✨Roger Taylor imagines✨

By one_hysterical_queen

13.5K 181 56

In which I write imagines because I'm bored and I'm a simp for Rog Under editing And yes they are trash More

Well this was very fun
Interview disaster
New girl
Fuck this shit im out
Groupie love
National Scandal
That morning
The ship of dreams
To the royals
Love is love dipshit

I've been waiting for you

670 14 7
By one_hysterical_queen

Heres another royal chapter for the reader and Roger because I'm addicted to writing them. Enjoy.


You stared at Diana and couldn't believe what you were looking at. She sat down beside you and hugged you.

Here was the situation. You just found out you were pregnant and you couldn't tell if you were happy or displeased. Roger and you had always talked about children and Felix wanting a sibling, but you didn't think it'd be this soon. You'd only been married for four months and now it was all coming all at once.

The first person you went to comfort was Diana, your brothers wife and the peoples princess, and your best friend aside from your husband. And right now you had to be with her, after all she had two boys.

You put the pregnancy test on the table and looked at her. "I don't know what to do." You mumbled fidgeting with your fingers. Diana just sighed and rubbed your back knowing this was something big.

"How long do you think you are?" She asked, her big blue eyes staring back at you.

"Maybe two months. I don't really know.... it's hard to tell." You chuckled, making her laugh too.

"How do you think Roger will feel?" She asked.

You shrugged. "I don't know. We've talked about having a child but it never really was a serious conversation." You said.

"I'm sure he'll be happy, just like everyone else." She smiled encouragingly. You nodded not knowing what to say.


You were walking around yours and Rogers house fixing up the dinner on the table and making everything just perfect, you also had a first aid kit in case Roger had a heart attack when you told him the news. It was stupid, but you felt like his dramatic ass would need medical attention when you told him.

It was about the minutes later when you heard the door open with a tiny 'hello.'

He walked in the kitchen, a smile on his face as he kissed your cheek. "Hello darling how're you today?" He asked sitting down at the table.

"It was fine, I cooked dinner. Thought the chefs might want to have a night of freedom." You chuckled lightly, the nerves eating you alive.

He nodded his head and picked up his fork looking at the delicious spaghetti. "I think everyone deserves a break at some point." He said then took a bite. He moaned and closed his eyes.

You chuckled a bit. "I guess you like the food then, huh?" Laughing at his reaction.

"Darling I don't like, I love it. Just like how I love you." He said kissing the back of your hand. You stared at him for a couple seconds then cleared your throat.

"Roger there's something important I have to tell you." You said in a serious tone, making him stop eating and look at you waiting for you to continue. "Before I tell you, I just want to say that even though we didn't plan it, keep in mind that this could be the greatest thing to ever happen to us...... Roger.... I'm uh, well I'm-"

"Just say it, it's fine." He encouraged.

"I'm pregnant." You said quietly. You don't know if he heard it, but from the way he was looking at you, it was clear he did. You felt guilt and concern flood through you, as you saw his face contort into different emotions.

He grinned and blanked a couple times. He stood up to hug you only to trip and fall on his butt. You quickly got done in the floor and checked to see if he was okay. He stopped your actions by grabbing your hands in his.

He kissed them and looked at you dreamily. "We're having a baby." He whispered, happiness evident in his voice. You nodded your head as he smiled softly coming to terms as to what was going to come alive in eight months. "How far along do you think you are?" He asked putting his hand on the very small bump.

"Maybe two months. I don't really know, might wanna check up with the doctor." You suggested. He got up and nodded like a soldier.

"Anything for my princess." He said going back to sitting at the table.

You giggled at the name. "Your princess?" You asked in amusement.

He nodded his head smiling proudly. "Of course. Coz y'know, you're the princess." He stated.

You nodded. "I know Rog, I know."

Eight months later

All Roger could hear was the nurses telling you to keep breathing until the doctor came, and you screaming from the pain.

"Just breathe ma'am, breathe." The nurse said calmly. There were a whole bunch of flashing lights due to the paparazzi being so close to the hospital, so they were trying to get a glimpse as to what was happening.

Another nurse came in and whispered something in the other ones ear. The first one nodded her head and looked at you.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to step out for a minute. There's something we need to take care of." She said, then looked at Roger. "Tell her to keep doing the breathing exercises, it helps with the contractions." She told him before rushing out for the room.

You had beads of sweat running down your face and Roger looking as though he might start freaking out was not helping you whatsoever.



"After this, I'm never letting your dick near my vagina ever again." You said, your eyes burning holes into his. If looks could kill, he'd be buried Six feet under by now.

Another contraction came making you scream in agony. Roger panicked and held your hand while going through the breathing exercises with you. A minute or two later the doctor finally came in with the two nurses.

"Sorry about that ma'am." He looked at the screen and smiled. "Ah it looks like you're ready to push." He stated making you go in a panicky mode.

"No, no, no. I can't do this." You said breaking down. You did not want to subject yourself to more pain than you were already having.

Roger just held your hand and looked at you. "Darling, aren't you excited to meet our daughter? Just wait. Freddie will spoil her rotten, John will give her some sarcastic humour and Brian can bore her with his weird science crap." He said in a hopeful tone trying to calm you down.

You chuckled and smiled sweetly at him before frowning and grabbing the collar of his shirt. "Roger I don't know if it has occurred to you that I'm the one giving birth to a human the size of a fucking watermelon." You said, your grip on his shirt tightening. You loosened your grip  when the doctor told you, you had to start pushing.

The pain started to get worse and worse the more you pushed. Your screams were getting louder and louder and Roger thought he was going to pass out from the sound. He came over and held your hand, but it felt like you were going to break it.

"Y/N darling? You're doing great. Just a bit more and then we can meet our daughter." He said, trying to calm you down but it only made it worse.

"Roger, shut up before I gut you like fish."  You seethed (I'm getting Loki vibes 😏). Roger nodded his head and then just stayed quiet.

A couple minutes later he heard a baby screaming. He looked over to the doctor who was cleaning the little human that you and Roger made. He looked down at you for confirmation that he can see the baby. You nodded your head and closed your eyes trying to calm down, and come to terms as to what happened.

"Would you like to cut the cord Mr. Taylor?" One of the nursed asked.

"Y-yeah, uh okay." He sounded unsure, but he was a father and he was going to do anything for this baby, even if it meant something as small as this. 

You could hear the snip of the scissors before your exhaustion took over. The last thing you heard was Roger telling you to rest and the cries of the baby.


You woke up to see Roger holding your daughter smiling down at her. You sat up a bit gaining his attention.

"Can I lay with you?" He asked. You nodded and patted the space beside you. He held your daughter in his arms with such care, making your heart melt. "What should we name her?" He asked.

You thought of a couple names but you weren't sure. Then a sudden idea popped into your head. "I know it's an old one, but what about Lilith?" You suggested. There was something so poetic about the name. You thought about the name 'Lilith Darling' one night for some reason, it just seemed beautiful.

Roger nodded liking the idea. "Alright Lilith it is. Lilith Diana Taylor." He said. You looked at him weirdly.

"Why Diana?"

"Because if it wasn't for her then we wouldn't have met." He said.

That was true.

Diana begged you to come to Live Aid with her and Charles. Your brother couldn't care less if you came or not, but being Diana's best friend meant going to public occasions together.

"Alright. Lilith Diana Taylor." You smiled, thinking about how it sounded. The name was a it out there as some would say, but it was the perfect name for yours and Rogers daughter.

Here's to Lilith Diana Taylor, princess and daughter of Y/N Taylor.

Okay so here's another imagine. I know it's  pretty crappy but I hope you liked it.

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