Gifted | Sleepy Bois Inc

By Inkseles

25.8K 1.8K 5.6K

Technoblade is a bounty hunter. One of the best. On top of that, he's Gifted --- a person with an extraordina... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Happy The End (Gifted edition)
Bonus: Hallow's Eve

Chapter Sixteen

715 56 180
By Inkseles

Wilbur Soot on the hitlist.

The words echoed in my mind as I stared at the writing, unable to comprehend it. Wilbur Soot. Hitlist.

Anonymous phone call.

It had to have been from Smiley's secret associate working from the background, seeding more chaos and watching it grow into something huge. Who else would know Smiley's next moves other than the killer himself?

It could be a hoax.

But it wasn't. Scrolling through the plentiful articles, all screaming the same thing at me, I could see that it wasn't. Smiley had sent out a message. He was after Wilbur Soot now, and he was announcing it to the country.

The thing was, I could see why he'd be going after Wilbur. Wilbur was a famous idol, one known by many people, and he was also well-known for being a Gifted. His photoshoots both highlighted his marks as well as his natural beauty. He was a beacon. To target him was to openly say that Smiley was going after Gifted in particular.

Belatedly, pain registered in my hands. I looked down to see blood trickling down from where I had pierced my skin on the rough edges of the fork. Shoddy craftsmanship. But then again, I guess it was also my fault for holding it so tightly.

I fumbled with my phone, nearly dropping it in my lap twice before finally bringing up the call feature. As the ringing sounded, I tried my best to wait patiently and not pull out my hidden knife and stab someone.

"Hello?" Wilbur's voice said meekly.

"Wilbur!" I snapped. "Where are you right now?"

"I... uh... at my office?"

"Stay there," I instructed. "Stay with the guards. Or even better, find me and let's go back home."

"Techno... I'm fine."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "You gotta be safe. I'm sure you've heard of the news by now, and I just saw it as well, so don't lie to me. You're not fine. Smiley's coming after you, and you need to hide!"

My voice rose with my words. It wasn't normal of me to lose my temper like this, but when my brother's life was being threatened, it made it hard for me to calm down. Surprising.

"Techno, I'm fine," Wilbur said again, more forcibly this time. "You don't have to worry about me."

My worry immediately melted into annoyance. "Oh, sure," I said sarcastically. "It's totally not like a scarily-skilled guy just announced that he's gonna murder you in your sleep. Of course not. My fault for overreacting like that."

Tubbo and Tommy returned to their seats next to me, staying silent when they noticed that I was on the phone like the nice people they were. Tommy gave me a weird look. I scowled at him.

"You know I'm safe," Wilbur said half-heartedly.

"I do not," I retorted. I rubbed the bridge of my nose harder. No doubt, there would be red lines when I got up tomorrow, but I didn't care. "You'd be safer with me."

"Oh, sure. We're both Gifted. If I stay with you, we'll be even bigger of a target."

"You don't know that. Smiley still thinks I'm normal."

"And?" Wilbur asked impatiently. "He'll figure it out eventually, and when he does, he'll be even more ticked off. It's too risky."

"I'm the only one good enough to fight Smiley!"

"Really, Techno?" Wilbur snapped, even more angry than I was. "You have no right to say that! You mope around, telling me that you're not good enough, that you'll never be good enough, but now you're saying that you can take him on in a fight? You two-faced bast---"

I took the phone away from my ear, not really in the mood to get yelled at by Wilbur when I was the one supposed to be yelling. By the way Tubbo was looking at me, he knew who was on the other end of the phone and what was happening.

Not surprising. Tubbo kept up with the news on a strict minutely basis. He'd probably come back to tell me, then noticed what was going on and figured out that I already knew.

Wilbur's voice had quieted down on the other end. I put the phone back to my ear and said, "I'm your brother, Will. I care about what happens to you."

There was a pause, and then he said, "I know."


I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket, folding my hands on the table in front of me as if I was at some major conference with the world leaders. But in reality, it wasn't anything like that. I just needed to hide the fact that I was shaking.

"So, Techno," Tubbo said lightly. "I think we both had memory loss a while back."

I blinked. "What?"

"Remember when I discovered that you were a Gifted?" Tubbo asked. He scratched his head. "Well... I had a serious feeling of déjà vu when I was reflecting back on the conversation later. We... we've talked about it before, haven't we?"

