Best For Me

By yejisuconvert

10.3K 539 72

Lia is married with a daughter, but her life is turned upside-down when she meets the young musician who work... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 [FINAL]

Chapter 3

431 29 4
By yejisuconvert

Lia fumbled in her bag for her cell phone, trying to answer it without dropping everything out of her handbag all over the supermarket floor. She kept an eye on Elly as she unlocked it, leaning on her trolley and scanning the shelves for the right kind of cereal.

"Yello!" she said absent-mindedly into the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hey." Yeji's soft voice resonated across the line and made Lia stop in the middle of the aisle, suddenly acutely aware of every nerve fibre in her body.

"Hey, Yeji," the blonde replied. She spied Elly rounding a corner and quickly shot out to grab her. She caught her daughter just as she was about to grab a coffee jar from a carefully-constructed pyramid display.

Of course, with four-year-old logic, she'd reached for the one at her own height, threatening an avalanche of mediocre instant coffee grounds and one hell of a clean-up in aisle five. Lia pulled her away firmly, wedging the phone in between her ear and shoulder and signing frantically to Elly to stay put and leave all coffee and other displays ALONE. At least the little girl had the decency to look a tad guilty.

Holding tightly to her daughter's hand, Lia brought her attention back to the phone where a voice was now saying in some confusion, "Lia? Lia, are you still there?"

"Sorry, Yeji. Preventing minor disasters involving my four-year-old and a mountain of coffee," Lia laughed ruefully.

"Sounds like you have your hands full," the grinning reply came.

"Yeah, you could say that. I now have them full of Elly so that it won't happen again."

"Well, I won't keep you long then. I have a favour to ask you," Yeji sounded out cautiously.

"Shoot." Lia hoped her voice didn't betray the quickening of her pulse. Come to think of it, she hoped her hands weren't shaking. Elly didn't seem to notice if they were.

"A friend of mine is having a gallery opening on Friday night. I promised her I'd go and my....other friend has bailed on me. I'm really not keen on going alone given the pretentious wankers that my friend promises will be there. I was wondering if you'd accompany me and help me escape when we can?" The offer sounded casual and friendly. Lia let her heart dance a crazy beat anyway and then formulated her reply. Carefully.

"That sounds like fun, actually. I haven't been out in a while. Let me check if someone can be with Elly. Soobin's been working a fair bit lately and I can't be sure he's home but, if he is, or if I can find a babysitter, I'd love to come." She tried to keep her answer as casual as the offer had been.

"Great. I'll wait to hear from you, then."

"I'll get back to you as soon as I know," Lia promised.

Ending the phone call, she got the rest of the shopping trip over with as quickly as possible, figuring Elly needed to be out of potential disaster zones today. Normally a well-behaved angel, she was showing some devil signs today and Lia was smart enough to heed the warnings.

She'd managed to get Elly inside and settled into a relatively safe entertainment and was unpacking the shopping when her phone went again. This time she checked the screen before answering: Mom.

"Hey, Mom."

"Lia." Her mother's voice was warm and fluid. When she was feeling down, it always made Lia feel better. And yet she knew what could lurk beneath the waves when her mother was angry or upset. Lia knew better than to pull that out.

"What's up?" she asked, while putting the groceries away.

"Can't I just call my daughter?" Mrs. Choi asked with a laugh. "Well, I can. But not this time. Just checking what time you're coming on Sunday."

Lia wracked her brains frantically. Sunday? She hesitated too long because her mother picked up on it.

"You haven't forgotten about Sunday, have you?" the older Choi said dryly. "Lia, the Lee's are coming over to show us photos from their Bermuda trip. You and Bin said you'd be there."

"Oh, right, right." Lia had forgotten. Now she wished she had a decent excuse. Hang on, she did. "Mom, Soobin has to work this weekend. He has some big project and it seems important to him. I want to support him. -"

Her mother interrupted her blatant lie. "Of course you do, hon. But that doesn't stop you and Elly from coming."

Lia couldn't think of a decent excuse. "Okay, Mom. We'll be there."

