Bedburg Hills

By baylee12599

367 18 0

Kira Delta, a wolf with a secret that even she doesn't know about yet, moves to Bedburg Hills Wyoming before... More



7 1 0
By baylee12599


I walked upstairs and sat on the bed. I looked around at everything before laying down and closing my eyes.

Me and my pack all gathered at the cabin near our pond. We were laying my grandmother to rest today. I am not ready for it.

"Okay Justin," my mom walked over to me, "lets get everyone settled outside so we can start."

I nodded and walked out to our pack, "guys! Listen up! Everyone gather in lines!" I shouted, "We will bring her out momentarily."

I watched as they split into two lines, leaving a path down the middle. I walked back in and grabbed the corner of the board before lifting. Me, my mom, and my dad all walked out with her and walked down the aisle between the lines. I felt the tears swell in my eyes as we laid her on the water. We set fire to her body and pushed her off the grass line and then we all set back to howl.

Just then rustling of leaves happened all around us. I watched as red dots appeared all over my body and everyone elses.

"Get down!" I screamed, "everyone run!"

Shots were fired and I watched as everyone around me scrambled like roaches. I watched my family drop to the ground.

"Mom!" I screamed out, "dad! Where are you!"

"Justin run!" my dad roared as he jumped in front of me. I watched the bullet hit his chest and I watched him hit the ground. It was like slow motion.

"Dad!" I screamed, "dad get up! Dad no!"

"J-Justin," he coughed, "Justin run. Get out of here!"

I looked around frantically, listening to the gun shots, the screams and the overall chaos that was happening around me. I took off into the woods and just ran straight. I ran until I couldn't hear the guns anymore. I looked all around me, my heart racing made me feel sick.

I woke up in a fright, my clothes were soaked as was my skin and hair. I looked at the clock.

3:21 a.m.

I laid back down after letting out a loud sigh, "just a nightmare Justin. Just a nightmare. Well kind of a nightmare."

Is it considered a nightmare if the nightmare happened?

After what felt like an eternity of sitting still I heard Jace and Kira's alarms start going off. I stood and put my clothes on and then headed downstairs. I know Jace doesn't trust me, I can sense it all over him. It makes me mad.

I don't want to fight but sometimes I can't control myself. I heard their door open and the two of them walked out and down the stairs.

"Goodmorning," Kira said cheerfully.

"Goodmorning," I nodded, "how are you guys?"

"We're good," Kira nodded, "it was a long night but we're good. Ready for school this morning?"

"Yeah," I looked down, "kind of."

"What school did you go to before?" she questioned more.

I sighed, "I actually didn't go to a school. My mom homeschooled me and the rest of the pups, well kids."

"There were other children?" she asked, "siblings?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "there was a lot of us. None were my blood siblings technically. We were related because of the pack but I was the only one my mom and dad have."

"She must have been smart," she smiled, "your mom."

"Oh yeah," I nodded as I laughed, "she's very smart. She's a good mom. I miss her, I miss all of them."

"I know," she walked over to me, "I'm sure it's really tough."

She set her hand on my shoulder and it was as if my entire body just felt relief, relaxed. I closed my eyes and when I opened them Jace was staring at me. I looked down and then stood up.

"Okay," Kira said, "everyone out to the truck. I am going to lock up and I'll be out."

Me and Jace walked outside, he shut the front door behind him, "listen kid," he said sternly, "if you are here for trouble, I'm ready for it. Don't pull any shit."

"I'm not man!" I snapped, "my entire family might be dead! I just want to go home with them! I don't want to be here with you anyways."

He wrapped his fingers around my throat and threw me into the side of the truck. He lifted my body above the ground and his eyes glowed yellow. The front door opened and he let me go. I touched the ground and started coughing.

I climbed in the backseat as Jace closed his door. Kira walked around and hopped in the drivers seat. A few minutes later the door opened and Alex hopped in.

"What's up guys?" he said loudly as he slammed the door, "ready for today?"

"No," Kira shook her head, "it's going to be a long long day."

"Full moon is tomorrow," Alex added quickly, "don't forget."

"Shit," Jace sighed, "okay. I'll go to the cave. Justin, do you have control?"

"Um," I stuttered, "I - I don't think so."

"You don't think so or you don't?" he asked again.

"Jace stop," Kira interrupted, "seriously. Chill out. We can figure it out. We have a basement, I can grab some chains after school and he will be okay."

He shook his head and I felt my anger just boil up inside me. I closed my eyes and let out a small growl as she backed the truck out of the driveway.


We pulled into the school parking lot and we all sat in the truck.

"Well this sucks," Alex sighed, "god I hate school."

"We all do," I laughed, "lets go guys."

