Highschool Highs

By M_Chauhan

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"You're also one of the trash bags that I use and throw so stop playing that easy to love , hard to get thing... More

Highschool Highs
HH(Chapter - 1)
HH(Chapter - 2)
HH(Chapter - 3)
HH(Chapter - 4)
HH(Chapter - 5)
HH(Chapter - 6)
HH(Chapter - 7)
HH(Chapter - 8)
HH(Chapter - 9)
HH(Chapter - 10)

HH(Chapter - 11)

54 9 24
By M_Chauhan

"I think, I'm interrupting your privacy so, I may leave," Claire said exhibiting a disrelished faux simper, breaking off that girl from Alex's lips. 

"Whose she, Alex?" She asked causing her recoil to cease.

"Never mind," Alex uttered in his usual tone and as usually got Claire annoyed and ready to snap back. But, before she was prepared to shot a razor sharp comeback, he cracked, "Kayla, I need a favor, actually she does. She spilt smoothie over her top, can you please lent her one?" he asked.

She gave him a steamed up gesture because he lied to Kayla's face right in front of her by saying that she did that to herself. "Liar!" She mumbled.

"Yes, dear why not. I've a lot of clothes she can take whichever she want", she grinned," besides, you also seem to need some clothes as your jacket appears to have met the same plight as her top." She said pointing at his chest.

"Oh, I don't", he slipped off his jacket, "its just the jacket, underneath is fine", he said. "It will be sweet of you Kayla if you just help her out", he winked to her displaying his smirk.


She led me to a room inhabiting her closet. Initializing by her introduction and taking in mine, she began with a huge round of self praising and I got to know that she's Kayla Stewart as in Ms. Alice Stewart's daughter, who happened to be our principal. Amidst her ranting about her home and lifestyle—to which my only reply was 'hmm'—she grabbed a suitable place to acknowledge me that its her closet, and left the room for me to change. I heaved a sigh of relief.

It was a really splendid room with a colossal bed, sheathed with tremendous decorative fabrications. There was not a single trace of books anywhere in the immense area, though tech was strewn all over the place. Desktop PC was illuminating a java compiler. She might be a technology major as same as that of Cole, who knows, they can be classmates as well. Honestly, no one can discern this side of her from her countenance. Appearances are deceptive, damn true it is.

"Interesting," Scrutinizing further via flickering my rolling eyes, I muttered to myself.


"I thought you were in a relationship", Alex quizzed her in a mild tone.

"I was, actually I still am... Ugh I don't know, We are somewhat on.. outs." She voiced out of utter perplexion. 

"Oh, I'm not gonna ask the reason but hope you guys work it out," he said encircling the glass of water she offered him to guzzle.

"Oh yeah, why the hell would you want your ex back. Moreover, when your own best friend, Sophie Richards is sabotaging my current relationship," she mumbled in a lower pitch, rolling her eyes off. 

"Uhmm... Kayla", Alex scoffed initializing the start of the sentence, "that kiss, at the doorstep, I hope you won't make a big deal out of it. I kissed back because I didn't want to humiliate you in front of that girl." He tried to clarify the scenario.

"I know, actually I'm sorry, I just got carried off at your sight, I shouldn't have done that", she said with the utmost of confidence she could gather at that time. 

They both nodded to each other with slight smiles and an awkward silence enveloped them gulping in their surroundings. 

"Kayla, can you ask her if she's fine with the newly appeared bulge on her forehead." he chuckled, "Actually, her head banged with the car door fucking badly. I think she may need an ice bag so, give this to her", Alex said tossing an ice bag to her that he just pulled out of the freezer.

"Okay, I will when she'll change".

"Don't tell her that I've told you to give this to her else that freaking shrimp won't take it", he emphasized.

"Okay, but I'm intrigued," she frowned, "Are you guys dating?"

"I wouldn't have kissed you otherwise", he laughed a cute balmy giggle, "She's not my type." He said and let his gaze fell on his hand followed by a smirk, a distinctive one from his usual haunt. What was on his mind formerly—if he himself knew— was hard to perceive, as his facial movements were not in accordance with his tone.

"Yeah, I made that out from her clothing sense." She let out a giggle and he just.. smiled. 


I was going through the clothes stacked in her closet but none of them were of my type. They were very revealing and I'm not used to such type of attires. At last I settled for the least exposing one. It was a deep V-neck, sequin wrap top colored in maroon. Maroon is my favorite and I have always known it to be classy and sassy and never this much sensuous. As I embraced it, it hugged back my each n' every fold, both elevations and crooks. My refined clavicle was being flaunted by it. 

She walked in.

"I noticed a bump on your forehead, thought you need this", she handed me an ice bag. It was so nice of her. I felt ashamed of myself for judging her clothing. Taking it, I warmly thanked her for both the top and the ice bag the way outside her room to the lounge where that jerk was seating.

"That's hot!" he remarked scornfully as he laid his eyes on me. Vexation upheaved in my stomach and did set to make its way to the gray matter but got stuck in the throat. There was no hints of lechery in the manner his eyes ran over me, but sole sweet admiration that seemed.. nice to me. 

'Hello!' My subconscious snapped, 'he just kissed Kayla and people kiss their girlfriends and for your kind information she's standing right behind and has been so nice to you since you have walked in, so can you please stop.'

There's nothing like that, its really a random and formal thing to think of someone, so please shut up! I reprimanded it, mentally.

I slipped on my coffee colored jacket and zipped it up to my neck looking daggers at him in response to his obnoxious assertion.


Ugh..! I'm still reeking of that shitty smoothie's smell. Moreover, my skin seems sticky. I better should take a bath as its been an hour in bed and I'm unable to sleep because I'm way too messy to have a sound slumber. I ripped the oversized, baby pink t-shirt off my body and dragged my feet towards the shower.

As the hot water swept down my shoulders, my tensed muscles relaxed. The vapors from the hot shower soon fogged the entire bathroom, swirling around me, they further brought pleasure to my mind. The gentle patting of the trickling water pushed the long day I had into oblivion. My every inch rejoiced the tender strokes oozing out of that shower.

 A pleased humming left my chords and made its way to my lips, it continued till I heard a thud in my room, as if something slipped off someone's hand. I grew alert and a sense of apprehension surmounted me. The rehearing of the noise had my spleen climbed upto my throat but I resolved to accumulate every ounce of fortitude, seeped in minute voids of my feeble frame. Firmly wrapping a towel around my body and clasping a sharp razor in my hand—I don't think that someone would want to be raked down by a razor. Moreover, I couldn't think of anything else at that time— making my steps as hushed as that of mice, I made my way out of the bathroom, praying to breath the next day.


Wassup lovely readers, so this was chapter 11, hope you all have liked it, lots of love♥♥♥ And what do you think will happen next? Feel free to drop down your opinions in the comments or my message board, pm whichever you'd like. And I really wanna know your favorite ships so far pls pls reply, waiting for your response.


Katnip_D12butterflys_effect and PriyanshiChaturved16

I'd love to dedicate this chapter to these lovelies. Do follow them and check out their amazing, fantastic and magical works!!

With all the love in my heart♥

 your not so perfect author,


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