Reborn As A Civilization!?

Av iselix

11.3K 285 193

The man typed vigitiously through out the night, seeking to complete the next chapter of his web novel but as... Mer

Chapter 1 Reborn As a Civilization!?
Chapter 2 - A Father A Son And An Inherited Will
Chapter 3 A Weird Elf
Chapter 4 Civvy and Elise
Chapter 6 Friendship!?
Chapter 7 The Tale Of Some Weirdos
Chapter 8 An Odd Circumstance
Chapter 9 She's A Moron
Chapter 10 She's A SIMP!
Chapter 11 A Distant Memory Fading
Chapter 12 The First Expedition
Chapter 13 - We are just building
Chapter 14 - Sword
Chapter 15 Precipice Of Krieg (War)
Chapter 16 Flamie's Destiny
Chapter 17 Forest Trip 2
Chapter 18 Sword Match
Chapter 19 Epic Sword Battle 😲😱
Chapter 20 Let's spy on some people!!
Chapter 21 Here's The Main Character? /Also Update
Chapter 22 A Total Psy-op
Chapter 23 Literally half of this chapter is STRENG GEHIM
Chapter 24 I got rickrolled
Chapter 25 Heaven Marches
Chapter 26 A Bit Of Girl Talk
Chapter 27 Against ALL DECEIVERS
Chapter 28 1/2 I've Ought To Look Cool!
Chapter 28 2/2 I've Ought To Look Cool
Chapter 29 Can I Join Your Cool Secret Organization!?
Chapter 30 Follower Of The Great Trial!?
Chapter 31.1
Chapter 31.2
31. Three
Cool developments I'd like to see 8/28
To Serve You Once Again...

Chapter 5 Let's Learn About This World Some More!

444 16 10
Av iselix


A golden panel appeared as the blue panel disappeared.

Role Settler has been assigned to Elise.

A golden light shined from the tent.

"Civvy did you do something?"

"I did, I did, no need to worry."

Elise smiles at Civvy, then looks away with a blush on her face.

Civvy leaves the tent, and floats over to the river bed.

'Maybe she thought of me as a pervert, welp I should actually do something productive.'

Civvy has reached level 3!

You have unlocked a new skill Soulchromacy.

Level 1

Exp 0/500

Description: This skill is the evolved version of spirit vision, and other allowing it's user to see spirits/souls, which is seen in an outline. This skill allows for it's users to detect the willpower, and mood around a person based on the particles emitted from an individual.

Willpower refers to one's willingness to struggle.

Willpower is shown as silver particles. Individuals with more willpower than others will be shown with more silver particles.

This skill can be deactivated or activated at any time.

'Well, this skill is pretty op. Time to test it out.'

Civvy floated towards Elise and used the skill that is Soulchromacy.

A shifting lime green outline appears around the chromatically colored Elise, as several silver particles flow up and down her hair.

'I should get my vision skill up, if I want to see color. At least I can make a distinction between the 'silver particles' and the background.'

"What's wrong Civvy. Do you want me to sing to you or something." She laughed.

'Deactivate Soulchromacy.'

"Elise, earlier I assigned you something called Settler, and I've wondered if you are aware of it."

"Of course! The golden panel made of aware of it."

"That's good to know. Now I'm going off to do some things."

"Civvy make sure to return before 5!"

"Alright! Elise, I will be back and I will not sink into lava like that one huge metal dude!"

She stared blankly at Civvy, after not having gotten that Terminator reference.

The two stare at one another awkwardly.

"I'm gonna be leaving now." Proclaimed Civvy.

Civvy had left the tent and began to contemplate future action.

'If I were to ever develop into an actual civilization with cities, should I just base my people around this river? Well it would be a good idea since Rivers provide Irrigation, Fish, a means of transport, clothes washing, and quite a lot really. However I do not know about the politics of this region."

Vision has reached level 2!

You may now see in color!

Color took form in Civvy's once chromatic vision.

'Finally I got the civ 739282 color dlc for 20 cheez bucks! Woohoo! Sid Meir's great grand-grand-grand something grand will finally get my cash. Seriously criminal. Dropdead criminality.'

A disorganized mess of thoughts probably influenced by mental illness sparked in Civvy's mind(?)

'Wait should I try out that gardening skill?'

Civvy floated over to a tree.

'Gardening do your stuff!'

A red panel appeared and displayed a response to this action.

