OP Neptunia Male Reader Book...

By TrapMaster20

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(Didn't I Say to Make my Abilities Average in The Next Life x OP Neptunia Male Reader) After Y/n, Rom, Ram... More

1 - Where am I?
2 - The Kingdom of Tils
3 - The Hunt for the Childnappers
4 - The Start of Hunters' Prep
5 - First Quest and Reunion of Reincarnated Friends
6 - Training with Mavis and Finding the Twins
7 - A Very Confusing Graduation
8 - Crimson Vow's First Job
9 - Protect the Merchants!
10 - The Crimson Vow's Past
11 - The City of Amroth
12 - A Little Vacation
13 - Another Noble Engagement? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!
14 - Hunting Time
15- Surprises All Around!
17 - This Bond is Unbreakable
18 - The Grand Finale
Story Challenge

16 - Arrogance is a Downfall

1.2K 31 11
By TrapMaster20

words = speaking
words = thinking
*words* = actions
WORDS = spells, or skills
words = Letters/notes/Diaries

No one's POV

We see the Crimson Vow, minus Y/n, Yui, and Mile, are all relaxing. After a little bit, Mile's voice can be heard.

Mile: Hey, check it out! I gathered some dry branches for the campfire!

Mavis: Good job! Thanks for that!

Pauline: Glad your back safe and sound!

Reina: Perfect timing! We just finished setting everything up!

Mile then comes out and sees them all relaxing.

Mile: Look, I know we're still close to town, but aren't you all a little to relaxed?

Ram: Well, me and Rom don't get breaks like this often! I need to take it in while I can!

Rom: Yeah!

Mile: For you two, it's understandable. But what about you three? Shouldn't camping feel a little more adventurous?

Reina: Come on! We're the Crimson Vow, remember. There's nothing that's going to pop out of these woods that we can't defeat, so why worry about it?

Mavis: And even if there was, they wouldn't be able to catch us by surprise with your search magic. And Y/n's skills are next to nothing!

Pauline: True! With you and Y/n around, we have nothing to fear!

Reina: It's getting kinda cold don't you think? Hey Mile, mind grabbing me a blanket?

Mavis: Oh, can I have one two?

Pauline: I'd like one as well please!

Mile does hesitate for a bit, but gets them the blankets.

Mile: Hey, have you guys seen where Y/n and Yui went?

Reina: Yeah, he went a little farther down.

Mile: Thanks.

Mile then walks to where Y/n is and sees both him and Yui, in her human form, having a little sparring match. After a few seconds, they stop and rest down.

Mile: Hey guys.

Y/n: Were you watching the entire time?

Mile: Yeah. Hey Yui, can I have some time alone with Y/n?

Yui: Of course! I was going to head back anyways.

Yui then turns into her pixie form and flies back to the others.

Y/n: So what's up, Misato?

Mile: Well... It's how the others have been recently.

Y/n: What about it?

Mile: Do you think... Did Doraeman... ever feel the same way I do now?

Y/n: Hm. Never really thought about that. You think we should ask them if we can hold back for a bit on the next quest?

Mile: Might be a good idea. After all, we both experienced death. You've know what it's like more than me, thanks to what you were put through in your world.

Y/n: Yeah...



No one's POV

We see everyone in the Crimson Vow, with Yui in her pixie form, looking at requests, with many hunters looking at them.

Mavis: Is it just me, or are we the center of attention for some reason?

Y/n: It's not you. I feel it to.

Yui: Well, I've gone around, and I found out that we're all the talk of the town.

Ram: That's amazing!!!

Rom: But why us?

Reina: Isn't it obvious? There's a certain party doing far better for a bunch of rookies, *mumbling* although Y/n, Rom, Ram, and Yui are veterans at being hunters if you include their world. *back to normal* And to top it all off, four of them succeeded in taking down a wyvern.

Mavis: That is a good reason.

Reina: With that topping off all of our other accomplishments, the guild as seen us less as hunter graduates, and more as future aces!