After the phone call, Lia felt drained. She hadn't done much through the day to get her to that state but lately her emotions seemed to be running riot. She finished putting away the groceries and for the first time in her life, wished she had a good stiff drink. Soobin had some whisky somewhere. She was halfway to searching for it when she realised that it was a stupid thing to do. Looking over at Elly, who was painstakingly drawing a masterpiece at the dining room table, she let out a breath and thought about her life. Last week, she'd been so sure that all she had to do was take the time to get her life back on track. She'd talked to Soobin about his project, and tried to understand where he was coming from. She'd thrown herself into work and Elly more than ever. Despite everything, Lia still felt strangely empty.

Every now and then she found herself drifting off, her mind elsewhere. The disturbing fact was that it inevitably ended up on one brown-haired musician.

She was different. She was cool. Lia, never the cool kid and never the popular one, wondered if that was her wish: to be friends with the coolest person she could find. Ignoring the glaring neon signs inside her that pointed to directions she refused to acknowledge, she regretted the fact that a lot of her friendships had slipped by the wayside.

Sure, she had friends at work, and friends through her parents and Soobin but her life was getting predictable and dull.

Lia was suddenly dreading the thought of being the reliable, bake sale mom that her life was leading towards. Hell, she'd go out with Yeji and she'd have fun. It would be good for her. And if she was happier, then her life would be better. Her marriage would be better and she could be more supporting of Soobin. And everything would be... okay.

* * * * *

Lia smoothed down her top for the umpteenth time and calmed her shaking nerves and tremulous hands. One last glance in the mirror confirmed that she looked good as she walked out of the bedroom. Elly met her in the living room with an awe-filled look on her face and a cookie in her hand. Lia appreciated the way she'd managed to interrupt the eating of said cookie just with her emergence.

Keeping Elly from a cookie was well-nigh impossible so at least she knew she looked pretty good. That being said, she let out a chuckle when her daughter crammed the rest of the chocolaty goodness in her mouth and signed at her, still in awe, "You look beautiful." The little girl's eyes were round and brilliant.

Careful not to get chocolate on her outfit, Lia knelt down and swept her into a huge hug, tucking a stray of hair behind one ear on her little girl. Every day Elly looked just a little bit more like Lia. Sometimes Lia wondered if her heart could hold any more love but every day Elly found a new way to make it do so.

"Thank you," she signed back.

Soobin came out of the kitchen, a tea towel slung over one shoulder and his jeans riding low on his hips. To Lia's surprise, he'd been more than happy to be home in time so she could go out. In fact, he'd been positively encouraging.

"That's great. You should go out. You need more friends. I can be home in time," he had said, a cute smile on his face. Lia had bitten her lip and, yet, had still questioned him.

"Are you sure? You have this project."

"It's fine," he had protested. "I can take one damn night off. You have fun."

And here he was, true to his word, in a damn hot tight t-shirt, with a sexy grin on his face. Lia wished she felt more tightening inside at the sight of that but she supposed after being married for so long you just got comfortable.

"My God, don't you look sexy?" he said, eyebrows raising suggestively.

"Do I?" Lia hoped so, but she was still so unsure.

"Very much so," he agreed, approaching and sliding his hands around her waist. "You could blow off this thing and stay here with me..." He was grinning, his whole posture, tone and body language pointing to exactly what he'd do if she stayed. She swatted him away playfully.

"And lose my fun?"

"Oh, I'd make sure we'd have fun." Soobin pulled her in close, running his rough lips over hers.

"You'll ruin my lipstick," she murmured, but returned the kiss. She'd missed this, the Soobin she'd married. Sometimes he popped back up and she was so grateful she thought she might cry. "I should get going."

Soobin looked disappointed, but it was mostly put-on and they both knew it. He let her go with a smile and a wave, and she walked out the door feeling a little bit guilty without knowing why.

Stepping into her car, she felt the anticipation build. Lia had never been to a gallery opening before. The idea was frightening in itself. All those poised, perfect people who actually knew what they were talking about. She knew nothing about art and Yeji was going to think she was some kind of idiot. As she drove, the panic in her built and she was practically in a frenzy with it by the time she got to the brunette's house.

Yeji opened the door and Lia felt her world contract. Any panic she had felt about the night was momentarily forgotten, as was everything else that wasn't her, or the beautiful musician standing in front of her.

