Plus Ultraman (BNHA x Ultrama...

Door Gojiron54Titanus

9.5K 99 40


BIO (updated)
THE PROLOGUE (updated)
CHAPTER 1 (PT1) (updated)
CHAPTER 1 (PT2) (updated)
A/N'S NOTES (please read it's important)
so many reads, wow
Merry Christmas! + review for No Way Home
A/N'S NOTES (my serious break)
sorry... but good news!
Rewritten version in development


766 7 4
Door Gojiron54Titanus


A/N: Hey! It's been a while, sorry for not publishing any parts or continuing because I was focusing on school currently and I apologize : ( but anyway I want to going to say something... EizenMeteor3020, thank you for the inspiration. So let's stop wasting time and start.


"Mako P.O.V"

Mako and Amaya: "KAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kai: "AHHHHHHH!" "then he got struck by the beam as it caused massive outbursts through the roadways of Musutafu"

Mako: "covers face from the bright explosions"

Amaya: "did the same gesture as Mako covers his face"

Mako: "open eyes and shock what he is seeing" "eyes widen" "No.... It can't be..."

Amaya: "covering her mouth and was shocked that Kai was gone"

"3rd P.O.V"

"then the scene changed"

Random Officer: "Please back away from the occurrence of the villain!"

???: "SHEERAGHHH!" "a giant appeared out of nowhere from the sky kicking the kaiju making the whole crowd gasped, shocked and was curious what happen"

(0:19 - 0:22)

"It was silence at first only hearing rumors and confusion" What was that?" "I don't know", then the giant stands up slowly and turns around preparing to fight the kaiju as it did a battle stance and again went back to Mako and Amaya P.O.V without saying words."

"music comes in"

Random Citizen 1: "Who is that?"

Random Citizen 2: "Is that a new hero?"

Amaya and Mako: "couldn't find any words out of their mouth"

"Everyone from the crowd is shocked and confusion can be heard"

Kai P.O.V"

Kai: "Whoa. This is seriously impressive not gonna lie." "checking his new appearance"

Aegus: "Let's take this monster down Kai!" "shouts"

Kai: "Okay!"

Aegus: "HIEYA!" "changed his battle stance and starts to rush towards the strange creature (Black King)" "Then the monster starts running as well"

"Aegus kicked the monster at the chest making it almost trip, then the kaiju went for a attack by swinging his arms at the giant of light while he kept on dodging and then Black King tried to use his horn to damage Aegus, but stops his horn. Then Aegus upper cut Black King and shoulder-bash the kaiju." "like this shot"

"and then he did a jump spinning kick right at the face making the monster shriek in pain and walking backwards, then the kaiju managed to make comeback by swinging his left arm damaging the giant making a grunt from Aegus. And then it viciously headbutts his stomach, knocking him back."

Kai: "Damn! that hurts! Why did that hurt!"

Aegus: "We share the equal afflictions, so try to be careful."

Kai: "nods"

"Aegus gets back up and did a battle stance" "then the kaiju run towards the titan wanting to destroy him. The monster went in swinging his right arm but missed after the giant ducked." "I ran out of fighting ideas, so I will show u a video"

(1:09 - 1:19) A/N: "think Geed is Aegus and Arstron as Black King"

"After Aegus managed to avoid from the kaiju's offensive moves, he kicked the monster at the chest again making the kaiju fall."

Kai: "Hey, I'm getting the hang of this." "saying that he is immediately used to it"

Aegus: "Really?" "was surprised when he said that"

Kai: "Yeah."

"All of the sudden, a blare beeping and echoes through from Aegus' chest"

Aegus: "Uh oh."

Kai: "What do you mean 'Uh Oh'?"

Aegus: "It's my Color Timer, it means how long I can be active in earth. So we need to finish that alien off."

then he saw the kaiju gets back up straightaway as it started to use his fire breath at him, but Aegus dodge roll from the attack, after Aegus avoided from the beam, he shoots energy darts from his right arm hitting the kaiju."