This is a tree not a plant. Gardening is for plants. Stupid.


Civvy then floated down to a flower out of the tree's shade.


Civvy's vision had changed from the sight of this red flower with blue stems with a lot of grass in the background to a void with only the red flower with blue stems.

Two graphics showed up. At the top had been a rectangular box, and to the bottom had been another rectangular box.

The top box had read out the word "Fyilis Latiorum" which had probably been the name of this odd red flower.

The box at the bottom read out 'Information'.

Civvy then navigated to 'Information' and the vision changed once more.

Now displaying a set of information pertaining to this "Fyilis Latiorum" it's discoverer, date of discovery, some information about it's discoverer, suitable biomes, biomes which it is often found in, maximum height of this flower species, maximum width of this flower species...

Quite a lot of information, but one section had been of interest to the civilization.

Photosynthetic magic particles.

'Wait... Is magic the result of photosynthesis producing magic particles?!'

A red panel had displayed.

User does not have enough authority to get a response to this question...

'Seems like I got to learn a lot.'

Civvy exits the interface of the Gardening skill, reappearing in the same spot.

The formless civilization sinks into the ground.

'Oh. I can fade into things.'

The formless civilization sinks deeper into the ground and into a cave.

The formless civilization stopped as a sparkle gleamed through the darkness.

The formless civilization would have gotten lost or off track if not for the red sparkle which had guided it's path.

'Is this a gem? A ruby? Wait wasn't the largest ruby on Earth like 8 to 9 pounds, and like the length from my elbow to my shoulder. This dude is massive!'

The ruby (?) formation stood about 6 or 7 feet or perhaps even higher considering that it pierced the ceiling of the cave, and maybe even longer since it seemed to be embedded into the ground.

"Screeeeeh" A noise echoed from deeper within the cave.

'What's that noise.' The civilization began to panic.

Some flapping echoes from deeper within the cave.

'I could explore but the glow from the ruby isn't that good for looking. Guess I should go deeper.'

The civilization sinks through the layers of stone and sediment.

While sinking the civilization comes across what appears to be a fossil of what appears to be a large pterodactyl.

Wait no a dragon!

'It wouldn't be a fantasy world if it didn't have a dragon...'

The civilization sinks deeper into the crust and enters another cave network, and seeing quite a lot of lava fountains.

'If I ever get a physical form and go mining hopefully I won't drop my diamonds in the lava.'

The civilization sinks deeper into the orange magma and is not phased by the blistering heat of the magma, being formless and all.

The civilization sinks deeper into the magma, however the magma is being replaced by a blue colored liquid.

Had it been really hot magma colored blue or just some water, the civilization did not have an answer.

Sinking deeper into the water (?) the civilization comes across what could be assumed to be a sapphire ice capsule.

'What the? Is this a god? Or like some hero vanished to the core of the Earth?'

The civilization sinks deeper into the water, which had now been replaced by ice.

Now at the core of the world, the civilization came across a stone formation with runic inscriptions.

'Is this a teleporter or something like that! I'm not going in there.'

The civilization accelerates to the surface and returns to the tree in a matter of minutes.

'I don't think I would want to teleport to Hyperborea or Agartha, or even Gulp! BRAZIL! I don't want to go to Brazil! Ah sorry if your Brazilian.'

'I'm definitely done adventuring for now! Time to look back over the day.'

The formless civilization laid it's back (Or well what would be a back) onto the ground, gazing at the cleary blue skies and the white heavenly clouds floating about so peacefully and uneventfully.

'So far it seems like being in this foreign world for half a month is quite eventful, but do ignore the part where I wasted two weeks. Speaking of which, what did I do even during that time. I don't remember doing anything. *Sigh* Only if I could actually sigh. From fainting during writing, to appearing in a blank dark void, to having some other cheat system plot armor thing, to watching a father and his idiot son who doesn't even know how to fight a goblin. Speaking of which, where even is that kid? I completely forgot about him after seeing Elise, the beautiful beautiful which I would have married, if not for the fact I have no form, and that she's a perverted corrupt lolicon! Totally forgot about that. Hopefully I'm not having dementia, or maybe things are going way too fast and eventful. Well guess while I have thinking time I might as well come up with one great ambition to fulfill while here."

Continuing to look at the white heavenly clouds which had taken many forms; A kite, a shield accompanied by a sword, and a cloud that had taken the form resembling the German Empire!?!