A flicker of hesitation sprouted up inside of me. Then I nodded. "Yeah, we have. I was surprised that you had forgotten about it. But the shock of seeing my face must've played a role."

"Right, probably," Tubbo said with a nod, though he looked miserable.

I politely avoided pointing out that he had used "we" when it should've just been "I." I knew he hated his bad memory. It was something that made his already-difficult life even more difficult, and I didn't like giving him more stress.

Tommy cleared his throat. "So, uh... was that Wilbur?"

"Oh my gosh," a girl from the table next to us piped up suddenly, making all of us look in her direction. "Wilbur, as in Wilbur Soot? I love him! He's so handsome!"

"Uh..." I said smartly, because I had no idea how to react to someone oohing over my own brother.

"He's got the most beautiful eyes," the girl next to her sighed, twirling a strand of pink hair, a dreamy expression dominating her face. "Such a pretty boy."

From beside me, Tommy made a gagging motion and rolled his eyes. Tubbo giggled discretely, masking the laugh with a loud cough.

"You guys are fans of him, too?" the first girl asked. She eyed us up as she munched on a baby carrot stick, raising a brow. "He's hot, isn't he?"

"No," Tommy said, stiffening up. "I love women, and Wilbur Soot cannot compete."

"I dunno, Tommy, he's pretty hot," Tubbo said thoughtfully. "That hair over one eye---"

"I know, right?" the short-haired boy sitting at the table with the two girls said excitedly. "Damn, why didn't God make me so perfect?"

I tried my best to nod along to the conversation and make it seem like I wasn't looking for the best escape route. I was an atheist, but I was pretty sure even God himself trembled at the pure beauty of the creation called Wilbur Soot.

"And his voice!" the pink-haired fan babbled on enthusiastically. "I listen to him in the shower. I know all the lyrics to all of his songs by heart!"

She squealed, wrapping her arms around herself in a self-hug. Despite myself, I had to smile. It was nice seeing people so dedicated to my brother. Sweet in a wholesome, slightly terrifying sort of way.

Tubbo raised a hand. "Would this be a bad time to mention that the killer guy is going after him next?"

It was like a bomb had dropped. Suddenly, the room went quiet, everyone staring at Tubbo like he was holding a matchstick to the fuse of the bomb of the student body. Then, as one, every single person freaked out.

I clamped a hand over Tommy's ears as a universal roar rose up from the crowd, both fans of Wilbur and those who weren't completely and totally losing their minds as they realized that they knew exactly who Smiley'a next target would be. It would probably benefit me and my friends if I had earplugs, but all I could do was press my hands firmly over Tommy's ears and hope that he didn't go deaf.



"Not the beautifully perfect boy with his radiant eyes and blinding smile!"

"I'll never be able to hear good music with his voice again!"

I sighed. Even if I had been freaking out as well, watching everyone else do it made it seem a whole lot stupider. Forget about me joking about killing Wilbur. If Smiley did it, he'd have to face a very big, very mad fanbase on his hands.

"Is it over?" Tommy asked, though I could barely hear him over the commotion.

"Nope," I responded. He frowned at me in confusion. "I said--- you know what, nevermind."

A light tap on my arm. I looked over at Tubbo, who waved his phone at me with a meaningful look. It was a text message from one of the Heads.

The commotion was dying down, though there was still murmurs and quiet sobbing in the background. I turned to Tommy. "So, uh, we gotta go now."

"What?" he asked blankly.

I didn't know whether the "what" was because he didn't understand or because he actually couldn't hear me, but I took it as the former and continued. "Tryxel's summoning us."

"Duty calls," Tubbo said brightly.

"What?" he said again, furrowing his brow. "It's way too early for work."

"A strict work schedule doesn't exist when you're in our line of business," I said with a sigh. I stood up, as did Tubbo. We knew how much the Heads --- or rather, one specific Head in question --- disliked tardiness. I was in a good mood and did not feel like ruining it.

"You're gonna miss out on everyone freaking out!" Tommy protested.

"Already seen it," I said, pulling on my jacket and glancing over at Tubbo, who was doing the same. "Besides, it'll be more interesting to see what the Heads want with us."

"The last time they summoned like this, it was because a band of elemental Gifted were threatening to drown the city," Tubbo recalled. "I really hope it's something as cool. I'm bored."

"Same," I agreed. Tommy simply gawked at us.