"Aegus stands up to fight again, and did a flying kick at the kaiju's right shoulder making it nearly lose balance, then the alien tried to swing it's right arm attacking the giant, but dodge roll under from his arm and Aegus grabbing the kaiju's tail swinging the kaiju into the air, then releases as the monster got slammed into a building."

"Kai P.O.V"

Aegus: "He's completely vulnerable, now is our chance!"

Kai: "Okay got it!"

Aegus: "He activates his brace and raised his right fist and slowly as blue and white gathered particles are powering his brace and right arm."

"then Aegus/Kai both shout out..." "Aegium Blast!" "as Aegus fired a "L" Style Beam defeating the monstrous organism as it roared for the last time and vast explosions coming out, leaving smoke after the sudden huge burst"

"and for the moment, people felt unease they thought the monster was a villain killed by the mysterious giant, as for the children they just simply cheered loudly on the hero."

"Kai P.O.V"

Kai: "Uh... What just happen?" "questioned Aegus"

Aegus; "Speechless? Well you managed to save everyone from the danger."

Kai: "Oh. Wow... I never thought I'll be a hero today." "he is so surprised that he managed to become one"

Aegus: "Aside from your reaction, come on we can't stay here much longer." "explained"

Kai: "Oh right."

"Mako P.O.V"

"When the battle has ended, the giant flew into space with full speed."

Mako: "He kept on looking at the new hero until he vanished, and starts looking for his quirkless brother but Amaya already was."

Amaya: "KAI! KAI! KAI WHERE ARE YOU!" "she was shouting and so worried"

Mako: "Bro! If can hear us or something!? j-just come to us. "tears starting to leak out and his voice is breaking"

Amaya: "she had lose all her hope as she fell to her knees crying too putting her hands covering her mouth."

Principal Stone: "looking around trying to find his students." "Hey!" "as he was running towards them" "Hey! Are you both alright?" "asked the two"

Amaya: "H- He- He is-" "she couldn't say any words because her childhood friend died"

Mako: "he became silent and doesn't care anymore"

Principal Stone: "his eyes widen as he couldn't believe that his favorite student died and was sadden as he looked down at the ground despite the young one was powerless." "I am so sorry for your loss." "he said as he sighed"

???: "Hey!" "someone said at the distance"

"The three of them trying to find whoever said that and it was Kai"

Kai: "Hey!" "he was running towards his friends and waving his hand wildly."

Mako: "his eyses widen as he was happy" "BRO! HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!" "he aggressively hugs him tightly"

Kai: "Wait- Mako stop- you're breaking my back-"

Mako: "Oh, my bad" "he apologize as he let go"

Principal Stone: "Unbelievable. How- How did you survive from that blast?"

Kai: "Uh... Well you see-"

Amaya: "She cuts him off by slapping him right at his face as she still has tears at her face"

"Mako was laughing silently and awkwardly at the same time, as for Principal Stone, he was surprise that his favorite student's only friend slaps him"

Amaya: "You... Are an idiot, you know that?" "her tone was seriously mad"

Kai: "Wha- H-Hey listen, I can explain everything." "was nervous what Amaya is going to do next."


Kai: "hugs her tightly" "Hey, it's okay I am alive that's all that matters." "reassured her"

Amaya: "decided to forget what she had said and hugs back before letting go"

Principal Stone: "Mr. Tadashi, I'm so glad your alright." "smiles lightly" "Also you still haven't answered my question yet."

Kai: "Oh sorry sir, well this device saved my life." "revealed the Aegium Rise in his arm as their faces are filled with concern"

Mako: "What is that?" "asked him"

Kai: "Uh... Can we talk this somewhere private please?" "Amaya and Mako just simply nodded except for the principal"

Principal Stone: "Now since you were involved during this unexpected incident, you endangered yourself including your friends just to save the people out there, so I am giving you three a 1 week detention."

