Turning Back Time (Merlin)

By Dollophead111

133K 4.7K 3.7K

Merlin and Gwaine decide to pull a prank on Arthur, which turns out bad for Merlin. Arthur decides to punish... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Sixteen

4.6K 178 129
By Dollophead111

~~Uther's POV~~

For the past day, there's been a feeling inside of me that has been wanting to get out. At first, I thought something happened to Arthur, but he's in the castle in perfect health.

Maybe this dread feeling is just another one of my feelings.

One feeling I know I should listen to is magic is evil and it corrupts the most innocent of souls. Morgana for example. She was beautiful and innocent until her mind was poisoned with magic. Maybe I can finally use it to take away her powers. Then I will get my Morgana back.

A feeling I now know how completely wrong I was on is regarding Arthur's manservant. There was always a small part of me that possibly thought the boy could be a sorcerer. From his confession when Morgana's maidservant was arrested to Aredian's accusation.

My gut never told me that Aredian was a sorcerer either. But with the astounding amount of proof, that was the only thing that could be.

I used to always rely on what felt right. I knew which men would try to betray me and who was my ally. But now? My mind is slowly slipping. I thought the young boy, Martin, or whatever his name is, caused the earth shake today. Foolish thoughts.

I should be happy. I have a perfect son, a wealthy and strong kingdom, loyal subjects. What more could I ask for?

I reach into my pouch and take out the sketch of her. She was so beautiful.

A cough takes me out of my thoughts and I see the wonderful creation she made.


~~Gwen's POV~~

Before I can even knock on the door, it flies open. Literally.

I gasp and take a step back as the door flies into the room and a small boy ducks down.

"Whoops. I guess dat was not correct."

A young boy, with raven black hair and bright blue eyes, looks at me. He is holding a too big book in his arms.

"Hello! My name is Merlin."

I'm Merlin. Although most people just call me idiot.

I chuckle a bit remembering the first encounter with Merlin.

"Hi, Merlin. My name is Guinevere, but my friends call me Gwen."

"Can I be your friend?"

"Of course."

"Yay! Will is going to be so mad he missed dis. I made so many new friends!"

The thought of Merlin's old friend caused me to frown a bit.

"What was that you were just doing?"

His face goes into one of panic like he just realized he did magic in a magic-hating kingdom.

"Umm. Ummm. It wasn't me!"

He runs into his room and closes the door.


I walk to where the door crashed and try to pick it up. It's heavier than I thought, but I think I got this.

I slowly move the door to where it originally was and lean it against the frame of the door. That should work for now.

Looking at Merlin's door, I quickly walk over there and open the door.

Merlin is sulking on the bed, with a book in hand.

His room is abnormally clean. Did Gaius finally decide to clean it up once Merlin left on the hunting trip?

"Hey, Merlin."

"I'm really sorry. I only wanted to open da door. The book told me to say dis word and da door would open."

His breathing becomes heavy and I know he is about to cry.

I've been told to watch Merlin and I already make him cry within two minutes of seeing him? No. I won't allow it.

"Why were you trying to open the door? And where's Gaius?"

"GG went to bring drinks to people, he said. I really wanted to go see Artur. He left. He promised me pies."

"How about this. You and I can go down to the kitchen and see the cook herself. Then you can ask her for whatever you want, including pies."

His face lights up at my words. If I didn't think this was Merlin before, his smile definitely proofs it.


I nod my head.


"Just one thing."


"Promise me no more magic? I like your magic, but there are people around here who don't like it."

Merlin was lucky this time. I know when my father was healed, they almost executed me on the thought that I had magic. I can't imagine what they'd do to Merlin if somebody saw him preforming magic.

"Okay. Artur told me da same ting. And mother."

Wow. Merlin must've been living in fear since he was just a babe. Having to hold so many secrets for so long. And to have magic at such a young age.

Gwen, believe me, I'm not ordinary.

Maybe he has tried to tell me.

"And make sure to hide that book."

~Arthur's POV~~


I watch my father fold away a piece of paper into his pouch. Probably just a letter from a neighboring kingdom. I learned better than to ask questions when my father is not in the mood to talk about something.

"Arthur. I was not expecting you. What brings you by? Has there been news on your servant boy?"

Of course, his first thought would be if he could execute Merlin for possibly having magic.

"No father. Merlin is perfectly fine. I wish to speak to you on a different manner."

It's okay. Just say what you thought of.

"It concerns Morgana."

That name gets my father's attention. He looks towards the window with a stone face.

"What about her?"

"She, well I, when we-"

Dam it. I look down at my hand at the quickly written notes.

Coming back.




I have to get this story right to leave no room for questioning. I can't tell my father that Merlin was kidnapped and I snuck off to rescue him and while doing that, Merlin used his magic to destroy a castle, killing everybody in it.

"Spit it out, Arthur. I don't have all day."

"After we were attacked by the sorcerer, we began to head back to Camelot. On the way back, Morgana was spotted and we followed her to her castle. I didn't want to risk us coming back to Camelot while she planned her escape, so we attacked when we arrived there. She almost killed me and that's when my knights were able to overthrow her and her people."

If the room wasn't any quieter, I don't think I would've heard him.

"She's dead?"

"Yes. Morgana is no longer a threat to Camelot."

My father remains silent while staring out a window. Too silent.

My mind thinks back to when Morgana first took over Camelot and what happened to my father then. It took a while before his mind returned to him.


"I'm alright."

In respect, I bow my head and leave his chamber.

~Uther's POV~~


Morgana Morgana Morgana.

That beautiful girl. My girl. My daughter. So strong.

She's dead.

I was too late.