Mavis: When you put it that way it makes sense.

Reina: Which is why, whatever quest we take from now on must have two things in mind.

Y/n: What are those?

Reina: It can be used to further elevate our name as the Crimson Vow, along with our rank, and help you guys find your back to your home.

Pauline: It would make financial sense as well. The higher our rank the more profitable quests we'll be able to take on!

Mavis: That's a good point.

Mile: Hey, um-

Reina: How about this one?

Reina then points to the one she's talking about.

Mavis: A search for an investigative team that went on a inquiry trip and have gone missing.

Yui: But why are three of the numbers crossed off it?

Reina: It means that other groups have tried to complete the quest, but they failed. So, they increased the reward level accordingly. Sounds like fun to me! I think we found our next quest!

Y/n: *Video Below*

Mavis: Huh?

Reina: What's wrong?

Y/n: Well, me and Mile have a request for you guys.

Rom: What is it, Big Brother?

Y/n: Let's head outside.

The Crimson Vow then head outside, and Y/n begins to talk.

Y/n: Here's the request. I'd like for you guys to allow me and Mile to hang in the rear for this job.

Mavis: For what reason?

Y/n: I'll let Mile explain that.

Mile: Thanks, Y/n. We've both been thinking that you guys depend on us a bit to much. We're afraid that if we leave, the Crimson Vow might collapse.

Mavis: What do you mean, leave?

Rom: Don't tell me we're leaving the Crimson Vow!

Y/n: No, that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about what could happen in a life-or-death situation.

Yui: So you're worried that if you two both die in this world, the Crimson Vow's name and reputation will fall into ruin because of our ability to rely on you two for almost everything?

Y/n: Basically, yeah.

Pauline: I think you two are overthinking things.

Y/n: *sigh* No we're not. If you remember the story I told you all back in chapter 10, I've died more times than what a normal human being should get. You don't know when death is going to do his thing and take you down.

Mile: *nods head* Death... WAITS FOR NO ONE!!!

Y/n: The Grim Reaper does not care whether or not you have something important, or if your friends are relying on you for something. One he takes hold of you, it's incredibly hard to get out of his grasp. It takes a well thought out miracle or just plot to be saved.

After a brief moment of silence, Reina speaks up.

Reina: Okay, maybe we have been overusing you two. Having you two hang back is probably for the best.

Mile: Now with that settled, please keep that in mind on the quest you want to take.

Mavis: Well, things are a bit tougher under those guidelines.

Pauline: You are right about that.

Y/n: You guys can pick a different quest, if that's what would be better.

Reina: No. We're taking that one.

Y/n: Explain why you want to take that quest?

Reina: If we back down now, it's basically saying that we can't do anything without you and Mile.

Mavis: She's right.

Y/n: So you'll take that quest?

Reina: Yes!

Reina, Pauline, Rom, and Ram: We'll take it!

Mile: If that's what you want...

The Crimson Vow then heads inside and are ready to take on the quest.

Guild Receptionist: Are you sure you want to take this quest?

Mavis, Reina, Pauline, Rom, and Ram: YES!!!

Many of the others who are looking at them are shocked and begin to talk.

Guild Receptionist: If that's the one you want. You all might be the ones to solve this. Please allow me to explain the details. For a while now, there's been something strange with the monsters that reside in the forest. Ones that should be easy to find are nowhere to be seen, and others appear where they shouldn't be. 

Y/n: I'm getting real good vibes that someone like Verdia might be behind this.

Guild Receptionist: In order to determine the cause of the phenomenon, the guild brought in a scholar, as well as some hunters to serve as guards, and formed and investigation team. It's that team that's gone missing! The quest is to find them and bring them back unharmed!

Crimson Vow: Right!


We now see the others walking through the forest, heading towards the destination.

Reina: I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

Yui: I'll see if I can detect any monsters.

As Yui uses her search magic, she detects something.