"Y-you're bored," he sputtered indignantly. "There's a serial killer running rampant in the streets and you're bored. What the fu---"

"Keep it family-friendly," I said mildly. "Alright, I'm gonna head out. Fill us in on what we missed afterwards."

"If we come back alive," Tubbo added with a broad smile.

If possible, Tommy got even paler. I gave Tubbo an exasperated look. He was just like Wilbur; always joking around with the boy, messing with him just for fun. Seeing how Phil wasn't around to tell him off, it was up to me and my incredible scowling skills.

"I'm sure you'll dispose of my tray for me," I said to Tommy as we passed by him.

"What? Wait, Techno---"

We were already out of earshot. I smirked to myself as I imagined the aggravated look on his face. It was almost worth staying around for. But Tubbo was right --- it had to be something big to have the Heads summon the bounty hunters of Tryxel in broad daylight. I was starved for content. The voices wanted blood. It was a win-win situation.

As soon as we were outside, Tubbo grabbed my arm. I closed my eyes as he changed form, before feeling the weightless sensation take hold. I would've preferred to travel across the rooftops using a jump potion, but after my last near-death encounter with the green magic, I wasn't too keen on trying it again anytime soon.

There were easier ways to travel. But buses and cars weren't as fun as being flown over the city by a bald eagle that was actually your shapeshifter Gifted friend who had the tendency to drop you every time he spotted something interesting on the ground.

We reached the Tryxel building in record time. Eagle-Tubbo dropped me down at the entrance, flew a loop around the entire structure, then landed next to me as a human boy again.

"That seemed unnecessary," I noted.

Tubbo shrugged his shoulders, unable to mask the grin on his face. "I like showing off."

"Well, clearly."

There were quite a number of people milling around on the base floor, exchanging quick words among themselves and looking extremely tired. I had never noticed how many people there were whom I didn't know before. So many people going through troubles that I couldn't possibly imagine.

They're not your problem.

I'm trying to be empathetic, I snapped back.

"Feeling nervous yet?" Tubbo whispered to me.

"Nope," I said back. "You?"

"Of course not," he said, very much nervous.

"Whatever you say, man."

I spotted Philza as he made his way to our side. He was wearing his green-white-striped bucket hat, which he usually only wore when he was really nervous. Immediately, I was on guard.

"You made it," he said half-heartedly.

I raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound too happy about that."

He sighed. "I'm selfish, remember? I'm worried about what will happen."

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Philza!" Tubbo said brightly. "Techno is an awesome fighter! He'll be fine!"

My adoptive father cracked a smile. "Yes, with you to protect him, he'll be fine."

A man was leaning against the receptionist's desk, his eyes hidden behind brightly-colored red sunglasses. A matching red tie adorned his neck. He raised his hand and looked directly at us, sending a shiver down my spine. Phil gave us a calming smile, then herded us towards him.

Rojo, Philza, and Biru. The three Heads of the Tryxel organization. All with the ability to be scary enough to merit their own section in a haunted house.

"My hunters," Rojo said, spreading his hands in welcome. "I'm sure you've both heard of the target with a couple million bounty of his head. The one who killed, first Storm, then Lapis, then Hyacinth, and injured Naida. The one who has been all over the news recently."

"Smiley," I said without enthusiasm.

"Smiley," the Head agreed. "A killer from across the country, one who wasn't a threat to us until now. A worthy opponent. A danger. A threat."

I bit the sides of my mouth, drawing blood. Beside me, Tubbo was bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking even more nervous than before. We both knew what was about to come.

"Trial number five," Rojo said with a chilling smile. "Except this time, you two will be getting a heads up. We know who Smiley is after next, and so I want you two shadowing his target around the clock. Stalk him, trail him --- I don't care. Get the job done. Don't make us waste any more lives. And make sure that Tryxel's image remains pristine."

I blinked. "You want us... to follow Wilbur Soot?"

"Is that too much for you to handle, Blade?" Rojo asked irritably. "You're supposed to be one of our top hunters. Don't disappoint me."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I replied, biting back a sigh. Then I frowned. "Wait, is Tubbo doing this with me?"

Rojo clasped his hands together. "Tryxel hasn't sent out two hunters to work together in a long time," he said tiredly. "It has never ended well. It causes competition to arise, resentment and misjudgment clouding their sight. The bounty escapes, the hunters fail. But you two seem to have formed bonds. Am I correct in assuming this?"

Tubbo nodded. I didn't bother replying.

