Total Drama Highschool

By xx_preppy_xx

116K 523 1K

Muskoka High is a new boarding school that recently graced all of Canada. For being as new as it is, its alre... More

Welcome to Muskoka

The First Night In

7.7K 207 424
By xx_preppy_xx

Leshawna POV:

"Yeah girl, I don't know my roommate hasn't even shown up yet.", I said over the phone, unpacking my things.

"Damn, do you think you got the double to yourself?", said Leshaniqua over the line.

"Girl, we'll see. That would be dope as hell."

"Mmmhmm. So what's the campus like overall?"

"I ain't gonna lie, these dorms are dumpy as HELL. I'll send pics to you. They look straight outta a summer camp."

"Ewe, are the showers there at least, yanno."

"We'll see, I gotta get there eventually. This humidity has not been good to the 'fro."

I heard the sound of keys jangling in the lock.

"OOOH girl, looks like the roomie is here.", I said, turning my attention to the door.

"Shiii girl, what she look like?"

Suddenly, the door swung open and in the threshold was a skinny white girl DRENCHED head to toe.

"EEK!", I shrieked.

"Oh damn! What's up Shaw? Is she whack? Spill the tea!", said Leshaniqua excitedly on the other line.

"Shaq, I gotta call you back.", I responded, ending the call and running up to the girl, "Sugar, what happened to you?"

"Mother nature.", she deadpanned, setting her luggage on the ground.

"Well shit hon, hold on.", I said, rushing over to my messy side of the room. I quickly found a towel and gave it to her, "Go take a shower, I can handle the room baby."

"But I need to-", she started.

"Baby girl, you are dripping all over this carpet.", I interrupted. She looked down, and sure enough, there was a puddle where she stood. 

She sighed in response and grabbed her backpack and headed to the shower. I smiled and shut the door behind her, throwing another towel down where she once stood.

I should probably unpack her things first, poor girl looks like she has had one HELL of a day. I unzipped her giant blue suitcase and started hanging up clothes. Let me tell you, it was a SEA of black. Black shirts, jeans, shorts, shorts, even bras and panties. There was the occasional navy thrown in  but damn, never seen anything more monotonous. After her clothes were all folded neatly and hung up, I got to making her bed. And yup, you guessed it. Everything. Was. Black. 

Just as I got done, I heard keys jangling and the door being thrown open.

"Wow, you work fast!", she said, walking in shocked.

"Oh girl I know I do! Ya feel better? You definitely look a little brighter.", I smiled at the pale girl.

"Yeah, thanks.", she walked up handing me the towel.

"Girl, I just realized I don't even know your name.", I laughed, sticking out my hand, "Leshawna Edwards."

"Gwen Fahlenbock.", she smirked, grabbing my hand. I quickly went with my instincts and started doing a handshake. And like chemistry, Gwen followed it perfectly.

"I can tell we're gonna get along JUST fine.", I laughed, causing her to smile at me, "So, why exactly were you all, well. I mean, what kinda situation were you put in where you just had to sit there and get soaked?"

"Well...", she started.

Gwen POV:


Owen and I sat together, waiting for our luggage. I learned two things about Owen in the short time I've known him. 

1) He enjoys food. His entire carry-on was filled with nothing but snacks, which he has almost finished the entirety of in thirty minutes.

and 2) He is way too excited about everything, especially this school. He even found a way to happy to wait an hour for luggage.

"WHOOOOO! I'm SO excited to be here!", he smiled, downing his fifth candy bar.

"I can really tell.", I said sarcastically, slouching in my seat. 

And just like that, I spotted it. My blue suitcase. I hurriedly went up to get it and returned to Owen.

"Well, I got everything. I guess we just got to wait for yours and we can leave."

"Oh, my luggage has been here the whole time! You know that tan one that has just been going around? I wanted to be polite and let you get your things before me! You know what they say, ladies first.", he smiled.

"You mean the tan suitcase airport security is currently taking away?", I pointed, bringing his attention to the two men lifting it away.

"Yes!", he gasped, getting up and running at the two men, "Wait, you guys! That's my bag!"


I continued to try to flag down a taxi while own sat on his luggage panting.