Yui: Monster to our right!

As if on cue, a monster comes out and gets ready to attack Mile and Y/n.

As it jumps towards Y/n, he gets ready to draw his sword, but Mavis buts in.

Mavis: CPU'S BLADE!! 1.2X SPEED!!!

Mavis then rushes towards the monster, taking it out rather quickly. They then continue on, with Yui using her search magic, and spots another monster.

Yui: Bear monster right in front of us!

Again, the monster shows up right on cue.


Pauline then throws the water ball at the bear, burning it's eyes and forcing it to retreat. They then continue the march as Yui once again uses her search magic.

Yui: Tiger up front! Your turn, Reina!

Reina: You got it!

The tiger then comes out and gets ready to attack.


The attack then hits the tiger, damaging it a bit, and it then runs away.

Mile: Pauline, Reina. I've never seen those before, when did you learn that?

Y/n: Since we're on that subject, Mavis.

Mavis: Yeah?

Y/n: Are you sure you were using 1.2x speed?

Mavis: Yeah, that was the correct speed. But since I've kept up with that training you've given me, Y/n, I've slowly been improving.

Y/n: Well, congrats for you all getting stronger!

Reina: Being dependent on the two of you was wrong of us, and we're really sorry about that. But we have been keeping up with our training.

Mile: I'm so glad to hear that!

Y/n: Same here!

Reina: Can you two die peacefully now?

Y/n: Uhhhh...

Mile: Yup!

Y/n: Don't say something like that so casually!?!

Mavis: Well, Y/n, if Mile can say it like that, then she'll probably outlive us all, along with you.

Reina: Yup! You two will be both wrinkly and old, surrounded by children listening to your stories.

Y/n: I actually can't age.

Pauline: What?

Y/n: The perks of becoming a CPU. I'm going to look young forever!

Mavis: Well, that's a shock.

Pauline: Besides that, I can see Y/n and Mile being the two people everyone comes to!

Mile: You really think so?

Reina: Of course!


Y/n's POV

After a few more hours, we decide to rest up for the night.

Reina: Things do seem strange in these woods. The further we go in, the fewer small animals and monsters appear, and the stronger ones, that would be in deeper of underground areas have come out into the open! That lead us to one conclusion.

Mile: Something caused their territories to switch around. Is that it?

Reina: Yes, either a powerful creature appeared or a creature's incursion is behind the sudden change in habitat.

Mile: It could be that a monster or Earth Dragon, or maybe even a Fennir class has appeared.

As Mile talks, I notice she pulled out her slingshot.

Mile: Understand?

As she launches the rock, I hear something move.

Y/n: So something was here.

Mile: Damn. I thought I'd be able to hit it.

Mavis: The fact that it was able to dodge a surprise attack like that means it's highly intelligent and has very good reflexes.

Pauline: So in addition to being one of those higher level monsters Mile mentioned, it also seems to be a skilled observer.

Y/n: You know, the monster or whatever this is reminds of me of one the Devil King's Generals.

Mavis: It does?

Rom: Are you about Verdia?

Y/n: Yeah.

Mile: Who's that?

Y/n: The First Devil King General I fought. When he took residence in a nearby castle outside of the town I live in, all the weak monsters went into hiding. So like you guys, said, a high level monster, someone like Verdia, or even crazier, Verdia himself, is the main reason for all the changes that are happening.

Reina: Then I think we should head back and return with a large scale search party.

Mile: Hold up!

Y/n: Something wrong?

Mile: Nothing much. I was just wondering if we could search the area a little longer. The Investigation Team is lost out there, and this is a dangerous situation. The sooner we find them, the better! And in a worse-case scenario, if me and you both go all out, we might be able to take down an earth dragon, or a Fennir class monster!

Y/n: True...

Mavis: You might be right about that, Mile, but it's still risky.

Reina: All right, listen up. Change of plans!

Y/n: What's changing?

Reina: Starting now, we let Y/n and Mile help in whatever way they can!