Opening my drawer, I take out the silver pendant.

Place this pendant on whoever practices magic. It will drain them of all their magic for as long as they wear it. But be warned. Place this necklace on one who doesn't practice magic and it will drain them of their energy.

So close. I almost saved her from the evils of magic.

Magic first took my wife and now my ward, my daughter.

Magic will never be allowed back in Camelot again. Anybody who is shown with any magical talents will be executed without trial.

~~Merlin's POV~~

Gwen let me hold her hand! I thought she wouldn't like it, but I was afraid of getting lost to the kitchen. There seemed to be a lot of turns.

"We're here."

When Gwen opens the door, a really good smell leaves the kitchen.

I have never smelt anything so good.

Letting go of Gwen's hand, I quickly run into the kitchen.

I accidentally run into a lady who is covered in flour and is wearing a red shirt, like Arthur.

She turns around and looks down at me with a mad look on her face. She must not be having a good day. I can make her better!

"Hello! My name is Merlin. You look mad. Do you want to play a game wif me? Mother always-"

"Who brought this child into my kitchen?"

"I'm sorry Audrey. There was an incident on Prince Arthur's hunting trip in which Merlin is now a boy. Prince Arthur promised him pies and I was hoping you wouldn't mind making Merlin a pie."

The lady, Audrey, looks down at me.

~~Audrey's POV~~

I'm going to kill this boy one day.

Big blue eyes look at me excitingly.

I shouldn't give him anything. He has stolen my food, insulted me, and always makes a mess of my kitchen.

Dam my soft spot for skinny children.

"You get one pie. An apple one. And if I hear one complain from you young man, you won't ever see another one of my pies."

The boy's eyes light up at hearing that.


I let out a huff and begin getting the ingredients for the dough.

~~Arthur's POV~~

The pies! Those stupid pies. How can I forget about the pies!?!

After I left my father's chamber, I went back to my chamber. The work of a prince is never over. There was paperwork that needed checking, including the wages of our workers.

As I was skimming over the names, Audrey stood out to me. She was the head chef. Best cooker and baker in all Albion.

Why was her name standing out to me? Her wages look correct. Did I need to talk with her?

Then it hit me. The pies!

That was my only thought as I reached the kitchen door. Ask for a pie to be delivered to Gaius. But what kind of pie would Merlin like?

My questions were answered as I opened up the kitchen door.

The smell of apple pie hits my nose and makes my mouth water. Then my eyes take in what's around me.

Merlin is sitting on the counter, with Gwaine and Percival on either side of him and Gwen is standing with Elyan off to the side. Each and every single one of them holding a slice of apple pie.

At the sound of the door opening, they all look right at me, with a mix of surprised and guilty looks. Besides one of them.

"Artur! Audrey made us apple pies!"

At the sound of her name, Audrey looks over at me.

"Sire. There are plenty of my apple pie left. Would you care for a slice?"

How can I ever say no to a good apple pie?

I nod my head but am already being handed a piece.

I join the others around the table and dig into my slice of apple pie. Merlin gives me a big smile as he takes another bite.

~~Merlin's POV~~

That was the best apple pie I have ever had! Don't tell mother that though. Her pies a really good too!

Right now, I'm sitting in the kitchen with Arthur, Gwaine, Percy, and Gwen. Elyan had to go.

Gwaine is telling a story about the time he escaped a tavern with his best friend to rescue his best friend's other friend. It sounds really cool! His best friend helped him escape a bar and they jumped into a big pile of hay.

But, for some reason, when he starts to talk about seeing these really big flying creatures in the sky in this bad land, Arthur's face looks confused.

"Hey, wait a minute-"

"Oi! Get your dirty butts off of my counter. I only allowed one, tiny, butt on my counter. And out of my kitchen! You finished your pies."

We all mutter an apology and walk out of the kitchen.

"Gwaine, Percival, training starts in ten minutes. I hope that apple pie was worth it."

"Hey! You ate it too Princess."

"Not as much as you did."

"Come on. It was apple pie. Who can say no to such a delicious-"

"I don't like apple pie."

Everybody turns at the voice.

Leon is standing there.

"Hi, Leon!"

I run up to him and hug him. He picks me up and hugs me back.

"Hey, little guy. How are you doing?"

"I'm good! Audrey made us apple pies."


I look over at Gwaine to see his mouth open. He looks really surprised.

"How are we friends and you don't like apple pies!?!"


"Gwaine has a point."


"Apple pies are-"

Merlin. Merlin.

A voice rings out in my head. It sounds like Kilgharrah's voice.

Come to the field where dragon and dragonlord meet. You will know the way, just follow your instincts.

What is instinct?

"I have to go potty."

Everybody stops talking and looks at me. Leon puts me down.

Gwen takes my hand and starts walking.

"Bye Gwaine, Leon, Artur, and Percy!"

"He said my name first."

"Oh shut up."

~~???'s POV~~

Before I even open my eyes, I can feel the crushing weight on top of me.

My lungs begin trying to cough out the dust particles it has collected from being trapped here.

"Leva fragmentis deleret."

I feel the weight being lifted off of me and around me. The sound of stone being destroyed rings throughout the air.

Taking a minute to regain my energy, I stand up and look around. A thousand people, dead or alive, impossible to tell, are laying around me.

There are only three people who I care about and one I respect.

The one I respect is long gone by now, but the other two, besides myself, who I care about are lying right by me.

Morgana and Mordred.

By the sight movement of their chests, I can tell that they are still alive, but just.


Both of their bodies rise off the ground, waiting for my command on where to go.

Don't worry Morgana, we will find him. We will kill the boy, even if I do respect him.


Word Count: 2361

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