"I'm sorry Gwen, I didn't know accounting for my luggage meant it had to be on hand! I mean, I never let it out of my sight!"

"Don't worry about it, we're just gonna be late. I don't mind", I responded.

"Man, I really hope we don't miss dinner.", he sighed.

This boy just ate and ENTIRE suitcase of food, and he's already thinking about dinner?

The sound of thunder started to fill the air. I looked up to see a sky full of gray. Never did I think that my mom's umbrella she made me pack would come in use but I guess I thought wrong. Her over-preparedness paid off. I shuffled through my belongings, gently pulling out the black umbrella and setting it on the ground.

"GWEN LOOK!", screamed Owen, running over. And in the process, running over my umbrella. Conveniently snapping it in half.

"We got a taxi! YEAH MAN! Our luck is turning!", he said, excitedly running to the yellow cab.

"One of ours.", I muttered, following him in.

Before any of us knew it, it started pouring. And I mean LITERALLY pouring. The roads were filled with so much rainwater it looked like a stream. Suddenly, our driver slammed on the breaks, sending Owen and I into the backs of the seats.

"Hey! What gives?!", I said, rubbing my head.

"Cars in front of us got in a wreck.", he responded. I looked out the window and sure enough, car pieces were flowing down the river that was the road.

"Great, just great.", I said sarcastically, leaning back.

Owen looked down at his watch and shrieked, "It's 5:47! They stop serving dinner at 6:30!"

Of course, his priority is still dinner. 

"You guys are looking for that boarding school right?", asked the driver, making the two of us nod, "If I recall, it should be just a couple of blocks east. I don't know how long it will take to clear the wreck but-"

"Oh man, you are totally awesome! Thanks for the ride!", smiled Owen, handing him some cash before going outside the car.

"Owen! What are you doing?", I yelled over the loud sounds of thunder.

"Gwen, we can't miss dinner! Let's go!", he grabbed our things from the trunk and started heading east.

I sighed, "Yeah, definitely out of luck."


After what seemed like forever of walking , we finally made it to the campus. I attempted to use my suitcase as a shield from the rain, but it didn't prove to be useful at all. We entered the main building to find the check-in station, which seemed to have also gotten a lot of the brunt from the rain.

You could here distinct sloshing as we approached the girl behind the table.

"Rain did it's damage?", she asked, looking down at what looked like a PDA.

"You tell me.", I deadpanned, causing her to look up and let out an "eep." You could see puddles from where Owen and I approached the table, and the giant one that was currently accumulating where we stood. 

"Last names?", she hurriedly asked, setting down her device.



You could see her attempting to read the ink-splotched names, Owen decided to get a closer look by towering over her. Drops of water fell from his drenched head onto the paper. Her eyebrow started to twitch with annoyance.

"Mr. Wilson, right?", she asked, in a clearly fake nice tone.

"Yeah man!"

"Can you PLEASE not stand over me while I'm trying to read? It's very...distracting."

"Yeah sure, sorry man."

"Thank you."

After a few minutes of silence, she suddenly chirped up, "Ah, Gwendolyn and Owen! Alright you guys. Here are your guys' swag bags! With them is your room key, class schedule, and map of the school. Welcome to Muskoka!"

"It's 6:25! I can still make it to dinner!", said Owen before facing me. "Nice meeting you Gwen, see you around!"

Owen sprinted away, while I made my way outside. I pulled out my map and tried to figure out where the girls' dormitory was. Mistake on my part, the rain immediately ruined the map making it impossible to decipher.

"Awesome.", I grumbled under my breath, trying to straighten the soiled piece of paper. And just like that, the rain suddenly stopped. I looked up and was met by a pair of warm, green eyes.

"What are you looking for?"

A boy was holding an umbrella over our heads, and smiling brightly. I swear, I could feel my heart skip a beat.

"Uh, the girls' dorm?", I said meekly.

"Oh, it's just over there," , he pointed, "I can walk you there if you want."

I smiled in response, "That would actually be really cool of you."

"Alright, awesome man.", he said, still holding the umbrella over me as we walked over.

"My name's Trent by the way.", he said with a smooth voice.


"Ooh, sounds mysterious. I don't think I've ever met a Gwen before."

"You know, you're the second person to tell me that today."