'Wait is that the German EMpiRE in the shape of a cloud! Damnn those Krauts must have sent me here. Those German Empire like shapes must be spying on me or something! Hopefully someone is protecting my fishies from the krauts.'

'It must be nice to... Well exist, and that's good for me.'

--- End of chapter


Name: Civvy

Race: Migratory Civilization

Level 3

Exp 97/160

--- Also going to make a spreadsheet of all these damn skills

Skills (14?)


Level 1

Exp: 45/500

One year = 1 base EXP

Acquired in chapter 1


Level 2

Exp: 42/1000

Base EXP gain per minute: 0.7

Acquired in chapter 2


Level 1

Exp: 0/200

Base EXP per use: Unknown (Never used yet)

Acquired in chapter 2


Level 1

Exp: 218/500

Base EXP gain per minute: 1.3

Acquired in chapter 2

Subtle Influence

Level 1

Exp: 50/500

Base exp gain per use: 10

Acquired in chapter 2

Spirit Sight

Level EX.

Acquired in chapter 4


Level 1

Acquired in chapter 4

Elven Language

Level EX.

Acquired in chapter 4

Increased Stamina

Level 1

Skill can evolve

Acquired in chapter 4


Level 1

Exp 10/500

Inventory slots 20

Item slot cap at 9999

Inventory slots will increase with levels.

Acquired in chapter 4


Level 1 (Un-enhanced with other perception skills)

Exp 0/500

Acquired in chapter 4

Basic Fire Magic

Level 1

Exp 0/500

Skill will evolve at level 10, and 100% of level 10 exp.

Acquired in chapter 4


Level EX.

Does not level up, but features will increase.

Acquired in chapter 4


Level 1

Exp 0/500

Acquired in chapter 5


Formless body

Peak brain capacity (peak by metric of your prior life)






Q: Why did you have Civvy become so unambitious.

A: To prevent Civvy from annihilating the world. Like there's a lot of plot armor.

Q: As a member of the "I am so offended community" Community I am offended by the fact that you had made offensive jokes about Brazil, and Germans. Don't you know that my aunt is a friend of a girl who has a German grandfather whose's cousin is Danish!



A: Kind-a stupid, now go back to crying on Twitter.

Q: Why do you portray so many people in your Q&A as woke angry assholes?

A: Because they will probably take issue with what the civilization will do, since well the actions are based upon reality, and sooner or later they will go wryyyyyyyy. And because it is funny.

Q: Thoughts on polygamy?

A: Based, legalize it.

Q: Are you actually capable of meaningful civilized discussion?

A: Yes.

Q: Then what's the meaning of life.

A: It isn't a one size fits all. It is a word referring to the living! And a sets of letters involving L I F E

Q: How long have you studied civilizations?

A: Maybe 3 or 4 years. I didn't read like some 5000 pages of why the HFUaFHUuhd people died out, but instead I watch alternate history youtubers like Monsieur Z (OR however that is spelt) Alt History Hub, Fire of Learning, Dovvhatty (based) Extra History/ Extra Credits (back when they weren't like There you are playing your favorite ww2 shooter and all of the sudden your a nazi! You didn't ask for this, You didn't chose this..!)  What if alt his (AXIAL AGE RELIGIONS) and quite a lot of "Mappers" (Search that up if you wish to be enlightened)

Q: Did you have any particular inspiring dream before writing this story and losing your soul, dignity, and humanity.

A: I wanted to make some plot armor mapping thing. It would basically be a counter culture to the regular old mapping stuff in which there's a lot of common tropes, cringe country dialogue, Bad borders, plot is basically bad strong beat small good weak, then get beat by good stronger. which is then repeated multiple times. My series would have been this one character with a ton of plot armor BTFO'ing Russia, then China during the third world war, the final war, then basically having the world submit to them 4 years later. Then conquering the universe over literally one thousand year, then disappearing. It is basically 40K on crack. But on the other hand it is really good.

Also sorry if your bogged down by the enthusiasm in this section. Sorry. Also thank you for reading to the end of this story! I am very thankful for the fact that you have devoted time to reading my work whether you think it's a burning pile of shit, boring or a masterpiece!

I'm just glad to have you here! We do a little thanking the community, and a little lengthening out the end just to get your story to an arbitrary number mark.

If you like what I have made make sure to create an account for whatever site your on, and vote/favorite/upvote and comment so I know that there are people supporting this series!

Thank you 300 iq giga chads!

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