De zaydeemeadows

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[COMPLETED] Ben is a one of a kind. He can lift up your mood in a minute, he would always be there for you ev... Mais



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De zaydeemeadows

"You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness."

- Jonathan Safran Foer



It all started when Yoon Seol Ah and Kang Joo Kyung met at a university in Seoul. They became good friends, they had never been in love before because Joo Kyung was in love with another woman at that time.

They became a famous trio at the university because of the unique talent, wealth, and intelligence of them. Ah, only Joo Kyung and Seol Ah are rich. Joo Kyung's girlfriend Jeong Na Ryeong comes from a poor family.

"Seol Ah-ssi, do you think Joo Kyung oppa's parents will love me?" asked Na Ryeong. She's younger than Taehyun's mother.

"I think so. If I am his mother, I will accept you. You're honest, brave, beautiful, smart, and kind."

"But I'm not as rich as you..." she frowned, Seol Ah felt bad for her friend.

No matter where you go, most parents, whether they are men or women, always behave like this, their child have to marry a rich man or woman. Setting aside the talent, intellectual skills, and ability you have, if you don't have money.

Wealth is every parent's standard, you will rarely find one that supports their child's happiness. This is why Seol Ah promised herself that if one day and she finally have her own child, her motto will be child's happiness first before mine.

Later that day, Na Ryeong called her eonnie, Seol Ah.

"Yes? How did it go?"

She heard her sobs, "It's your fault. You said they will like me for Joo Kyung oppa! You betrayed me! You slut!" and with that, Na Ryeong hangs up the phonecall. Meanwhile, Seol Ah felt devastated. How could her friend said those things to her? What did she do wrong?

She locked herself up to her room because of what happened, hours after that, her parents told her what she needed to do. She felt guilty. Her parents and Joo Kyung's parents made a deal for the two of them, it was to marry them off to each other for a good life.

Why me? Why not Na Ryeong?

Simply because she's rich and an ideal woman. The one that every man would love to be their wife. Yoon Seol Ah, she's the chosen one for everything. She loves getting all the things she wanted to have but you know what she failed to get? Freedom. She never had her freedom as her parents always dictate her to the point where she's been overthinking.

Being a filial daughter is not as good and as easy as you think it would be. You must to obey your parents even it's suffocating you, because they're the ones who feeds you, dresses you, and gives you everything you needed. They will always say that you have everything but not the freedom you always wanted to have. It's your obligation to pay for every centavos that they spent on you.

Sometimes, she wished she wasn't born with a golden spoon in her mouth. If the consequences of being wealthy would be like this, how she wished she wasn't born in this world.

But without her; there would never be a Kang Taehyun living in this world. It's all thanks to her hard works and sacrifices that we have our Wise King. Apparently, she didn't expect that her one and only son would suffer more than she did.

It was Taehyun's fifteenth birthday when everything became so tragic.

"Happy birthday, son!" his father greeted him with a smile, he hugged his son and they danced for a few minutes. When Joo Kyung heard his wife's footsteps, he immediately let go of his innocent fifteen-year-old Taehyun and told him to go inside his room and locked the door which he did.

But of course, he didn't lock the door. His father seemed mad at his mother. Taehyun was afraid that Joo Kyung might do something awful to Seol Ah.

"Ya! It's your son's birthday but you still have your hangover?"

"So what? You've been away from us, this is the first time that you're here for his birthday, have you heard anything from me? None. Stop blabbering around 'cause my head is aching." She said calmly; opened the refrigerator door and took out the water bottle to drink. Perhaps, she'll drink another coffee again.

It's been like this, his mother getting drunk....he witnessed them all.

"You have no shame!" Joo Kyung stole the water bottle and and poured it on his wife's head, she's now soaked with water.

"That's for being a irresponsible mother to my child! And being a whore—" he wasn't able to finish his sentence as Seol Ah slapped him hard. His cheeks went crimson straight away.

"HOW DARE YOU—" she slapped him again.

"You wench—" this time he was able to stopped his wife. "What the fuck is your problem?! I should be the one to slap you!" asked Joo Kyung rubbing his both cheeks as it hurts so much, this woman is too strong.