"Guess Gwen's a rare name, huh."

"You could say so."

"So Gwen, is it your first year here at Muskoka?"

"Yeah, wonder how you could tell.", I responded, earning laughter as a response, "What about you?"

"Unfortunately, no."


"Yeah, I don't really know how out of the blue this school got the rep it has. It's...not very good to say the least."

"Oh, perfect."

"No, I mean it's good in it's own ways. This school definitely has a personality. And the people here are pretty cool. I mean, they're the reason I keep coming back."

"Guess I'm just gonna have to trust you huh?"

"Seems like it.", I smiled up at him.

"Do you happen to be going to orientation tomorrow?"


"Who's your leader?"

I grabbed my folder and whipped out the paper with first week info, and sure enough there was my OL. 

"Trenton Fleckman?"

"Cool, I guess I'll be seeing more of you tomorrow."

"Ah, so Trent is short for Trenton."

He shrugged in response, "Trent flows better."

"I get it, Gwen is short for Gwendolyn."

"Nice", he stopped, "Well, looks like we're here. I would try to show you where you room is but guys aren't allowed in the girls' dorms."

"You've helped me enough, thanks. I really appreciate it.", I smiled.

"No problem, I mean, you looked so confused. I couldn't just leave a girl as pre- I mean you know, I just can't leave a troubled person alone in the pouring rain.", he blushed looking away.

"See you tomorrow, Trent."



"Girl, so what you're telling me is you already found a hottie on day one. He was hot, right?", quizzed Leshawna, staring at me intently.

"I mean, I didn't really notice.", I blushed, trying to turn away from her gaze.

"Meaning he was a hunk and a half? Whooo mama!," , she smiled, grabbing my shoulders, " You best be giving me some of that luck."

Abruptly, the sound of knocking filled the room. Leshawna removed her hands from my shoulders and went up to open the door. Behind it was a blonde girl in a sleek red dress.

"Hi ladies, Gwen and Leshawna right?", she smiled, placing a hand on her hips.

"That's what the door says, doesn't it?", retorted Leshawna sassily. 

"Well, all girls need to come down to the game room ASAP. We're figuring out wing arrangements!"

"Alright.", responded Leshawna, slamming the door on the blondes face. She then let out a long sigh, "Is it just me, or does this day need to end already?"

Zoey POV:

"What do you think this is all about?", I asked Dawn, getting a shrug in response.

"I can't read anything, but looks like we'll figure it out sooner than later."

Dawn is my new roommate, and boy I couldn't be luckier. We seemed to click immediately. We have similar interests, passions, and are into all the same quirky niches. We even have similar tastes in music. The one off-putting thing was Dawn can apparently...


"Read auras?", I questioned, "what does that mean?"

"Well, everyone has a certain energy around them, an energy that emanates feelings, thoughts, etc.", she said, positioning her crystal collection on her shelf.

"So, you can read minds?", I raised my brow, making her laugh in response.

"No, I can read you based off of what your aura says.", she turned to me, "for example, right now your aura is orange, meaning you are confused."

I giggled in response, "You got that right."


We get down to the game room to see a room full of girls. Old friends reuniting, new girls mingling. It was a room full of smiles and laughter. 

"Hey Dawn! Let's go talk to the other girls!", I said excitedly, looking to the petite blonde.

She however did not look as excited. She looked at the floor nervously, twiddling her thumbs.

"I don't know...I might just stay here.", she said meekly.

"Why? This is the perfect opportunity to get to know everyone, make some new friends. it'll be fun!", I smiled.

"I'm not good with...making friends."

"Dawn that isn't true!", I said, grabbing her hand, "after all, we became friends so fast!"

She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

 "You got Dawn, let's go!"


I dragged her to a group of girls who were hanging out in the corner.

"And then he like, chipped her nail! Oh my god it was so horrific. Luckily he was able to fix it! But I would just like never go back.", said a blonde girl to her black haired friend. Said friend was filing her nails and hardly seemed to be paying attention.

"Wow Lindsay, that is SO interesting! Please continue.", she responded sarcastically.

"Yeah, Lindsay! You have such amazing stories! I wish my life was that interesting!", smiled a brunette girl with glasses.