She was... breathtakingly gorgeous. Yeji was dressed in a simple pair of slacks and a halter-neck top made of silken material that ended well above her navel in the middle but arched round at the bottom to hang down the sides. It was a deep green, complementing her creamy skin perfectly. Lia took it all in and felt her own eyes widen in a perfect replay of her daughter's just an hour before. Then she realised that she was standing in the doorway staring like a zombie. She smiled ruefully.

"You look amazing." Her voice was vibrating with nerves.

"Thank you." Yeji blushed, making Lia's insides squeeze. "So do you."

"No. I look..." Lia looked down at herself, her neat skirt and top, and wished she'd dressed better. "I look okay. You look incredible."

"You look really great," Yeji disagreed.

"I feel like I should have dressed better. I'm going to look so out of place." Lia couldn't help feeling like she hadn't made enough effort, despite her hours of preparation.

"Lia," the brunette sounded exasperated, "you look amazing. Stop it!" She punched the blonde gently on the shoulder. "We should get going, though. We're already fashionably late."

Lia glanced at her watch, noting that she was in fact earlier than Yeji had suggested. "You said seven," she said, confused.

"Yup, and, as I planned, we're fashionably late." Yeji grinned cheekily. "Never, ever be on time to these things."

Lia shrugged. She didn't know what you did with these things. She'd never been to one before. Her nerves were coming back on-line and she couldn't tell if it was because she was now walking next to the brunette and could practically feel the warmth radiating off her, or if it was the prospect of what was to come.

Yeji drove them to the gallery, knowing the way. Lia didn't know what to expect from Yeji's car, but the blue convertible really fit her perfectly. It made Lia feel reckless somehow, even as a passenger. They parked and emerged. Lia's heart was pounding like a big, bass drum. She imagined Elly's eyes wide with her hand over Lia's chest, feeling the vibrations.

"It's just over here." Yeji's voice echoed off the empty street and brought Lia back to the present. She moved over and walked next to the brunette, letting her lead down to a glass fronted shop that was alive with light and music. She felt the musician's hand slide into hers and squeeze in a reassuring manner. She looked up to find Yeji grinning at her. "Let's go."

Inside was alive with people. Paintings hung on the walls, and plinths dotted the rooms, sculptures forming islands in the moving mass of art lovers. It was buzzing, but not overly full. Yeji had dropped Lia's hand, leaving the blonde feeling a little emptier inside, and was smiling at an amazing-looking statuesque woman who was striding towards them.

"Yeji, you came." The beautiful woman kissed the musician on the cheek. She was tall, with slightly tanned skin and cheekbones that highlighted her bright, haunting eyes. She had a series of round necklaces that put Lia in the mind of Masai tribesmen, and her outfit was both avant garde and chic. Lia had never felt like more of a dowdy housewife in her life. "And who is this?" The other woman's eyes lit up at the sight of Lia. There was a pointed question in her tone.

"Jimin, this is my friend, Lia. Lia, this is Jimin, the artist behind this unbelievable work." Yeji introduced them and Lia shook the artist's hand shyly.

"I should circulate" the third woman said, still eyeing Lia with a look that the blonde couldn't decipher. "Find me later."

Yeji and Lia were left alone and the musician took the blonde by her elbow, guiding her into the throng. To Lia's relief, the brunette clearly had no intention of leaving her side. They toured the gallery and found themselves lost in conversation with each other.

Yeji seemed to know what she was talking about, but she sounded neither pretentious nor full of crap.

Lia found she could actually discuss the work quite well when she realised they weren't talking 'art speak' and warmed to the topic. It took them a long time to make it all the way around and Lia was on a high by the time they returned to the beginning of the exhibition.

Yeji was intelligent, articulate and full of cheeky humor that made Lia chuckle. She was having fun.

Yeji was relating some anecdote about her class at the community centre and had Lia completely enthralled, when Seulgi resurfaced. Lia resented the intrusion but put on her most welcoming face for the interruption.

"Did you enjoy the show?" the statuesque artist asked Lia.

"It's incredible," Lia enthused, honestly. "I loved the amazing collages over there. They've got so much in them, I was overwhelmed." Lia couldn't help warm to the other lady a little when she saw the excitement wash over her face at Lia's words.

"Thank you, they're my favourite pieces."

"If we could afford some, we'd buy them," laughed Yeji, "But we're too poor, so we just come to admire and steal your champagne."

"Well, you're welcome to it," chuckled Jimin. "Oh, great. My manager." Jimin suddenly looked downcast as a slimy-looking man in a suit approached.