Y/n: Got it!

Mile: Right!

Reina: And we all do what we can without holding back as well!

Pauline, Mavis, Yui, Rom, and Ram: Right!


No one's POV

It's now morning, adn the Crimson Vow begins their work again. As they walk, Y/n notices something.

Y/n: Hey... Is it just me... or does it feel like there's nothing here?

Reina: Definitely not you. I don't hear any kind of animal noises at all. No woodland creatures, no monsters. The only thing around here is plantlife.

Pauline: You think that means we're getting closer to whatever's causing the phenomenon?

Yui: It might be possible.

Rom: Ram... I'm scared...

Ram: Don't worry Rom! We've big brother and the others with us!

Mile: *gasps*

Y/n: Spotted enemies?

Mile: Yeah, 300 meters ahead. I count 8 of them and their all headed straight for us.

Reina: They're probably allies of whatever was spying on us yesterday.

Mile: Then seem human, but their speed is definitely inhuman. 200 meters.

Reina: A Melee fight would have us at a disadvantage. We should keep walking as if we don't know their coming. And when they come at us, we launch a counter-attack.

Mile: They've split into 2 groups. Y/n, watch the rear, but don't make it look like it.

Y/n: *nods head*

As they walk, Y/n hears something, so he pulls out Osiris and knocks them into the wall. Y/n then desummons his spear and pulls out Galatine and breaks the ground, then hearing some screams.

???: Stop right there!

The others turn to see a bunch of humans with animal features.

Reina: Beastpeople?!

Beastperson 1: What the hell? They're just a bunch of kids!

Beastperson 2: Lay down your weapons and surrender! As long as you don't resist, you have my word that you won't be harmed! But be warned! There are more of us in hiding all around you, so there's no escape!

Y/n: Nope. We're planning on finishing what we started, and I'm someone you don't want to mess with.

As Y/n talks with the Beastpeople, Reina signals the others.

Y/n: So if you put away your weapons, and tell us what the heck is going on, then we won't kill you, and maybe give your bellies a rub.

Beastperson 2: Are you trying to mess with us?!

Y/n: *GIF Below* I don't know~... Am I~?

Y/n little taunt begins to aggravate the beastpeople.

Beastperson 2: I know you want to, but don't kill them! Especially that 2nd Grand-Master!

Y/n: *gasps*

As the beastpeople get ready to attack Y/n, he steps back and looks at the in shock over what that beastperson had just said.

Mavis: Y/n, look out!

Mavis and Mile then knock the beastpeople out, and more come from behind, only to see their comrades knocked out.

Beastperson 3/4: Nani?!

Reina: Now's our chance!

Crimson Vow minus Y/n: Right!

The others begin to run, as Y/n stands there, still shocked about what was said. Mile notices his shocked look, so she runs back and grabs him.

Mile: Come on, we got to move, Y/n!

As they run, with Mile dragging Y/n, she uses her search magic.

Mile: It seems like all the beastpeople are retreating!

Reina: Okay!

They all stop and begin to talk.

Reina: All beastpeople have an acute sense of smell, so we'll need to continue using Mile's search magic to keep track of them from afar!

Everyone minus Y/n and Reina: Understood!

Y/n: This makes no sense...

Everyone: Huh?

They all turn around to see Y/n mumbling like crazy.

Pauline: Y/n...?

Mavis: Is he alright...?

Mile: I don't know...

Mile: Y/n's never pulled a Deku reference back when we were classmates on Earth. Did we miss something important.

Reina: Hey Y/n. There is something I want to ask you.

Y/n continues his mumbling, to which angers Reina.

Reina: *screams* Y/n!

Y/n: Ah!

Y/n snaps out of his trance and notices Reina's expression.

Reina: What is going on with you?! You were perfectly fine fighting monsters, but is something wrong with humans.

Y/n: It's not that... It's what they said.

Pauline: Was it the one who said, "I know you want to, but don't kill them! Especially that 2nd Grand-Master?"