Mako and Amaya: "WHAT!?/Are you kidding me?!" "both of them groaned"

Kai: "he just sighed before smiling"

"20 minutes earlier in Heights Alliance"

"3rd P.O.V"

Midoriya: "opened the front door of the building with his friends behind" "Hey guys! were back!" "said to his classmates"

???: "What's up! welcome back." "Kaminari Denki, with yellow hair and a black streak while waving his hand to them"

???: "Where were you guys?" "Mina Ashido with pink skin, with horns, black eyes and yellow eyelids"

Asui: "Sorry, we just bumped into a fan." "simply told them"

???: "What? A fan?" "Momo Yaoyarozu with black hair with a ponytail"

Iida: "Indeed a fan, he is actually quite a nice person." "he said to them gladly"

???: "Well, at least you didn't encounter a jerk like Bakugou." "Kyoka Jirou with purple hair and her ears are earphones

???: "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO ME!?" "Katsuki Bakugou, an angry blonde pomenarian yells in fury at the earphone girl while Midoriya, Uraraka Iida, Asui except for Todoroki agreed"

Iida: "Do not shout at your own classmate Bakugou it's rude!" "robotically chopping his arm"

Bakugou: "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" "refuses to listen while Mineta Minoru, a short person with purple balls on his hair got jumped as he peed himself"

Midoriya: "Yeah, I'm glad." "muttered silently"

???: "Hey guys! You need to see this!" "Ejirou Kirishima with red spiky hair, and with shark-like teeth"

???: "See what?" "Toru Hagakure, an invisible girl"

Kirishima: "The Tv! There is a new villain recently!"

Mina: "What really?" "asked him"

Kirishima: "Yeah! Come on your missing it! "starts to go back watching the news"

"The others follow him to the tv, except for Bakugou who is unwillingly to join. But he did, he was concerned if this villain is overpowered or not"

"As they arrived to the tv, there are some few people who are watching is Hanta Sero with tape-like elbows, Rikido Sato, who has a thick mouth, and Tokoyami Fumikage with a bird head" "When they first witness the news...

News Reporter in TV: "Breaking News in Mustafu, A villain with an overpowered quirk causing havoc to the streets of musutafu today."

"Their faces were filled with horror and shock seeing this villain causing destruction to mustafa, but unbeknownst to them... The villain is an alien"

Kaminari: "Yo what!? That's a huge villain!" "complained at the tv"

Uraraka: "The villain is even bigger than mount lady!" "she said"

Iida: "Somebody must stop him!"

Tokoyami: "This is total chaos." "quoted to the others"

Bakugou: "Tch... I don't see anything important about this damn villai-."

"Then all of the sudden the unknown villain can shoot beams out of his... mouth? Which surprises them"

"Bakugou's eyes widen a little bit and regretted what he said"

Mineta: "WHAT?! What kind of bullshit is that?! Shooting lasers! A gigantification quirk like mount lady! How many quirks does this villain have!" "exclaimed"

Sero: "Damn so much colleteral damage, I hope some pro heroes can stop him." "he said it silently"

Midoriya: "So this villain has a quirk like mount lady, but his ability is so different, he has black skin, animal features, immense strength, a horn and even 40 meters tall. And even he can fire beams out of his mouth to vaporize anything-"

Bakugou: "SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD!" "cuts off Midoriya's analyzation

Midoriya: "Eep! Sorry Kacchan!" "he apologized while he bows"

Uraraka: "It's okay Deku." "patted on midoriya's back"

Midoriya: "Thank you Uraraka-san." "smiles at Uraraka"

Uraraka: "she was a bit flustered that her crush responded to her, but shooks her head and goes back to focus on the tv"

Toru: "Hey guys, The Pro Heroes are here!" "pointed at the screen as the students hoped that the pro heroes can stop the villain"

"The trio, (Death Arms, Kamui Woods, and Mount Lady) The villain kicked the pro hero so far which made the students worried. The remaining two were struggling to stop the villain from attacking everything but there were outmatched"

Sato: "No way, their moves are useless against the villain."

