, taking a slow  breath.

It a move that speaks of understandment, of companionship.

Armin  hadn't believed it when Eren said Levi was the one. There was no way  for Eren to know that after one meeting, despite how well he clicked  with someone. But now... well, Armin certainly sees what his friend  meant.

It's not the closeness, not even how they seem to read  each others minds. It's that Armin sees in Levi what he had only ever  seen in Eren. That edge, that look in his eyes, that air of... something more.  He holds himself with a grace that speaks of balance and discipline  (doesn't Levi work at an office? So why does he remember Armin of a  soldier?), speaks like someone who knows too much, has seen too much.

Talks to Armin and Mikasa like he knows them.

Yes, Armin can see why Eren is certain Levi is the one for him.

He  still doesn't understand it. He doesn't think he ever will. But he  doesn't have to, when he sees those two, and sees a future.

* * *

When Levi tells him he got himself a boyfriend, Erwin doesn't  believe him. Antisocial, moody Levi? Get himself a boyfriend? Without  any outside help? Erwin wouldn't imagine it in his wildest dreams.

But  he did. Levi don't-talk-to-me Ackerman did, in fact, get himself a  boyfriend. A real, tangible, college boy. Erwin is not even going to  question the age difference, he just wants to know how it even happened.  It's not like he has no faith in his friend, but it has to be said that  Levi does come across as unapproachable at first glance. And second.  And third too, if he's being honest. He comes across as unapproachable,  period.

What really surprises him though, is how smitten Levi  seems to be with this boy. Even for a relationship, Erwin has never  seen him as attached as he seems to be to this Eren Jaeger, and Erwin is  intrigued. What does this boy have that makes him so different?

He finds one day, at the office.

It's  a fairly normal day. Busy, but when isn't it. Hange is causing chaos as  usual, and Levi is either cleaning up their messes or reconsidering his  life choices as he does paperwork in his office. It's a normal sight  for everyone in the office, and most are wondering if something remotely  interesting will happen that day. Hange and Levi's squabbles have long  stopped being interesting, though it's always a sight to watch Levi lose  it because of something Hange did.

They are in the middle of one  of said squabbles - their arguing can be heard even with the door of  Levi's office closed - when the elevator's doors open, and a young man  with long hair tied in a bun and impressive teal eyes walks in. He's  wearing a shirt and sweatpants, probably the least formal wear Erwin has  ever seen someone wear to the office, though he supposes it doesn't  matter, since the kid doesn't work there.

Which brings him to the matter in question. Who is he?

Erwin  gets his question answered before even having to ask it. The boy - man,  those eyes are not the ones of a boy, they look too old for that -  scans the room, eyes stopping every once in a while as he takes  everything in. Then, Erwin presumes he hears Levi and Hange - he swears,  they are very competent workers, but they can behave like children  sometimes - and something lights up in his face.

The man walks calmly to where Petra, Levi's secretary, is stationed, and Erwin observes curiously as the conversation unravels.

"Good  afternoon, I'm here for Levi? We were supposed to meet downstairs, but  he's not answering his phone," he says politely, unlike most people he's  age, smiling a bit at the end as Petra's eyebrows raise a bit. Then she  clears her throat as a mask of professionalism slides in, and smiles  back.

"Of course. Could you give me your name, sir?" teal eyes  widen at that last part, and he stammers something about that not being  necessary before giving his name.

So this is Eren Jaeger. Somehow,  despite not being what he imagined, Erwin can easily see his friend in a  relationship with the young man. He can picture them in a grass field,  training in hand to hand combat—

Huh. He doesn't know where that came from. Oh well, it's not like it matters.

Petra  calls for Levi through the intercom, and the arguing inside his office  stops at once. Moments later, said man sticks his head out of the door,  eyes widening a fraction when he sees Eren next to Petra's desk. He  hurries out the door, meeting Eren with a guilty expression.

"I'm late, aren't I?"

"I  waited downstairs for twenty minutes, then figured you hadn't looked at  the time. It's okay, I don't have any classes for the rest of the day,  and my shift is in a few hours," Eren bends down and— wow, he just  kissed Levi's cheek. And he's not in extreme pain on the floor. What an  interesting development.

"I'll drive you home after," Eren humms,  a pleased smile on his face. "Let me grab my jacket, alright? I'll be  back in a second."

It's a short interaction, but Erwin is taken  aback by the familiarity of it. They seem so comfortable within each  other's presence - too comfortable, it speaks of domesticity and  routine. A month is not enough for this kind of familiarity - so attuned  to each other. Eren, despite being more than a decade younger - or is  he? Erwin thinks he is, but those eyes... - doesn't even come across as  that younger, that different. Like he grew up too fast, like he has  already grown.

Erwin wonders.