"Uh, we might get out of here," Yeji said hurriedly. Jimin glared at her for the abandonment but Yeji grabbed Lia's hand and pulled. "I'll call you, okay? Great show." And with that, the brunette led a stunned Lia out the front door.

"What's that all about?" Lia couldn't help but ask when they were back at the car.

"I hate that guy," Yeji admitted, her face dark and angry. "He's a slimeball and Jimin can do so much better."

"For a manager?" The blonde looked confused.

"For a boyfriend," Yeji retorted, her voice thick with emotion. "He's...Oh it's a long story."

"You could tell me over coffee," Lia ventured, unwilling to end the evening yet.

"That I could," Yeji smiled, breaking the dark mood. "My place? I have fresh roasted..." The dangling temptation in the musician's voice made Lia laugh and she got into the convertible with a happy nod.

Back at Yeji's place, Lia found herself in the living room, her hand around a warm cup of coffee and eyes mesmerized by the woman in front of her. Trying not to lose herself in the sudden alone time of the two of them, she babbled.

"Tonight was so much fun. I didn't expect it to be that much fun. I always thought that it would be full of these amazingly pretentious people who'd be talking in some language I don't understand. But the paintings....Wow. I wish I had talent like that..."

Yeji laughed, interrupting Lia's monologue with an amused expression on her face.

"I'm babbling," Lia admitted.

"It's okay. I'm just wondering if you were paying attention tonight because those pretentious people were everywhere," the musician commented.

Lia knew that her attention had been drawn firmly and completely to her companion all evening but she couldn't admit that now. "I didn't notice them," she said.

"They were there, trust me."

Lia looked at her watch. It was getting late and she knew she had to go. She didn't want to but she had to. Yeji noticed the movement.

"You have to leave?" the brunette asked, regret tingeing her voice.

"Unfortunately," Lia frowned. She let Yeji pull her off the couch and nearly gasped out loud when it brought their bodies closer than ever before.

She could feel every nerve ending in her skin screaming. Yeji was a foot away, her hand still in Lia's and her eyes intense and hot. Her chocolate gaze was melting Lia's, and making the blonde's legs wobble.

Yeji lets go and Lia took a step back, breaking her daze. She walked to the front door, stopping before opening it. She turned to Yeji who was just behind her.

"Thank you so much for tonight. I had an awesome time."

"Thank you for coming," the brunette returned earnestly. "I wouldn't have had any fun without you. And it was awesome." The smile on her face made Lia feel weak again. This was insane.

Spontaneously, she hugged the musician, pulling her slender body into a warm embrace and feeling arms move around her.

The hug went on for longer than expected and Lia was dizzy, unwilling to let go. She pulled back and found her mouth inches from Yeji's. She couldn't move, paralysed and breathless. She heard a whisper on the other girl's lips: "Lia."

And then she closed the distance, her lips crushing into Yeji's and moving frantically. One arm wound around the brunette's neck and the other, her waist.

A hand snaked into her hair, pulling her into a deeper kiss, their mouths moving together over and over.

Lia felt a tongue sneak out to run across her lower lip and her knees nearly buckled. She let her own slide out to dance with the other girl, revelling in the silken feel of the kiss.

And as abruptly as it had started, it ended, with Yeji pulling back, panting and blushed. She stared at Lia's wildly and the blonde leaned back on the door weakly, unable to speak or support herself.

"I'm sorry," Yeji whispered, causing Lia's head to whip up and meet her gaze. "I can't...We can't..."

"I know," Lia managed to blurt out. "It... I...I should go."

"Lia-" Yeji reached out and put a hand on her arm, the warmth burning into the blonde's skin and making her want more.

"Can I see you again?" Lia had no idea where her words were coming from. They were forming somewhere in her subconscious and she had no control of them as they flew out of her mouth. "I like being your friend, Yeji. I don't want to ruin that."

"You won't," Yeji reassured, dropping her hand back to her side. "I like being your friend, too." She opened the door and Lia stepped out, turning around half-way down the steps to regard the brunette.

"It...I..." she felt the need to say something but couldn't formulate anything coherent.

"It's okay," Yeji reassured again. "I'll call you." There was a definite promise in the words and Lia walked into the night more confused than ever.

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