Momo: "Is the League of Villains a part of this?" "was concerned which made the students also concerned if they had planned this"

Female Reporter in TV: "Looks like this villain will be taken down at least a few hours to- "

???: "SHEERAGHHH!" "A giant of light appeared out of nowhere and kicked the villain"

Female Reporter in TV: "AHH! What was that!"

"The Class 1-A got jumped unexpectedly"

Kaminari: "What just happen?" "was stunned"

"Then a giant slowly stands, turns around to see the villain and does a battle stance"

Female Reporter in TV: "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, HEY!, Are you getting this on camera right now!"

Cameraman in TV: "just did a gesture by doing a thumbs up"

Midoriya: "Who is that?" "was curious as the others as well the others had the same expression as Midoriya"

"The giant and the villain were fighting against each other which the new hero's capabilities managed to hurt the villain a lot of times"

Kirishima: "I may don't know him, he is manly!"

Sero: "I agree with you dude!"

Todoroki: "The giant can damage the villain easily while the pro heroes were inferior." "he observed from the unknown giant"

Midoriya: "He can shoot projectiles too, amazing." "he added as he decided to write the information about the giant while the others except for Bakugou who is not impressed were surprised"

"As the battle continues, the giant grabs the villain's tail and throws him against a buliding"

Iida: "The giant should fight somewhere else! Both of them are causing more colleteral damage!" "was chopping his arm like a robot while the others agreed with glasses"

Jirou: "Such strength" "complemented about the giant"

Midoriya: "I wonder if he's a new hero or a vigilante?" "said it mentally"

"As the battle was near to finally end, the giant unleashes his finishing move by releasing an energy blast to defeat the villain"

"Everyone is speechless, they feel uncomfortable when the giant obliterated the villain"

Uraraka: "Did he just killed the villain?"

"None of the students answer Uraraka's question, while they think the giant had no choice because this villain was hazardous and dangerous"

"As the battle was over, the giant flew into the sky and vanished in 3 seconds which made the students jawdropped and awed"

Mina, Toru, Kaminari, Kirishima: "HE CAN FLY TOO?!" "they complained about the giant's ability"

Tokoyami: "He reminds me of Hawks, but he's a giant."

Midoriya: "That's interesting, he has flight too." "he added to his notes"

???: "What are you kids doing?" "Shota Aizawa, a hobo with a hard-cloth scarf, who is a teacher opened the door"

Iida: "Aizawa-Sensei! We were just watching the news and saw a new villain and possibly a new hero or vigilante, Sir!"

Aizawa: "Really? I was about to announce something, so pay attention." "all of his students were listening and all on ears" "So classes will begin tomorrow, so be prepared understood?"

"All of the students except for Bakugou just nodded"

Aizawa: "Alright good, see you tomorrow." "left them alone and wants to sleep"

"The students were thinking thoughts about the giant for a few hours now"

"In space"

"Tregear P.O.V"

Tregear: "sighs" "Of course Taro would obviously send his comrades to protect this disgusting world, how infuriating." "said to himself"

???: "Hey Tregear, we finally arrived."

Tregear: "turns around" "It was an honor in meeting you." "greeting them"

???: "Do you seriously need us just to annihilate this normal planet?" "an alien with black and white stripes with red eyes (A/N: okay this is Agent Adad alright, but this is not actual Adad from the Ultraman anime show but another one like him) I hope someone understand this

Tregear: "This planet is not just any normal planet, Rykon. But a human population with their own superpowers"

Rykon: "was a bit surprise but unimpressed" "You never told me that information before, you should say that first." "he said as his other alien allies were behind his back"

Tregear: "I can give you all the explanation in the future, but our main priority right now is to successfully destroy this whole world."

Rykon: "Now that's want I want." "waiting and willing to destroy with Tregear"


A/N: "Okay this is a serious note, I am going to rewrite all the chapters again... If you know what I meant. I couldn't rewrite the chapters because of school : ( . So it will be a slow update, But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

"Gotta go bye :)"

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