Heath (discontinued)

By aphoros

3.9M 152K 78.1K

Highest Ranking: #4 My eyes were wide as I slowly got to my feet, turning to yank the dagger that was embedde... More

✿ excerpt ✿
✿ my beautiful ✿
✿ ice balls ✿
✿ weak ✿
✿ pasta ✿
✿ assassin ✿
✿ operation G.A.S.P. ✿
✿ boobies ✿
✿ pancakes ✿
✿ oh shit ✿
✿ epiphany ✿
✿ memory ✿
✿ i need ✿
✿ played ✿
✿ buonanotte ✿
✿ oops ✿
✿ trepidation ✿
✿ disconcert ✿
✿ truth ✿
✿ drunk ✿
✿ surprise ✿
✿ pew pew ✿
discontinue message + heath rewrite

✿ mate ✿

210K 8.4K 4.3K
By aphoros


^ that was me flipping the table when i realised people actually read my story. i love yall so much xx


"Get your fucking hands off me you stupid mutt," I hissed, struggling against the tight hold he had on my wrists.

His eyes darkened. "What did you just call me?"

His voice came out as a low growl, but I didn't feel the least bit intimidated and I ignored him, and instead tried to kick his shin.

Unfortunately, it seemed he already saw that coming and side stepped out of the way before my foot could make contact.

I tried to take him off guard with another kick but he swiftly avoided that too.

Getting frustrated, I started thrashing against his hold, reckless anger fueling my kicks.

"Stop fighting me. You cannot win," he growled, tightening his grip on my wrists.

I winced in pain, but I kept thrashing, his words only angering me further.

I tried another move, one that sent all males crumpling -a knee to the balls.

But of fucking course he saw that one coming too. He deftly avoided it and his free hand grabbed my knee, stopping it mid air before it could reach its target.

He shoved it back down roughly, stepping closer and trapping my legs by pressing his own legs against mine, pinning it to the tree.

He glared down at me with blazing eyes, snarling, "You are the most stubborn-"

But he never got to finish his sentence, because I head butted him before he could.

And he didn't see that coming.

I rammed my head against his, my forehead knocking the lower part of his face because he was that much taller even looking down, and I felt something soft brush my forehead, sending electricity shooting through me and I briefly wondered if it had been his lips.

I didn't have time to ponder over that thought because I felt his hold on me loosen as he let out a groan of pain.

Ignoring the pain of my own forehead, I ripped my hands out of his hold before pulling a fist back and socking him right in the eye.

"Fuck!" he cursed in pain, stumbling backwards as he held his eye with one hand and his bleeding lip with the other.

Looks like my head butt was more effective than I had thought.

Before he could recover, I crouched low and delivered a sweeping kick to his legs.

He fell backwards and landed hard on his back. And I kicked him in between the legs for good measure and because I wanted to.

He let out a strangled groan of pain and with swift fingers, I plucked my switchblade from my back pocket and pounced on his splayed out body, straddling him with my legs on either side of him, holding the sharp blade of the weapon pressed again his throat.

I was in the perfect position to slit his throat, and then he would just be another one of my victims.

But then I made the stupid mistake of hesitating when my gaze connected with his and I found the hand with the switchblade pressed against his throat freeze as his pitch black eyes bore into mine with raw fury and...betrayal?

And one second I was straddling him, the next I was the one being straddled.

His weight was crushing my abdomen, but I refused to let him have the satisfaction of seeing me squirm. Instead, I glared up at him furiously, pure hatred burning in my eyes.

His warm hands were wrapped around my wrists, locking them in place at my side.

I could feel the grass tickling my face, and twigs digging into my back uncomfortably and there were most probably leaves stuck in my wet hair now.

"Get your filthy hands off me, mongrel," I sneered, venom lacing my words.

His eyes darkened even further, if that was possible, and his grip on me tightened to the point where I felt pain shooting up my arm.

I gritted my teeth, refusing to voice my pain, instead, I only struggled more fervently, trying to pull my arms out of his hold.

My wrists screamed in pain as he tightened his bone-crushing grip on them, and I bit my tongue so hard I tasted blood.

"Stop struggling if you know what's good for you," he growled out through gritted teeth, leaning forward so his face was in close proximity to mine with only a few inches separating our faces.

I didn't reply. Instead, I spat in his face as a form of defiance.

