Just My Luck

By Rhyeker

7.1K 408 17

Veryan was unlucky. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Making enemies everywhere he went. He tried... More

Author's note
1○ Unlucky
2○ Ducks
3○ Temporary Solution
4○ Food
5○ Xavier
6○ Diner Discussions
7○ Torrez
8○ Parking Lot
9○ Future
10○ Late
12○ Spear Up The Ass
13○ Spared Up The Ass
14○ What a pain in my ass
15○ Hobbies
16○ A Retelling
17○ Familiar Eyes
18○ Eyes On Me
19○ An Accumulation Of Sleepless Thoughts
20○ A Mess
21○ Silence
22○ A Morning After
Author's Note
23○ Pressure
24○ What A Pair

11○ Disobeying Rules

240 20 0
By Rhyeker


"It's never too late." Oh but it is. Now I won't have a chance to reject him after he told the biggest blabber mouth that we're mates. Xavier loves to gossip, he loves to sell secrets. Hopefully no one would pay the price for mine.

My eventful morning passed with Landon tossing me bandages and feeding me more slush from his desolate fridge then left me to whither, confined to his bedroom in this dusty old house.

"Do not leave this room. Do not touch anything. Do not draw attention to yourself. Or I will chain you up." That's what he said. Unluckily for him, I like to be chained up.

That was one of Xavier's many techniques in attempt to subdue my behaviour. To his dismay, but my pleasure, I developed a liking to it.

Next to my stuffy nose and my horrid eyesight, my sense of hearing was all I had left at the moment while I waited for my wolf blood to heal me. I listened to the sound of Landon leaving to go frolicking, or rather somberly walking, to wherever jackasses like him went, before I disregarded everything he told me earlier.

Once I heard his heavy footsteps out the door, I left the room to touch everything and draw attention to myself.

I trudged through the empty corridors filled with dirt and rotting walls. What a miserable house. The wall paper was a dull yellow stretching into infinity.
Neverending dust bunnies gathered at the corners; cobwebs barricading the windows. The rooms were barren, mirroring the corridors.

What did Landon not want me to touch? There was nothing to touch. I had already lost myself in this maze of walls and rooms which all looked the same.

I wandered to a door, cracked and splintered, but the air around seemed to still. Small shadows leaked out the door which was slightly open. No sounds could be heard from the other side.

My instincts warned me of what could be behind the door, but one person I could never trust was myself. I opened the door. I should've trusted my instincts.

Beady eyes stared at me.

A dark haired man, approximately Landon's size stalked towards me with a grin like a knife.

I backed away.

"What do we have here? You saw me for one second and you're already scared of me?" He laughed.

Those beady eyes stared at me, "Not you dingus, well maybe your terrible dye job, but the duck," I whispered, "The duck."

"The what?" He scratched his stubble.

"The duck sitting on the guy attached to tubes and a heart monitor. The duck on the guy who looks like he's in a coma with unstable vitals. Really, check his heart rate or something." I backed away from the room, the duck still staring at me, sitting on the unconscious man.

The dark haired man turned back to the scene and picked the duck off its squatting place.

"Marco?" He brought it towards me, "This small thing?" He laughed again, brown eyes crinkling at the corners.

I backed away. He laughed more.

"Get it away from me idiot!"

"You're scared of ducks?"

"I'm not fond of them," I said, turning away.

"Like my stupid brother. How pathetic!" He dropped the beast at my feet and I jumped into his arms to avoid contact with it.

Faintly, in his grip, I smelt something familiar. I sniffed his neck more, willing my stuffy nose to vanish. He tried to push me off, I leaned deeper into his scent. He smelt like a far away home like someone I'm supposed to know like....

I heard a door open. Footsteps bounced off the walls towards us.

The man pushed me off him, throwing me to the ground, worsening my bruises from this morning.

"Don't tell anyone about me. If you do, I'll know and hunt you down then stick a spear up your little ass." With that he sprayed a sticky spray into the air and returned into the room, locking the door behind him.

From the corner turned little Nicoletta looking like a neon green jolly rancher with hair.

"Landon told me to check that you were still in the room and not touching anything or drawing attention to yourself."

I got up and leaned against the door, "I'm clearly following all the dipshit's orders."

Nicoletta eyed me as she picked up her beast off the ground and snuggled it into her chest.

"Did you go into the room?"

"No." I don't know what compelled me to lie, maybe it was the threat of a spear up my ass, but it wouldn't have been the first time a spear went up my ass.

"Good. Alpha Landon would combust if you went in there."

"Combust? Interesting." Maybe if I told him he'd be the one to spare me up the ass.

She eyed me again then led me down the hall towards the door.

"I'm not supposed to let you go outside, but frankly I don't care," she opened the door.

"Huh, you're my kind of woman," I placed my elbow on her head.

She pushed my hand off as if I were a fly, "Sorry, I'm into chicks."

I couldn't resist, "You mean ducks?"

She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to go outside practically pushing my body out as if I were a flaming bowl of kernel seeds.

Into Landon's chest I went, nose first. He stared at me, like he always did, then pulled me up to his face burying himself in my neck. I squirmed at his touch.

"Dude!" I couldn't help but laugh at the sensation, "I'll kill you, stop it!"

Still buried in my neck he said, "First of all, don't call me dude. Second of all, you can't kill me. Third of all, where is Tate?"

"First off all, I do what I want. Second of all, I can kill you. Third off all, who's Tate?"

"My brother." His face still didn't leave my neck. My skin quickly adjusted to his breath.

A brother? That dingus I met earlier didn't quite match Landon. He resembled him as much as Landon resembled a cesspool.

In that case, they did look alike.

"I didn't know you had a brother..." My neck felt odd as Landon removed his face and stared into my eyes.

"You said you wouldn't lie to me Veryan. Tell me where he is."

"You know I don't follow rules and I don't know where your fucking brother is dude." Landon dropped me to the floor. My ass is probably bruised from the multitude of times I was dropped on the floor today alone.

"Fine." he sighed, "Nicoletta, finish the thing outside. I'll find him myself." Yet he hauled me upstairs with him, dragging me by the collar.

"If I find him here Veryan," he said through his teeth on the brink of anger, "I'll stick a spare up your ass."

[A/N: I seem to be executing my ideas for this book terribly, but please bare with me. Thanks for reading.]

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