Addicted To You || n.h

By dancelikekids

2.5K 62 43

"I can't stop thinking about you." "No, stop." He said. "I'm not good for you." "Don't say that." "No, listen... More

Niall and Olivia are back
Chapter 1 - "Too prude to smoke?"
Chapter 3 - "You don't have to put out."
Chapter 4 - "Are you planning on sleeping in my bed?"
Chapter 5 - "I'll get you something stronger."
Chapter 6 - "I've seen better."
Chapter 7 - "Beautiful girls are the loneliest."
Chapter 8 - "Hello my little fashionista."

Chapter 2 - "It's part of my charm."

268 10 6
By dancelikekids

Only ten minutes later I was sitting in the backseat of Niall's car. Niall was driving with my brother in the seat beside him. They were listening to a football game on the radio, shouting already because of what happened. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, starting to regret coming with them.

Then the car slowed down outside a house and I thought we had arrived at the party.

"I forgot to mention I was picking up a mate and his sister." Niall announced and looked back at me.

"What Niall means, is that you three need to squeeze together back there for about twenty more minutes." Franklin laughed, glancing at me. "Think you can do that, sis?"

"Dude, are you calling your sister fat?"

"I was just–"

"What's up?" A voice suddenly rang through the car as the back door opened.

The guy looked at me.

"Hey, if I knew you were bringing a girl I would have dressed up nicer." He joked and crawled in so he was sitting next to me.

"You would still be the same idiot whether you wore something nicer or not." The girl, probably his sister, said and the guys in the front laughed.

"Ignore her, that's what everyone else does. I'm Jake."

We shook hands for a second before he tugged at his seatbelt.

"You're Franklin's sister, right?" The girl said, leaning over to see me. "Thank God I'm not be the only girl anymore."

"You see, Abby here got the hots for your brother so she's actually just happy you weren't any competition for her." Jake said, causing his sister to smack him over the head.

"Hey, you know the rules." Niall said, looking through the rearview mirror. "No violence in my car."

This Jake guy mumbled something under his breath as Niall drove off again.

"Maybe you and Little Crawford should get married, and then Franklin and Abby. That way your kids would be cousins in every possible way." Niall said after a minute, looking at Jake in the rearview mirror. Then he locked eyes with me through the same mirror. "And before you defend yourself by saying you have a boyfriend, I was only joking. Not that Riley Hastings is much better than Jake anyway."

"Don't even begin to compare me to that wanker. I'm way better." Jake cut in, making Niall roll his eyes.

"Stick to your boyfriend. Believe me when I say that you don't want to get involved with my brother." The girl told me, and then looked to the front. "Or his friends."

Niall chuckled to himself.

"Oh, shut up Abby. You're just jealous of all the girls I've been with."

"What's there to be jealous about? I wouldn't be surprised if you had a STD by now."

"If you're so desperate to know, I went to get myself checked two weeks ago. Clean as a whistle."

"So now all the ladies can blow his whistle without being worried." Jake joked and gave my brother a high five.

"See, this is the kind of jokes these three pull on each other. You'll get used to it after a while." Abby said, looking at me.

"One thing I'm not used to is a girl being this quiet. You haven't said a single word since we left your house." Niall said, once again looking at me through the rearview mirror.

I blushed, immediately feeling the anxiety grow. Whenever people mention how shy I am, it gets worse. I'm already way out of my comfort zone, so please don't make it worse.

"I'm sure you're used to the loudest girls in town." Franklin teased, nudging his elbow into Niall's arm.

"You know I am." Niall grinned. "I'd also like to take credit for making them even louder."

"As if that would have been possible." Franklin laughed.

"Are you doubting my sex skills?"

I rolled my eyes and decided it was time for me to zone out.

Those twenty minutes past rather slow but now we were outside a house. Despite there were only one floor, the house was pretty big.

I awkwardly followed the rest towards the entrance and as soon as we stepped inside, I felt the music pound in my chest. The house smelled like alcohol, sweat, vomit and some cheap perfume. Without thinking about it, I wrinkled my nose.

When I looked back to the group I arrived with, I saw that Niall was the only one left.