"Good," the Head said. "Let me say it one last time. You two are tasked with going after Smiley, and you will guard Wilbur Soot to make sure that Tryxel is able to save face. Understood?"

We nodded wordlessly. It was great timing. I had already been planning on following Wilbur around anyway, so this just gave me an excellent excuse if he argued with me. Even Wilbur knew better than to tangle with Tryxel's orders.

"Perfect," Rojo said, his smile widening even further. "Then it's settled. Happy hunting!"


"Phil," I called.

The man turned around at my voice, patiently waiting for me to catch up. We continued walking in the direction he had been headed, now at a slower pace. "What is it, Techno?"

I cleared my throat and tried not to chicken out. "Well, uh... there's something I need to talk to you about."


My throat was suddenly extremely dry. I wanted to zoom the heck outta there, but I had already brought it all upon myself. "The thing is... well... I think there's a second person working with Smiley."

Phil rubbed his chin. He pursed his lips thoughtfully, considering my words. "Very likely," he mused. "I think it's definitely possible. Smiley doesn't really seem like the brains behind this whole thing, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "But, uhh, I think that second person is someone within Tryxel."

It was as if I had pulled out a knife and stabbed him repeatedly. Phil turned around slowly to look at me, concentrated anger burning in his eyes. I gulped and tried not to back up immediately.

"Tryxel, you say?" he said. "Corruption among our bounty hunters? A hunter of our own working to get their fellow comrades killed?"

"Phil, I know it sounds bad---"

"I don't want to hear it, Techno," Phil said tightly. "This sort of thinking creates inwardly fighting among our ranks."

"But what if I'm right?"

"Techno!" he said, his voice rising sharply. "I don't care if you're right! With bounty hunters dropping left and right at Smiley's hands, I don't need more chaos and confusion to deal with! I don't need to try and figure out who the mole is while my people are dying next to me!"

I froze. "What? I thought only three hunters have died so far."

My adoptive father seemed to age right in front of my eyes. He looked tired. For the first time, I noticed the white strands intermingling with his blond locks. There were dark circles under his eyes, hinting at multiple restless, sleepless nights.

"More hunters than I can count have died," he said in a quiet voice. "The three that you have heard about are only the three that have been sent after him. Others are the casualties of this fight between Smiley and Gifted. Either they went after him, or he found them and---" He dragged his thumb across his neck.

I didn't want to ask, but I couldn't stop the words from coming out. "What's the real death count?"

Phil shrugged. "I don't know. Dozens. Maybe even a hundred? It's insane. People would absolutely freak if they knew. Scouts have been finding bodies all over the city. We've been good so far with covering it up, but someone's bound to notice eventually."

"So all the more reason to find his accomplice," I said.

The Head scowled at me. "Did none of what I said go into your head? We don't have time for that. There are much more pressing matters to deal with!"

People were starting to stare at us. Phil didn't seem to care. He was angrier than I had ever seen him before, but this time, I couldn't understand it. It didn't make sense. If we could weed out the mole, we'd be saving a lot of people. So why couldn't he see that?


Insolent old man.

Can't he see that we're helping?

"You just don't want to admit that there's corruption within us," I snapped.

"You're finding excuses. I said that this will just make things worse!"

"Oh, I'm finding excuses? You reacted to me saying that there was corruption in Tryxel the second I suggested it! You didn't even stop to consider it!"

My voice hurt from shouting. Phil's face was beginning to look red, but I knew that both of us wouldn't back down. We were too stubborn. Too hard-headed.

Like father, like son.

Dadza, dadza, dadza, dadza, dadza---

"I'm your son," I said, drowning out the voices. "Why won't you listen to me?"

Phil's eyes were shiny in the hallway lights. "It doesn't matter. In this building, I am your boss. And right now, I want you to drop the subject."

I glared at him, and he glared right back. I wanted to throw a tantrum like never before. Why doesn't he get it? Smiley's associate is a bigger problem than the deaths. It'll solve so much. The solution is literally right in front of us.

"Keep this to yourself, Technoblade," Phil said finally, calming down. "I do not want you spreading rumors throughout my organization. We're already falling apart at the seams. Do your job. Nothing else. Understood?"

I fumed silently to myself, staying quiet. He stared at me some more, then shook his head and sighed, stepping into his office and closing the door in my face.

Stupid, stupid.

I really thought that Philza of all people would side with me.

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