Y/n: *nods head*

Mavis: But what's so important about that line?

Y/n: Look.

Y/n pulls out his adventurer card, and hands it to Mile.

Mile: It says your class is Grand-Master...

Y/n: That's just one thing. I learned from a Devil King general I slowly bonded with, that there was a Grand-Master before me.

Mile: So you think that whatever's behind this is from your world?

Y/n: Yeah... and if they wanted me captured, along with you guys, it's highly probable that the ones were looking for ended up in the same situation.

Reina: So might have finally found something connecting us to your world. Well, let's get going and find out ourselves.

After a bit more walking, the others find themselves in a ruin site, where the beastpeople are doing a large amount of work.

Reina: Woah... what is all this...?

Y/n: It looks like a massive work site. One searching for geological history that's buried underneath the ground, and inside that temple.

Reina: Honestly wasn't expecting chasing after those beastpeople would lead us to something like this.

Mavis: So what do we do?

Reina: Stopping and returning with the information that there are beastpeople doing something on a massive scale is probably the smart thing to do, considering our numbers and lack of information.

Rom: But didn't we accept the quest to save the Investigation Team?

Mile: We did.

Reina: And if that team is being held at this location...

Y/n: If we do go back and bring an army, they can be used as a warning and/or become hostages.

Mavis: Let's wait for nightfall and do some scouting.

Yui: Sounds good to me.


Y/n's POV

After we wait till nighttime, me and Mile head towards a shed that's nearby.

Mile goes up first and she peaks through a little hole. I look at her, and she nods, indicating that the Investigation Team is there. I then wave to the others, gettiing them down here.

Reina: *whispers* So our hunch was right.

Pauline: *whispers* So what now?

Mile: *whispers* I've got this! Just leave it to me!

Mile then uses some magic, and I hear the guards snoring.

Y/n: *whispers* Good job Mile! The sleep magic came in handy!

Reina: *whispers* If we rely on you and Mile to much Y/n, we really will be good-for-nothings.

Mile then enters, and the rest of us follow suit. However, Pauline gets stuck.

Y/n: I bet Blanc would be laughing her ass off if she saw Vert like this.

I then notice Mile and Reina get angry, and help pull her out.

Pauline: Sorry about that.

Woman: Who are you?

Reina: You're the investigation team, right? We're the hunters who've been charged for finding and rescuing you.

Male Hunter 1: But you're just-

Y/n: I know what you're about to say, so let me ask you something. Should you really ask why we took on such a quest, when YOU got captured?

Reina: Y/n makes a point. For now, let's get you out of here!

Woman: Thank you, but please! Rescue the professor, as well!

Y/n: Is the professor not with you?

Scholar Assistant: I'm just her assistant. Yesterday, after the beastpeople found out she was a scholar, they took her to the ruins for some reason.

Pauline: By ruins, you mean those ancient ruins nearby, right?

Mavis: Is that what the beastpeople are doing here? Digging those things up.

Ram: Investigation Team first, beastpeople second!

Male Hunter 1: Are you crazy?! You think you can take on the beastpeople. Their physical abilities are much greater than humans! There's no way kids like you can-

Y/n: Mavis, show 'em.

Mavis: Got it. *to Male Hunter 1* Step away from the bars.

Mavis then cuts through the bars, shockign the Male Hunter. She then walks and cuts a hole in the shed.

Mavis: There, let's go. It's better if we sneak out this way then through the front door. Oh, and just so you know, if you compare me to Y/n, the one in the white knight armor, I'd say I have about a hundredth of his true speeds and strengths.

This leaves everyone shocked.

Reina: You guys shoudl go hide in the woods nearby. We'll find out where they're hiding the professor, rescue her, and then meet up with you there.

Male Hunter 1: Uh, got it.

After we get out of there, we head towards the front of the temple, and Mile uses her sleep magic again.

Y/n: *whispers* GOGOGO!!!