The four of us got out and started walking towards the school doors. Jace intertwined our fingers and kissed me, "I'll see you in a bit okay?"

"Okay," I smiled, "see you soon. Have a good day."

I kissed him again and then I made my way to the principals office. I walked in with Justin.

"Is Mrs. Jeffers here?" I asked.

"Yes," she walked around the corner, "oh Kira! How are you doing? Come in come in!"

Me and Justin followed her into her office and sat down across from her. I snapped my fingers behind my back.

"How can I help you two?" she asked.

"Justin needs to be signed up," I nodded, "he is my brother. I was just able to find him via DNA testing and now he's here and ready to come to school."

"Kira," she took off her glasses, "tell me the truth. Where did he come from? You can trust me."

I looked at her closely. Why didn't my spell work?

I snapped my fingers again under my leg.

"Spells don't work in here," she smiled, "nothing supernatural can happen within this 4 walls."

"You?" Justin asked quickly.

She looked over at him and back at me, "Justin can attend school here. However if I catch even the slightest slip up with your powers I will have you out of here faster than you can blink."

"I won't," he shook his head, "I will be on best behavior."

"Does he have an address?" she looked at me, "what other school were you at?"

"He lives with me," I nodded, "put him under my address. He was homeschooled before now."

"Your whole life?" she looked at the two of us, "really?"

"My mom," he nodded, "she homeschooled me."

I watched as she typed on her computer, "how old are you?"

"14," he said, "just turned 14 last month on the 5th."

"Okay," she nodded, "we are going to take some tests in here to figure out where your brain is at okay? Kira you can go to class, Justin will be with me till the end of the day."

"You okay with that?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he nodded, "I think I'll be okay. Just meet at your truck after school?"

"Yeah," I smiled, "we will be out there waiting for you." I stood and walked out, closing the door. I walked to my locker and grabbed my things before heading to class.

"Where's he at?" Alex asked.

"With Mrs. Jeffers," I grabbed my books and pencil, "they are taking tests today to figure our where he is mentally so they can put him in the right classes."

"That's safe?" he asked.

"It is really the only option," I nodded, "Mrs. Jeffers is a witch though. I can sense it. Plus she has her room spelled, no magic can be used in her room."

"What?" he asked loudly.

People around us turned and looked at him.

"Sorry," he whispered, "Kira seriously? She's a witch?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I don't know how I didn't know before. I feel like I knew. Maybe I did and then forgot or something. I don't know but yes she is."

I started taking notes as the teacher talked and before I knew it the bell was ringing. I put everything away and headed to my next class. I sat down.

Jess: hey what are you guys doing after school?

Me: I have to pick up a few things but then we will be at the house. Wanna come over?

Jess: is that even a question! Yes!

Me: Okay. Is there a chance that Alex could grab you?

Jess: Absolutely. He is coming to grab me after school anyways.

Me: okay, sounds good.

Me: Hey hun, Jessica and Alex are coming over after school.

Jace: Alright.

Me: That okay?

Jace: Yes? lol... you don't have to ask me.

Me: Well I want to make sure that everything is okay with you.

Jace: everything is okay on my end :)

Me: okay my love. How are you?

Jace: I'm good. How is everything going?

Me: Good and good. Justin is with Jeffers taking tests to figure out where he is.

Jace: Good.

Me: Jace I know you don't feel right about him but please ease up a little. His entire family was taken from him. He's 14

Jace: I have never had a good family. He will be fine. If anything it'll just make him stronger.

Me: Yeah well I don't think he needs pain to become stronger. You didn't either. I wish I could change that for you but I can't. I can however try to make him comfortable, a feeling that NEITHER of US have been able to feel freely. Ever.

Jace: You're right. I'm sorry.

Me: I don't want to be right my love, I just want to make sure we see each others sides.

Jace: I agree with you and I am sorry

Me: It's okay, you don't need to be sorry. It's okay.

I continued taking notes and the teacher handed out a pop quiz. I put my notes away and started it.


The final bell rang and finally the day was over. I walked to my locker, emptying my bag and refilling it with the needed books. I headed out to my truck and got in, starting it and waiting for the others.

I watched Justin walk out of the doors and look around before making eye contact with me. He headed towards me and soon he was climbing in the backseat.

"How was your first day?" I turned around to look at him.

"Eh," he shrugged his shoulders, "it's boring. I sat in one spot all day and did nothing but tests."

"Thats not how it is normally," I reassured, "did she by chance tell you how the tests came out?"

"She said I was average," he nodded, "I can just jump in with the others."

"Good," I nodded, "that's good. I'm happy to hear that. It'll be easiest that way."

Jace and Alex opened the doors, climbing in and shutting the doors beside them. I started the truck and started to reverse.