And because my tongue was bleeding, blood and spit flew into his face and he shut his eyes on instinct.

Smiling smugly at him, I mentally patted myself on the back. But my smile quickly dropped off my face when he reopened his eyes.

They were glowing a vivid violet.

And that was when I blacked out like a ninny.

I woke up with a pounding headache, beads of sweat dotting my forehead, my hair sticking to my sweaty face and a dry, sticky feeling in my mouth.

Groaning, I raised a shaky hand to my forehead, wiping the perspiration off with the back of my hand before I let it fall to my side.

Even raising my hand for a few seconds was tiring.

What the fuck was going on with me? Why couldn't I remember anything?

Or better yet, where the hell was I?

I blinked blearily, trying to clear the white dots blurring my vision.

When my head finally stopped spinning and my eyes could actually focus, I realised I was lying on my back, something soft supporting my head and body as I stared up at a white ceiling.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position, wincing when a small needle of pain lanced through my side.

I glanced down, lifting my ratty shirt and saw a small gauze patch with a few speckles of blood stuck to my side.

Where did I get that from?

I stopped trying to remember when a dull throb started in the back of my head. All this thinking was giving me a headache.

Instead, I started scanning my surroundings.

I was in a small, empty room that was barren of any furniture besides the bed I was currently sitting on.

There was one door a few footsteps away from the bed and an average-sized window beside the bed.

That was all there was to the room. The walls were white, the tiles on the floor were white, even the frame of the bed was white.

Frowning, I swung my legs off the bed, setting them on the cool marble floor. I grabbed the bed post, heaving myself up onto my feet. My knees shook and my vision spun but I managed to stay upright. When the dizzy spell passed, I took a timid step forward and when my legs didn't give out under me, I started shuffling towards the door.

My hand wrapped around the knob, turned and tugged.

It didn't budge.

Sighing, I released it, racking my brains for another escape route. The door was locked, obviously, which meant...

My eyes landed on the open window, a cool breeze gently blowing into the room.

Window it was, then.

I tip toed to peer out the window, and I saw My room was at least thirty feet from ground level. There was a relatively large swimming pool a little way from my room, but it was still too far to risk jumping into from my room.

There were even beach chairs laid out beside the pool and I once again felt confused as to where I was being held captive.

Whoever my captors were, they sure knew how to treat their prisoner right. A bed to sleep on, and now a pool? It was as if I was their guest instead of their prisoner.

I bit my lip as I weighed my options, contemplating whether or not to just jump. But in my current state, I couldn't guarantee I wouldn't break a limb.

But seeing no other options, I sighed and decided I could risk it.

Maybe the cement ground could cushion my fall a little.


I clambered onto the bed, using it as a step to throw my leg over the open window.

I placed my foot on the narrow ledge just outside my window, ensuring I had a secure footing on it before I threw my other leg out of the window.

I pressed my back against the wall of the building as I sidled to the side, shuffling my feet cautiously. Only two thirds of my feet were actually on the ledge while the rest of it was peeking out, and that made me all the more nervous.

A gentle breeze swept my hair from my sticky face and I took a moment to bask in the warm morning sunlight falling on my skin.

Taking a deep breath, I silently prayed that I wouldn't crack my head open on the cemented ground.

The ground looked much further away than it actually was, and I felt fear gripping my heart.

I had a phobia of falling, sue me.

Sucking in another breath that I prayed wouldn't be my last, I finally plucked up enough courage and jumped.

I saw the ground drawing nearer and timed my next movements. I tucked and rolled as I hit the ground, scraping my hands and knees on the rough cement, but not enough to draw blood.

I was just glad I managed not to splatter my brains all over the ground.

When the pain died down, I got to my feet, brushing myself off. My head whipped to the right, checking if I had been spotted before turning to the other side, and I almost had a heart attack when my eyes landed on a small boy standing a few feet away from me.

He seemed equally surprised to see me, his mouth agape and his eyes were bulging out of their sockets.

His expression was extremely comical and if this had been any other situation, I would have maybe cracked a smile at most.

"Er..." I was at a loss of words as I awkwardly stared at the kid dumbly.

Me speaking seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he suddenly rushed forward, making me abruptly back away, holding my hands out in front of me.

Honestly, it was ironic how I was scared of a little boy but could face werewolves head on.

He stopped a few centimetres in front of me, looking up with bright eyes shining with...admiration?