We then all run in, but see the beastpeople again.

Beastperson 4: What's this? Another group of humans? Wait... It's the ones from the woods!

Reina: I thought you looked familiar! Has everyone healed up from the butt-kicking we gave you?

Beastperson 3: Keep your guard up this time! They aren't ordinary people!!

Y/n: Guys, time for full power!

Crimson Vow: Right!

Y/n then quickly changes into Sega Saturn.

Y/n(Sega Saturn): Let's do this!

I then quickly launch a variety of spells at the enemy, giving the others plenty of time to deal with the others. As the others are knocked out, I grab one of the beastmen.

Y/n(Sega Saturn): I've got a few questions to ask you, and you're going to answer them all! First one, where's the professor? Second, what are you beastpeople planning? And third, HOW DID YOU KNOW MY TITLE FROM WHEN I WAS BACK IN AXEL?!?!

Beastperson 4: The answer to your first question is deeper down. But I suggest you stay away!

Y/n(Sega Saturn): Why?

Beastperson 4: Because you'll never go back alive.

Y/n(Sega Saturn): I'll take that risk then.

Beastperson 4: Go ahead then. 

I then let go of him and kick him in the neck, knocking him out. After I do, I look out into the abyss of the area, wondering what he meant by that.


No one's POV

The Crimson Vow begin to walk in, and are shocked by the area they see in front of them.

Mile: What is this?!

The area they entered is humongous, with giant walls, with 

Pauline: It looks like an alter. Are the beastpeople worshipping some ancient god?

Y/n(Sega Saturn): I don't think so... 

Reina: What are these writings...?

Y/n(Sega Saturn): No way...

The writings on the walls are actually showing something that shocks Y/n. It shows him in his knight armor, with all of his weapons he has, and everyone back in his world, fighting a man with horns on his head. However, what really shocks Y/n is the person that's behind Y/n.

Y/n: That's... Segami...

Mavis: The images themselves are amazing to begin with!

Reina: I've never seen anything like this in my life!

Pauline: Is it a world someone dreamed up?

???: They aren't just imaginings.

Crimson Vow: Huh?

They all turn around and see a girl in a cage.

???: They detail a prophecy of someone from another world. Someone who was blessed with the powers of the gods, and with that power, they would strike down an evil that plagues the land that they are currently in, with allies of that world in tow. So, after a great amount of time and hearing of this prophecy, they created this place, hoping that the hero would come and destroy the evil that brought force this prophecy.

Reina: You're the professor, right?

Mavis: We accepted a quest from the guild to save you!

Ram: It's just a child!

Y/n then deactives his current form and walks over to the professor

Y/n: I got this!

Y/n then pulls out Ultima and cuts through the bars.

Y/n: You alright? No injuries?

Professor: No, I'm fine. How were you able to make it this far inside, anyways? There were guards everywhere.

Y/n: Oh, we took them down.

Professor: You what?!

Mavis: These beastpeople are cruel! Locking up a child like this!


Everyone minus Y/n: Huh?

Y/n: Wait. Are you an elf?

Professor: Yes I am!

Mile: Wait. You are the scholar, right?

Cu Leleia: Indeed I am! Cu Leleia. Salutations!

Y/n: That feels like something Penny from RWBY would say.

Reina: Well, like my friend was saying, we accepted a quest from the guild to rescue you. Now that we have, let's get out of here!

Cu Leleia: Well, I appreciate all the trouble you went through to help me, but I'm afraid leaving just isn't possible.

Everyone: Huh?

Cu Leleia: Nobody can escape from this place. It isn't the beastpeople who are running things down here.

Y/n: Then who is?

As if on cue, a dragon flies up from the area and then lands in the area.

Pauline: An earth dragon?!

Mile: So this is the cause of all the strange phenomenon going on in the forest.

Mavis: It doesn't seem like it's just going to let us escape.

Reina: Stand back! Let us handle this!