"What are you waiting for? Go, make some friends." He told me.

It's not that easy

My eyes flickered across the room and I felt the anxiety grow inside of me. Out of old habit I wrapped my arms around my stomach to make myself feel smaller.

"Give me your phone."

I stared up at Niall who was now standing right in front of me.

"I'll put my number in, so you can call me if you get lost or some shit." He explained, making sure to roll his eyes.

He probably thought I was annoying.

I handed him my phone and he quickly added his number before giving it back to me.

"Now, if you'll excuse me."

Seconds later he was gone. And I was alone, in an unknown house with tons of strangers.

I took a deep breath to ease the anxiety, and started to make my way through the house. There were people everywhere and most of them were already really drunk. I don't mind people drinking, but I had to admit it made me a bit uncomfortable.

I ended up in the kitchen. A couple were snuggling against the counter and a guy was mixing drinks right next to the couple. The guy eventually turned around and laid his eyes on me.

"Hey, you up for a drink?"

"Um..." I trailed off.

I mean I didn't want to drink something I didn't know what it was, but at the same time I didn't want people to see me as a loser. I also didn't want to be rude.

"You're allowed to say no." The guy added, smiling at me. "I have tons of other stuff to offer."

"So it's your party?" I managed to ask.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "I'm guessing your brother forced you here?"

"Actually, no."

"No?" The guy raised his eyebrows a little. "I don't think I've ever seen Olivia Crawford at a party before."

"Don't get used to it." I mumbled, mostly to myself.

He made his way past me and was about to leave the room when he turned back to me.

"If you're wondering anything, just ask for me."

"I don't even know your name." I told him. "It can be helpful to know whom to look for."

The guy smirked a little.


And then there were just me and the couple left.

It's been almost two hours since we arrived and luckily I wasn't alone anymore. I managed to find Abby in the crowds, so she kept me company. But the anxiety was still there, which lead to me texting Niall.

Olivia Crawford: How many people are sleeping at your place after the party? / Olivia

Frankly I didn't want to stay the night at his house. But it would be easier than asking Gabriel to come pick me up, since he's normally not working on weekends.

My phone buzzed.

Niall Horan: just you and your brother

Olivia Crawford: Oh, okay

Niall Horan: u alright?

"I'm going to get another drink. You want one?" Abby asked me, and I shook my head.

"No thank you."

"Okay. I'll be right back."

I forced a smile to her and then I replied to Niall's message.

Olivia Crawford: I don't know. Alone at the moment

Seconds went by before my phone buzzed again.

Niall Horan: i'm in the backyard, come join me for a smoke

I decided to wait for Abby to come back, just so I could tell her where I was going. It would be rude to leave without telling her. But on the other hand she probably wouldn't care because after all; we just met a few hours ago.

Abby returned after a minute or so, with the same smile on her lips and a new drink in her hand.

"I'll just go outside for a while, to get some fresh air." I told her.

"Are you feeling ill? Sick? Dizzy?"

"No." I assured her. "Just... going out for a smoke."

She frowned and took a sip on her drink.

"You don't look like a girl who smokes. But who am I to judge? I'll be somewhere around here when you get back."

I forced another smile to her before making my way to the backyard.

It was weird how easily I obeyed Niall, but he brought me to this party so basically he's the only one I "know" here. I mean I don't really know him either, but still.

I spotted him in the corner, talking to some guy. So I awkwardly headed their way, with my arms wrapped around my body.

Niall barely looked at me when I approached them. Instead he just handed me his cigarette package and his lighter, without saying anything, nor breaking the eye contact with his friend.

I lit the cigarette and watched the two of them interact as I took my first drag. This is the second time Niall and I are smoking together, and it's like my seventh time doing it in general.

It's a strange feeling to smoke. I still haven't found the right balance with it and it's hard not to cough. My jaw feels tense but a giddy feeling flows through my body.

The guy eventually walked off and Niall turned to me, leaning against the fence behind him.

"You're not enjoying yourself." He said, more like a statement than a question, and I handed him his cigarette package and lighter back. "Let me guess. You'd rather be in your room and studying for finals."