Despite being a very  efficient person, Levi isn't fast enough. When he gets back, Eren is  being surrounded by their coworkers, and it looks like Hange is having  way too much fun talking to him.

Oh well, Erwin figures it's  Levi's fault. He's the one that didn't introduce them in a more  controlled environment. If anything regarding Hange can be called  controlled, that is.

"So you're the Eren Levi always goes on  about!" Hange says, eyes sparkling in what Erwin hopes is not the  beginning of another one of their plans. The office barely survived the  last one, and Levi was murderous for a week after. Not that it wasn't  amusing - Erwin finds a lot of entertainment in Levi's suffering at  Hange's ideas, even if he would never tell anyone, bad for his image as a  good boss and all that - but an uncooperative Levi is bad for  everyone.

"Levi talks about me?" Eren's eyes light up, and his  face splits on a grin. God, Erwin doesn't think he has ever seen  anything so bright.

"All the time! It's always Eren this, Eren  that, Eren would know how to do this better, you know who can make my  tea best? Eren. He's always talking about you!"

"Hange," Levi  doesn't yell, he doesn't need to. Hange straightens immediately, grin  turning sheepish as they slowly turn around. "Stop harassing him. Eren,  lets go."

"But you'll never let us meet him otherwise! Right  Erwin? Back me up on this!" Erwin swears internally. He hadn't been  expecting Hange to bring him into the conversation, an oversight on his  part. He should have seen it coming.

"I'm sure Levi would have  introduced us at some point, Hange," he tries to appease his friend, if  only so they don't go on a rampage not even he would be able to stop,  but they don't look all that convinced. "But seeing as we're here, why  don't you introduce us, Levi?" that should probably calm them down.

"Sure, might as well. Erwin, Hange, this is Eren," he points at his boyfriend - his boyfriend, Levi actually has a boyfriend, wow.  "Eren, this is Erwin and Hange," Levi has probably talked to Eren about  them, because he doesn't look all that confused at Hange's actions - he  looks even nostalgic, like he's reuniting with someone instead of  meeting them - and just smiles. It's a different smile from the previous  one, more... sad.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he looks like he's going to say something else, but Levi beats him to the punch.

"We'll  be late if we don't hurry, come on. Erwin, I'm taking my lunch break  now. If you need me, don't," that said, he starts dragging Eren away,  and slowly, everyone in the office goes back to how they were before.

Erwin  is sure that what he hears next is private, but he also can't leave the  vicinity without alerting his presence, and he has a feeling that would  do less good than just listening.

"How do you do it?" Eren sounds  nothing like he did before, the despair so clear Erwin can taste it.  "How can you look at them every day without...?"

"I just thank the  Walls it won't happen again. They're safe this time around, and that's  all that matters," Levi's voice is incredibly soft. Erwin doesn't think  he has ever heard him talk like this to anyone. "I'm sorry, I didn't  want you to see them so soon."

"It's okay. At least I know they're fine now."

The  two leave soon after, leaving only the pinge of the elevator behind,  and a conversation Erwin doesn't have the puzzle pieces to understand.

One  thing is clear though. Erwin doesn't know how they found each other,  nor how they knew that they were meant to be with each other, but he  can't deny that something feels right when he sees them together.

They  fit, he realises as he sits down in front of his desk. Erwin doesn't  know how he's so sure of it - he's only known Eren from that brief  interaction, there's no way for him to know the man - but he's certain  there's no one better for Levi than Eren.

Perhaps it was fate,  weaving their threads together so they could find each other. Erwin is  by no means a romantic, but he quite likes that thought. His friend  deserves happiness after all the pain he has lived through. Somehow,  he's sure he can find that happiness in those teal eyes, that mysterious  knowing gleam he has only ever seen in Levi.

And Erwin doesn't  have to understand it, even if he would like to. Just knowing his friend  has found his happiness is enough to let the matter rest.

(If there is something that tugs at him when he thinks of them, a feeling of hope and victory, he disregards it.)


So. I wrote this in less than 24 hours,  inspiration struck and I couldn't let it go. My grades are going to  feel it, but at least I got this out of my system.

I'm sorry  there's not that much Ereri in this! This is more of an outside  perspective in their relationship, from two people who are by nature  curious and analytical. Even when they don't remember, they both can see  how Eren and Levi are good for each other, despite not knowing why they  know this.

I also wanted to add some vague mentions to their  past lives. They don't remember, but they do get the feeling of deja vu  like Eren and Levi do. They just don't know why.

I'm also all  caught up with the anime (please don't spoil anything from the manga! I  spoiled myself by accident yesterday while I was looking for something  *cries in omg the last season is going to hurt*), and I'm heartbroken.  I'm an Eren Jaeger apologist, but god did this hurt my soul.

Well, that's all for now! My exams are coming up in like two weeks, so I'll have to study for that.

Stay safe! Kudos!

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