"How are you baby?" Jace kissed my cheek.

"I'm good my love," I smiled, "how are you?"

"I'm good," he smiled, "it's weird. I'm actually good."

I dropped Alex off at his house and then a few seconds after pulled into my own driveway. The three of us got out and went inside. I went down into the basement and found the best spot for Justin. I wrapped the chains around the pipes to keep him secured and sprinkled out 3/4 of a circle with ash and dogwood. This would help with the pain of changing, it'll make it faster, hurt less but also keep him contained within the circle. Once the circle is completed anyhow.

I walked back upstairs and started making some food for the three of us. I made a couple extra sandwiches in case Alex or Jessica is hungry whenever they get here.

I grabbed my books and started working on homework, Justin went upstairs and Jace sat beside me watching tv. I heard a knock on the door and Jace walked over to open it. In came Alex and Jessica.

"Hey guys!" Jessica smiled.

"Hey girl!" I exclaimed jumping up, "how are you? I didn't see you today." I gave her a hug.

"Oh yeah I had a doctors appointment," she nodded, "everything is all good. I just got there late is all. What did I miss?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, "we didn't do anything today besides notes. Which by the way," I reached around and grabbed my notebook, "here. Take a few pictures that way you just have it and can copy."

"Thank you!" she smiled as she sat down next to me. Alex and Jace walked back outside, "I just can't believe this is still real!" She looked around at everything, "like this is just insane. Your mom bought you an entire house."

"I know," I sighed, "I know. It doesn't seem right. I feel like I shouldn't be living here. I don't know. I feel bad that she spent all this money on me."

"I understand that," she nodded, "I would feel the same way, but she wouldn't have done this if she didn't love you. Don't get down on yourself too much and NOWWWW you don't have to worry about buying a house or renting or anything, you have this one."

"I don't know if I want to live down the street from his dad and from John," I shook my head, "It is nerve wracking."

"What about a cloaking spell on the house?" she asked.

I gasped and felt my eyes widen. A smile spread across my face, "oh my god I forgot all about that! Yes!"

"Do you need any help?" she asked, "it's pretty large, it might take a bit out of you."

"Sure," I smiled, "the five of us will be included in this. That way us five are the only five who can see it unless they're with us directly."

"Sounds perfect," she jumped up, "I will grab the boys and you go grab Justin."

I headed upstairs and knocked on the door, "hey kid, can I come in."

"Yeah," he said.

I opened the door and he was just sitting on the bed and looking out the window, "everything okay?"

"Right now? No," he shook his head, "also no in the grand scheme of things."

"Want to talk about it?" I asked him, "I'm sure I already know, but I can and will listen to you a million times if I have to. What you went through was horrible, but I promise you that I am doing everything I can to try and find them okay? Thursday we will go to your woods. It can be me and you or it can be all of us, but we will go there and I will try and find something to go off of. Okay?"

He turned around with tears falling down his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.

"Thank you," he whispered, "I'm sorry for getting so angry all the time. I have such a hard time controlling it."

"Well to be fair you haven't ever disrespected me," I sat back with a smile on my face, "you've only had a smart mouth with Jace."

"You found me and you didn't hurt me," he looked down, "you are the only person since that happened that hasn't had it out for me. Jace, he would have ripped me apart. I know he could, I know he's stronger but I also know I'm strong and I know I would have fought him. I would have fought you but your roar... it hurt my ears. It was so loud. I haven't heard any like that, not even my dads. He has the second loudest to you now."

I watched a small smile spread across his cheeks for half a second and I took the oppurtunity, "we will find them."

"And if they're dead?" he asked, "then I have no one."

"You'll have us. You will always have us. I know I'm only a few years older than you, but we are still family. We are still one of the same and I will always have your back. Always," I reassured, "but what if we find them and we get them away from wherever they are, safely, and then you are home with your true blood? Think positive. Now come on, lets go cloak the house."

We headed downstairs and by the time we got there Jessica had the circle set up and the candles lit. Me and Justin walked to the circle and I looked at Jace. His eyes were locked on Justins every movement. I waved my hand and his eyes moved to meet mine, I slowly squinted my eyes and he shut his. The five of us held hands.

"Et ignem hunc velant, et virtus placet, huic domui: quia alius potest abscondere hoc domui eius" I murmured aloud, "Et ignem hunc velant, et virtus placet, huic domui: quia alius potest abscondere hoc domui eius"

Jessica followed and I felt the breeze pick up around the room. My voice got louder and louder until finally the candles went out and we all opened our eyes.

"Did it work?" The three boys asked.

"Yes," I nodded, "it worked."

"Wait does this mean no one else can see this house?" Alex asked.

