Stitch Meets the Ninja Turtles

By Dondena21

3.8K 77 3

Stitch aka Experiment 626, is kidnapped from his home in Kauai, Hawaii, and taken to New York, where he meets... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

111 4 0
By Dondena21

Don had now programmed the new number into his shell cell, and all the other shell cells. Now they would have an army at their command. But they were only to use it in dire emergencies. And they also were given the house number too in case they ever wanted to talk about how things were going, and vice versa.

The 3rd day there now, and Lilo had hula class today. Lilo warned the turtles that now they would end up meeting her nemesis, Mertle Edmonds, and her posse, Yuki, Terese, and Elena.

"Don't worry, Lilo. We'll be there to protect you." Leo said. "And we'll also tell your teacher that we're more cousins of yours, visiting from New York." That was the plan anyway.

The turtles still wore Jumba's clothes. And they made sure to hide their shells good.

Angel had gone home today. So it was just Lilo and Stitch leading the way to the hula school. Leo had made sure that they had left in plenty of time. And Lilo had said that she was always late to class, not that she was meaning to be.

When they all walked into the building, Lilo's classmates were surprised to see Stitch back with her. They had thought that he had run away again, though he never had. But then, they also noticed a group of tall green men with them too.

"Who are you?" Moses, the teacher, asked.

"We're some cousins of Lilo's, visiting from New York for a couple of months." Leo plainly said. "I'm Leo."


"Raphael." Raph knew that he needed to say his whole name. Name introductions had been discussed as well. "But I like to be called Raph."


"Wow, Leo. Your name sounds just like Weird-lo's name!" Mertle mocked.

Leo turned at that. "Then it's Leonardo to you. I'm assuming you're Mertle."

"Yes. That's me. I'm the best dancer at this school." She ranted.

"Ok, that enough Mertle. It's time to get to dancing the dances now. You guys can grab some chairs over there." Moses said.

Stitch sat down on the floor, while the turtles went and got some chairs to sit on. Don grabbed two, as one was for Leo.

Mertle and her friends could see the cast on Leo's injured arm, but then, also looking at Stitch, they also noticed the bandages on his right arm.

"What happened to your dog's leg?" Elena, the blonde one, asked.

Lilo wasn't sure what to say. But it was answered for her.

"He was hurt in a fight saving me." Leo said. "We're both doing well enough."

"Now let the dances begin." Moses said.

Mertle's friends were first, then Mertle, and Lilo was last, as always. The boys thought the dances were beautiful, though Lilo's was the best, not Mertle's, as she had said she was.

Mertle and her friends did start to taunt Lilo some. That's when Raph came to her rescue. "Ah, shut up, you spoiled little brats! Lilo was the best out of all of you put together! You four are no better than our own enemies back home who hurt Leo and Stitch! Now lay off of her!"

Lilo was so happy that someone had finally stood up for her! Moses always took Mertle's side more than hers, just because she liked things in a different way than a spoiled girl like Mertle.

The girls were taken aback at Raph's snap at them. But what he said was true.

Moses got mad at that. "Now Raphael, don't talk like that to the girls."

"Why not? They need to be put in their place. That bullying has gone too far." Raph said.

"And I've put up with my own brother pushing me around too. And they are just little kids. There's no reason for that." Leo added. "And you allow it to happen."

"And that's why I fight with Mertle." Lilo added on.

"Fight how?" Mikey asked.

"Punching, hitting, kicking, biting." She said. "Mertle knows just how to make me mad."

"You are one spoiled brat!" Raph told Mertle. "Come on, Lilo, Stitch, let's go."

Lilo, Stitch, and the turtles all left the school.

"Why do you go there when that happens every time?" Don asked.

"Because Nani pays for me to go there to learn hula dancing." Lilo said. "I just hope that what Raph said made an impact on Mertle and her friends."

"Hopefully. Because at least one of us is coming with you every time you have to go there while we are here, to make sure they don't bug you." Leo said.

Lilo was finally SO happy to have a posse! Besides Stitch that was. And they were teens too. Sometimes older ones could be useful in putting real young ones in their places.