"One slap for disrespecting me and calling me irresponsible mother, and another one for cheating on me with your first love." She said with icy eyes while her husband's eyes widened not knowing what to say or explain himself.

She's hurting, of course she is. Na Ryeong was her friend, she never wanted to part them but it wasn't her choice. He was her first guy friend, her first kiss, first love, and all. It was fine that she wasn't his first but it's difficult to accept that she will never be his last. But you know who's more suffering than her? It's their son, Kang Taehyun.

Taehyun closed the door of his room and leaned against it. Slowly sliding down while covering his mouth, he didn't want his parents to hear him. He doesn't want them to know that someone is hurt by what they are doing, who else wants someone to see their weakness? Maybe there is, but it's not Taehyun

It hurts! It hurts so much!

He punched his chest because he can't breathe properly, his chest tightened as his tears keep dripping down.

God, why did I do to live like this??? Are they gonna divorce or what? Why did my father did that to mum?

No one deserves to be cheated on.

The father he admires and respects was able to hurt his mother, Taehyun never thought that the day would come when he would lose all the respect he had accumulated for his father. Did his father really loved his mum at all? If he did, why did he betray her then?

Taehyun can't believe that the perfect family that he believes and the ideal family of other people, was just his father's show. That behind his mother's sweet smile was a hidden pain.

He could still hear his parents arguing outside, but he never heard his father apologizing to his mother. He wants to go outside and beat the hell out of him but what would his mum say about his actions? She will only take her son away from Joo Kyung because that man might hurt her son as well. It will only hurts his mother even more.

"Ha! You cheated first! With your co-worker, do you think that I would never know about it?!—"

"Stop putting the blame on me, Joo Kyung. I never cheated, that guy? He is my bestfriend."

"Don't kid around, you never had one aside from me and Na Ryeong!"

"Really? How would you know? Did you really think of me as a friend? Or even as a person?! Did you think that I am not aware of how you talk behind my back?! You both fooled me. And you know what? I think you and that bitch—"

"Don't speak ill about her!"

That's why every night Taehyun hears his mother crying and when he catches her, she would lie that there was only dirt that entered her eyes. Yes, even when Taehyun was young, he felt that something was wrong with his family but he tried to convince himself that they were okay. They weren't from the very first place and they will never be.

Back to the present time, Soobin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu could feel the pain that Taehyun had been through. His voice was shaking and was about to crack when he was telling the most painful and traumatizing moment of his life.

"T-thanks for listening...that kinda helped me. I've been keeping it all this time." he took a deep breath and let it all out.

Soobin felt bad for his bestfriend but at the same time, he's relieved that Taehyun was opening up to them. He knew that Taehyun lived like that for five years but he never know that it was as heartrending as this, it must be tough for him to tell anybody else that he endured such torturous life.

"Tyun, if you don't mind...did your father, uhm, is he with his woman?" Yeonjun catechize gawky not wanting to offend Taehyun's feelings.

"Certainly he did leave us that day, my mother's parents found out what he did but mum protected him and defended him; saying that it was their fault. Mum had no intention to hurt them but she really uttered those things."

"What did she say?" asked Soobin.

Taehyun's smiles gives them an agonizing moment. "She blamed them, If they hadn't intervened, my mother's life wouldn't have been like that, we wouldn't have been hurt because of that man. Mum has a point though, but she still apologized for being rude." He seemed to be terribly proud of his motha.

"How 'bout you, Beomgyu hyung? Wanna share yours?" Taehyun inquired whilst smiling at him as if he was never hurt by the things he just shared.

Is it really easy to pretend that you're fine even if you're bleeding inside? Beomgyu don't believe that Taehyun is all right after he told his story. He also went through the pain that Taehyun feels, you're unlikely to be okay even in the past five years or more. The pain is still there not unless you accept it.

Beomgyu was about to speak but then Taehyun's phone suddenly rang.

"Speaking of the mistress, she just sent me a message."

"What did she say?"

"Wait." He said and opened up his phone to check the message.