"That," he said, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet like an eager puppy, "was totally wicked!"

He declared, beaming up at me with a missing front tooth.

"Um. Thanks?" I said, feeling extremely perplexed at the situation I was currently in.

What was he even doing here? Was he another one of the captives like me?

It certainly didn't seem that way. He looked to be around seven at most and seemed extremely chirpy. His cheeks were tinged a healthy pink and he was also dressed in a striped button down with bermudas. And upon closer inspection, I realised he was a werewolf. It hadn't been a glaring trait of his, but the vibe he gave off assured me he was indeed a pup.

I felt even more flummoxed now than ever before.

What was a pup doing here?

"Helloooo!" An impatient voice broke through my thoughts.

My eyes focused on the tiny hand waving in front of my face, and I instinctively flinched back, barely catching myself from grabbing his arm and twisting it.

I grimaced inwardly at that thought. Even if he was a werewolf, he was still a pup. Killing a werewolf was one thing, but killing a pup was another.

"Dude! Are you even listening to me?" he hollered, his lips curled into an adorable pout and his hands planted on his hips.

He looked about as intimidating as an puppy.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

I was completely new to handling situations like this...whatever this situation was.

He sighed impatiently, letting out an annoyed puff of breath.

He looked so cute, I felt the ends of my mouth quirk up and a smile threatened to curl my lips but I fought it back down.

"I said," he began in a bossy tone, staring me straight in the eye, "can you do that again?"

My eyebrow rose in amusement. He had to tilt his head all the way back to connect eyes with me because he was that short.

"Do what?" I prompted.

He rolled his eyes, blowing another breath out in annoyance.

"You know," he said impatiently. "All that whoosh! Hiya!" He demonstrated this by doing a serious of kicks and odd actions accompanied with sound effects.

I finally couldn't control the bubble of laughter rising up my throat and burst out laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

He looked confused at my laughter, and when I finally calmed down, a grin was still stretched across my face.

"Sorry to disappoint dude, but I'm not doing that ever again. Jumping like that hurt like a bit- uh...biscuit. It hurt like a biscuit," I quickly corrected myself before I could spew a cuss word.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he looked adorably bewildered. "Biscuit?"

Before I could reply, someone else rushed into the picture, bustling forward, her furious eyes fixated on the boy.


The smile on my face was instantly wiped off my face. I was still in unknown territory, I couldn't afford to let my guard down just because of one slightly adorable pup.

"Noah! There you are! Stop running off, for god's sake. You're such a difficult child!" a girl who looked around my age snapped in an irritated voice, her face twisted into a scowl.

She finally noticed me and when her eyes landed on my shabby and disheveled appearance, her eyebrow raised in disdain.

"And who are you?" she asked snootily, looking at me as if I were a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

Annoyed, I only cocked an eyebrow back, tilting my head and staring at her with a bored expression. "Look, I don't want trouble. I was just on my way out anyway."

I made a move to walk past her, but she tensed, shifting into a threatening stance.

Noah was watching the exchange with wide, amazed eyes as if he was watching a television program play out right in front of him.

Her eyes were narrowed in suspicion. "Tell me who you are or I'll have no choice but to attack." The way she said it made me feel that she wanted to attack me.

Sighing impatiently, I said, "I just need to leave, so if you would just move aside-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence before she lunged at me.

I saw it coming way before it actually happened. I saw the way the muscles in her leg bunched, the change in the look in her eyes, and because I intended on keeping my word about not wanting to fight, I side-stepped her lunge.

But what I did not expect was for her to ram forward with as much force as she did, and I most certainly did not expect her to continue running...and dive head first into the swimming pool.

I had to stifle the urge to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, but Noah didn't seem to think it was so funny because he rushed to the edge of the pool, his eyes wide with horror as his eyes frantically watched the surface of the water.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw she had yet to resurface.

Noah spun around with wide eyes to face me, his face distraught. "Leah can't swim!" he cried frantically, waving his arms in the air urgently. "Quick! Even if she's a pain in the butt, you have to save her!"

I grumbled under my breath, rolling my eyes at the fact that she couldn't even do the basic - swim.

I told her I didn't want to fight.

And now I was the one saving her.

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the utterly ludicrous situation, I only sighed, taking a breath before jumping into the pool to drag her sorry ass out.

Cold water enveloped my body, and I opened my eyes under water, feeling the slight sting of the chlorine water on my eyes.

