Chapter 17

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The turtles couldn't help, but want to look out over the city that never sleeps as the spaceship was not taking them all away from their home and friends. Mikey was the most enthusiastic about it.

Lilo admired Mikey's excitement. He was a teenager, and yet, he had as much energy as a little kid, kind of like her. They were sure to be good friends.

Don was just about intrigued to want to go up into outer space. But perhaps, that could be one of the things that could be done when they were visited Hawaii. Right now, the objective was just to get Stitch home. He had been missed so much.

Not just by Lilo, her sister, and her alien guardians, but also, more than ever, his mate, Angel. She had been sad ever since he had gone missing.

Stitch asked Lilo, "How Angel doing?"

"She's doing fine Stitch. But she does miss you like crazy." Lilo said.

"Who's Angel?" Raph asked.

"His mate." Jumba said.

"Stitch never told us he had a mate." Leo said. "He just said he had many cousins."

"Yes. 624 is cousin, but still 626's lover." Jumba said.

It was still kind of a shock to find this out for the family. But either way, they understood.

"What was her purpose?" Don asked.

"She is a siren singer. She's good now, but when she was evil, she had one song that she sang that could turn anyone from good to bad." Lilo explained. "And only when she sung it backwards, would they become good again. Now her role is just being with Stitch, and a singer. She's spoiled rotten."

"Stitch miss Angel. Want to see again." Stitch said.

"You will, when we get there." Pleakley said. "And hey, anyone up for some snacks?"

"Snacks? What kind?" Mikey perked up.

Pleakley mentioned some of the snacks on the ship, and he went and served them up to the guests.

Jumba just flew the ship at normal speed on the way home. He never engaged the hyper drive. But he stayed very high in the air so the ship wouldn't be spotted.

Don couldn't help but be fascinated by how high up they were, everything below them, and about where this ship could actually fly to out in space. He really wanted to even try to fly it too. Maybe he could, later on. He also had so many things he wanted to talk to about with Jumba.

Jumba might have been an alien, but he was a scientist, genius type like Don was. They should get along fine.

But a real question would be, would Raph and Nani get along? They were both hotheads. And would she let them stay in the house? Or outside, or in the ship?

Lilo's house wasn't all that big. If the family stayed in the house, they would have to stay in the living room. But then, they could also stay in the ship. It was bigger.

The turtles and Splinter had had to stay at April's apartment once a long time ago, and it had felt kind of cramped in there, but they had all managed to get along. The living room had been their living space, so there was no reason why they couldn't stay in the living room at Lilo's too, if Nani approved.

Of course, if Splinter and his sons stayed in the house too, there would have been 10 'people' staying in that house!

A few hours later, toward dawn, Jumba finally landed the ship around Lilo's home in Hawaii.

"We're home!" Lilo announced.

"We're in Hawaii?" Don asked.

"Yep. Let's get off the ship now." Lilo said.

"Wait Lilo. Nani won't like it if we wake her up right now. Perhaps we all just get off the ship quietly and go inside, and not disturb her?" Pleakley said.

"Bla! You turtles come too. Living room you can stay in." Jumba said.

"Is the house big enough for all of us?" Leo asked.

"Remember Leo, we had to stay at April's once, and it was crowded over there?" Mikey said. "We sure as shell could fit in their house too."

Leo glared at his baby brother, but replied, "Alright, but as long as there's room for all of us."

"Unpack stuff later. Right now, Bigger Girl not want to be woken up." Jumba said.

The gang got off the ship, leaving their stuff in place for now, and the mutant family was led up to the house.

Stitch liked to walk on fours most of the time, but now, with his sore arm, he was walking on twos.

Everyone was told to be quiet. Lilo and Stitch went up to their room. Jumba and Pleakley went upstairs. Splinter and his sons stayed in the living room. They could live without blankets, since it was nice and warm here in Hawaii.

They all settled down for the night. Mikey took the couch, while the others all took different spots on the floor. But before they had settled down for the night, it couldn't be helped that they all wanted to see the whole house.

But they all agreed that a tour would be given later on, when Nani and everyone was up. For now, they just had to settle for the living room. They all went to bed.

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