"Really? Wow! I have so many salon stories, I could go on all day!", responded Lindsay, making the black-haired girl groan.

"Hey!", I interrupted, "do you mind if we join in?"

The eyes of of four girls turned towards Dawn and I, as I gulped. Maybe I approached the wrong crowd?

"Totally!", smiled a girl with purple hair, quickly running to us, "My name's Sierra! I am so excited to be here! Did you know the coordinator of this school is THE one and only Chris McClean? The retired reality star from the 90's! Oh my god, my mom and I are the BIGGEST fans! I-"

"Sierra, you don't want to overwhelm them.", said the brunette reassuringly.

"Sorry!", smiled Sierra, "I'm just so joyous EEK!"

"My name is Beth!", smiled the brunette, "And this is my roommate Izzy!"

She gestured to her right, yet there was no one there, making Beth quirk a brow.

"I swear, she was just-"

"AH HAH! I GOT YOU NOW!", we heard screaming across the room, bringing our attention to a buff brunette cornering a smirking ginger girl.

"Oh so you think, Explosivo doesn't think so!", cackled the ginger maniacally, before throwing something on the ground. Smoked then surrounded the girl and before you knew it, she was gone.

"IZZY!", growled the brunette in frustration, "you can't keep stealing my MP3! I need my music!"

"There's crazy girl!", smirked the black-haired girl, "Beth, why don't you go check up on your dear roomie?"

Beth frowned and dropped her head, before walking over to where Izzy once stood. The black-haired girl then turned her eyes to Dawn and I with a cold stare. I quickly smiled in turn.

"Well, my name is Zoey! And this is my roommate Dawn!", I gestured to Dawn, who just gave a small smile and wave.

"Heather.", responded the black-haired girl. 

"I'm Lindsay! Nice to meet you Zaylie and Donna!", responded Lindsay, making Heather roll her eyes. 

"'s Zoey and Dawn.", I corrected, making Lindsay gasp.

"I am like SO sorry, names are TOTALLY not my thing!", she responded.

"Don't worry about it! But yeah, its awesome to meet you guys!", I said sticking out my hand, only for Heather to scoff and turn away.

"I don't have time for this.", she said, walking away. 

"EXCUSE ME?!", I said, very offended.

"Hello girls! I think everyone is accounted for!", said the blonde girl in the red dress, bringing all eyes towards her, "My name is Blainley, and I'm the Area Coordinator for the girls' dormitory and all female clubs! So, welcome to Muskoka, I hope you are all enjoying your first night here. We'll be meeting down here at 7 p.m. every Sunday to do dorm activities and competitions bring you guys all together! It's something we do here at Muskoka to keep everything interesting. Each semester we do a competition to encourage students to do better. You will be in two groups, your floor in your dorm, and then a larger co-ed group that you'll be introduced to at orientation tomorrow. So for now, floor one girls go to the left, floor two in the middle, and floor three to the right."

"Oh, we're all floor one! See you later Zyla and Dani!", waved Lindsey goodbye.

"Zoey and Dawn.", I murmured under my breath. Dawn and I then walked over to girls on the third floor, who seemed to already be bickering.

"TELL me this is a mistake, I refuse to be working with you again!", said a tan girl with huge hair.

"Please, you think I want anything to do with you diva?", said a blonde girl in sweatpants, making the other girl scoff.

"Whatever, you just better not make us lose again this year.", she the turned over to Dawn and I.

"Floor 3?", she asked, causing us both to nod, "Anne Maria, this is Jo."

She cringed pointing at the blonde in sweatpants. Jo simply rolled her eyes and flipped her the bird. Suddenly, two other girls approached. One was a blonde dressed head to toe in pink, and the other was a brunette also dressed in pink.

"And my great great great great great great", chattered the brunette while the blonde girl let out an "ugh" before plugging her ears.

"I think that's all six of us.", said Jo standing up, "My name is Jo."

The blonde unplugged her ears, "Dakota, and this is my roommate Staci." Staci was still rambling on about her great great something or other. 

"Well, cool to meet you all I guess. Just so we have a chance of victory this year, I will be taking over as captain of the floor.", said Jo.

"Since when were we electing captains?", I whispered to Dawn, earning a shrug in response.