And so, that promise was fulfilled. At least one turtle would accompany Lilo and Stitch to the school while they would be there, just to supervise the bullying. It needed to be done so badly.

The family met all the experiments while they were in Hawaii. They interacted with some of them. Especially like Cannonball, since he made awesome waves in the water. And Don had been more than thrilled to meet Sparky, the one who could power anything, or destroy something.

Ninja training was still done every day, but outside, unless it rained.

When the end of the second week came upon them, the bandages were taken off of Stitch's arm, and the stitches were taken out by Don. The hair was already just barely starting to grow back from where it had been shaved. And there would be a good scar under his arm, but it was under his arm, so it would be barely noticeable.

Nani eventually did have a day off, and she showed them how well she could surf.

Most of the time while his sons explored the island, Splinter just stayed in the house and did what he normally did at home. Though he talked to Pleakley a lot too. And the one-eyed noodle alien learned much more about Earth. And that mosquitoes were NOT an endangered species!

Everyone even had pictures taken. The mutants from New York were considered like family now.


The two months end came up all too quickly. Leo soon also had his cast removed from his left arm, and he was glad to be able to use it again. But before they would leave, Leo wanted to celebrate his having his arm back with going swimming and surfing all day this day. In 3 days, they planned to be going back home.

Also in their time away, Casey had called and said that nothing too bad was happening on the streets. Just minor things, and he and April were doing fine, but missed them being there. "We'll be home soon." Raph had told his best friend.

On the second to last day before leaving for home, everyone, including Nani, went swimming for the day. This was Leo's day for celebration! He could swim and get wet again!

It was a blast that day, and a great dinner, and a great movie flick too.

Then they all went to bed in Lilo's house for the last time.


The next day, everything that the turtles had gotten here to take home with them, aside from their belongings they already owned, was packed up and put on the spaceship.

Nani was even there to say goodbye. Lilo and Stitch, aside from Jumba, were accompanying them on their way home.

Leo went up to Nani, "Thanks so much for your hospitality and letting us stay here."

"You're welcome Leo. We'll all miss you. We learned so much from you guys." Nani said.

And then, they were off. This was all done at night.


After several hours flight, they soon arrived back in New York. Jumba landed in Central Park like last time.

The turtles and Splinter gathered up their stuff and took it off the ship. Stitch helped too. He had been more than happy to, considering they had done so much for him, and then his own family back in Hawaii. And now, his cousins were friends with them as well, and with the press of a button, if trouble threatened, they would come to the rescue.

And Splinter and his sons had been more than happy for the two month getaway vacation. They had desperately needed it. But they had missed home and their friends too. It was time to get home and settle again.

Jumba, Lilo, and Stitch went with them to their home, that was still intact while they were gone, and they all had pizza and a movie to celebrate being home again, but then, they had to leave. They couldn't risk their spaceship being discovered.

"We understand." Splinter said. "And thank you again for your hospitality."

"You're welcome, Master Splinter." Lilo said.

Stitch had also become quite good friends with Mikey too. He ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you, Little Blue Dude." Mikey said.

"Meega too. Mikey good friend." Stitch replied.

"Nice meeting all of you, now we must go, Little Girl and 626." Jumba said.

They all said their final goodbyes and went back to the park to see the aliens and little girl off. They all waved goodbye. The ship started and took off.

"Now we must go home, my sons. It was a great trip, and we all learned many new things. And saw many things. Hawaii was beautiful, but this city is our real home." Splinter said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I missed beating up bad guys." Raph said.

"Well, now that we're back, you can." Leo said.

"I loved the technology they had, but I still missed my own lab and projects." Don said.

"I missed my room, TV, and video games." Mikey said.

"I missed my own room and stories." Splinter said. "We have all missed our home, and can now go back to doing them again, but we will always remember our friends and will call them from time to time."

"Yes Sensei." All four said at once.


And so, for a long time to come, the turtles and Stitch's family did talk to each other often over the phone, or sent letters back and forth.

And there even came a time when Stitch and a lot of his cousins had to come in as back up for the turtles when their worst enemies threatened. But at least the turtles now had their own secret army.

It was good to have friends even in faraway places.

The End

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