"I'd rather be at home, yes."

He took a long drag from his own cigarette.

"Is it true that you helped Franklin pass his classes last year?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and raised my hand towards my face to take another drag from my cigarette.

"I would never help my brother cheat."

Niall rolled his eyes.

"Where did you hear that anyway?" I asked.

"One of his special lady friends told me."

"What, do you two share girls?"

"I wouldn't call it share." He said and placed his cigarette between his lips again. "I just make up for the disappointment girls feel when they leave your house."


"How are we getting back to your house after the party? You've been drinking." I said, changing the subject.

"Either we risk dying in a car crash, or we'll walk. I live just a few blocks from here."

"And how long do I have to wait until you're done partying?"

"I made a deal with your brother to get you as drunk as possible. He wants to see you have fun. So we won't be leaving this place until you're unable to walk straight."

"And what if I don't want to get drunk?"

Niall smirked and took a drag from the cigarette.

"It's impossible for girls to say no to me. I guess it's part of my charm."

What charm?

"So as soon as you finish your cigarette, I'm getting you a drink. Maybe we'll do shots later, it depends on how well you can tolerate alcohol."

"I can just fake it." I told him.

But he shook his head, with the same cocky grin on his lips.

"I can tell when girls are faking it. And let me tell you that it's quite hard to fake it when you're with me." He dropped his cigarette to the ground before placing his foot over it to put it out. "Double meaning."

I made a disgusted face. Then he took the cigarette from my hand and dropped it to the ground as well.

"You're ready for the best night of your life?"

A few hours – and several drinks – later, I started to understand why people say alcohol is an escape from reality. It was temporary happiness. My cheeks were hurting from how big I was smiling and my feet were hurting from all the dancing.

I was currently playing beer pong with Niall, Jake and Abby, and the people around us didn't bother me at all, even though I felt them staring. Franklin and I managed to make eye contact for a swift moment at one point, despite he was standing across the room.

I took the Ping-Pong ball Niall handed to me and I looked over the table. Jake and Abby only had one cup left.

"Okay Crawford, now's your chance." Niall said to me.

I stuck my tongue out in concentration and wobbled a little thanks to the amount of alcohol I had in my system. In the corner of my eye I saw Niall getting behind me, and seconds later I felt his hands gripping onto my hips.

"Careful." He mumbled in my ear.

I threw the ball and watched it fly through the air, before it landed in the last cup. The people that were watching us cheered loudly and Niall hive-fived me. Then Abby came over and pulled me in for a hug, laughing against my shoulder.

"I'm so happy Niall brought you here tonight!"

I didn't reply, because it felt weird to hear those words coming from a girl I hadn't even met until today.

"Let's switch teams!" Niall announced, locking eyes with me for a second. "You two stay here and I'll go join Jake over there. He could use a little help so he won't lose again."

"Oh it's on, Horan! I have Olivia on my team." Abby proudly said, placing her arm around my shoulders.

I saw a guy making his way to the table to fill up the cups with beer again.

"Yeah, don't take her for granted." Niall said to Abby, smirking at me before he walked over to the other side of the table.

After a while the guy who lived here, Tyler, came up and said something in Niall's ear, just as he was about to throw the ball. I got a weird feeling in my stomach when Niall looked straight into my eyes, shaking his head to what his friend was saying.

And that weird feeling in my stomach suddenly grew stronger and I blurt out a quick "excuse me" to Abby, before rushing out in the hall. My goal was to find the nearest bathroom or else I would throw up right on the floor. Behind me I heard someone calling my name, but that was my least concern at the moment.

I threw myself towards a door that seemed to be the bathroom, and it didn't take long for me to fall to my knees in front of the toilet. And to my surprise someone else stepped into the room and took my hair in their hands.

"I think it's safe to say that you're not very good at holding your liquor."

It was Niall. He had followed me, he was here and he was holding my hair.

"Then don't give me another drink." I muttered into the toilet.

"Won't be needed if you're in this condition." He chuckled. "But how about a cigarette and some fresh air?"

"How can you not be, like, totally grossed out right now?"