"Uh, since when?", said Anne Maria, snapping her fingers in a "z" formation.

"Yeah, don't we like live in a democracy?", said Dakota, putting her hands on her hips.

"I can already tell that I'm the most qualified out of everyone here, we aren't gonna be losing this year!", said Jo.

"Look lady, you don't even know me. I am Dakota Milton! My daddy will SUE if there is anything that I don't approve of!", said the blonde.

"You think that's gonna scare me off blondie?", argued Jo.

"I know for a fact I'd be ten TIMES the better leader.", said Anne Maria, putting her hands on her hips.

"Actually, leadership runs in my family! My great great great great..."

The four just then started to get all in each other's face about who should be "captain." I looked over to Dawn who was already meditating to drown out the situation. I sighed and placed my head in my palms. Then, I saw Blainley walk by.

"Uh, Ms. Blainley?", I asked, bringing her attention to me.

"What's up kid?"

"I was just wondering, do the boys have to do this too?"

"Of course! Everyone in the school does!"

Huh, I wonder if theirs was going any better than ours.


"Speech, speech, speech!", we chanted as we lifted Geoff on top of a chair.

"Dudes, dudes, dudes! All I gotta say is I'm totally honored you all would trust me like this.", he said.

It was a  unanimous decision to make Geoff the captain of the floor 1 boys. Geoff was my best friend at this school, aside from Bunny of course. Man, we've been through thick and thin, all the torture this dang principal makes us go through. But I got my brotha to make sure I keep going. 

We were the only veterans of this school, the rest of the dudes on our floor were new. There was Ezekial, who had never been to a public school in his life let alone a boarding school, Harold, a nerdy dude who says "gosh" an obsecene amount, Tyler, an apparent athlete, and finally this scary dude named Duncan. Duncan man, don't get me started. In the short time we've been him, he's already made Harold pee his pants AND give him a monster wedgie. But who knows, maybe he'll turn things around.

"But, before accept this radical position, I need to give thanks to my brother, who taught me who to let loose and let it all out!", said Geoff, before letting out another gnarly burp. This resulted in us starting to cheer again.

"I'm going back to my room.", sulked Harold, still trying to recover from Duncan's wedgie, "I need to sleep before orientation."

"Pft, of course you'd go to orientation.", mocked Duncan.

"Whoa bro, are you not gonna go?, asked Geoff.

"Why would I? It just sounds like a big waste of time.", shrugged the delinquent.

"Nah bro, you gotta go. I mean, Geoff and I even need to pop up later.", I said.

"Brickhouse, lemme tell you something.", he said, slinging an arm over my shoulder, "When they say you HAVE to go, it's always optional."

"Nah, you figure out what your bigger team is for the year! Plus,", Geoff said, looking around cautiously before starting to whisper, "I'm arranging a wicked party at the shack."

"The shack?", he questioned.

"I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. Plus, from what I remember orientation was super fun! Hey, who's your orientation leader by the way dude?", asked Geoff.

The delinquent then reached into his pocket the pull out a crumpled up ball of paper. It turned out to be his schedule, doesn't he know you're gonna need that later.

"Courtney Barlow?"

"Oh man, Court is super cool. She runs around with Geoff and I!", I smiled, patting Duncan on the back.

"You've totally met her! She was the one running the check-in booth.", exclaimed Geoff, making Duncan wide-eyed. A devilish grin then appeared on his face.

"Oh really?", he questioned.

"Yeah, it'll be fun!", reiterated the blonde. With the same questionable grin plastered on his face, he crumpled back up the paper and shoved it in his pocket.

"Well, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow.", smiled Duncan, walking away.

"Cool, bye dude!", smiled Geoff before turning to me, "whatdya think of him?"


"Yeah, I think he seems pretty fun."

"Geoff, mans went to juvie. We don't even know why he got sent there. What if he murdered someone?"

"Pftt,", brushed off Geoff, "you're overthinking it! He was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Uh huh.", I said, an unamused look on my face.

"Come on bro, let's go back to the room.", smiled Geoff as we walked back.

As excited as I was for tomorrow, I felt like it was gonna be a mess. Guess I'll figure it out soon enough.

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