Cu Leleia: Hold on! Everyone listen!

She can't get the attention of the others, as they begin to attack the dragon. Y/n, Mile, Mavis, and Yui, who went into her human form, attack the beast, but cause no damage. Rom, Ram, Reina and Pauline use their magic, but the magic doesn't do anything to the dragon.

Y/n: Nepu?!

Yui: It took no damage from out attacks?!

Y/n: *groans* EXPLOSION!!!!!

Y/n then casts an explosion spell underneath the dragon, but just like before, it did nothing.

Y/n: Oh come on!!

Dragon: That's impressive magic. For humans, that is.

Reina: It can talk?!

Cu Leleia: This creature is no ordinary Earth Dragon.

Y/n: Then what is it?!

Cu Leleia: The strongest creature in the land. An Elder Dragon!!!!!!

Mavis: *gasps* Y/n!

As the Elder Dragon swings it's tail, Mile starts running towards Y/n.

Yui: Mile, what are you doing?!

Mile then pushes Y/n out of the way, causing major knockback and crashing right into the wall.

Everyone minus Y/n: MILE!!!

Y/n then runs over to Mile, and begins to shake her.

Y/n: *tearing up* Come on... This isn't funny... Get up! For the love of god, get up!!!

Mile doesn't respond and her head starts to bleed.

Y/n: No... No please... not again.... I don't want this to happen again....

Mavis: *Image Below*

Pauline: *Image Below*

Reina: *Image Below*

Reina: She's not dead... MILE WOULDN'T DIE ON US!!!!!!!

The others snap back into sense, but Y/n, who is now crying over Mile's body, can't hear them as he's remembering everything that he did with Mile in this life and the life before being reincarnated.

Mavis, Reina, Pauline, Rom, Ram, and Yui: We won't let her!!!!

Elder Dragon: It's no use. She's already dead.

Mavis: *screams* She's not!

As the others start to attack the elder dragon, they do manage to injure it quite a bit, much to the Elder Dragon's shock.

Elder Dragon: Impressive. You managed to scratch me. Amusing. Congratulations are in order.

The Elder Dragon then heals itself and sends a wind attack at the others, causing knockback.

Elder Dragon: Your bravery is an act of futility! I am an opponent you can never hope to defeat!

As the others get ready, Y/n speaks up.

Y/n: I will get my revenge this time Misato, just you watch me.

Elder Dragon: Hmmm...?

The Elder Dragon then looks at Y/n, whose body starts to be covered in flames.

Y/n: *GIF Above* You Elder Dragon... you monster... you think you can take my friend's life... and get away with it?!

Elder Dragon: What is this power...?! Where did it come from?!

The Flames then fully surround Y/n, and he jumps out of it in IF's Flame Awakening, and rushes the Elder Dragon so quickly that he lands a large amount of damages, and a few burn marks on it.

Elder Dragon: If this is the best you have, then you stand no chance!

The Elder Dragon begins to heal itself, but the burn marks don't go away.

Elder Dragon: WHAT?!

The Elder Dragon then looks at Y/n, who's more pissed off then he ever has been before.

Y/n(Flame Awakening): I don't know what you're doing here, why you're here, and I don't give a damn for whatever answer you have for them. I swear that... if this world ends today... and even if I have to go to deepest parts of hell itself to beat you, or drain my entire life energy... YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MISATO!!!! I WILL BURN YOU SO BADLY, THAT THE FLAMES OF HELL WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO MELT YOUR DAMNED SOUL!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n's flames then start to surround the entire area, shocking everyone, including Cu Leleia.

Elder Dragon: This power... is this kid even human...?

Y/n then rushes the Elder Dragon, who then begin to fight.

Reina: What's going on?! Mile isn't dead!!!

Yui: But Y/n must believe that she is...

Pauline: But why...?

Mavis: I don't know... But we've got to snap him back into reality!!

Reina, Rom, Ram, Pauline, and Yui: Right!

To Be Continued....

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