"I'm used to seeing people vomit."

"Even worse. That's not something you should be used to." I told him, feeling a bit better now that I'd emptied my stomach a little.

"Welcome to my life." He said, again chuckling.

He let down my hair once he understood I was done, and flushed the toilet for me before pulling me up from the floor by my arms.

He guided me to the front door and we went outside. Apparently he needed to get something from his car, so I followed him. And I had to admit it was nice with fresh air after an intense round of beer pong and throwing up.

Niall unlocked his car and started to search for something by the passenger seat. I saw him putting something in his pocket before he turned back to me. In one quick movement he pulled out his cigarettes and lighter from the front pocket of his jeans.

"So," He started, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it up. "How does it feel to lose your party virginity at a place like this?"

He handed me a cigarette and watched me with curious eyes.

"It's crowded."

"Not the answer I was looking for. Come here." He said, waving with his hand to me, meaning he was going to light my cigarette for me.

"I meant more like... how does it feel to be, what are you–nineteen? And going to your first party?"

"This isn't my first party." I mumbled.

Niall rolled his eyes and leaned back against the side of his car.

"Your first real party. Hanging out with your lame friends on a Friday night, watching films, isn't a party."

"So there has to be alcohol involved for it to be counted as a party?"

"Well, duh."

I looked away and took a drag of my cigarette. I felt a bit dizzy, but it was enough that he had to witness me puking. He probably already thinks I'm a handful right now.

"Am I drunk enough now so we can leave?" I eventually asked.

"Yeah..." He trailed off.


"But Tyler wants to move the party to my place."

"Why?" I frowned. "Isn't this a successful party as it is?"

"Because I have a pool." He said, once again rolling his eyes. "And drunk people loves to take a swim. Preferably without clothes."

"So I should call for a ride home?"

Niall shook his head, blowing out a thick cloud of smoke. "I told him no."

I smiled a little, feeling relieved. Then I stepped towards him, so I could lean against his car as well.

We stared at the house in front of us in silence for a while. The music from inside was loud enough for us to hear it all the way out here, but at the same time it wasn't bothering me.

"Do you wanna go, or can you wait another hour?" He eventually asked.

"I guess I can wait, why?"

"I've only got two phone numbers so far. Normally I go home with at least five new contacts in my phone."

"So you want me to stay, just so you can flirt with more girls?"

He grinned, glancing at me.

"Are you surprised? I bet you've heard rumours about me, and how I'm "the town's womanizer" or "man-whore", whatever suits your vocabulary."

It's actually kind of sad that he thinks so low of himself.

"The guy that doesn't know how to keep a girl for more than one night. The guy who hangs out in the school's parking lot to flirt with younger girls. The guy with no future..." He trailed off, looking down at his shoes. When he noticed how much I was staring, he awkwardly laughed.

"See, the alcohol is finally kicking in for me too. I don't know what I'm saying anymore." He said, trying to wave it off.

But the short look he gave me showed me something else. This wasn't at all the alcohol talking, and it made me frown but I didn't say anything. It's not really my place to be comforting him, or tell him to cheer up.

"Okay, how's this? We go back inside, take one shot each and we stay for one hour. Then we grab your brother and head back to my place."

I slowly nodded.

"Good." He threw his cigarette on the ground and dug his hands down his pocket. He pulled out a pack of gum, which he grabbed from inside his car minutes ago.

"I thought you'd want one after you had a little meeting with the toilet. People probably wouldn't notice or care, but you're the type of girl that wants to look and come off as fresh and clean."

"How come you'd say that?"

He cockily grinned and started to chew on a piece of gum.

"I guess I can read pretty girls like an open book. Plus, I know a goody-two-shoes when I see one."

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked, feeling insecure about myself.

He shrugged a little and started to head back to the house.

"Just rare these days. It's interesting though."

"How come?"

His grin lingered on his lips, before he turned his back to me and walked towards the house.

"I wanna see how long it takes for me to turn you into a bad girl."

Follow the characters on Instagram here:

@ niall.ymnn
@ olivia.ymnn
@ jake.ymnn
@ zara.ymnn

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