As Taehyun read Gyu noticed the tension of his jaw. Soobin knows that something bad has happened again because of the cold aura that Taehyun gives them. They feel the annoyance and anger of the young man.

"What happened?"

"The old man was sent to hospital because of a heart attack."

"You should go and visit him."

"Why would I do that?"

"He's still your father." Said Beomgyu and the three men just glared at him, the couple seemed to be anxious about what Taehyun reaction would be, whilst the silver haired chap stared at Gyu with pain in his eyes.

"Sure, but don't forget to tell me your story." He stood up and left the room.

When Taehyun left the room, Soobin just knelt down and looked at Beomgyu tearfully, he grabbed the onyx haired guy's hands and bowed.

"H-hyung, what are you doing?"

As Yeonjun supports Soobin to his feet, "Thank you." The young man smiled gratefully, his dimples appearing to the extent of his smile.

"Huh? What for?"

"Thank you because you were the reason why Taehyun opened up to us. He's not okay though, but somehow, you lessen the pain he's going through." He sniffed and hugged Beomgyu, then Yeojun, his boyfriend who never did anything but to be there to catch him when he's falling.  They are both aware of how it feels to be the eldest and be the brother to your bestfriend.

"It's fine, not a big deal."

"So, are we going to talk about your life?" asked Soobin.

"I think it's not the right time. Taehyun's story is too much to absorb already. We might suffer even more."

"What are your plans?" it's Yeonjun.

"I'll go and visit my mum for now."

"Do you want us to come?"

"Nah, I need to talk to her, alone, but thank you. Just enjoy your time with Soobin hyung." Yeonjun just smiled and nodded because he didn't want to force his bestfriend to talk about his life, he knew how painful it was to tell others your story, especially when it's all about the bad memories.

How he wished that every challenges they've encountered will end soon, he's hoping for the past to stop haunting them hence, they could live in the present without thinking about the past.

"Maybe one day, we'll be happier." Said Soobin and wrapped his arms around Yeonjun.


At the hospital where Taehyun's father was rushed, his mother and his father's mistress were also there, both sitting and waiting peacefully outside the room. It looks like his father's operation is over, if there was one, it's not that he cares. Mayhap, it was his karma for hurting the young man's mother.

"Eomma? You good? Did this doxy hurt you—"

"Hold your tongue, lil one." Seol Ah shushed her son who immediately closed his mouth but still killing Na Ryeong with his death glares. If looks could kill, the concubine is probably dead now. How dare she shows up with those accessories? That was all from his mother's hardships!

Get a hold of yourself and follow your mother!

"What happened to the old man?"

"He's still your father, respect him and call him Dad." Na Ryeong murmured whilst crossing her arms and giving him that step-mother look that he loathes.

The audacity of this woman to scold him in front of his mother! If only Seol Ah is not here? He'd probably grabbing her hair out of the hospital and sent her to jail for ruining his family but of course, he would never do that because he doesn't want to disappoint his mum.

"He's my father on paper but not in heart."

"Did you raise your son like this?"

Seol Ah didn't speak as she doesn't want to act as low as Na Ryeong. She will never step down and will never be as stupid as this woman, Seol Ah might be defending her husband's affair but she's not stupid enough to trust him again. She was just doing that in order to protect her son's ideal family.

"Do not question about how I raised my son, Na Ryeong. You never had one and you will never have." Seol Ah muttered with a smirk crept on her lips and dragged Taehyun inside the room.

Na Ryeong and Joo Kyung are not allowed to make babies because if they do, Seol Ah will file a case against them and will make sure that they will never be able to see their child again. That's how Seol Ah takes her revenge, she's doing it for Taehyun, she knew how much it affects her son and she would do anything to make sure that her son will never be hurt again.

Not all mothers are bad, some cares for you secretly.


A/N: Ayo:))) few more chapters to go and we will say goodbye to this fanfiction! I hope you enjoy reading this😭  and please don't forget to vote:( I apologized if there's a lot of grammatically incorrect words!

Again, if you're not comfy of reading this kind of genre, feel free to leave cause I don't want to trigger your fears or smth. Thank you so much💛

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