"Yes," I nodded, "unless they're with us."

"Does that mean this had a cloaking spell on it originally?" he asked, "because seriously remember me telling you that this house literally did not exist down here until a couple days ago when I came here for the first time."

"Then maybe it's been here the whole time?" I turned and grabbed my phone, "Cassie is a witch? Is that even possible?" I looked around at everyone, "of course it's possible. What am I talking about? I need to ask her about that right now." I dialed her number in my phone and it went straight to voicemail, "Mom, Cassie I need you to call me back asap." I put my phone back in my pocket.

"How could you not know?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "I should have been able to see it or at the very least sense it in her."

"My mom contained my powers in me when I was a child," Jessica jumped in, "she was able to hide them away and basically unlock them whenever she wanted. Is it possible to do it to yourself? Maybe not locking the magic away... but hiding the magic behind a closed door?"

I took off upstairs and grabbed my book of spells. I started flipping through the pages looking for any type of containment spell or anything that would be able to withhold ones powers, "aha! Okay, power sensing spell makes the presence of your abilities.. no that's not it. Okay power decrease this says... yes. Yes this one."

Mom: hey everything okay?

Me: call me

A few minutes later my phone started ringing and I answered it immediately, "hello?"

"Hello?" She said, "is everything okay?"

"Are you a witch?" I asked.

There was no sound on the other line.

"Hello?" I said again, "are you?"

"What made you ask that?" She questioned.

"This house wasn't here before the day you brought me here," I explained, "Alex said so."

"Okay," I heard her sigh, "yes. I am a witch. I am. I'm sorry I know I should have told you. I-

"You what?" I asked, "you could have stopped him." I felt the tears well in my eyes, "you could have stopped him!"

"I couldn't," she said quickly, "I couldn't! My powers are locked. I can only unlock them once a month and when I use my powers it hurts like hell. Like my body is in a ball of flames. When we decided on this house, I had the one you're in built. I unlocked and I cloaked the house. I built it immediately and put it under the spell. I didn't know what he was doing to you till recently Kira. I had no clue. I bought and built that house as a way for me and you to get out if we ever needed to. I'm so sorry Kira. I am so deeply sorry."

"It's okay," I shook my head, "it's okay but why hide it?"

"John," she said, "that and because I didn't choose this life and I really wish it wasn't part of me."

"You wish it wasn't part of you?" I asked her, "but why?"

"Because it's done nothing but bring me pain," she explained, "I have to hide it. I can't just use magic In public. I can't tell people because then the code breaks and sometimes bad things can happen from that. I just don't want to have to deal with it and I've been dealing with it for hundreds of years."

"Hundreds of years?" I asked her, "how old are you really?"

"I'm cursed with immortality Kira," she sighed, "so I am 634 years old. I turned 635 in two months but who's counting."

"Oh my god," I gasped, "really? And John?"

"All my life I've never been able to meet a man who is the same as me," she said, "they've been human, mortal and they die. Like I said it's done nothing but bring pain."

"Why are your cursed?" I asked, "what happened?"

"That's a story for a different time," she said tight lipped, "I have to go now Kira. I'm sorry."

She hung up the phone quickly and I just pulled it from my ear and looked at it, "I can't believe it. She's a witch."

I walked downstairs and everyone looked at me.

"She is," I nodded, "she's a witch and she did cloak the house before. She locks her powers, she said they only unlock once a month or something and if she used magic it hurts her. She said she was cursed with immortality. She's over 600 years old." 

"Holy shit," Justin laughed, "seriously?"

"Watch your mouth," Jace snapped his head to him. 

Justin glared at Jace for a few seconds and then looked back at me. 

"Yes," I nodded, "I am serious."

After we all ate dinner we went separate ways. Alex and Jessica went home, Justin went upstairs and finally it was just me and Jace. He sat close to me, "how was your day mi Amor?" 

"It was good my love," I smiled while leaning up and placing a kiss on his cheek, "how was your day?" 

"School was shitty," he sighed, "but other than that it's been pretty okay. I'm happy your day was good too. What exactly is the plan for tomorrow?" 

"Well you are set to go to the cave," I nodded, "Justin will be downstairs. He won't be able to leave and me... well, I will be in the house." 

"You won't be able to control it," he shook his head, "are you sure that's a good idea?" 

"I've been working on controlling my powers," I admitted, "I've been casting spells and constantly teaching myself how to read my own energy better." 

"So you are just winging it? Really?" he smiled. 

"Yeah basically," I nodded, "I won't know unless I try." 

"Fair enough," he kissed my forehead, "I am going to shower and then I am gonna lay down." 

"I am following you," I smiled, "I will do the same." 

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