I easily spotted the girl, Leah, who had sunk to the bottom of the pool, and if I could roll my eyes underwater, I would have because the pool wasn't even that deep. All it would take is a kick to be able to break the surface, and it was ironic really how I was saving a werewolf instead of killing one.

Why was I even saving her anyway?

Her bright blue eyes were wide with urgency, begging for me to save her as she caught sight of me.

Funny how she was trying to kill me a few seconds ago and now she was begging to be saved.

Grunting, I shot a hand out to grab the back of her shirt roughly and dragged her to the surface.

I pulled her head above the water, and she took in a deep breath, coughing and sputtering water everywhere, including on my face.

Grimacing, I turned my face away from her, disgusted as I wiped away the spit mixed with water she spouted on my cheek.

I pulled her to the edge of the pool, practically shoving her above the water before I pulled myself up after her.

She was still coughing and sputtering as I got to my feet, my drenched clothes weighing me down and my boots squishing with my every movement.

I pulled away the strands of hair sticking to my face, wringing my hair dry with my hands.

I blinked in confusion. I couldn't help but think I had done this before.

Before I had time to ponder on it, Leah's shrill voice dragged my attention to her.

"You!" she screeched after recovering from her coughing fit, her mascara running down her cheeks and her eyes blazing with anger. Her hair was plastered unflatteringly to her face in tangled curls and I had to suppress the urge to laugh at how much she resembled a deranged raccoon.

"I'll take that as a thank you," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and staring down at her with a raised eyebrow.

Before Leah could say anything, Noah interrupted, jumping in front of me, his eyes shining with excitement and admiration.

"That was so cool...again!" he exclaimed, his lips pulled into a wide smile. A dimple appeared on his left cheek, and I couldn't help but wonder how a monster could look so damn adorable.

And before I could reply, another voice intervened.

"What the hell is going on here?"

A voice boomed from behind me, and his deep voice washed over me, and I forgot all about the ache in my muscles.

He sounded extremely familiar, but I just couldn't place my finger on where I had heard his voice before.

Because my back was turned to him and I was facing both Leah and Noah, I was able to watch the entertaining reaction of Leah as her eyes widened in utter and complete mortification. She quickly clambered to her feet, almost slipping on the wet and slippery surface and falling back down but quickly caught herself, straggly-haired and crazy-eyed.

"Heath!" Noah and Leah exclaimed in unison. The only difference was that Noah sounded ecstatic and Leah sounded not so excited.


I could picture myself saying that, imagine the way it would roll off my tongue like a sinful melody.

"It's Alpha to you, Leah." His voice was cold and hostile, and I couldn't help but feel the slightest tinge of sympathy for her as her face fell noticeably.

She was as easy to read as an open book. It was pretty obvious she was crushing on the Alpha.

Wait a fucking minute.


I spun around so quickly, my vision blurred for a second, and then I was staring into a pair of familiar pitch black eyes and a whole shitload of memories flooded back into my mind.


It was the werewolf from the forest.

The one with the violet eyes.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared into the eyes of their Alpha, heat sizzling between our gazes.

His gaze was smoldering, and his eyes were only for me as he enraptured my gaze with his.

I didn't know long we stared at each other silently, but the moment got ruined when a screech pulled us back into reality.

"Alpha Heath! This...this thing, she just appeared out of nowhere and she tackled me and then pushed me into the pool! I almost died!" Leah cried dramatically, and my annoyance piqued, all sympathy I had felt for her thrown out the window.

I spun back around to face her, eyes blazing. "I didn't tackle you, and neither did I push you into the pool. You attacked me, and you were the one who jumped into pool. All I did was save your sorry ass!" I snapped, anger boiling in my stomach.

"You said a bad word!" Noah cried, pointing an accusing finger at me, but no one was listening to him.

"I didn't ask you to save me," she hissed, and I let out an incredulous bark of laughter at her ungratefulness.

That was the last time I ever saved a werewolf.

"Who is this stupid bitch anyway?" Leah snapped, her question directed at her Alpha.

Noah let out a horrified and over exaggerated gasp. "Leah said an even badder word!"

No one paid him any attention, and tense silence hung over us.

Then I heard footsteps from behind me, before I felt someone's presence standing so close to me I could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

His arm snaked around my waist, and I was about to fight it off when I froze at the next words he growled out.

"She's my mate."

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